In the Wenyuan Pavilion of the Forbidden City in Beijing, the Manchu and Han scholars known as Zhongtang were sitting opposite each other silently.An hour ago, the sad news of Sichuan's defeat reached the palace, and Kangxi immediately vomited blood and fainted.As the news spread, the Qing court felt like the sky had collapsed, and officials, big and small, ran around like headless chickens.The academicians also rushed into the palace to visit, but they were scolded bloody by the sober Kangxi.Although Kangxi, who was finally unable to support himself, fell into a deep sleep under the tranquilizing medicine given by the imperial physician, how to solve the current mess has become the top priority for the cabinet.

Those who can become the highest academicians of civil servants are all old and prudent people, and the original powerful officials such as Mingzhu, Suo'etu, and Tong Guowei have all withered one after another, and the rest are nothing more than the only ones who accompany Shi Huanuo Seniors, how are they capable of handling such a difficult situation, so the bachelors are like clay sculptures one by one, and even the whole Wenyuan Pavilion is in a state of panic. He didn't even dare to let out a sound.

But not speaking can never solve the problem, so Wu Yan, a scholar at the Baohe Temple at the time, gave a dry cough and said slowly: "The current situation is dangerous and evil, which makes the holy king bothered. The minister of your country, who eats the king's salary, will always have to pay for it." Think of some rules and come out to share the worries of the Holy King."

"What Elder Wu Ge said is true." Zhang Yushu, who Duoqing returned to the University of Martial Arts Hall, said. "The most important thing at the moment is two cases. First, how to ensure that the Jiange is not lost." Once the Jiange is lost, Xia Fang can retreat to protect Sichuan, and advance to spy on Hanzhong. Hedong was about to be threatened, so the Qing court was naturally unwilling to give up such an important situation. "Second, the rebellion in Shanxi and Gansu must be put down as soon as possible."

"The two cases Zhang Ge said are actually one case, and that is how to preserve Guan Long." Dongge University scholar Xiong Tianci is a master of Taoism, but this does not mean that he only knows stereotyped articles. "Whether it is to block the sea rebellion or to calm down the mob as soon as possible, in the final analysis, there are three items of soldiers, salaries, and food. Soldiers may be transferred from Shanxi or even Luoyang, but what about the salaries and food? The food in Guanlong has always been aided by Sichuan, but now Sichuan If it is lost, where will the court come from to tear down the east wall and make up for the west wall?"

Even if the Qing government reneged on its promise and took food from the people who had just left the customs to reclaim wasteland, and sent it to the front line thousands of miles away, it is estimated that there would be more food on the way than what was delivered.

Wang Xi, who was also a scholar of the Palace of Preservation with Wu Cheng, sighed: "The court's financial resources are difficult, and the people are also overwhelmed, but it doesn't mean that they will abandon Guanlong and let it fall into the hands of Xia Guo?"

The people present were speechless for a while, yes, Guan Long had to guard, but if he kept it, the result would be a complete deterioration of the country's finances, and then drag the entire Qing Dynasty into a crisis of collapse.It was at this time that the few academicians really realized why Kangxi was so anxious, but knowing what is useful, the key is that there is no good solution.

Esang'a, a scholar of the Wenhuadian University and Minister of the Ministry of Officials, lamented: "Zhu Chongba once said that the barbarians have no luck for a hundred years. Could it be that our court can't escape this reincarnation?"

This is what Manchurian Zhenghuangqi, Isang'a with the old surname Irgenjueluo, Manchurian Zhengbaiqi, and Wenyuange University scholar Fu Lun with the old surname Shu Mulu can talk about. The rest of the university scholars, even if they are extremely Renchen, I have made up my mind to share the same fate with the Qing Dynasty, and I dare not speak up easily at this moment. After all, everyone knows that there is still a difference between the Manchu and the Han, and even the Manchu Eight Banners and the Han Army Banner. Be careful if it reaches Kangxi's ears, that is, the yellow mud falling in the crotch is either shit or shit.

Zhang Ying, another scholar of the Wenhua Palace, has a famous son, Zhang Tingyu. Yes, but does the emperor have great perseverance??????"

When everyone heard this, they understood it, but none of them would take the initiative to speak up, and Folun shook his head again and again: "No, no, I really want to touch the hard-core crops of the Bannerman, and those bastards in Beijing will definitely be torn alive!" Without you and me, absolutely not."

How bastard the Bannerman is, no one of the grand scholars present knows, but this is not the crux of the problem. The crux of the problem is, even if you are willing to make sacrifices for this, for the sake of stabilizing the court, will Kangxi protect you? ?Just like the fate of the reformers of all dynasties, it is a trivial matter not to die well, and their reputation can be wasted in a lifetime.

Zhang Ying was silent for a while, then raised his head again: "The banner people have a lot of hard-core crops involved, and it is normal for the court to be unable to make a decision, but apart from the hard-core crops, the government's farmland in Zhili is not taboo. At this point, the nobles can't stand by and watch, and there will be a little blood."

Zhang Yingyan said: "What I mean is that the land is still theirs, but the tax has to be paid. In this way, at least the food for the capital and the military supplies for the Beijing banner don't need to be transferred from Shanxi, and the salaries and food from Shanxi can be used to support Shaanxi and Gansu. The imperial court will also have a chance to breathe."

