After the great victory at Longquanyi, the Qing army divided into two groups. One route led by Fu An, the admiral of the Sichuan Army Division, led about 5000 people from Luying Chuanbei Town, Chong Qing Town, and Jianchang Town to attack Syria along the Minjiang River, and the other route consisted of 5 soldiers. Erda personally went straight to the east of Sichuan, while Sanger stayed in Chengdu to ensure the retreat for the two armies.

Since the imperial envoy sent by Kangxi to supervise the battle was in Chengdu, the Ministry of Fu'an marched by land and water, and it took only seven days to arrive at the city of Yibin.However, the Qing army who wanted to take over the city without bloodshed was rejected by Xia Fang's defenders, and the envoy who went to the city to persuade him to surrender was beheaded for public display, which angered Fu'an, who wanted to show a good performance in front of Kangxi and fight for a wife.Fu'an immediately commanded the Qing army to attack the city, but at this moment, two divisions of the Xia army had already stationed in the city.

Silda's journey was also very smooth at the beginning. Those states and counties that rebelled against the Qing Dynasty changed their course one after another. The Qing army marched all the way to receive it. The flag of Zheng Jun.At first, Silda thought that He Gan's troops were bluffing and deliberately slowing down the pace of the Qing army's advance, so he didn't care. Zhen hit the main force of Zheng Jun.

The terrain in eastern Sichuan could not have allowed the cavalry of the Qing army galloping in the northwest to reproduce the glory of the battle outside Chengdu. The Qing army encountered the elite Xia army who had been transferred from Hubei and followed Zheng Kezang for many years and had rich experience in anti-cavalry attacks. What's more, even though the Zheng army lacked enough artillery, the three thousand cavalry was wiped out in the first battle, and only a few fled back to the Qing army to report their funeral.

The bad news made Silda wake up from the dream of regaining the whole Sichuan in the First World War. Now, he has to admit that Sang E's opinion is better, but if he buys everything, he doesn't buy regret medicine. If the opportunity is lost, it will be lost. , There is no possibility of recovering, and as a last resort, Silda began to think about whether it is possible for him to defeat Xia Jun in front of him again.

According to what the Qing army discovered, there were eight army flags before and after the Xia army. According to the experience of these years of confrontation, Silda confirmed that there were eight Xia army divisions in front of him, and the strength was almost the same as that of Mao Hongyan's defeated army. Let Silda have a hard time.It must be known that Silda originally had only 5 people, and he had lost [-] cavalry before, so the actual strength of the army was almost the same as that of the Xia army, and the battle at Longquanyi made the Qing army understand the tenacity of the Xia army. However, neither Silda nor the participating towns are willing to fight to the death in a situation of even strength.

There was no way to fight on the east road, and there was a small setback on the south road, so Silda could only continue to choose the road of armed confrontation, and at the same time asked the Qing court to increase the cost again, so that he could hurt others with his own.Same as Silda's choice, He Gan, who knew that if he lost again, would lose the fortunes of the Huaxia Dynasty, was unwilling to take the risk of fighting a battle with an even chance of winning or losing. So far, the situation in Central Sichuan suddenly calmed down after the climax.Of course, this kind of calm is only an illusion. Both sides are dispatching troops. In the near future, there will be a big battle in Sichuan that will determine the strength of the two sides.

Speaking of which, there is a difference in mobilization ability between Qing and Xia.Because Xia Fang's main force was concentrated along the Yangtze River, it could easily deploy troops to Sichuan, while the Qing court could only mobilize a corner of Shaanxi and Gansu because of the barrier of Guanshan.

