Ming Zhengzhi, I am Zheng Kezang

489. Peace Treaty and Backhand

On the seventh day of October in the third year of Huaxia Wucheng, the Huaxia navy successfully ambushed the Qinwang coalition forces of the Kagoshima domain Satohara domain (Note: a branch of the Satsuma domain) Gaoguo domain Oofei domain in the Bungo waterway

During the battle, the four domains lost more than 6000 large and small ships, more than [-] warriors died, and more than [-] grain ships were intercepted by the Xia army. Less than one-fifth of the people and ships escaped by chance. The news spread to Kofu. The whole shogunate was terrified, coupled with the information from the three envoys of the peace talks that Xia Jun had sent thousands of reinforcements in batches, General Tsuna Ji finally lowered his high head

Therefore, on October 14th, the 14th year of Genroku in China, the third year of Wucheng in China, the two countries formally signed the "Xia Ri Xinji Commercial Treaty" (known in Japan as "Nichi Xia Genroku [-] Year Commercial Treaty") to replace the "Genroku [-]th Year Commercial Treaty" promulgated by the shogunate. Nisatsu Trading Style"

The "Summer Commercial Treaty" has a total of seven articles, the general content of which is as follows:

A Huaxia and Japan formally established diplomatic relations, and the shogunate agreed that Huaxia would station a national messenger in Edo;

Japan opened fourteen trading ports including Hirado, Nagasaki, Maseki, Miho (Matsue), Maizuru, Imabari, Kobe, Tsushima (Nagoya), Yokohama, Ishinomaki, Akita, Sakata, and Niigata Wajima. Huaxia has the right to set up berths at various trading ports. Honglu envoys (consuls) to coordinate summer trade conflicts and other affairs; the shogunate will allocate sufficient commercial land at various treaty ports for the establishment of Honglu embassies, merchants, shops, warehouses, restaurants and residential areas; the shogunate allows Huaxia Hire Japanese people to serve at treaty ports, and allow employed Japanese people to freely enter and exit Japan. Only Chichitan believers need to be approved by the shogunate to enter Japan and are not allowed to stay in Japan for a long time; The civil and criminal offenses that occurred in the commercial area will be tried by the Huaxia side; the shogunate guarantees the personal and property safety of the Huaxia merchants at the treaty ports, but the Huaxia merchants are not allowed to enter the Japanese mainland that is one mile away from the treaty ports at will;

C. Japan recognized the islands north of the Tsugaru Strait as China's territory; Japan handed over the Five Islands, formerly known as the Fukue Domain, to the Huaxia Kingdom; the losses of the lords of the two places were appeased by the shogunate itself and had nothing to do with China;

At the request of the Huaxia Kingdom, the shogunate granted Tagawa Shichizaemon a [-]-goku family name, and changed the Tsushima clan, and the Tagawa clan took over the Tsushima Islands and was in charge of the trade between Japan and Korea;

E. Japan compensates Huaxia merchants for the loss of Wucheng Jinguan with 80 guan. Compensation for Huaxia’s investment fee is Wucheng Yinguan 880 three guan;

In view of the limited financial resources of the shogunate and its inability to pay off at one time, the Huaxia Kingdom agreed to Japan’s compensation of 60 guan and 77 guan, and the rest of the jinguan and yinguan would be repaid in 15 years at an annual interest rate of [-]%. ; During the repayment period, the management right of Besshi Copper Mine will be used as mortgage;

After repeated pleas from the shogunate, the Huaxia Kingdom agreed to terminate the drug trade; as compensation for the termination of the drug trade in China, the shogunate will compensate the Huaxia side with a one-time compensation of 20 yuan. On behalf of Korea and Ryukyu, he signed the "Asahi Shinji Commercial Treaty" and "Ryukyu Shinji Commercial Treaty" with the shogunate

The "Asahi Shinji Commercial Treaty" consists of four articles, the general content of which is as follows:

Jia Asahi establishes formal diplomatic relations, and the Chinese envoy stationed in Edo will perform the corresponding duties on his behalf;

Yi Joseon took back the Roryang Wakan and set up a Korean commercial office in Tsushima; the shogunate agreed to give North Korea the same treatment as China in Tsushima, that is, set up a commercial site to hire Japanese services to ensure the personal and property safety of Korean merchants;

The C shogunate paid 20 guan to North Korea's military expenses;

The Ding Shogunate paid North Korea the cost of redemption of the Iki Kingdom and the Oki Kingdom in 15 years. The principal and interest were calculated at 45 guan in the Wucheng Bank.

There are also four articles in the "Ryuzinji Commercial Treaty", the general content of which is as follows:

Jialiu Japan establishes formal diplomatic relations, and the Chinese envoy stationed in Edo will perform the corresponding duties on his behalf;

B All treaty ports open to China are open to Ryukyu merchants; Ryukyu merchants at each port in Japan should live in the commercial land obtained by Huaxia and accept Chinese resident Honglu to make management abide by Chinese laws; Ryukyu merchants can hire Japanese like Chinese merchants They also allowed the Japanese employed by the Ryukyu to enter and leave Japan freely, but the Kiritan believers had to obtain the consent of the shogunate to return to Japan and were not allowed to stay for a long time; the shogunate guaranteed the personal safety of the Ryukyu businessmen's property, but they were not allowed to enter the hinterland of Japan just like the Chinese businessmen;

Bing Japan transfers the islands south of the Osumi Strait to the Ryukyu Kingdom; the shogunate promises to move out the people and lords of the islands south of the Osumi Strait within half a year, and Ryukyu should allow the Japanese people and lords to take their belongings when they withdraw;

The Ding Shogunate compensated the Ryukyu military expenditure plan Wucheng Yinguan [-] guan in one lump sum

The signing of the treaty among the four countries not only announced the end of the summer war, but also confirmed China's suzerainty over Korea and Ryukyu

However, when North Korea and Ryukyu were overjoyed to enjoy the generous war dividends, the head of the Dutch East India Company's business office in Penghu was keenly aware of the internal problems.

On October 29th of the third year of Wucheng, the senior businessman named Sirian Demez wrote a long letter

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