() "Brother Liu, I heard that you have done a big ticket sale this time." In a coastal wine shop in Longya Bodhi (also known as Langkawi, Lingkawei Island, Langkawi), Fang Yunchun, who was blushing, and Liu Ling, who is also a descendant of Tianya, talked about the results of the latest voyage. "Can you tell me the story?" <'s uncle, Fang Xipeng, has been appointed as the governor of Xibo Nifang, and he is also a feudal prince with a radius of more than 17 li. As a nephew, he must follow him. Of course, it is not for the enjoyment of happiness, but to be the leader in the pioneering process of the difficult road, and to show the friendship of the same clan.However, sharing adversity is easy in the world, but sharing wealth is difficult. Fang Xipeng has two sons, and the eldest son is already [-] years old. His status as a nephew is very embarrassing, so he simply left. In order to avoid some people thinking that he stayed in Fang Fan for ulterior motives.

<I was unwilling to end my life as a merchant, so after much consideration, I finally exchanged the military merit for a pardon and a Canton boat, and together with Liu Ling, became the first batch of privateer pirates in the Huaxia Dynasty.

"It's a big deal, just spread rumors." Even so, Liu Ling's expression seemed very excited. "It was nothing more than robbing a Danish merchant ship in Calcutta. There were only [-] catties of jute and [-] tans of sugar on board." <Obviously a look of disbelief. "How did I hear that there were still about a thousand yuan on the boat?" Each gestured and complained. "Brother, what is our relationship, you still want to hide it from me, which is a bit unkind." "

"There really aren't any gems." Liu Ling shook her head. "It's just that the boat is worth a little more." Speaking of this, Liu Ling cursed. "If I let me know who is spreading rumors behind my back, I will skin him alive." <'s eyes rolled. "I'm afraid there are some problems. Could it be that the Danish barbarian broke the account and took the opportunity to push the deficit on you, brother?" Fang Yunchun said to himself. "That's right, there may be such a possibility. Fortunately, Brother Liu, you are not at a loss. A intact barbarian ship can be sold to Guangli and Fujian private ship yards as a model, or sold to a local ship school to train soft sail sailors. , it can be sold for at least four or five thousand taels. If you add a dozen ship cannons, you may not be able to beat ten thousand taels, and the goods on board. If this is not a big deal, what else can be considered a big deal? For sale."

Liu Ling nodded: "It's indeed a big deal, but it's a pity that the model of this barbarian ship is a bit old, otherwise I wouldn't sell it anyway. Wouldn't it be better to keep it in my hand for my own use?"

The two were talking, when a person came in from the door and asked loudly: "Does anyone know who owns the barbarian in the port?" The boat is mine, what's the matter?"

"It's yours?" The visitor said with some displeasure. "Why didn't you reply just now? Forget it. The master of Shibo invited you to negotiate taxes. Why are you still in a daze? Let's go for a while. You are really a noble person, and you have to come here specially to invite you."

"Market Secretary? Negotiating taxes? What's going on." Liu Ling was a little confused. "I have an edict, what kind of tax is discussed."

"Come on, who here doesn't have an imperial edict, don't keep talking about it." The visitor responded dismissively. "The imperial edict is just telling you that you can go and rob foreign barbarians, it's not that your taxes are exempted, if everyone doesn't pay taxes like you, the Lingyamen Dufu Mansion will not be able to survive. "

Liu Ling blushed from being squeezed out, but still refused to admit defeat: "When I came back, why did no one collect taxes from me?"

"Isn't that the master of the Shibo Department has not arrived?" The visitor looked at Liu Ling coldly. "Why, you evaded taxes last time, do you still want to evade this time? Let me tell you, there is no way. If you don't pay taxes, the boat will never leave the island." "I also came out of fighting in the wind and waves, but I want to see what kind of dragon's pool and tiger's lair this city boss is. Okay, stop croaking, and lead the way." , Liu Ling turned back with a complexion like earth: "Hell, really, Liu Ling explained: "I want 3000 taels all at once, and if I don't have money, I just use the goods on the ship to offset the price. Half Snake Cannon. "<Smash your tongue, and look at Liu Ling in disbelief: "Should you be so harsh?How much tax is this? "< Whispered. "You also know the gang of the Fangsi of the Duhufu. No, I bumped into one in the Shibosi and asked me to send the boat to Lingyamen directly, saying that they were discharged from the army. The old-fashioned cruise ship came to trade with me. It seems that this deal is not only not going to make a lot of money, but it is going to lose money. "<Yi Jiling punched Liu Ling: "Well, you Liu Manzi, you are so good at getting cheap, even if it is an old-fashioned cruise ship, it is a soft-sail clipper with three or four thousand materials, which is not as good as your lucky boat. It is a thousand times stronger, but the sails are not so good. It seems to have thought of something: "Then again, since you can bring the barbarians back from Calcutta, there must be sailors on board who can handle soft sails. It's even more powerful, poor people like us are still using slow old boats, seeing a good target but trying to catch up?????? "

