As early as the first century of the Western calendar, which is equivalent to the end of the Western Han Dynasty and the early Eastern Han Dynasty in China, the Cambodians today lived in the hinterland of the Indochina Peninsula, and successively established a number of successive huge countries such as Funan, Chenla, and Khmer , its land was once eight-tenths of the entire Indochina Peninsula.At that time, Cochin (Annan) had been under the jurisdiction of China for a long time, Champa lived in a corner of the peninsula and was unable to expand westward, Laos (Laos) was its subsidiary, and the Burmese and Thais had just begun to move south. The only opponent of the Cambodians might be Java and Sanfoqi are far away on the islands in the South China Sea.

But the good times didn’t last long. Due to the large-scale construction of large-scale religious buildings such as Angkor Wat wasting national power, and the sudden end of the warm period in the Middle Ages at this time (Note: This is also one of the reasons that caused the Jin soldiers to go south and the Liao and Song Dynasties). The climate changed from a stable summer rainfall pattern to a climate pattern in which El Niño and drought frequently alternated, which led to a sharp decline in agricultural harvests and caused the rapid decline of the Khmer Empire, which was highly dependent on the Tonle Sap Lake water system.

In the sixth year of Emperor Xuanzong of the Ming Dynasty and [-] in the Western calendar, the army of the Siamese Ayutthaya Dynasty invaded Cambodia, surrounded Angkor City for seven months, and finally broke through Angkor. The Phnom Penh Dynasty that survives to this day.However, the rule of the Phnom Penh Dynasty was very weak, with fierce internal struggles and frequent alternation of thrones.Since the internal affairs are not stable, the external power is even weaker. Therefore, under the double-team of Siam, Vietnam and the emerging Laos, Cambodia's national situation is gradually declining.

It stands to reason that since the national strength is so weak, Cambodians should choose a thigh to hug among the neighboring countries. The former Zheng Fan and the current Huaxia Dynasty are the best choice, but the Cambodian side has always been ambiguous.Of course, it is not that Cambodians are arrogant and ignore the strength of the northern powers.In fact, since Zheng Fan set up a colony in Cam Ranh, the Cambodian King Chetha IV, who was in power at the time, had noticed these familiar newcomers.

However, after Zheng Fan gained a foothold in Cam Ranh, he adopted a policy of fully supporting the early Han immigrants’ encroachment on Cambodia’s land, and seized the right to protect and rule the former Cambodian lands such as Mei Lan, Bien Hoa, and Ha Tien from the Cambodian king. This made the Cambodians extremely disappointed with Zheng Fan and even the Huaxia Dynasty and became wary.

Afterwards, the Ayutthaya Dynasty invaded Cambodia again, and Cambodia lost troops and generals, and retreated steadily.The bigger trouble for Cambodia is that after Siam retreated, Cambodia, which was no longer a country, actually had a civil war between its own people and its own people.The vassal forces supported by Siam have announced du li, and King Ann, who succeeded the deposed King Zheta IV and King Qut I, was too busy to command the war, and he had no intention of contacting China.

However, this lack of international perspective just brought a lot of trouble to King An En who was about to flatten the feudal town. <And Bin Tonglong, on the grounds that since the founding of China, Cambodia has not paid tribute to the court and decided to send troops to crusade against it, and as the leader of the alliance, he asked Vietnam and Champa to send troops to help the war.

"Lord Zhao, since your country has accepted the canonization of our emperor, it should naturally perform its vassal duties. It is unreasonable to push back and forth like this." Looking at the Vietnamese in red and purple in front of him, the Prime Minister of the Foreign Affairs Office of Foreign Countries is stationed in Jinlan Dadu Honglu, the resident of the guard house, threatened Kuang Juren with a somewhat displeased expression. "Does it have to be that the imperial court takes your country as its opponent first?"

"Master Kuang, why did you say that?" To Cao's threat, Mei Qingchen, the newly appointed minister of rites in Vietnam, who is also in charge of the pilgrimage and foreign trade minister, just responded with a half-smile road. "How dare Xiaguo refuse the dispatch from Shangguo? It's just that Xiaguo has difficulties in going down. Please forgive me, Lord Shangguo."

According to the agreement reached before the Huaxia Dynasty canonized Lord Ruan, Vietnam's political organization system will fully follow the Huaxia Dynasty's setup. Of course, the national conditions are different, so it cannot be copied entirely. Some can't stand it, and Vietnam is even more unable to implement it. As for some that can be implemented, such as the Ma Zheng Yamen in Vietnam, the Xiang Zheng Yamen, and the Prime Minister of the Huaxia Dynasty. yamen.

"Everyone has difficulties, and everyone wants others to be considerate." Kuang Juren smiled playfully. Of course he knew that the Vietnamese were going to raise conditions, but in order to prevent the other party from opening their mouths, he naturally had to block the other party's mouth first. "The land of Champa is only one-tenth of that of Vietnam, and the population is only one-twentieth of that of Vietnam, but the king of Champa understands the righteousness very well. When he heard that the imperial court wanted to send troops to Zhenla, he promised to provide three thousand soldiers without saying anything. A season of rations for the horses, a thousand soldiers and twenty elephants."

"Zhancheng is indeed generous," Mei Qingchen's face remained unchanged. "But you can't fight with black soldiers alone. That's not the case. How can Shangguo borrow the power of a small country?" This alone is not enough to conquer a big country like Cambodia. "However, Xiaoguo had just fought Annan in the bloody battle at Hengshan two years ago, and his manpower and material resources were severely damaged. He was really unable to provide [-] soldiers and horses. What's more, Shangguo wanted Xiaoguo to prepare its own food and grass. This really put Xiaoguo in a difficult position." This is also true, there is no way to ask foreign aid to bring their own food and grass when inviting foreign aid. "There is still this road?"

