At the end of November in the fifth year of Wucheng, Huaxia Gezhiyuan Hengyu Department wrote a letter to ask for the determination of the world's weights and measures.

According to the proposal of Gezhi Institute, the first measure to be determined is the capacity unit "liter".Under the old system of "sheng", it is calculated in decimal system as "he", "spoon", and "cuo", and above "sheng" is also calculated in decimal system as "dou" and "shi".Wucheng's new system followed the old system for the sizes of "cuo", "spoon", "he", "sheng" and "dou", and clearly stipulated that local governments were prohibited from using the so-called volume when collecting land taxes and merchants buying and selling goods that were weighed by volume. The concept of "big bucket".In addition, ten "dou" and one "shi" are changed to ten "dou" and one "hu". .

After the confirmation of the volume unit, follow the confirmation of the weight unit.The Heng Yu Division of Gezhi Academy regards one "liter" of water as one "jin", which is approximately equal to two "jin" in the past and approximates one "catties" in another time and space. Under "jin", the original hexadecimal system is abolished, and the calculation is changed to decimal system, which is "two", "money", "fen", and "baht".

Compared with the old system, the new unit of weight lacks "centimeters" and "millimetres" and has more "bahts". This is because units below "fen" are basically not used in practical applications. "Gold (Alchemy) Alchemy (Note: Chemistry)" may use the unit of "baht", but since the measurement tools are not up to the corresponding accuracy, it is only a conceptual distinction.

Every hundred promotions above "jin", that is, one hundred "jin" is called "stone" and one hundred "stone" is called "ton". Therefore, "ton" is set as the highest weight unit to adapt to the increasing Heavy shipping calculations. [

The third thing Gezhiyuan confirmed is the unit of length.Hengyu Division takes the average width of the lake silk as the minimum length unit "silk", ten "silk" to "millimeter", ten "millimeter" to "centimeter", ten "centimeter" to "fen", ten "fen" to "centi". Inch, ten "inch" and one "foot", ten "foot" and one "step", ten "steps" and one "zhang", ten "zhang" and one "foot", ten "foot" and one "li".

According to another time-space calculation, the width of a lake silk is about 1000 nanometers, and one metric centimeter is [-] million nanometers. Therefore, a new "ruler" is [-] centimeters, which is about [-] times the current Gongbu ruler. .In the same way, one "mile" in the new system is equivalent to six "kilometers" in different time and space, and it is also equivalent to [-] times the "mile" in the old system.Based on this, Huaxia officials finally unified the original calculation of one "mile" on land and one "mile" at sea.

After the unit of length was changed, the unit of area was revised accordingly.Hengyu Division regards a square of five "steps" as one "mu", and the new "mu" is about [-] times that of the old system.Also take ten "mu" as one "jia" and ten "jia" as one hectare, so that one "mile" is equal to four hundred "areas", four thousand "a" and forty thousand "mu".

Since the change of weights and measures is related to tax collection and all aspects of social life, it can be said that it affects the whole body. Therefore, Zheng Kezang dared to use this brain after the Zheng family was completely established. In his own words, as long as the new weights and measures It can be established, even if it is a flash in the pan, his words are not in vain

After stamping the big seal on the edict promulgating the new weights and measures, Zheng Kezang left Wuchang to inspect Jianghuai again. This is the fourth time he has inspected Jianghuai after he ascended the throne. He inspected nearly ten times.Of course, what attracted Zheng Kezang was not Yangzhou's thin horses, but the defense of the Huai Pan District.

However, due to the partition of Hongze Lake, Xia Jun's Huaihe defense line was actually divided into two sections.In the eastern section, because the Qing army still had outpost troops stationed in Qingjiangpu, Huai'an, etc., it simply widened part of the Sheyang River and planted hibiscus along the lines of Sheyang Lake, Baima Lake, and Gaoyou Lake. Wet forests, excavated artificial lakes and ponds for flood diversion, and destroyed roads to prevent the Qing army from sweeping down the north of the Wexe River and the core areas of the South of the Yangtze River. The vast wetland between the north and the Huaihe River will undergo comprehensive treatment and transformation.

If the Jiangbei project reflected a defensive posture, then Xia Jun's construction in Huainan showed a slow offensive situation.From the fourth year of Wuding in the Ming Dynasty, Zheng Kezang built extensive embankments along the Huaihe River west of Hongze Lake.Considering that the earth's rotation in the northern hemisphere caused the erosion and scour of the south bank of the Jianghu Lake to be far more serious than that of the north bank, Zheng Kezang then dug artificial canals and irrigation networks extensively in Huainan, and diverted the Huai River into Chaohu Lake, and then led it into the Yangtze River.

After six or seven years of hard work, the project was basically completed.After completion, the Huainan Irrigation Canal can not only divert the Huaihe River effectively to curb floods, but also improve the farming environment in Huainan, turning most of the low-yield dry land into high-yield irrigated land.

After completing the flood diversion and suppression project in the Huainan area, the Xia army followed the trend and marched northward, controlling Huaibei Qianhe, Feihe, Guohe, Cihe, Tuohe, Quanhe, Guhe, Honghe, Suihe and many other Huaihe rivers. The middle and lower reaches of the water tributaries, and then eradicated swamps, established forest areas, grasslands, and built fortresses in the northern part of the Huai flood area, and then extended the outposts of the defensive circle to Xunan, Bozhou and other places. garrison.