Shaanxi-Gansu has always been an area where the Qing army was heavily concentrated. The peak garrison once reached [-] troops. However, it was hit hard when it fought against the West Zhungeer army. Although it has recovered somewhat since then, due to the financial difficulties of the Qing court, it has always been It could not return to its full glory, until Silda attacked Qingcheng, in order to deal with possible crises, [-] troops had been dispatched from Shaanxi and Gansu to Sichuan.Due to the vast area of ​​Shaanxi and Gansu, there are two Mongolian threats in the northwest and west, Jungar and Utla, and the northern part must deter the Mongolian banners in Moxi, and internally prevent the uprising of the Han and Hui people. Therefore, the Governor of Shaanxi and Gansu, Wu He had nothing to draw, nothing to adjust, and tried every means to piece together an army of ten thousand and five to help Sichuan again.

However, although the Qing government was unable to invest more troops in Sichuan, it could put pressure on other places to contain Xia's actions.No, Zheng Kezang had just cut off the secret negotiations between Qing and Xia, and Kangxi, who was in Beijing, had planned to mobilize nearly [-] Qing troops from Kaifeng, Luoyang and other places to oppress Nanyang.

Facing the imminent war, Zheng Kezang responded immediately. He ordered two divisions from Guangdong and southern Jiangxi to rush to Nanyang at Xingye; the third division of the Longxiang Army temporarily stationed in Hunan was transferred to eastern Sichuan; The Privy Council also drew four divisions from Jianghuai, where the possibility of war is low, and went to Sichuan; in order to prevent the Qing army from attacking west, another division of the Jiangnan garrison and the second division of the Longxiang Army under the command of the Dongyang Navy moved northward to the Jianghuai to fill the defense????? ?

On March 39, the second year of Wucheng and the 28th year of Kangxi, the Qing armies of Luoyang and Kaifeng joined forces in Xuzhou.In view of the fact that Chenzhou, Ruzhou, Runing and other places on the southern line are already barren, and the military supplies are not suitable for local supply, and the military transportation is inconvenient, so the general who commanded the Qing army to conquer the South and Prince Xian Danzhen decided to attack from the Fangcheng pass. Nanyang.

On the seventh day of April, tens of thousands of Qing troops attacked Xiangcheng. After winning without a fight, they divided their forces to attack Ye County, Wuyang, and Lushan, but they were stubbornly resisted by a small group of Xia troops in the three places.The towns of the three counties are small, and the Xia army has remodeled and thickened the city defenses and set up bastions in the city. Therefore, although the defenders in each county do not exceed one brigade, the Qing army cannot immediately capture them in a hurry.As a last resort, Danzhen could only leave one town each to besiege and leave [-] people to maintain the food road, and the main force of [-] went straight to the line of Fangcheng and Nanyang.

The Qing army was under Fangcheng, and at this time the Xia army was also ready to move out.Bosun Youlao of Liyang County, who was transferred to General Yulin and General Soldier of Huguang as the privy envoy of the Privy Council, chose one brigade to guard Fangcheng, one brigade to guard Nanyang, and one brigade to guard Zijingguan to prevent the Ganshan Qing army. The crowd set up camp outside Fangcheng, facing the tactics of the Qing army head-on, and then formed a confrontation with the invading Qing army.

General Zhengnan and Prince Xian Danzhen decided to attack Xia Junying first based on the precedents of Lushan and Yexian.However, the Manchurian generals who had experience in the battle of Shatou City tried their best to dissuade them, and claimed that this was a trick of the Xia army, intending to consume the strength of the Qing army.Dan Zhen, who was inexperienced in the army, couldn't make a decision, so he could only wait for Zheng Jun to go out to fight in the field.

But how could the Xia army fight with insufficient troops?So the two sides once again fell into the vicious circle of confrontation.

Afterwards, although the Qing army spent a lot of effort to break through Lushan Mountain, the reinforcements dispatched by the Xia army from Guangdong and southern Jiangxi also arrived one after another. The strength of the Qing army did not increase but decreased, and it became increasingly impossible to fight. .

