After crossing Wuxi (Note: Dadu River), and going north for about forty miles, we left the old land of Dadu Kingdom that Liu Guoxuan had seized from Pingpufan.No matter for the original Dutch ruler or the current Ming Zheng regime, this land is a strange wasteland.However, with the footsteps of real Taiwanese immigrants, this former wasteland has been filled with large and small villages.

With the rise of new villages one after another, Tianxing Prefecture, whose government is located in Jialixing, Tainan, is somewhat beyond its reach in terms of jurisdiction.In order to improve local units and ensure effective notification, Zheng Kezang proposed, and Chen Yonghua seconded, the establishment of a new county north of Tianxing Prefecture.The report of the two was submitted to Siming, and Zhu Jinxin named it Zhuluo County, and appointed the general Chen Ke as the magistrate of the county.Although Zhuluo is only a "county", it does not belong to Tianxing Prefecture, but is still directly subordinate to Chengtian Mansion. However, Chengtian Mansion is also in name only at this time, so it is actually a county directly under the Central Government of Ming Zheng.

Although the establishment of a new county has been determined, problems arose immediately.Where is the county seat of the new county?According to the county name bestowed by Zhu Jin, the county seat of Zhuluo County should naturally be located in Mount Zhuluo. "Zhuluo Mountain" is derived from the transliteration of the name of the Hongya aboriginal people of the Pingpu nationality, and the Dutch call it "tirosen" society.

In the early years, Zhuluo Mountain was one of the strongholds of large-scale immigration from mainland China to Taiwan.Tomorrow, in the first year of Qiyuan (1621), Yan Siqi, a pirate originally from Zhangzhou, Fujian, led immigrants to land in Bengang, and used them to reclaim and open up wasteland.In the fourth year of Tianqi (1624), the Dutch occupied Taiwan. They initially ruled today's Anping and Tainan urban areas, and soon appeased the Pingpu people in the Zhuluo Mountain area, and managed the area. The beautiful Hongmaopi (now The Lantan Reservoir) was dug by the Dutch at that time.

After Zhu successfully recovered Taiwan, Zhuluo Mountain was once located in the northernmost border of Tianxing County (state). According to the intention of Zhu Jin to give the name, it is obvious that he hopes to use this place as the county seat of the new county.Zhu Jin's choices are naturally based on the consideration that the local Yin has served the Ming and Zheng regimes for a long time, and the ruling foundation is stable, but they are different from Zheng Kezang's ideas.

"Mr. Chen, I thought Zhuluo Mountain could be drawn from Tianxing Prefecture, but the county seat of Xinxian County was too far to the south. I thought that the county seat of Xinxian County should be as far north as possible in order to better appease the Division of Tuozhi North Road. Move." Zheng Kezang pointed his fingers on an extremely crude full map of Taiwan. "So, I choose here."

"Longmu Well?" Looking at Zheng Kezang's finger, which is located somewhere north of Wuxi and west of Dadu Terrace, Chen Yonghua gasped. "Shisun, is this too far to the north? The county government is concerned with the safety of the whole county. In case there is an attack from the community, no, no, it's too risky." Chen Yonghua denied Zheng Kezang's location selection, but he also agreed with Zheng Kezang. The government of Zang County should be moved as far north as possible to facilitate the proposal of settlements north of Wuxi. "I think it's better to choose this."

"Zhutang?" Zhutang is located on the north bank of Zhuoshui River. Although it is farther north than Zhuluo Mountain, it is closer to the core area of ​​the Ming Zheng regime than the location of Longmujing proposed by Zheng Kezang at the beginning. There are several groups belonging to the Babuza tribe, such as the Erlin Society, the Meili Society, and the Dongluo Society, but the security is much higher, but this is not what Zheng Kezang wants. "It's still too south. I thought that if Zhuluo Mountain was demarcated from Tianxing Prefecture, it would be necessary to compensate the prefecture for one or two libao. In this way," Zheng Kezang drew a line on the map, which would be quite a coastal plain. It was assigned to Tianxing Prefecture. "Mr. Chen, how about Zhuluo County being located in Luzai Port?"

"Luzai Port?" Chen Yonghua thought for a while. The place name of Luzai Port is said to be named after a large amount of deerskins were exported here during the Dutch occupation period. There is a relatively primitive Mazhi Linshe next to it, but this clan is extremely powerful. He is weak, and has long submitted to Ming Zheng's rule, so there is absolutely no problem in terms of safety. "No." Contrary to Zheng Kezang's expectations, Chen Yonghua ruthlessly rejected the port towns that he thought would have great room for development in the future. "If this port is prosperous, what should we do if the Qing army directly lands here?" The tense military situation on both sides of the strait is the main factor for Chen Yonghua to deny Luzai Port. "I think it's better to put it in Xiushui."

It is less than [-] kilometers from Luzigang to Xiushui. If Zheng Kezang does not build any concrete county roads, it will mean more than a day's journey. Therefore, setting the county seat in Xiushui may be enough forewarning time.But this is only a possibility. Once the Qing army really landed from Luzai Port, what Xiushui County can do during the early warning period of one day or even less than a day is to close its doors or abandon the city and flee. It was too late to call in reinforcements to carry out the counterattack.

So Zheng Kezang still wanted to argue with reason, but when he looked up, he found that the sideburns exposed under Chen Yonghua's official hat had turned gray. Accommodate the other party's opinion: "Then report to the father as Mr. Chen said."

"Why, I'm a little wilted." In midsummer, ordinary people would feel uncomfortable even walking naked and empty-handed under the big sun, not to mention this group of boy scouts who had just marched in full armor, but this drowsy state was obvious. It was not what Hong Hui, who had just been promoted to team leader, wanted to see, so he stood at the head of the team and ordered loudly. "Drink water."

