In addition to adding officials and ranks to civil and military officials, Zheng Kezang also issued a crucial edict, which is the "Law of Exemption for Meritorious People" which is the foundation of the rule of the Huaxia Dynasty.The so-called meritorious people generally refer to officers and soldiers who have served in the Xia army, and later extended to include officials who have served in the Xia government for more than 20 years.

According to this law, all officials and citizens of the Xia Dynasty who have the status of meritorious citizens have a certain amount of tax exemption when they are alive, and are exempted from paying all taxes except business tax and transaction deed tax—generally speaking, because the Huaxia Dynasty does not There is no labor tax after the tax is collected, so besides the commercial tax and the transaction deed tax, the most important tax is the land tax.

The so-called "certain quota" is naturally different, because in a sense, the founding of the country is the extension of the qualifications of the meritorious people. Therefore, there are six tax-free intervals from the meritorious people to the founding marquis, and the highest founding marquis can be exempted. The land tax within 150 mu, and ordinary meritorious citizens can also be exempted from the tax amount of the land tax of up to [-] mu.

It is precisely because the qualifications of meritorious persons involve economic interests, so the status of meritorious persons and nobles cannot be inherited or gifted. This is not only to ensure the fiscal revenue of the Huaxia Dynasty, but also to ensure the quantity and quality of the Xia Dynasty's army. In order not to let the son of the aristocratic family rest on the merits of his predecessors and become a playboy and a state moth.

In the same way, the Spyker succession of the Huaxia Dynasty also followed this system.Only princes of various ranks recognized by the imperial court and qualified as meritorious officials can inherit the titles left by the previous generation, and the rest, regardless of their descendants, can only obtain the title of Yunqiwei, which proves their status as noble children.This Yunqiwei is neither a casual official nor a title, at most it is just a proof of identity, and it can only be retained for one generation, which forces these children of the family to have a future only through their own efforts.

Of course, the royal family has to be lenient, so except for the eldest son who can inherit the title, the rest will be degraded to the third rank and will not be demoted to minister until they fall out of the county male.According to this system, it takes four generations to descend from a hereditary state prince to a minister, and it only takes three generations for a hereditary county prince and hereditary county prince who are far away from the royal family to descend to a minister. library's financial pressure.

In addition to controlling the number of titles and the level of titles, Zheng Kezang also deliberately controlled the number of land grants.

Since granting land is a hereditary territory and does not pay any taxes, Zheng Kezang's "Jue Law" stipulates that the upper limit of granting land to the Duke of the Kingdom with a status equivalent to the first rank is [-] lands and forests, which is equivalent to from The upper limit of the land granted by the county government of the first rank is [-] Jia, which is equivalent to the upper limit of the land granted by the county government of the second rank is [-] Jia, which is equivalent to the upper limit of [-] Jia for the land granted by the county marquis of the second rank. Marquis of Sanpin County should not exceed [-] armors, from Bo of Sanpin County to more than [-] Jia, from Bo of Zhengsi County to five hundred Jia, sons of Fourth Grade County should not exceed [-] Jia, sons of Zhengwupin County should not exceed [-] Jia, from Zhengsi County to more than [-] Jia, The land granted to men in Wupin County is limited to less than [-] armors.

Since the finances of the Huaxia Dynasty have been in a state of tension for a long time, in order to ensure the healthy operation of the central government's finances, the "Jue Law" also stipulates that no other titles will be given to the land granted. The monthly salary of [-] guan and [-] guan is given to show the difference.Similarly, Xianjue also gave tax-free space, so only the top two ranks of Founding Duke and Founding County Duke have additional monthly salaries of [-] and [-] guan.

Due to the relatively short algebra of the clan’s downfall in the Huaxia Dynasty, Zheng Kezang did not object to the clan’s doing business, engaging in politics, and serving in the Xia army. Not to mention, it is unlikely that there will be another Li Linfu in politics at the current stage of the separation of powers in the cabinet. As for the current system of Xia Jun, it is already extremely advanced and perfect in this era, which basically ruled out the clan's seizure of military power. The possibility of seizing the throne, not to mention that there is also the king Zong leading the army in the north, why didn't he see the other party's attempt to usurp the throne, so he didn't say a word??????

After promulgating the "Governor's Tax Exemption Law" and "Jue Law", Zheng Kezang ordered the adjustment of the Xia Army's military rank.

