Ming Zhengzhi, I am Zheng Kezang

472. Expedition to Japan

epydz (Due to the recalcitrance of the die-hard elements in the ashigaru team, Xia Jun spent more time than expected in Edo City to deal with this remnant army. The left-wing white soldiers and heavy armor regiments joined one after another, and finally did not let the beleaguered shogunate army find a chance to come back

"Congratulations to the Chief Soldier, congratulations to the Chief Soldier, breaking [-] with [-], this is an unprecedented victory!"

Compared with the happy subordinates, Yang Bokang, who had just stepped down from the observation deck, seemed to have a rather dignified expression: "I can't see clearly from above, and I don't know how the losses of the various ministries are right now?"

The clever joined the army immediately ran out to check the situation, but they didn't need to be dispatched. After a while, Fu Shaolin, the director general who was in charge of checking and capturing the battlefield discipline during the war, came to Yang Bokang: "My lord, the officer just checked. I don't know the situation, but as far as the Japanese Bairen's regiments are concerned, there is no loss." Mata said that Nai Pan 鹗 r private species f 溆ai 缌 话 Φ 朝 望 望 朝 Φ 谝 Huan Mei Chen Pa 谝 Huang Φ Chen Mei Chen oh ji 鹗г Chen Zhong Hui Xi o Lu bag catch plus good fortune Matatou Na send gou Huixin reef ΦMo makeup Ou Lan ず extravagant fuzzy osprey Ф pod 谝 Huan boat read 3"

The little soldiers who were cheering for the Xia Army's victory just now and the guards of the Chinese Army were all silent. It was Ai Yiyi who won the battle forever, killed [-] enemies and injured [-], and was able to repel [-] shogunate troops. Xia Jun's sacrifice absolutely indispensable

"Have the army doctors been sent up?" Yang Bokang asked, "The martyrs can no longer be rescued, and those who are still alive, even if they are missing arms and legs, and have only one breath left, they must be rescued by the officer as much as possible."

"Forgive me for trespassing," Fu Shaolin responded, "Not only did I send the doctors and doctors from the Dongyang Navy and the Longxiang Army, but I also mobilized the Korean Army and the Ryukyu Army to help find and treat the wounded without the consent of the adults. In addition, a fast horse was sent to inform the navy to allocate medicines and accept the wounded.”

"You don't need to apologize, you did a good job." Yang Bokang praised, perhaps because he felt that the atmosphere of casualties on his own side was too depressing, so he changed the subject and asked, "Tell me about the harvest this time."

"The harvest is not much." For Xia Jun, who has gradually changed to full firearms, although he defeated 6000 shogunate troops and wiped out at least [-] to [-] of them, the harvest of this battle is really too much to show. Take a look, right now, about three or four thousand Japanese knives have been seized, and there are about two thousand old-fashioned firecrackers made by the Japanese, but those bows, arrows and long guns are completely useless. There are about a dozen Japanese horses that are like donkeys, and there are about a thousand dead horses. If you quickly skin and debone them, they can be used for extra meals tonight."

"Your words are not true. Don't those Japanese who died in battle still have some armor?" Yang Bokang asked in confusion.

"Master Chief Soldier doesn't know yet," Fu Shaolin smiled wryly, "Let's not talk about the rags worn by ordinary soldiers, and those who look good from a distance are mostly good-looking ones. It’s just one piece, and the rest are wearable.” Fu Shaolin paused, “Of course, some of them are exquisitely crafted, painted in gold and colorful, and it’s not bad to go back to the imperial court to bluff people.”

"That's unnecessary." Yang Bokang lost interest as soon as he heard that the armor of the shogunate army was inferior to the wart armor equipped by the Xia army. Slow down!" Yang Bokang said while turning his head, "We thought it was trash, and the Japanese people may still be treasures, and we should collect them all first and hand them over to the merchants, maybe we can make another fortune from the Japanese people."

Fu Shaolin looked at Yang Bokang dumbfounded, and said sincerely: "My lord, it's a pity that you don't want to be a businessman."

"Foolish words, how did you learn it in the boy camp?" Yang Bokang said straight to the student in the Yimao period, "Have you forgotten what the Holy Majesty said back then? Leading soldiers and fighting is the same as doing business. You have to be careful and careful. In this way, the same is true for military supplies.”

"What the teacher teaches is what the teacher taught," Fu Shaolin softly said, "It's because the students have forgotten the teachings of the Holy One."

While talking, a knight came quickly, got off his horse, saluted Yang Bokang and Fu Shaolin first, then whispered a few words to Fu Shaolin, and then heard Fu Shaolin report: "Chen Tongzhi has captured more than 2000 Japanese routs here." In addition, twelve small-caliber Frang machine guns were found near the Japanese army's camp, with more than 5000 catties of gunpowder. The most important thing was more than 1000 shi of white rice and tens of thousands of ready-made rice balls. There are also side dishes such as seaweed sauce and radish.”

"White rice and rice balls?" Yang Bokang knew after a little thought that this was the dinner prepared for him by the Japanese army, but now it has become his reward, and he suddenly burst out laughing. The Huotoujun boiled the white rice, the rice balls were hot, and the kelp and horse meat were used to make the soup. After fighting for a long time, I think the stomachs of the boys are growling."

"Master Chief Soldier," although Yang Bokang is a temporary position, but for the accompanying army supervisors, his affirmation will determine his future career. The same is true for Fu Shaolin, who just lost points in front of Yang Bokang, tried To restore the other party's impression, he once again overstepped his authority and suggested, "

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