With a bang, the closed cell door opened, and then a confused figure was pushed out.

Seeing Liu Ling's familiar figure, Liu Xiang, who had been waiting outside, quickly walked up to him.Oh, not to meet Liu Ling, but to the guards standing behind, the group of people whose official name is now called prison guards.

"For those who celebrate Chinese New Year, I have to trouble a few brothers." Liu Xiang thanked them. "This tea money, please accept it, brothers."

"Lieutenant Liu, you are being polite." Several prison guards stuffed the silver coins into their pockets while talking politely. "It's a big New Year's Eve. Let Master Liu stay in prison for the New Year's Eve. It's unreasonable both emotionally and rationally."

After finishing the polite words, the prison guards turned and retreated into the prison, and Liu Xiang walked up to Liu Ling: "Brother, come back with me."

The scruffy-bearded Liu Ling winked, not knowing whether he wanted to cry or laugh, and after a long time, he punched his brother hard on the shoulder: "Second brother, thank you very much this time."

"One family, brother, what are you talking about?" As he spoke, Liu Xiang waved his hand, and a two-wheeled mule cart slowly moved over. "Brother, get in the car, let's go back for the New Year"

After stepping over the unlucky brazier, he washed his face again, let Kunlun slaves help him trim his hair and beard, and then put on new clothes. Finally, Liu Ling who stood in front of Liu Xiang was completely new.Liu Xiang didn't say anything, but Liu Ling let out a meaningful sigh after seeing it in the bronze mirror.

"Brother, don't let out a long sigh." Liu Xiang led Liu Ling to sit down at the dinner table, and handed him a glass of wine. "This time it's a blessing in disguise. From now on, we won't have to risk living on the water again." As he spoke, Liu Xiang took out a land deed from his pocket and handed it to Liu Ling. "This is a New Year's gift from my younger brother to my elder brother. After the new year, my elder brother will go to Jinlan to take over."

Liu Ling looked down: "Three hundred acres? You are rich."

Liu Xiang explained: "The land price in Jinlan is cheap. One mu in China can sell five mu over there, so it's not worth much."

"I appreciate your kindness, brother. Is it just this land?" Liu Ling returned the title deed to Liu Xiang. "Your brother, I'm not so downcast that I want to take advantage of my brother." Liu Ling patted her chest. "Your brother, I'm not yet forty, and I have hands and feet. If you don't believe me, you won't be able to earn a fortune. Hmph, if it wasn't for you"

Before Liu Ling could finish his complaints, a North Korean servant serving in the inner room reported from the corridor: "My lord, is there a general surnamed Dou visiting outside the door? This is the greeting card and gift list from him. Please Lord, take a look."

"Master Dou? There is no colleague named Dou in the Lingyamen Fleet." Liu Xiang got up suspiciously, took the greeting card and gift list from the North Korean servant, and opened it. "Dou Xiancheng, the official secretary of the Duhu Mansion? I am a member of the Western Navy. How could the staff of the Duhu Mansion come to my door? Ah! I came to see my brother. My dear, you are so generous. We got into a boat." Liu Xiang looked at Liu Ling with incredulous eyes. "Brother, do you want to see me?"

Liu Ling was also a little puzzled: "Working as a party secretary? I've never lived a lifetime, and you gave me a boat. This is not a good idea."

Hearing what Liu Ling said, Liu Xiang immediately said, "If that's the case, then don't see each other anymore."

Liu Ling shook her head: "I'm afraid it's not so easy to get rid of such ghosts and ghosts as the Secretary of the Ministry. Anyway, explain everything clearly face to face, and it will save you and my brother from sleeping with suspicion."

So the Liu brothers withdrew the meal and had someone welcome Dou Lushi in: "This is Mr. Dou, the official (grassman) Liu Xiang (Liu Ling) has seen him, and I don't know what he is talking about here? "

"Lieutenant Liu, don't be surprised. I just heard that Mr. Liu was released from prison today, so I came here specially to ask for a wedding drink."

Believe it or not, Liu Ling and Liu Xiang had no choice but to invite Dou Lushi, who spoke Guangli Mandarin, to sit down and talk.

"Lord Liu, Master Liu, I think you two don't believe what the official said, so the official will not say anything false." After Dou Lushi sat down, he spoke to the two of them. "Unfortunately, Mr. Liu was involved in the case of Xiboni. All these years of hard work have been in vain. I am afraid that he will not be reconciled."

Liu Ling snorted: "The grass-roots privately use the official boat to entrain profit, and they will go back to the Duhu Mansion privately to distribute the fat, and bribe the military law officer. It is already magnanimous for the grass-roots to just seize their posts and serve the people. How could the grass-roots not Are you willing? Master Dou’s joke is too big, which makes the grassroots feel a little fearful."

"I'm afraid Mr. Liu misunderstood. The lower official didn't say anything wrong with the court's handling. It's just that he was finally promoted to the third-class lieutenant, and he was also the founder of the country. Quohe and Yin have the qualifications to enter the county school. But they disappeared all of a sudden, does Mr. Liu really no longer care about it?"

"Master Dou, you are a guest at the door, and I shouldn't say anything bad, but what do you mean by provoking my brother like this?" Liu Xiang pressed Liu Ling's trembling hand, and asked Dou Xiancheng with a straight face. road. "I also ask Dou Lushi to state his intentions directly, and don't beat around the bush."

