Ming Zhengzhi, I am Zheng Kezang

464. Expedition to Japan


According to the unified shape setting, the second-class cruiser is equipped with 24 four-inch short guns and 290 three-inch long guns and 300 two-inch light guns. There are four gunners, so the whole ship has a total of [-] gunners and six gunners, plus the gunner deck gunner, a second-class cruiser has a total of [-] gunners

In addition to the artillery on the gun deck, the upper deck of the cruiser also has [-] small rebound artillery such as Fran machine guns and tiger squat guns that shoot very close. However, these artillery are not under the command of the ship's gunner, but by the deck chief Commanding sailors to operate during wartime The deck master is mainly responsible for commanding sailors to rebound or jump gang during wartime, while in non-wartime he is responsible for training sailors in combat, blunderbuss, swimming, etc. He is one of the chief deputies of the boatswain

As the name suggests, the boatswain is the commander who commands all sailors other than the gunners. Of course, it is not absolutely impossible to command the gunners. In fact, in non-wartimes, gunners and sailors in the Chinese Navy often take turns to train, so that they can be prepared in wartime

In addition to the deck master, there is also a sail master under the bosun. A second-class cruiser has a foremast, main mast, aft mast, foresprit, and backsprit. The main and mizzen masts each have two transoms, plus the slanting sails connected between the masts, the whole ship has a total of [-] large and small sails and slanting sails. It is large, so any one sail still needs two to three people to steer under the condition of sailing, and more manpower is needed when it is in a hurry.

The gunner belongs to the left deputy (second mate), and the bosun belongs to the right deputy (third mate). In addition, there is usually a helmsman and shipwright who is directly under the second officer (first mate) on board. Chief chef, etc. Each ship is also equipped with duli law enforcement officer (military judge), pilot officer, military officer, etc.

Calculated in this way, a second-class cruiser usually has soldiers in the early six hundred and seven hundred

Therefore, even if the temporary squadron led by Tan An and Han Bai are all second-class cruisers, the total number of troops is only 4000. After deducting the necessary gunners and sailors on board, only a quarter of them can land and fight. What's more, there is only one cruiser in these two squadrons, and the rest are just first- and second-class cruisers with four to five hundred people.

However, even if each squadron can only put together six or 700 people to fight on land, it still has a certain overwhelming advantage for the weak Japanese clans under the suppression of the Tokugawa shogunate. to himself, so he was not prepared at all, which created a situation where Xia Jun was invincible

On July [-]th of the third year of Wucheng, that is, the same day when the Edo Shogunate learned of the defeat of the voyage and the attack on Junfu, the Han Bai Squadron of the Huaxia Navy, which went north, bombarded the Naka River under the control of the Mito Domain, and then broke into the Ritachi Minato burns down the town of Minato

On the [-]th of July, Tan Anbe, who completely destroyed Sunfu Town, sailed into Mikawa Bay, bombarded the Atsumi Peninsula and Chita Peninsula one after another, causing tens of thousands of terrified Japanese people to flee inland. Tan Anbe, who caused a great riot However, he turned to attack Ise with disapproval, and burned more than [-] large and small Japanese merchant ships that were huddled in Ise Port. Goods are available for Zhu Rong

On July [-]th, Han Bai sailed into Natori North Sichuan. After admiring the so-called beautiful scenery of Matsushima, Han Bai's troops approached Ishinomaki Port. However, this time Han Bai did not have a chance to fight. As soon as the beneficial Date family saw a foreign ship with an odd shape, they immediately dispatched their vassals who had been waiting for them. After supplies such as live deer, boar, pheasant, and rice catches provided by the Date family, they continued to sail northward, and found trouble with some ignorant vassal states

On July [-]th, Tan An bypassed the Kii Peninsula and broke into the Seto Inland Sea. After bombarding the outer port of Awaji Kunizu Main Castle, the squadron approached Japan's most important port city town and Osaka outer port shogunate Osaka Castle On behalf of the generation gathered more than [-] closed ships Anzhai Ship Kohaya Ship in an attempt to intercept and destroy Tan Anbu, but the result was the same as that of Edowan Airlines, all of them were wiped out

Based on this, Tan An extorted 200 million taels of silver from the town and Osaka merchants for opening the city, and threatened that if he did not pay within a day, the town and Osaka port would be completely destroyed. The liver and gallbladder were torn apart by the sound of gunfire, so after some bargaining, the wealthy Kansai merchant group finally sent away the vicious Tan An at the price of 5 taels of gold, 50 taels of silver, and 60 guan.

The news of successive attacks in various places confirmed Yoshihei Yanagisawa's judgment, but the old middleman sent by the shogunate to command the joint operations did not arrive at the theater so quickly. Under such circumstances, as a last resort, Michihiko of Hefukuji had no choice but to meet the Chinese envoys from behind.

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