Ming Zhengzhi, I am Zheng Kezang

509. Brunei came to North Korea

On the eighth day of November in the fourth year of Wucheng in Huaxia, several figures filed down a Siamese merchant ship that had just docked at the Whampoa Wharf, and then hired a guide on the wharf, and then went to the city of Guangzhou under the guidance of the guide, and finally A live drama about foreigners coming to court was staged at the gate of the Dudu's Mansion in Guangdong.

The most embarrassing thing about the so-called "Brunei annexation" incident is the governor's yamen.It must be known that in Guangzhou, the Governor-General's Yamen for Foreign and Foreign Countries Affairs is not only accompanied by the Annan Pavilion, but also has the Honglu envoy stationed in the province who is in charge of Guangdong Westernization and Baiyue affairs such as Yi, Tong, Miao, and Shanha.As a result, the Brunei people didn't look for any of them, but directly found the highest governor of the province. Let alone whether the Brunei people had this intention, at least the governor's office was completely deprived of face.

Although he was already gnashing his teeth with hatred for the ignorant Bruneians, the envoy of Guangdong Honglu did not dare to hide the fact that Brunei was attached to him. The affairs were still sent back to the governor's office for handling, but the governor's mansion would definitely send relevant reports to Wuchang in accordance with the rules.

In this way, through the two lines of Guangdong Jinzuo Yuan and the internal procedures of the Governor’s Yamen, Brunei’s requests reached Zheng Kezang’s desk one after another.Considering that this was the first foreign feudal vassal who voluntarily requested to be attached to the Huaxia Dynasty after the establishment of the Huaxia Dynasty, for the sake of prudence, Zheng Kezang summoned the ministers of the cabinet and the ministers of the governor's office to discuss the matter.

Contrary to what Zheng Kezang imagined, although several cabinet ministers are not in charge of the governor's office, they have more or less understanding of the situation in Nanyang. Therefore, after receiving the news of the so-called distant countries coming to the court, they did not appear in the previous dynasties. The morbid ecstasy that appeared turned out to be silent and thoughtful.

Facing a group of elite courtiers, Zheng Kezang had no choice but to ask Yu Ping to throw a brick first: "The Qing family probably don't know the situation of Bo Ni, so, Yu Qing, let me explain a little bit to you first. .”

"I obey the order." Yu Ping, the minister of the governor's office, stood up. "However, please look at it with a picture." Zheng Kezang nodded, and a screen with the general shape of Boni painted on it was quickly placed in front of everyone, and Yu Ping pointed at it. "Boni, also known as Borneo, is a huge island in Southeast Asia. According to reports from the Luzon and the Netherlands, the island has a radius of 300 million miles, and we have several provinces in several categories. Although the island is large, it is rarely developed. , usually only fifty miles along the coast, at most within a hundred miles there are fields, houses, and the country, and further inside are cannibals in the jungle of the world, even the local natives dare not enter easily."

The founding uncle, the cabinet minister, the Minister of Rites, and the son of Chaoyang County, Huang Liangbi, took a deep breath: "With the size of the island and the degree of development, it may be possible for us to immigrate for hundreds of generations."

"What Master Huang said is true." Yu Ping smiled at Huang Liangbi. "According to the new agreement reached between the dynasty and the Dutch Hongyi, the dynasty will not be able to send to the Sumatra Islands west of the Karimata Strait, the Java Islands south of the Java Sea, and the Siribe Islands east of the Makassar Strait. Si Islands and Spice Islands are colonized, and the red barbarians are not allowed to colonize Boni and Boni's affiliated islands, so that the whole Boni is the forbidden domain of our dynasty, and outsiders are not allowed to touch it."

Yu Ping's subtext is very clear. In this case, it doesn't matter what Brunei counts (Sudan). If he can directly annex or establish an inner feudal domain, why should he keep any foreign feudal domain? Let’s just say that now, the imperial court has set up the Labuan Governor’s Office and six capitals in Beiboni. A small country in Afu and three internal feudal clans: Wang Fan, Fang Fan, Wuqiyu Zhang Fan."

