The Pingpu people are a general term for the Austronesian aborigines living in the plain area of ​​Taiwan. Long before the Han Chinese immigrated to Taiwan for reclamation and settlement, the plains on the west coast of Taiwan, from Yilan and Keelung in the north to Hengchun, were Already inhabited by many social groups with different cultures, languages, and tribal identities.

These different communities who settled in the plains of Taiwan earlier than the Han people were often referred to as "Fans" in early Taiwanese historical documents because they had different languages ​​and cultures from the Han people.The reason for the name "Pingpu" is that "Pingpu" means "flat land", which is different from Gaoshan Fan (clan).


However, at that time, the various ethnic groups in Pingpu Fan did not live together, but were scattered in independent "communities". "She" is the name of one's own ethnic group. For example, the aborigines of Dajia* and Dajia West Society of the Taokas in the central area of ​​Ritai call themselves "Dajia people."

During the period of the Dutch rule, Pingpufan was the main source of taxes for the Dutch, as well as the main supplier of materials such as sugar cane, rice, and buckskin.After entering the Ming and Zheng Dynasties, the Xingang Society, Xiaolong Society, Mujialiuwan Society, and Madou Society of the Siraya (Siraiya) people located in Tianxing and Wannian prefectures (counties) and the towers in the area where Kaohsiung will be located in the future The Jiarayan Society, the Xiaolong Society, and the Xiaoliuqiu Society in the Pingtung area successively provided taxes and labor for the Zheng Ming regime, and their degree of Sinicization is also the highest.

Of course, not all Pingpu fans expressed submission to Ming Zheng's authority.King Fanzai (Note: The Pingpu people call it lelien, which means the king of the day or the sun king of Pingpu) established by the Baburan (vupuran) tribe as the main body was in the era of Zheng Chenggong and Zheng Jing. There were many armed conflicts with Zheng Jun, and he successively killed hundreds of Zheng Jun generals Gao Ling and Yang Zu. It was not until Liu Guoxuan went on a killing spree and burned the Long'an Society of Douwei that he was forced to abandon Shengang, west of Dadu Terrace, etc. Migrate to places such as Puli and Shuili further north

However, after the immigration policy proposed by Zheng Kezang began to be implemented for a period of time, the situation that had eased in the past few years due to the sudden decline in the expansion of Ming and Zheng and the shift of attention to the mainland showed signs of sharp deterioration.Conflicts among communities in Pingpu all over the country have occurred from time to time due to many contradictions such as immigration destruction of forest vegetation, theft and poaching, and land boundary disputes. There is even a trend of armed resistance.

"Pay attention to your feet!" Wading on the muddy road, the heavily armed Jiazi Battalion obviously suffered a lot, but the first team of long guns and the third team of fire guns were not bad. The team suffered greatly. "This damn road, Wannian County doesn't take care of it."

"You asked for this. If it wasn't for losing to the first team in training, how could you suffer so much?" Hearing the nagging of the boy scouts, Kuching, the leader of the second spear team, took the opportunity to reprimand with. "If you lose again next time, I don't think you should be a spearman or a sword and shield player anymore. You should just change to the middle base camp."

"No!" A group of boy scouts pushing carts and driving cattle echoed loudly, so that the originally dull team appeared a little bit of vitality, but after Kuching reached the front of the team, the boys in the back row But whispered. "It's really impossible to leave this road. If something happens, it will take three or two days to rush over for reinforcements. By then, the day lily will be cold."

"Don't talk so much." Li Yuan, who was pushing the bullock cart stuck in the mud on the left, swept the immigrant group behind. "Be careful to frighten them. Besides, the Shefans in the south are generally more obedient to Wang Hua, and they are not as good as those guys in the north who use swords and guns from time to time. But since it is an actual combat training, I would like to compete with King Fanzai."

"Damn you! You want to fight so much." Qian Kan, who was pushing hard at the rear of the car, spat at him. "I didn't listen to the team leader and they kept saying that the soldiers are dangerous and the soldiers are dangerous. When you go to the battlefield, you can't choose everything. You don't know when your head will be lost. I see, it's just us newbies. Practice."

"Still practicing, it has been more than three years since I entered the camp." Sun Miao, who was helping on the right, muttered. "It's going to be crazy to practice any more."

"It's better to be crazy than dead, isn't it better to live than to die?"

"There's still so much nonsense." Seeing that the road ahead was blocked, Yang Long, the squad leader of the second long spear team, ran over to help, just in time to hear a few people whispering. "Push hard." Several people fell silent immediately, following Yang Long's slogan one, two, and three. "Damn the road, try harder. I heard that the commander-in-chief is planning to build roads in Dongning, so use that kind of cement, work harder, and come up later!" Several teenagers in the car behind also stumbled over. "Push harder! Give it a little more push"

After finally pulling out the wheel stuck in the mud pit, Yang Long quickly ran to the team leader Kuching before he even had time to wipe off his sweat, and then pointed to dozens of people, old and young, who were listlessly and slowly moving on both sides of the road: " My lord, how long will it be before we arrive? Should we stop for a while and let the common people catch their breath?"

