Ming Zhengzhi, I am Zheng Kezang

468. Expedition to Japan

epydz (the third year of Huaxia Wucheng (the 14th year of Yuanlu in Japan) at dawn on September [-]th, in the field that had been harvested in the southern suburbs of Edo, two armies armed to the teeth were tensely confronting each other with different flags from time to time Rising and falling in the passing morning wind, clattering, clattering, clattering, clattering, clattering, clattering along the side of the mirage ┙ Zong Nuo Mu Jiao Kang Nan Nai [-]?br/>

As the sky gradually turned pale, each other's ranks gradually appeared in each other's sight

Edo was built in the southern Musashi country, and was originally surrounded by a swamp, but after seven or eighty years of management by several generations, the desolate scene is no longer there, but the extremely flat land makes it impossible for both sides to occupy the geographical area. Advantage""

Therefore, the two ** teams can only form formations according to their own habits.

As for the Japanese army, there are a total of 100 shogunate troops participating in the service, the main force of which is the cavalry team composed of more than [-] people from the shogunate banner. Banners all live in Edo, and some of them are still harvesting in their hometowns in autumn. Other banners that contract annual tribute to big merchant houses do not need to return to the territory, but as administrative officials of the shogunate, they are also distributed in various places in Tianling. Of course, as a high-ranking samurai with more than a hundred stones of knowledge and action, Banner naturally has retainers around him, so there are three or four more cavalry around each cavalry, and one or two foot soldiers are few. There are a total of [-] troops in Bian, which are divided into five reserve teams, each of which is commanded by a senior bannerman with knowledge and actions exceeding ten thousand stones as the general attendant.

In addition to the banner team, there are also [-] imperial family directly under the shogunate. These low-level warriors of the ashigaru family are divided into [-] reserve teams, each commanded by a daibantou of the standing army of the shogunate. The mixed formation of the Iron Pao Banner and Drum Inyang Division is also considered strict. What's more, these imperial family members often train together on weekdays. I don't know if they can fight, but at least they look like an army

In addition to the direct descendants of the shogunate, there was also a mixed infantry and cavalry unit under the banner of confusion among the troops participating in the war. Mu, who led the Xiaofan, formed six reserve teams, and because the clan warriors represented the dignity of the daimyo, they were even more sophisticated than the Banner Team in terms of armor and other weapons and equipment.

Except for the regular army and semi-regular army of the shogunate, the rest are those Langshi who are fighting for their own future. However, due to the failure of the anti-landing, the size of the Langshi team has dropped from the original nine teams to seven teams. Effectively controlled the Langshi, and temporarily divided the seven teams into twenty teams, which caused a lot of confusion. In addition, some of the defeated Langshi were captured and killed by the shogunate for spreading the news that the Xia army was superior in combat power, so The morale of the Langs is generally not high, but there are also some disapproving players who are gearing up to make some achievements of their own.

According to the military plan before the war, the Japanese army arranged the 3 people in a crane wing formation, with the main banner team and the feudal warrior team located on the two wings, and the left wing where the banner team was located was the strongest. There are 1 ashigaru and Tongxin commanded by the Bantou, and more than [-] rogues are on the inside of the vassal team. In this way, the strength of the two wings is roughly equal, but the combat power is very different. Obviously, the shogunate used the right-wing human shield to attract Xia. Army attention, and then use the left wing to solve the battle in one fell swoop

As for the Xia army, there were almost 62 Xia troops participating in the battle, the main force being the first division of the Longxiang army and the first brigade and second brigade of the fourth division of the Longxiang army The regiment has a team equipped with a two-inch (2mm) field gun, each brigade has another sentry equipped with three two-inch guns, and the division has a regiment equipped with nine and a half two-inch (78mm) field guns For this alone, with the establishment of one division and two brigades, the Xia army's participating troops should be equipped with nine 27-inch guns and 81 two-inch guns. But in fact, the fourth division of the Longxiang Army stationed in North Korea was mobilized Earlier, the Xia Army adjusted its artillery system, so the Longxiang Army actually carried [-] two-and-a-half-inch guns and [-] two-inch guns. Each of the two armed merchant ships dismantled and mobilized two two-inch light artillery groups to participate in the battle, so the total number of artillery owned by the Xia army was as high as [-], which can be said to be an astonishing density in this era.

Of course, because the troops are far inferior to the opponent, Yang Bokang, the commander-in-chief of the land battle, didn't want to imitate Japan's fancy formations. Inch artillery post, and on the outermost sides of the two wings is the White Army Heavy Armor Regiment of the First and Fourth Division of the Longxiang Army, in order to prevent the Japanese cavalry from attacking the flank attack. There are still a large number of idle artillery, so Yang Bokang commanded the 51 Korean Army, the [-]th Ryukyu Army and some workers' troops who participated in the battle to temporarily rush to build several low platforms for artillery positions.

At the end of the Yin Dynasty and the beginning of the Mao Dynasty, the war officially started. Before the powerful Japanese army attacked first, the two-and-a-half-inch guns behind the Xia army's line opened fire first. The three-pound cannon, and its shape was imitated by Zheng Kezang with wrought iron according to the bronze Napoleon cannon in his memory. Although its range has been reduced, its range of three and a half miles is still the same when fired at a large angle. It is unimaginable in this era. Therefore, when the first batch of artillery shells from the Xia army fell on the heads of the shogunate army, the chaos caused was conceivable

"Bastard Ming Zhengzhi, I am Zheng Kezang!" Although Matsudaira Dadazhi's main formation was located at the bottom of the Crane Wing formation and was beyond the shooting distance of the Xia army's two and a half inch cannon, he saw the bullets flying wantonly in the Japanese formation. hit

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