"It's not easy to have soft sails on board. There are a lot of restaurants in the ports occupied by the barbarians. I really want to find them. Ten or eight will be no problem." Liu Ling's words are not true. False, because European countries widely use Asian sailors, apart from senior sailors such as captain, first mate, and navigator, it is difficult to find other ordinary sailors. "How about, your brother will also hire two, and they will be used at the critical moment. Even if they are not neat, they can be replaced with soft sail boats in the army." Brother Liu, you are so courageous."

"It's not that I'm not worried, but if you hire one or two, I'm not afraid that they will have bad intentions." Liu Ling said. "If there is any problem, just throw it into the sea and everything will be fine." <Finally, I couldn't resist the temptation to change to a soft sailing boat. "Maybe you can give it a try." Of course, he didn't want to change to a soft sailing boat in the end, not just because he envied Liu Ling. "After all, our ship is too slow and can only be used in the strait. Secondly, it is too conspicuous. Anyone will know that we are doing it."

"Speaking of slowness, just now the staff member mentioned to me that the imperial court will build a new kind of boat at Lingyamen Shipyard. It is said that it is a big food sail boat, which can be compared with ordinary soft sails when used in the strait. Merchant ships are twice as fast, as long as they are equipped, those Taixi ships will not be able to escape at all, or else, Brother Fang, you should go and ask how to buy this kind of ship first." A puzzled look appeared on <'s face: "This is not right Ah, if the strait is completely closed, who will the goods from the coastal provinces be sold to? It may not be that the imperial court is relying on the merchant ships of the Chinese people to sell the goods directly to Tianzhu." As for the point of <, Liu Ling also thought about something clearly. "I said why did the navy sell the soft sailing boat to us people? It turned out that we were hoping that we would be able to control the Andaman Sea and escort the merchant ships of the Kingdom to reach Tianzhu safely. My boy, the court's plot is not small, it seems Are you going to drive all the foreigners out of Nanyang, if this is the case, Brother Fang, you need to speed up your hands and feet." <Shaking his head. "The imperial court has not completely controlled Boni, and the Dutch red barbarians are raging in Java, Sumatra, and the Spice Islands. At this time, it is impossible for the imperial court to drive all the foreign barbarians out of Nanyang, and there will always be some left to contain the red barbarians. Now it doesn’t matter if it’s given to the soft sailboat or the big food ship, it’s just a rainy day.”

"It's always an opportunity for us." Liu Ling blinked obscenely. "Curry girls are tired of playing, so I can't say that I want to play with black girls and ghost girls. I heard that Dashi and Persian women are more attractive, so I have to try it if I have a chance??????" <Laughed and said: "Don't At that time, a group of bastards will call you daddy, and you will be mad."

"I don't leave a single leaf among thousands of flowers." Liu Ling responded with a smile. "Even if there is such a day, it doesn't matter, according to the oracle, it is called Bu Guowei to all nations overseas." <Laughing so hard that I couldn't straighten my back: "Brother Liu, do you have the intention to tamper with the Holy Majesty like this? This is disrespectful." <The voice was too loud, and his words resonated with the table next to him. "Besides, Emperor Wucheng had the intention of responding to Ming Shi Bu Ye Yang Feng back then, so he immediately stepped forward to stop it." We are still counting on Ling Yamen's protection. "<Before I spoke, someone jumped up from the table next to me: "What are you afraid of? It's a big deal. I went all the way west to Tianzhu to go to Dashi. It is said that the southwest of Tianzhu Yang is where those Kunlun slaves came from. We may You can also set up your own business there. "

"Go to Kunlun slave's hometown? It's easy to say." Liu Ling stood up and looked at the people around him. "Do you have a needle route? Do you know how many water journeys there are? Do you know how many people die every time a Taixiyi boat travels? I don't know anything, and I just want to go to the door. It's really shameless??????"< There was a glimmer of Jing in his eyes: "Brother Liu, in fact, in my opinion, what those people said just now is not impossible??????"

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