"Stay still, don't think about it tonight." Even so, Kuching, who looked cold and warm-hearted, finally nodded to let everyone rest for a while. "Forget it, forget it, it's already late anyway, let them sit for a while, remember to tell them not to run into the woods casually, they will be bitten by snakes, or killed by some people, I can't take care of it."

The immigrants who heard the order were amnestied, they found a clean place at random and sat down regardless of the dirty environment. Many people saw that there was a ditch next to them and were about to run to drink water, but the boys who were inspected The soldiers stopped them: "You are not allowed to go. The water is dirty. If you drink it, you will have a stomachache. Here, a few bubbles and a poop will kill half your life. Here, the clean water here, drink it in turn. Take a few bites, just remember to return the gourd to me."

The immigrant took the gourd suspiciously and drank it in turn. Some of them didn't want to drink water, but were aroused by the talk of shit and urine. When everyone was not paying attention, they slipped away to a secret place to vent their anger.

However, a few came back without incident, but the woman who went last uttered an astonishing cry: "Come on! Help!"

Hearing someone calling for help, the third squad in charge of security did not move, and a group of people patrolling back and forth in the middle commanded by squad leader Hong Hui rushed over. So Hong Hui and the others held a temporary short soldier in their hands according to their preferences.

"Okay, it's okay." Wu Ziming, who was the first to rush to the scene, yelled to signal safety to the others. "It's a snake!" As he said, he swung his ax and chopped off a vine, and then led the cauliflower snake coiled in front of him aside. "Wake up, this snake is not poisonous, if you bite it, it will hurt for a few days."

Although his explanation was already in place, the woman over there remained motionless. Wu Ziming looked back and found an extremely embarrassing scene. The other party actually sat on his own excrement, and everything in her si was exposed. exhaustive.

Wu Ziming didn't dare to laugh, and didn't dare to look too much, so he had to turn around, then took out a gourd from his waist and handed it back: "There is clean water in it, clean it up before going up, but hurry up, the brigade will start soon. "

When the shy woman finally returned the water hyacinth to Wu Ziming, the team had already started to set off. Except for the woman's family, most people didn't pay attention to it. On the other hand, they used to be the soldiers of Zheng Kezang's Chinese army Chang Tianyuan took the time to smile at Wu Ziming: "Brother Wu, what a skill, a hero to save the beauty."

"What dirty words are you talking about over there?" Wu Ziming, who had seen all the people, blushed before he could speak, but Hong Hui, the squad leader a few people away, had already heard it, and immediately reprimanded him. "Using all your strength to speak nasty words, why don't you go over and help the first and second class push the carts!"

Chang Tianyuan stuck out his tongue, but didn't dare to respond, he quickened his pace a little and rushed to the front

The sky gradually moved westward, and the breeze in the forest seemed to pick up. The hungry and tired people stopped and walked, and the road seemed endlessly long.However, after passing through a dense grove of green tung trees, the eyes suddenly became clear, and the sound of the stream along the way also suddenly increased, and even merged into a river where it could be seen.

"See, there is a village over there." Everyone stretched their necks and looked at the direction Kuching pointed, and saw a few houses in the shadows. "Today I have to feel sorry for the big guy sleeping out for a few nights, and tomorrow we will cut wood and build a house. From now on, this place will be your new home. The boy camp will stay here. When the fence of the village is built, you will have some strength to protect yourself. let's go"

It is said to be sleeping in the open, but the weather in August and September is already sultry, so it is not a problem, but everyone just wants to find a place to sit down at the moment, so under the influence of Wangmei to quench their thirst, they regained their morale and walked over quickly .As the wait approached, the aroma of food wafting in the air irresistibly tempted everyone's taste buds. Obviously, this was the dinner prepared by the outpost for the big guys.

"It smells so good. I'm lucky today. I guess it's fish soup." Xie Hongzhi, who was sniffing furiously with his nose out, said in surprise. "I usually practice like this. I never thought that fish soup would be so fragrant!"

Just as he was talking, a few half-aged soldiers, accompanied by Ying Tanong, came over to greet him, and it seemed that they were the card leaders and first-class leaders who had arrived here earlier.Of course, Tongziying followed Ying Tainong, and as for the villagers, they were handed over to the card leaders. According to Dongning’s five households, one card, and five cards, one A, this group of immigrants plus the card long household and the first household, just constituted I got two armors.

As for how the captain and chieftains explained to the new immigrants, the boy camp who was having soup and dinner didn't care much, but someone mentioned what Kuching said just now: "We can stay here until the wall is repaired, but we Why don't you stay here all the time? What if something happens in the future?"

"Don't worry about this idleness. Do you think you think too much? Let me tell you, the commander-in-chief has already discussed with Mr. Chen, and the several towns that have been withdrawn from Siming have been broken up and divided into Xun soldiers." Shou, every flood is about the same as our shift, there are [-] to [-] floods in the Xintun District of Wannian, and if there is a rush, they will go first, and then it will be our turn."

"That's good, that's good, I thought I'd just stay in this place where the birds don't shit."

"Damn words, the commander-in-chief can't bear it."

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