"Brother Dunfu, you are going to be a lonely minister." Ethan's smile wryly. "But even if the emperor thinks of you, but your suggestion is to cut off children and grandchildren. To put it bluntly, can the emperor take care of your Zhang family for the rest of your life? To steal money, such as killing your parents, this enmity, the government can bear it." Will always remember."

Zhang Ying's suggestion also touched Fo Lun's interests. Fortunately, he understood Zhang Ying's intentions, so he kindly dissuaded him: "Mr. Zhang Ge can't do this, the emperor has to give face to several princes, and several The elder brother is also involved, and it will not end well if there is a disturbance. I mean, it still has to be on the gentry and the grain and the errands."

Zhang Yushu almost jumped up when he heard it: "We can no longer suppress the local gentry. The gentry are the foundation of the country. If we really want to force them all to the side of the sea, then the Qing Dynasty will really not be able to survive."

Zhang Yushu's hometown is Dantu, Zhenjiang, and it is now under the rule of the Huaxia Dynasty. As Zheng Kezang's hardcore Hanjian, the property of the Zhang family has long been confiscated, and naturally he doesn't care whether the Qing court attacked the gentry, but he He didn't care, his disciples cared. Since he was living in this bureaucratic network with many branches, Zhang Yushu had to speak for the party members.

"How could the gentry be forced to the side of the ocean, Mr. Zhang Ge is too worried." Fu Lun sneered. "Isn't Haini in the south of the Yangtze River doing allotment and paying taxes on the basis of the field?" What Fu Lun said is correct, but there is a convenient condition for the Huaxia Dynasty to do this, that is, most of the big landlords are paid by the land. The family property was confiscated in the name of Han Jian, and the rest was naturally kept silent. "Besides, Hai Ni can copy and exterminate the family, so the court can't do it!"

The atmosphere in Wenyuan Pavilion was tense at that time, and the morale of several Han universities turned purple with anger. Fortunately, Wu Yan came forward to smooth things over: "You don't need to be so angry, everyone is for the court, for the emperor, what's the matter?" If you can’t speak well, come, come, sit down and discuss slowly.”

The scene calmed down, but everyone lost the interest to talk again, so Wenyuan Pavilion returned to the original depression, until Ethan Ah, who couldn't stand it, suggested: "Why don't we break up like this today, After you go back, think about it carefully, and you can also brainstorm in a small area. In short, you must keep calm and ensure that Shaanxi and Gansu are safe???????

The university scholars here are scattered, but Li Guangdi, a cabinet scholar over there, is ordered to make a pilgrimage. Looking at Kangxi lying on the sick bed, Li Guangdi, who is known as the glass egg * son, is also a little sad at the moment, but time cannot be turned back. Li Guangdi, who was on the most wanted list, could only focus on helping the irrevocable Tartar Lord.

"Li Guangdi, the cabinet is full of nonsense guys. All day long, Tianjie can only do small calculations and doesn't have a good idea." The sickly Kangxi looked at the courtiers in front of him, not clouding the fog, and simply cut it straight. asked. "It's up to you to give me an idea on how to maintain the Qing Dynasty."

Although Li Guangdi was well prepared when he came, he was taken aback by what Kangxi said so directly. After he was taken aback, he hesitated for a moment, seeming to notice his expression, and Kangxi waved his hand weakly: "What do you say, I forgive you. You are innocent."

"Since the emperor said so, the old minister knows that he can say everything." Li Guangdi thanked him first, then got up and sat down on the brocade stool given by Kangxi, and then spoke slowly. "I think that in the current situation, if we want to block the sea from going northward from Sichuan, and ensure that Gansu and Shanxi are not lost, the pressure on the court's expenditure is too great. I may think that there should be a choice." Li Guangdi said while stealthily observing Kangxi Seeing Kangxi's expressionless face, he had no choice but to continue talking. "I think that only one can be saved between Shanxi and Gansu. Because Gansu is facing the threat of Zhungeer, it is better for a strong man to cut off his wrist. As for Shaanxi, I think that we can't protect them all. The burden of northern Shaanxi must be thrown away. Only in this way can the court have I spared no effort to set up three gates along Tongguan, Qinling Road, and Bashan Road to prevent the sea from going northward.”

"Gansu, northern Shaanxi. Li Guangdi, you have created a problem for me." Kangxi sighed. "Abandoning the land without fighting, how can I explain to the government and the people, and besides, throwing Shaanxi and Gansu to the mob, why not make another enemy for the court."

Li Guangde knew that Kangxi was moved, but he hesitated because he felt that he couldn't explain it: "I think the emperor doesn't have to worry about the public opinion of the government and the public, and the court may use the method of establishing a vassal??????"

"Li Fan?" Kangxi twitched his eyes. "The imperial court laid off San Francisco before, and now it wants to establish a clan. Isn't this an embarrassment for yourself?"

"Of course it's not about setting up a vassal." Li Guangdi added. "You can choose one or two loyal ministers to guard the two places in the name of admirals and governors. They just say in private that the court can give them the power to serve as officials, but they have nothing to do with money. They can only rely on themselves. If you don't want to be a king, you will be a king. Yes, but the imperial court only needs to firmly control Guanzhong?????? "

"Your suggestion is inappropriate." Kangxi suddenly interrupted Li Guangdi's words. "Let's go down first, let me think about it carefully."


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