Ming Zhengzhi, I am Zheng Kezang

480. Xinchang Prefecture City

"The construction of Xinchang Fucheng began shortly after Ming Zheng successfully implemented the second phase of the Northern Expedition. The original design was to be the capital of the new empire in the future, but the original intention was finally changed due to reasons such as the flooding of the Huaihe River, and finally formed a perimeter of forty li. The pattern of one hundred square miles inside"

"Although it did not become the capital of the Huaxia Empire in the future, as the capital of the Jianghuai Province, Xinchang Fucheng paid more attention to its political and economic role, so its wall construction did not use Taixi bastions like the military fortresses of the same period. The shape of the city is completely in accordance with the square city shape of ancient China."

"The city walls on each side of Xinchangfu City are about ten miles high, five feet high, and the top is about three feet wide. It is only because the iron and steel technology was not developed at that time that there was no way to use stronger reinforced concrete pouring.”

"There are four turrets on the city wall of Xinchangfu City. Each side of the city wall has six outward-facing horse faces. There are 120 wall stacks on a single side. In addition, there are two city gates on each side of the city wall. The city gates are designed to strengthen the defense. There is also a tower for strengthening defense at the position of the city gate.”

"Like most ancient cities, there is also a wide moat outside the city of Xinchangfu. The moat draws running water from the Chihe Baita River and other places through artificial canals, so that small boats can enter Gaoyou Lake, Hongze Lake, etc. (transportation) The Hehuai (river) water system, and small tributaries lead into the city to form the waterscape river in the city and provide the nearest water source for urban fire prevention. For the sake of defense, four excavations were excavated in the northeast, northwest, southeast, and southwest of Xinchangfu City during construction. An artificial lake with a very large area, each with small islands, and flowers and trees are planted all over the islands, thus forming Xinchang scenic spots such as East Lake orange red, West Lake pear, Hainan Lake, lotus fragrance, North Lake and osmanthus appreciation.”

"The eight city gates from east to west, north, south, and north face each other to form four main roads, which just divides Xinchangfu City into nine roughly identical urban areas. What's more, it is different from the ancient cities in the past. At the beginning of the construction of Xinchangfu City, there were The concept of road greening and urban greening has been introduced, and shops along the street have been planned in advance.”

"The most unique feature of Xinchangfu City is the complete design of urban sewers. Although as early as Bianliang City in the Song Dynasty, the ancient Chinese had so-called urban sewers, but the Mongolian Yuan invasion destroyed the development of Chinese cities. The design of the sewer has disappeared in China for more than 400 years, and it was not continued until the construction of Xinchangfu City.”

"Introduction to Ancient Chinese Cities Volume III"

"There are countless firsts in the construction of Xinchangfu City. Among them, in terms of the organization of government management, it is worth noting that the urban management formulated by the Huaxia regime at the beginning of its predecessor Ming Zhuquan's restoration of the dominance of the Jiangnan area paid great attention to , the implementation of the Fuguo Licheng system makes each city have only one competent unit, avoiding the phenomenon of disputes between the prefecture (state) and the county in the same city, and the setting of Xianglifang ensures that the Huaxia regime can control the residents in the city. Let’s continue to look at the situation in Xinchang Fucheng. The main road of the city divides the urban area into nine compartments. The compartments are directly under the jurisdiction of the government. The inspection department of each compartment is specifically responsible for the police, household administration, industry and commerce, taxation, fire fighting, hospital road cleaning and other responsibilities in the area. "

"A Brief Introduction to Ancient City Management in Urban Management"

When the Dongyang Navy transported a large amount of gold and silver treasures to the Liuhe Wharf in Taicang, Zheng Kezang had already left Xinchang City and crossed the south to Taiping Prefecture. The Qiongzhou Shilu Iron Mine under its control is different. After the Huaxia government invested heavily in the development of basic roads in the initial stage, the mining of this iron mine was sold to several private businesses in different areas. From Zheng Kezang’s point of view, this can be achieved. Avoiding the bloated, corrupt, and poor operation of government-run institutions in the future also reduces the cost of the government's purchase of ore and possible direct economic conflicts with miners

Of course, in addition to the mining process, the mitigation of crushing ore washing, transportation and smelting is still firmly in the hands of the Huaxia government. The Salt and Iron Yamen of the Ministry of War and the Inner Court Manager's Office have supervisory units in Taiping Mansion, but the real visual impact is still There are countless large waterwheels on the banks of the river and the chimneys of the inland government and private smelting workshops. "At present, the mining area can provide ore of 200 million stones a year," Yuanwailang, a member of the Mining and Metallurgy Department of the Yantie Yamen in Taiping, told Zheng Ke. Zang reported that with the fine-tuning of the official system of the central government, the names of the second-level departments under the Supervisory Yuan, the Yamen, the Grand Inquisition, and the Supervisory Yuan were also unified as Si. Uilang was also unified into Zhengwupin. "On this basis, the government-owned smelting workshop can smelt 250 million jin of crude iron and 140 million jin of forged refined iron every year. In addition, the private smelting workshop can also produce 30 jin of crude iron every year. , about [-] catties of refined iron"

200 million shi of iron ore sounds like a lot, but in fact it is only 12 tons in a different space-time unit, and the crude iron and fine iron produced from it cannot meet Zheng Kezang's needs: "Qing and others are talking about it. What are the issues constraining production?"

A group of officials looked at me and looked at you, and the deputy director of the Armament Department of the Ministry of War in Taiping responded: "Reporting to the Holy Majesty, I secretly think that in the final analysis, there are insufficient manpower in the mines everywhere."

The Jiangnan, Jianghuai and Huaihe Rivers are originally overpopulated areas, and there should not be a shortage of labor force. However, since the Ming Dynasty, Zheng Kezang has been working on a large number of people to make up for the lack of population and land abandonment caused by wars in Huguang, Yunnan, Guizhou, Chuanyi and other places. Migrate to Jiangxi and Zhejiang

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