Now that he decided to try to negotiate with Huaxia, Koyamabei rushed to Edo again, but because Tokugawa Tsunejo resolutely refused to take the blame, so after some twists and turns, he formed Youjisha to pursue Hefukuji Michihiko Kona's account. Koyamabei Takaya Oda Nobuharu three-member negotiating team contacted Dai Shuyong

"My official, the founding male procuratorate prince Xima Fengzhi, the doctor from the fifth-rank prime minister, the vice-president of the Asahi Ryukyu Department of the Yamen Asahi Ryukyu, knows the affairs of the Nagasaki business office in Japan, and Dai Shuyong, the minister of the plenipotentiary meeting of the day. Envoy documents approved by the imperial court and the shogunate of the country"

Before the negotiation started, Dai Shuyong asked the other party to show the authorization document first. Of course, it was not intentional to make things difficult for the other party, but because he was afraid that if the negotiation could enter Hong Kong, General Gang Ji would not approve it, wasting time and energy in vain.

Regarding Dai Shuyong's dismounting, Daoyan, the leader, explained calmly: "Master Dai, Japan is located in the Eastern Ocean, thousands of miles away from the Central Plains by sea, and it takes a long time to communicate with each other, so your court needs a full-fledged minister with power. The country is small and the land is narrow, from here to Kofu, it takes only three days on a fast horse, so please forgive me, Lord Dai."

"That means you don't have a document authorizing the negotiation." Dai Tongjian stood up, looking down at the three people in front of him in a condescending manner, "Are you kidding me? Then we can talk about it after our army enters Kofu."

Seeing Dai Shuyong leaving in a huff, the three negotiators looked at each other in blank dismay, and had no choice but to return the result to Jiafu in embarrassment. The shogunate in Jiafu was skeptical about Dai Tongjian's claim that the Xia army would continue to attack, but the facts proved that Dai Shuyong was not lying, although The Xia army did not attack Kofu, but soon the Odawara clan not far from Edo was attacked. The feudal lord Okubo Tadamasu, who was born in Pudai, originally obeyed the shogunate's call-up order, and had gathered nearly [-] warriors, peasants and soldiers to go to Kofu. It turned out that Xia When the army attacked, they would defend the city to the death

However, in the face of Xia Jun's sharp artillery fire, the Odawara clan quickly collapsed. Except for Zhong Zeng Zhongfang's father and son who escaped in embarrassment, the two thousand defenders dispersed in a hurry.

What happened to the Odawara clan not only shook the courage of the coastal clans to fight against China, but also made them dare not easily obey the shogunate's call to leave the territory, and even made everyone in the shogunate below Tsunayoshi feel frightened. Attack on the Hachioji and other places, even if you are brave enough, you can take advantage of the emptiness of Kofu and go straight to Kai, forcing the general to flee again, and then reappearing in front of Dai Shuyong for the negotiation. The three of them know how to express themselves

"Monk, Michihiko of Hefuku-ji Temple, under the guidance of the four Shibu ministers, Fayinquan monk Zhenghefuji, who presides over the shogunate temple"

"My official, Koyama Bingwei, has accepted the account of the six senior shogunate officers of the upper governance department"

"My officer, Oda Nobuharu, is under the leadership of the six top left Masukes, and is currently serving as the general's tea head as the Taka family."

"The three of us were sent by Genji's elder Chunheyuan and the right minister of the Examination Institute, General Zhengyi, to discuss peace with your country." Speaking of this, the three of them saluted Dai Tongjian together, "The above is the seal and ribbon of the three of us, Sir, please check."

According to Dai Shuyong's understanding, it is not unusual to receive the seals of the four monks with the authority of the monks. It's not that the shogunate is temporarily saving face for this person, it proves that Koyama Bingwei is the one who really has the right to speak among the three negotiating people, so Dai Tongjian took a deep look at Koyama who had just straightened up, and then proceeded to sue the three of them Turn it over a little bit, then throw it aside noncommittally

"I have no doubts about the identities of the three adults, but the three still haven't shown whether they are authorized by the shogunate." The three looked at each other in embarrassment, but Dai Shuyong's attitude was firm, and finally Daoyan took out a piece of paper from his arms Handed it to Dai Tongjian: "I order the temple to implement the Hefu Temple Daoyan Xiaonahutou and Xiaoshanbingwei Chatou Oda Nobuharu to Edo to negotiate peace with Xia Guo. The shogunate will approve all the conditions promised."

Dai Shuyong carefully looked at the general's inscription and date under the document, and then nodded: "Since you are an envoy of the shogunate, there is no need to be polite. May I ask, when can the three adults sign a formal peace treaty?" Oda Nobuharu responded : "We still have some objections to the terms of the agreement, can you ask your envoy to make amendments?"

Dai Tongjian changed his face and said: "At the beginning, when I contacted the priest of the temple, I said that the content of the peace agreement is only allowed or not. Are the shogunate still unwilling to accept the reality? It doesn't matter."

Daoyan knew that after Dai Shuyong's "forget it", he must have threatened with troops again, so he hurriedly interrupted: "Your envoy, don't be angry. It's not that the shogunate doesn't want to agree to your country's request, but the shogunate also has difficulties. I hope your envoy understands."

Koyama Bingwei then added: "Your envoy, the shogunate only wants to be a little respectable."

"A little decent" Dai Shuyong also wanted to get the result as soon as possible. After all, it is not a good thing for tens of thousands of troops to stay alone in Japan for a long time, so when he heard the soft words of the shogunate, he did not put on airs. "Forget it, let's listen."

"The shogunate has agreed to your court's request to release the imprisoned family members." This is not the content of the peace treaty, but it is also a prerequisite for the peace agreement.

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