As soon as Yu Ping's words fell, Ke Dingkai, the cabinet minister and the minister of the Yantie Yamen Committee, obstructed him: "But now the matter of Brunei's annexation has become known to the world, and it has been heard by all countries. If the imperial court does not accept Brunei I am afraid that if the heart of fist and fist is spread, the nations may think that the imperial court is harsh, and if they lose the heart of Xianghua because of this, it may be detrimental to the imperial court's management of the West."

It is not without reason that Ke Dingkai said this. In fact, according to the agreement between the Netherlands and China to divide the sphere of influence, the Malayan Peninsula is an area that both parties can enter. Therefore, it is conceivable that the future competition between the two parties in this area will be It will be very intense, and rejecting the Brunei people's request for surrender at this time is undoubtedly providing ammunition for the Dutch.

"I feel that there is something strange about this matter from the very beginning." Lin Heng, the Minister of Cabinet Counselor, purely because of the problem of the Shence Army, had trouble with the governor's yamen. "The Labuan Governor's Mansion is right next to Brunei's royal capital. Why did Brunei Suduan travel far and wide to go to Guangzhou to write a letter? After arriving in Guangzhou, why did it find the Guangdong Governor's Mansion instead of the Governor's Office? There may be a big problem." After some words, Yu Ping's nose is not a nose, and his face is not a face, but Lin Heng still pretends to be a good person. "I'm not aiming at the governor's office, but I just think that the Nanyang colonization may be too eager for quick success, so Brunei is forced to come up with this bad strategy."

"No matter what the Brunei people have in mind, my purpose of colonizing Nanyang cannot be changed." Yu Ping argued. "The so-called heavenly gift is not to be taken but to be blamed. This boni can only have one master"

"Your Majesty Yu, you are too concerned." Zhang Riyao, the cabinet counselor and minister of Duzhi Yamen, couldn't bear it anymore. "Nowadays, Guochao doesn't have the strength to swallow the whole Boni in one gulp, so it's better to accept Brunei's attachment first, and then slowly figure it out."

"Master Zhang's words are the views of a seasoned seeker of the country." Lin Heng echoed. "Although Brunei is weak, it is after all the leader of the northern part of Boni. Once it is in a hurry, it may not necessarily fight to the death with us."

Yu Ping asked in a sinister tone: "Master Lin, do you mean that I can't beat the Brunei people?"

"Of course I'm not afraid of fighting, but after all, it will have to contain the power of the imperial court. I don't think Master Yu will be arrogant and think that the strength of Ling Yamen and the Labuan Governor's Office alone can defeat the Brunei people." Lin Lin Heng responded with a sneer. "Since that's the case, why don't you change from swallowing whales to cannibalism, and the wind and drizzle will be calm, and in the end it will happen naturally."

Yu Ping asked rather annoyed: "In this way, the Malay countries will not be frightened?"

"That's enough. Your Majesty is here. Your lords, don't lose your sense of propriety." Lin Liangrui, the Prime Minister who stopped the few people from continuing to quarrel, bowed to Zheng Kezang and raised Bai Gui in his hand. "My minister thinks that there are advantages and disadvantages to quick plans and slow plans. The cabinet cannot make a decision in a hurry, so I ask the holy temple to do it alone."

Zheng Kezang looked dissatisfied at the person who was with him, and shook his head: "Good Lin Qing, I wanted to hear your opinions on this matter, but in the end it was pushed to me. If so, I want to What are you doing?"

Several ministers immediately turned over and knelt down: "The ministers are incompetent, unable to share the worries of the Holy One, and deserve death."

"Okay, okay, don't say these clichés, get up." After several people got up, Zheng Kezang narrowed his eyes. "I heard what Qing and others said just now. The governor's yamen meant that Brunei people should not be ignored, but most of the cabinet's opinions still felt that it should show the demeanor of the heaven and the kingdom, so that's enough." Zheng Kezang pointed at Yu Ping said. "This matter will be handled according to the intention of the cabinet first. The governor's office will make all preparations for the canonization. Of course, we still need to discuss what needs to be discussed."