Zheng Jun was originally divided into five levels: general, captain, cavalry captain, school captain, and deputy lieutenant. This time it was changed to general, captaincy, school captain, deputy lieutenant, and military envoy.Among them, the first-level general and the second-rank are subordinate to the fourth-rank, which are specifically divided into the general of the first-rank, the general of the second-rank, the general of the second-rank, and the deputy general of the second-rank.Since Zheng Kezang was the recruiting general of the Ming Dynasty before, he was set up as a first-rank general, but he was once renamed marshal, and then changed back to general. In the end, the Huaxia Dynasty never granted it.

Since the general is only a false title, the general has become the highest military rank in the Huaxia Dynasty. Like the general and the deputy general, he can have various titles in front of his name, such as the champion general, the chariot general, and so on.

The first-level captain is also divided into two ranks, Zhengcong and fourth-rank, but for the purpose of concise and easy-to-understand military characters, Zheng Kezang simply designated him as the first-class captain of the third-rank, the second-rank captain of the third-rank, and the fourth-rank The third-class captain and the fourth-rank captain who guarded the gate, and the ranks below the captain are no longer given titles.

Captains are also divided into first-class captains of the fifth rank, second-class captains of the fifth rank, third-class captains of the sixth rank, and Shouque captains of the sixth rank.

The deputy lieutenant is also divided into the first-class deputy lieutenant of the seventh rank, the second-rank deputy lieutenant of the seventh rank, the third-rank deputy lieutenant of the eighth rank, and the deputy lieutenant of the eighth rank Shouque.

The military envoys are divided into the first-class military envoys of the ninth grade, the second-class military envoys of the ninth rank, the third-class military envoys of the first rank outside, and the second-class guarding army envoys of the second rank.Comparing the Western military ranks that are being formed, the military envoy is equivalent to a sergeant, the deputy lieutenant is equivalent to a warrant officer, the school lieutenant is equivalent to a lieutenant officer, and the captain is equivalent to a school officer.As for the military envoys, there are three levels: regular soldiers, auxiliary soldiers, and nurturing soldiers.

Judging from the current establishment of Xia's army divisions, brigades, regiments, posts, teams, and squads, the squad leader is usually a first-class or second-class military envoy, and the team leader is usually a third-class deputy lieutenant or deputy lieutenant guarding the gate. The second-class deputy lieutenant is appointed, the head of the regiment is the second-class school lieutenant, the brigade branch is the captain of Shouque, and the first-class captain of the division control department.

The first-class captain is the third-rank, and the previous divisions were controlled from the second-rank, which seems to be one rank lower than before. However, comparing the local official ranks, we can see that the lower rank is not only for the military. For example, the governor of a province is also From the original, both the second rank and the third rank can be formally classified as the third rank, Wuchang Fu Yin and Chengtian Fu Yin are also designated as the third rank, the left-behind fourth rank, the general government and Zhizhou as the fourth rank, the fifth rank, the two capitals and the second rank. Some magistrates of left-behind prefectures have been notified from the fifth rank and the general to the sixth rank??????

Except for some changes in rank, the Huaxia Dynasty basically followed the provincial system of the Qing Dynasty, but retained the system of the Ming Dynasty in terms of appellation, calling "a certain" province a "somewhere" place.At present, there are 21 provinces and sub-provincial administrative regions in the Huaxia Dynasty. Among them, Wuchang Mansion and Tokyo Chengtian Mansion are regarded as provincial-level units, and the four left-behind mansions of Qiongzhou, Chaozhou, Taiping, and Jingzhou are regarded as sub-provincial administrative regions. Fifteen provinces are: Jianghuai, Jiangnan, Hubei, Jiangxi, West Zhejiang, East Zhejiang, Fujian, South Jiangxi, Hunan, Guangdong, Guangxi, Guangnan, Guizhou, Yunnan and Xuyong.

There are seven prefectures including Xinchang Prefecture, Yangzhou Prefecture, Anqing Prefecture, Lu'an Prefecture, Luzhou Prefecture, Fengyang Prefecture, and Tongzhou Zhili Prefecture in Jianghuai and other places. The capital is Xinchang Prefecture; Jiangnan and other places have jurisdiction over Jinling Seven prefectures, including Zhenjiang Prefecture, Zhenjiang Prefecture, Changzhou Prefecture, Suzhou Prefecture, Songjiang Prefecture, Jiaxing Prefecture, and Taicang Zhili Prefecture, moved their capital to Zhenjiang; Hubei and other places under the jurisdiction of Xiangyang Prefecture, Yunyang Prefecture, Nanyang Prefecture, and Hanyang Prefecture Nine prefectures, including Huangzhou Mansion, Anlu Mansion, De'an Mansion, Yichang Mansion, and Enshi Mansion, the capital is located in Xiangyang, and the original Zhili State of Jingmen was merged into Anlu Mansion after this adjustment;