"Master Mei." Kuang Juren interrupted the other party's complaints rudely. "Since Vietnam is sending troops, naturally you won't let your team detour to the south and then go west. Your National University can directly cross the Changshan Mountain, go straight to Xialiao, and then sweep the northwest of Chenla..."

Mei Qingchen blinked his eyes, and asked tentatively, "Then what we got along the way?"

Kuang Juren knew that the show was coming, so he replied bluntly: "Naturally, it is used to make up for the cost of sending troops to Vietnam."

Mei Qingchen complained somewhat dissatisfied: "That alone may not be enough to pay for the small country's military expenses."

Mei Qingchen rolled his eyes: "If these lands can be handed over to a small country, it would be worthwhile for the small country to contribute to the superior country."

Taking advantage of the power of the Chinese Dynasty to encroach on Laos and Cambodia is one of the main reasons why Mei Qingchen persuaded the Vietnamese royal family, so he is very concerned about this, but since there is an opportunity to change from encroachment to encroachment, he will naturally seize the opportunity .

"Your country has a lot of appetite." Kuang Juren sneered, but Huaxia did not have the power to go deep into the Indochina Peninsula, so it was not impossible to satisfy Vietnam's requirements. "Are you not afraid that King Nanzhang will disagree?"

Nanzhang is the country of Laos, that is, Laos. However, Nanzhang, which was unified by King Faang, fell into a split after the death of a generation of virtuous king Suriyawangsa. The various nobles fought hard for the throne, so Annan Double spying with Vietnam.

"Master Kuang was just joking. How can the Nanzhang Wang Zhengling not leave the capital now have the power to interfere with Shangguo's actions?" Mei Qingchen said calmly, and at the same time slapped him. "King Nanzhang didn't pay tribute to the king, and what the lower kingdom did was to assist the upper kingdom in conquering the rebels, and to teach the king Nanzhang a lesson."

Kuang Juren nodded secretly, knowing in his heart that even if he did not agree, he would not be able to dispel Vietnam's ambition to expand the land. It will delay the real purpose of this dynasty to punish the two countries."

Mei Qingchen knew that with the national power of Vietnam, there was no way to take over the entire Nanzhang and Cambodia in one go, so he responded straightforwardly: "If the two kings follow, the small country will not have to look forward to Shu, but it has already been occupied, please go to the country Do not ask the small country to return to the two kings."

"It's natural." If you want the horse to run, you have to eat grass for the horse. If you don't have any benefits, how can you say that you can move the extremely greedy Vietnamese, but the Kuangju people still draw the line first. "But Vietnam can't be unrestrained. In this way, Master Mei has a map to the west of Changshan." Naturally, the map has long been available. Vietnam has been spying on the two countries for a long time, so how could it be possible not to find out the situation early. "And it is limited to the east of the Agong River and the north of the San River."

This is a piece of land with a radius of nearly [-] li. The current administrative area of ​​Vietnam would be equivalent to at least one area. However, Mei Qingchen was not satisfied, and demanded an inch: "Please grant the small country north of the Sleber River to the upper kingdom."

Kuang Juren looked at Mei Qingchen coldly, and Mei Qingchen looked back without flinching. The two looked at each other for a long time like fighting cocks, and Kuang Juren finally took a step back: "It's not impossible, as long as Vietnam agrees to the court's two conditions." That's it."

Mei Qingchen, who won the bet, heaved a sigh of relief: "Master Shangguo just speak clearly."

"First," Kuang Juren demanded. "The imperial court must send personnel to supervise the invasion of your team west of Changshan, in case your interests are forgotten at the moment."

Mei Qingchen thought about it, and felt that even if he sent a supervising army, there would be almost no restraint on the Vietnamese army, so he agreed: "No problem."

"Second," Kuang Juren said again. "The imperial court does not ask how many troops your country sends along the Changshan line, but your country must dispatch five thousand elite soldiers and grain, fodder, and ten thousand stones to Jinlan to accompany the imperial army."

"There is no problem with five thousand elite soldiers, but is it too much food, fodder, and ten thousand stones? A small country has limited national strength, so please limit it to three thousand stones."

"Three thousand stones? Master Mei can bargain, that's fine, but I still have one condition at the end." Kuang Juren pointed to a corner of the map. "After your country accepts the above-mentioned territories, please return the south of Tuy Hoa to Champa."

"Is this impossible?" Mei Qingchen jumped up. "Shangguo don't force people too much."

"Is there anything impossible?" Kuang Juren looked at each other calmly. "Exchanging a few counties for one, everyone can figure it out clearly. Does your country think that the imperial court really has no power to leave your country alone for conquest?"

Mei Qingchen paused, and then thought of something: "Lord Kuang is right, if Shangguo only wants Zhenla to submit, then there is no need to go down to the kingdom to contribute, but Shangguo's mind is probably not just to make King Fa'ang a vassal pay tribute."

"That's natural, otherwise it's enough for the navy to dispatch, so why bother." Kuang Juren said without hesitation. "It's just that a bowl of water has to be level. It's all attached, and they all contribute. Naturally, the rewards and punishments must be the same, otherwise the court would rather leave Vietnam."

"If that's the case, I can only ask my king for instructions."

"Would you please?"

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