Zheng Kezang stood up and walked to the screen, and sketched on the map with his hands: "Croker Mountain, Yilan Mountain, and Kapuas Mountain, it is impossible for the Brunei people to cross these mountains. This is to confirm the border with the Brunei people, and as for the west, the river named Lupa will be used as the dividing line."

Speaking of this, Zheng Kezang tapped the position of Beibo Ni: "The governor's office should send a manned boat to investigate along the coast to see where a commercial port can be set up. If so, send people to operate it directly. The inner feudal clan can play a temporary role, but in the long run, the establishment of counties is the fundamental solution for stability."

Zheng Kezang opened his mouth, and Yu Ping could only bow his head no matter how unwilling he was, but he should respond and suggested: "My lord, if we can reach a boundary division with the Brunei people, please set up a new direct route north of Pontianak. Lizhou, preferably in the area of ​​Datujiao and Datuwan, according to reports from Lingyamen Duhufu, there is also a good port there."

"Establish a new Zhili prefecture? As long as manpower permits, there is no problem." Zheng Kezang thought for a while, and looked at Yu Ping with a half-smile. "However, Yu Qing, don't plan on immigrating from southeast Lu. It's been a rough resettlement here. If you want to go to war again, not only Zhang Qing will complain, but Lu Min will not be able to bear it anymore. "

With the corner of his eyes, Yu Ping glanced at the Minister of the Duzhi Yamen Council who was eyeing him covetously, and leaned over to respond: "I dare not shake the foundation of the country. If the imperial court wants to set up Datuwan Zhili Prefecture, it may be possible from Lu Song, Java and other places think of a way. It is really impossible to immigrate some of the people in Chenla, Champa and other places. What's more, they can also immigrate from Korea and Japan. Miao and Pingpu fans are also available.”

"Yu Qing seems to have a proper charter, so let's follow Qing's instructions, but the court's budget for next year has already been prepared, and the related expenses can only be taken from the account of the governor's office."

"I understand." Yu Ping also let out a sigh of relief, but fortunately he is also a big business man who can make adjustments between several Protectorate Houses, otherwise, he would not be able to afford this expense no matter what. "I'll figure it out myself."

As long as Yu Ping promises that the immigration fee will go to the accounts of the governor’s office, how can Zheng Kezang stop the proposal of Xinjian Prefecture and County, which is conducive to the expansion of China’s territory, so he not only agreed, but also gave the name of Zhili Prefecture: “Okay, Very good, that's it. Lin Qing, the cabinet will issue a decree later to establish Datuwan Zhili Prefecture in Xiboni. No, this name is not good. Since the state is west of Capuas Mountain, it is called New Shanxi, no, new Zhili Prefecture is fine."

The matter came to an end at this point, but Yu Ping reported rather unpleasantly: "According to the report of the Brunei Envoy, the Beibo Ni and Changdao islands occupied by our dynasty were donated to Su by Brunei more than [-] years ago. Lu Suanduan is in charge, lest there will be disputes in the future."

This Sulu Kingdom is the Sulu Kingdom that once worshiped the Ming Dynasty and had a monarch who died in China. At this time, the name was the Islamic Sultanate Kingdom around the Sulu Sea, and its strength covered the Sulu Islands, Long Island, Mindanao, and Beibo. One, can also be regarded as a regional power, but it is currently competing with the Spaniards for Mindanao, and it doesn't care about Long Island and Beibo Ni being invaded by China for a while.

"I also said that Lu Songyi sold the land for tens of thousands of miles at a low price, so that's the case." Zheng Kezang did not know the anger of ordinary people after being cheated. "It doesn't matter, I have occupied it, that's where I'm going. I don't believe that Sulu people are so arrogant, they dare to provoke this dynasty when they are fighting with Lu Songyi." Of course, Sulu people may not dare to fight on two fronts , but will definitely criticize verbally and pen, for which Zheng Kezang ordered. "If you come to ask questions, you should ask the country that in the past the tribute was endless, but now I am in power, but you have never come to the court. What's the reason? Could it be that you despise my court? In this way, it would be cheap for me not to pursue the court. They, taking away these territories is just a slight punishment. If the barbarians are afraid of power and not virtuous, then let the Labuan detachment go there and intimidate them?"

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