Jiangxi and other places have jurisdiction over seven prefectures including Nanchang Prefecture, Jiujiang Prefecture, Raozhou Prefecture, Guangxin Prefecture, Fuzhou Prefecture, Yuanzhou Prefecture, and Ji'an Prefecture. The capital Nanchang has not changed. In addition, Ruizhou Prefecture, which belonged to Jiangxi Province, was merged into Nanchang Prefecture , Nankang Prefecture was merged into Jiujiang Prefecture, Jianchang Prefecture was merged into Fuzhou Prefecture, and Linjiang Prefecture was incorporated into Yuanzhou Prefecture; West Zhejiang and other places governed seven prefectures including Hangzhou, Yanzhou, Quzhou, Huzhou, Xuanzhou, Huizhou, and Chizhou , the capital is still located in Hangzhou; East Zhejiang and other places govern Taizhou, Shaoxing, Ningbo, Jinhua, Wenzhou, Chuzhou and other six prefectures and Funing Zhili Prefecture, and the capital is moved to Taizhou;

Fujian and other places have jurisdiction over Fuzhou, Jianning, Quanzhou, Yanping, Shaowu, Zhangzhou and other six prefectures and one Xinghua Zhili Prefecture, and the capital is still located in Fuzhou Prefecture; Gannan and other places have jurisdiction over Ganzhou, Tingzhou, Nan'an Three prefectures and four Zhili prefectures including Nanxiong, Jiaying, Guiyang and Chenzhou. The capital of the province is located in Ganzhou.

Hunan and other places have jurisdiction over Changsha, Yuezhou, Changde, Hengzhou, Yongzhou, Baoqing, and Yuanzhou. The capital is moved from Changsha to Baoqing. The county was divided equally between Yuezhou and Changde. The original Chenzhou prefecture of the province was merged into Changde prefecture, and the original Jingzhou Zhili prefecture was merged into Yuanzhou;

Guangdong and other places have jurisdiction over four prefectures including Guangzhou, Huizhou, Zhaoqing, and Shaozhou, and three Zhili prefectures including Gaozhou, Leizhou, and Yangjiang. The capital is still located in Guangzhou. ; Guilin, Pingle, Wuzhou, Xunzhou, Liuzhou, Qingyuan and other six prefectures under the jurisdiction of Guangxi and other places and Yulin Zhili Prefecture, the capital was moved from Guilin to Liuzhou; Guangnan and other places governed Nanning Prefecture, Sien Mansion (Zhibaise), Zhen'an Mansion (Zhidebao County), Chongshan Mansion, Lianzhou Mansion (Zhifang City), Sicheng Mansion and Kaihua Mansion, which was originally affiliated to Yunnan. The capital of the province is located in Nanning, and the other Guangnan Prefecture in Yunnan Province was also included in Kaihua Prefecture after the administrative division adjustment;

Guizhou and other places have jurisdiction over eight prefectures including Guiyang Prefecture, Anshun Prefecture, Duyun Prefecture, Liping Prefecture, Sinan Prefecture, Zhenyuan Prefecture, Xingyi Prefecture, and Zunyi Prefecture. The capital is still located in Guiyang. Yue Mansion was merged into Guiyang Mansion, Tongren Mansion and Shiqian Mansion were merged into Sinan Mansion, and Sizhou Mansion was merged into Zhenyuan Mansion;

Yunnan and other places have jurisdiction over Yunnan Prefecture, Lin'an Prefecture, Chuxiong Prefecture (Wuding Prefecture in the province enters Chuxiong Prefecture), Zhenyuan Prefecture, Dali Prefecture, Lijiang Prefecture, Yongchang Prefecture, and Pu'er Prefecture. The capital is still in Yunnan Prefecture. In addition, Chengjiang Prefecture, Guangxi prefecture enters Yunnan prefecture, Yuanjiang prefecture enters Lin'an prefecture, Jingdong prefecture enters Zhenyuan prefecture, Menghua prefecture enters Dali prefecture, Yongning prefecture enters Lijiang prefecture, Shunning prefecture enters Yongchang prefecture; Xuning, etc. The place governs Xuzhou Prefecture (administrating Yibin County), Ningyuan Prefecture (administering Xichang County), Luyong Zhili Prefecture (merging Luzhou Zhili Prefecture and Yongning Zhili Prefecture into Luyong Zhili Prefecture, governing Lu County) and the former Yunnan Qujing Mansion and Zhaotong Mansion in the province (and Dongchuan Mansion and Wumeng Mansion as Zhaotong Mansion, governing En'an County), Zhenxiong Zhili Prefecture and Dading Mansion in the former Guizhou Province (ruling Dafang County).

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