Of course, it is impossible for the Qing army to watch the Xia army nibble away at every step. It is just that the Qing army has no financial resources to repair the environment in the Huai pan area and dare not go deep into the Huai pan area to fight the main force of the Xia army. Therefore, in the end, they can only choose the northern end of the Huai pan area. With a small force, they fought against the Xia army's detection posts, and at the same time built fortresses in Subei and other places, trying to delay the speed of the Xia army's northward advance and provide early warning for the main force.

"Now the main force of the officers and soldiers in Huaibei is concentrated between Ying (state capital) and Ru (South Zhili Prefecture)." Xi Daping, who was transferred from the Huainan General Soldier to Huaibei General Soldier, reported that according to the development of the situation, the Huaxia court has In early December of the fifth year of Chengcheng, Zhongzhou Province was established. This province currently governs Xinyang Zhili Prefecture separated from Jianghuai Lu'an Prefecture, Runan Zhili Prefecture and Yingzhou Prefecture just mentioned by Xi Daping, and Xuchang Prefecture where the government is located. In the future, Zhili Prefecture is expected to govern Guide Mansion, Kaifeng Mansion, Zhengzhou Zhili Prefecture and other places. "Straighten the battle line with our army on the front line in Nanyang."

In the fifth year of Wucheng, Xia Jun's system was fine-tuned again.Today, each regiment of the Xia Army's land division infantry and cavalry infantry has five hundred-man outposts and one hundred-man white outpost, plus the regiment's supply team and regiment command post, the whole regiment has 650 people.Based on one brigade and three regiments, plus the brigade's supply post, center base post, artillery post, ranger post, and brigade command post, each brigade has a total of 400 people.Every three brigades form a division. The division consists of a supply regiment, a center base regiment, an artillery regiment, a white regiment, a ranger sentry, and a division command post. The whole division consists of 1 people. Eighteen inch guns.Of course, a sentinel in each division will be transferred to the Imperial Guard to defend the royal family, but this does not affect the combat effectiveness of each division.

As of September of the fifth year of Wucheng, the Xia Army Army Division currently has 68 infantry and cavalry divisions and seven cavalry divisions.

Among them, there are two garrison divisions in Jiangnan, Fujian, southern Jiangxi, Guangdong, Guangnan, Hunan, Yunnan, and other provinces with important locations, complex terrains, and vast territories. , Yidong, etc., or provinces with narrow areas, convenient transportation, inadvertently important locations, and limited economic aggregates each have a garrison division, so in fact there are only 54 divisions that can really be used for the Northern Expedition.

Seven of these 54 divisions are located in Xichuan, where they crucified the Qing army's Guanzhong group, five are stationed in Jiangbei, one is in Jingzhou to meet Sichuan and Hunan, and three are in the Liaodong Peninsula to contain the Qing army's group outside the Guanzhong. Nanyang Mansion in Huguang, Yingru District in Zhongzhou and the original Huainan.

Switching to the previous dynasties, there have long been voices of doubt about the situation where the outside is more important than the inside. However, the military system of the Huaxia Dynasty is different from the past, and it is closer to a more mature organizational system in another time and space, so there is no surprise that there will be military forces. Only Zheng Kezang can safely let his ministers take charge.

"The day of the Northern Expedition seems to be getting closer and closer." Zheng Kezang sighed, but before the senior military officers around him got excited, he changed the topic. "38 horse infantry, what a huge number, how much food does it cost for these people to eat horse chews, and the northern land lacks rivers, so they can't use boats to transport food, how many people will be used to transport food and fodder for these athletes, and the food and food for these people will cost nearly 35 yuan. How much will it cost?" These few words made everyone turn pale, yes, the expansion of the army and the afforestation and canal opening have squeezed out China's treasury, not to mention the war, the money is like water. "Let's just say that, the captive chieftain Kangxi maintains [-] new troops in the north. I don't know how he persisted."

Obedient to the sound, Chen Le, the commander of the First Division of the Shesheng Army, rolled his eyes: "What does the Holy One mean, once the Qing captives continue, they will surely fall to the south? But that's fine, my division will be able to defeat the Qing in one fell swoop. Prisoner, clarify the rivers and mountains."

The military officials on the side immediately echoed: "What Master Chen said is very true, if our army's Northern Expedition is still difficult and the outcome is uncertain, then we will surely be able to kill the Qing army without leaving the Qing army. "[

Hearing the bold words on the side, Zheng Kezang, who didn't want to pour cold water on him, chuckled lightly and said, "It's good for you to have such confidence, but the situation may not be as expected by Qing and others. Kangxi is also a generation of heroes, so he may not be desperate."

Speaking of this, Zheng Kezang's eyes fell on the face of Liu Shaoyang, the commander of the third division of the Hussars: "The northern land is vast, and the key is the cavalry. I want to know, if the cavalry fights, can our division win?" grasp."


Zheng Kezang is not going to give Kangxi a chance to fight back, but the key to disrupting the opponent's rhythm is to do it yourself. However, to his disappointment, Liu Shaoyang can't give him this answer: "I dare not play this guarantee .”

Liu Shaoyang explained: "Although my teacher said that there are [-] cavalry, there are not enough people and horses. If we only use Mongolian horses to make up the number, we may not be able to beat the Mongolians who grew up on horseback."

Huang Tao, commander of the second division of the Yulin Army, retorted: "The Qing Dynasty is in danger, so how can those Sao Tartars who are the most adaptable to the wind and the wind want to follow the Qing Dynasty to the dark?"

To this, Liu Shaoyang only replied: "Those who count in the temple count more victories and less defeats."

Seeing that the people below were about to argue, Zheng Kezang waved his hands: "Liu Qing is right, I'm still waiting impatiently, let's give Qinglu a few more years of good time."

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