"Liu Xiaowei said it well. This is the fault of the lower officials. I'm really sorry. The staff is used to being stupid, and they are talking in a dark way, but they never thought that the two of them are both men of the sea and like to go straight." Dou Xiancheng got up and told With a groan, he sat down and spoke again. "Then I'll just say it straight. I don't know if the two adults have heard of the private plunder certificate?"

Because Liu Ling had been in prison for more than half a year, he was a little behind on news from the outside world, but Liu Xiang, who was the commander of the ship, raised his eyebrows: "Proof of private plundering? Master Dou is talking about the matter of the Holy Majesty ordering Xu Lingyamen to guard the mansion." ?”

"That's right," Dou Lushi nodded. "The Holy Majesty asked Ling Yamen Duhufu to find out the route to Tianzhu, so he gave Duhufu the privilege." Looking at Liu Ling who still didn't understand why, Dou Lushi explained. "Because Tianzhu is now dominated by Thai and Western people, in order to prevent merchant ships from being plundered by Thai and Western merchants, the Governor's Office will issue a private plunder certificate to sea trade ships, allowing them to seize any weixie other than our Chinese merchant ships first. ship."

Liu Ling finally understood after hearing this. This is actually a pirate license issued by the imperial court. However, they cannot plunder in Southeast Asia and the coast of China. They can only act in Tianzhu Ocean. The objects of plunder cannot be domestic merchant ships. Ships from other countries, as long as you have the ability, you can snatch them up.

Now that he understood, Liu Ling thought about the boat in Dou Lushi's gift list again: "Dou Lushi is here to persuade the grass-roots people to return to their old business? Have you received the private plunder certificate from the Governor's Mansion?"

"Exactly." The words have come to this point, how could Dou Lushi deny it. "I just want to ask Master Liu to come out."

"No." Liu Ling refused plainly. "I don't want to go sailing in this life anymore, so Mr. Dou, please go back."

"Master Liu, please take the time to refuse." It was also because Liu's family's reaction had been expected, so Dou Lushi was not moved by Liu Ling's refusal, but continued to persuade him patiently. "The staff secretary will not ask Mr. Liu to come out in vain. The supervisor has already prepared for Mr. Liu the vacancy of the position of official under the Bapintang. I believe that the school lieutenant may not be awarded again in three to five years, but it is not impossible to restore the title."

Liu Ling still shook his head and said, "Your Majesty Dou, you don't need to say any more, I'll tell you, if you don't go, you just won't go."

Liu Ling's attitude was extraordinarily resolute, but Dou Xiancheng, who hit the south wall and didn't look back, said to himself: "Maybe Master Liu thinks he needs to think about it, it's okay, the secretary can afford to wait here."

Liu Xiang couldn't stand it any longer: "Lord Dou, if nothing happens, please go home."

"Ah, I'm bothering you two." Dou Xiancheng, who was ordered to leave the guest, stood up knowingly to leave, but before he left, he still seductively said. "By the way, I heard that the most regrettable thing about Mr. Liu in his life is that he never got a soft-sail clipper, but this is easy for the owner with a privateer certificate. As long as you can snatch the soft-sail boat, the secretary will I can get you a man to steer the boat."

Dou Xiancheng left, but the topics left behind made Liu Ling a little tasteless. Seeing his brother not thinking about food and drink, Liu Xiang persuaded: "Brother, don't listen to the words of the secretary, the sailors of this soft sailing boat are only Sanyoshui Master, even the Privy Council does not have the power to issue an order, and the surname Dou is lying to you."

"Whether you're cheating or not is a matter of course. At most, after your elder brother and I seize the boat, we will recruit sailors ourselves. If you come to Azhen, Lini and other places, there will always be people who will handle the soft sailing boat." Liu Ling waved his hand and interrupted Liu Xiang's unspoken words. . "Don't worry, your brother, I won't just be so tempted. It's just that I've been on a boat for half my life. You asked me to go to land to beg for food. I really can't do it."

"What can't be done, I think brother can't calm down." Liu Xiang revealed his brother's hypocritical mask. "If you want me to say, as long as my brother asks for a wife and concubine and gives birth to a child, he will naturally know how to get on the shore."

"I said earlier that it is enough for our Liu family to have your family to carry on the incense. As for your elder brother and me, it is enough to have a bed warmer on weekdays." Liu Ling said and poured half a pot of wine into herself in the mouth. "By the way, what are you doing here at Lingyamen instead of staying with your wife and children in Jinlan during the Chinese New Year?"

"Don't you want to pick up your brother one day earlier." Liu Xiang smiled wryly. "Besides, I've been transferred, and now I'm the deputy capital supervisor of the Lingyamen Fleet. After the next year, I will take over your sister-in-law and your nephew from Jinlan. Get someone else to look after you."

"Transferred? Is it because of me?" Liu Ling asked sharply. "It seems that elder brother has troubled you."

"Brother, what are you talking about? You and I are brothers. Besides, this is also a normal job change."

"Don't say anything," Liu Ling interrupted Liu Xiang. "Accompany me for a drink. After drinking, ask someone to tell the man named Dou, and I agree."


"drink wine!"

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