At this time, there was another problem with the food road of the Qing army.The Huainan commander of the Xia army, the deputy general of Mingde, and Xi Daping, the son of Pingle County, sent the first division of the hussars to attack from Xixian County, crossed the flooded Huaihe River, broke through the vast no-man's land, and appeared behind the Qing army. With its superior maneuverability, it defeated several Qing army grain transport teams one after another, making the Qing army difficult to care about.

Although the Qing army continued to mobilize troops from Xuzhou and even Shandong, the main force of the Gyeonggi army was restrained by the frequent appearance of the Xia army navy in Bohai Bay.Seeing that it was impossible to get a bargain on the front line in Nanyang, and fearing that the war would aggravate the financial crisis of the Qing court, Kangxi finally ordered the Qing troops on the front line in Nanyang to withdraw to Kaifeng and Luoyang.

On May [-]th, there was no sound of war on the front line of Fangcheng, which had been confronted for more than a month. After abandoning Lushan, Xiangcheng and other places, the Qing army abandoned Jiaxian, Yuzhou, and Linying. Ruzhou and Xuzhou were withdrawn, and the main force returned to Bianluo.Sun Youlao, who took on the task of blocking the enemy instead of annihilating the enemy, did not pursue it out of caution, but followed suit and respectfully sent the Qing army out of the Xia territory, and then the Xia army returned to Nanyang to return to the camp to rest.As a result, the focus of both parties returned to Chuanzhong.

"My lord, now the Jianghuai reinforcements have arrived, and all the artillery and weapons stranded in Kuidong have arrived. It can be said that our army has the power to overwhelm the Qing captives for the first time in Sichuan. If we don't fight now, we will wait." He Chuan In the city, Huang Jin, the second-class enlisted officer of the Privy Council, sincerely asked He Gan to fight. As a soldier, he certainly knew the reason why the well mouth of the crock was broken, but as Liu Ye's classmate and friend, he was also from the Jiayin period. Revenge. "My lord, order to send troops!"

Huang Jin's words aroused echoes in the room. The Xia army had never suffered such a heavy loss since it swept across southern China, so that the eyes of all the generals were bloodshot.

He Gan swept everyone in the room, and he ignored the anger of several military commanders and officers, but a dozen commanders sitting in the first row also had similar reactions, so he had to be cautious: "Shut up!"

He Gan yelled: "The Holy Majesty handed over the army to this official regardless of the danger in Huguang, how can this official fight as he pleases!"

After eating and drinking, the noise in the room suddenly quieted down, so He Gan took advantage of the situation and asked: "How is the current training of the disbanded and reorganized Ming army and the local recruits?"

Guangwei Fourth Army Commander Huang Boming and other six commanders expressed their opinions one after another: "After three months of training, they are generally ready to go to the battlefield."

The people below swear by it, but He Gan obviously doesn't have much hope for these recruits, so he replied lightly: "That's it, I hope that it will be considered a meritorious service for you not to cause trouble."

He Gan's words made several commanders blush, and each of them made up their minds to force these recruits after returning home.

Fortunately, He Gan just stopped at the point, and then he thought about it, and asked Zhang Yang, the first-class enlisted officer of the Privy Council who was in charge of espionage: "Have you checked the strength of the Qing captives?"

"Responding to my lord, in the past few months, the cavalry teams of the various divisions led by the official supervisor have fought fiercely with the Qing soldiers' scout horses dozens of times, and it can be regarded as dispatching the troops of the Qing soldiers at first." The second-class captain replied. "As long as the Qing army does not increase its troops further, I can guarantee that the number of the Qing army will be less than [-]." Zhang Yang paused and explained further. "Among them, there are no more than [-] Green Banner soldiers in Shaanxi, Gansu and Central Sichuan, and the tens of thousands more are recruited from the same spot as our army's recruits."

"Our army now has [-] soldiers and horses in [-] divisions, and the Qing captives count as [-], which is not much different." He Gan said to himself. "To figure it out, it's [-] vs [-]. This is a dangerous battle." He Gan shook his head when he said this. "It's not impossible to fight, but if you want to win, you can only use another trick??????"

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