A group of boy scouts picked water hyacinths from their waists. The experienced elders just took a small sip, while those who just joined the team this year drank heavily.The cool baikai in the water hyacinth is usually not very sweet to drink, but at this moment it nourishes the boy scouts like rain.

Seeing his subordinates heaving a sigh of relief, Hong Hui ordered in satisfaction. "Keep going, start singing, Wang Changling, join the army, the third!"

"Qinghai Changyun dark snow mountain, the lonely city looks at Yumen Pass in the distance. The yellow sand wears gold armor in a hundred battles. If you don't break Loulan, you will never return it"

The young warriors sang in unison. Although their dialects were somewhat different, they all had the same unstoppable vigor.After one song, the boy scouts who had regained their fighting spirit did not wait for Hong Hui to continue to order. Wang Changling's seven songs were recited one by one from the march.

"Hu Ping's shoulders are purple and sweaty, and the autumn moon is in the west of Suiye City. Ming Dynasty star gallops to seal the sword, and resigns from the king to take Loulan overnight"

"My lord!" While singing, a young soldier in the queue suddenly shouted. "Look quickly," he pointed, following the direction of his finger, everyone could see the column of smoke soaring into the sky. "It's Wuyingtun!"

Hong Hui stood on his heels, stared intently, then scanned the subordinates around him, gritted his teeth and ordered: "Everyone put on armor!"

The boy scouts immediately obeyed the order to unload the issued chain mail from the driving ox cart, one for each, helping each other, and they were fully dressed in just forty fingers.

"Squad A and Squad B each leave a group to guard the luggage, and the rest will follow!" After leaving this sentence, Hong Hui mentioned that he would take the lead. Under his example, except for the ten left behind soldiers, the 40 soldiers left The team quickly drove towards the incident point. "Ba Yazi," Hong Hui ordered the messengers around him while marching. "You take the first step to find out the enemy's situation"

They ran nearly five miles at a stretch, although it was not enough to exhaust the young soldiers who had undergone physical training for at least a year and a half, but in view of the unknown enemy situation, Hong Hui arranged for them to rest to ensure their physical strength for the battle Speaking of which, this is a little skill that Hong Hui learned when he fought with the Yongwei Army, but he didn't expect to use it when he led the army independently for the first time.

"Master Baihu," Song Bagen, nicknamed Ba Yazi, ran back out of breath. "There are more than 70 clubs," Song Bagen squatted and gestured while panting. "They are all concentrated at the gate of the village." Since the outer walls of the newly built villages are all made of bamboo-reinforced concrete, the only way to capture such a village is to directly break the gate besides making ladders. "Just now, the Shefan lit the fire and burned the door, but the fire was lit, but the fire was too big, and the Shefan hadn't rushed in yet."

"Okay!" Hong Hui relaxed a little, and then ordered his subordinates who had just sat down for less than half a moment. "The whole team! Ba Yazi stay here, and the rest line up, let's have a fair game with these clubs."

Hong Hui was originally commanding a team of spearmen, but what was special was that Class C was replaced by musketeers.In this way, two captains of pikemen and one team of firecrackers formed exactly three mixed teams, and each team consisted of two long spear squads and one firecracker squad.This mixed formation method can provide long-range fire support while ensuring the close combat capability of the troops. In Taiwan, where the intensity is extremely low, it can already fight independently, and it can also follow the principle of dispatching, repairing and training Patterns implement adjustments.If it weren't for the insufficient number of firearms teams in the Boy Scouts, why would you want to try to organize them with a group of swordsmen, a group of firearms, and a group of spearmen.Of course, the artillery team, the elite of the whole battalion, would not be worthy of this level of armed patrol.

The appearance of the boy scouts also alarmed the community that besieged Tunzhuang. Looking at the two-color pennant with red upper and blue lower, the group of community quickly split into two.Seven or eight of them continued to block the gate of Tunzhuang, and the remaining number 60 came to Hong Hui after screaming for a while, because they wanted to kill Hong Hui first and then attack Tunzhuang.

The firecrackers who loaded the ammunition had already put the firecrackers on the brackets. Seeing the murderous Shefan dancing all kinds of weird things, some of them were a little trembling. At this time, Hong Hui said loudly: "Steady! Now, listen to Yu's orders!"

One hundred paces, eighty paces, fifty paces, Hong Hui gave an order, and the gunmen who had already put their hands on the triggers snapped desperately. It was very good. A group of sixteen gunmen had fifteen shots in their hands. It started, and at the moment when the white gunpowder smoke rose, several warriors at the front of Shefan fell to the ground in an instant, and their charge was stopped.

Before the musketeer who fired the fire had no time to feel annoyed, he heard Hong Hui continue to order: "Come again!"

Except for this musketeer, the other 15 people followed the strict training procedures of clearing, charging, compacting, loading, and aiming. Although some of them trembled and missed the order to shoot again, there were still [-] people The firecracker fired again.

"Squad C back! Reload and shoot!" Hong Hui ordered. "Class A and Class B come forward, let these gangsters taste the power of the boy camp's gun array!"

Even though the two squads of gun formations add up to no more than two rows, and there are only ten people in front of them, the attack radius of the three spears and the fierce thrusts of the boy scouts quickly made this group suffer. It pierced the opponent's body, and the blood spurted out after the gun head with the blood groove was pulled out was enough to make the bravest feel terrified---however, what frightened the fans even more was that when they finally broke through the spear array When he appeared in front of the boy scouts, he found that his weapons could not break through the opponent's defense. Before they understood what was going on, another wave of stabs followed

Reaching out his hand to pull out the arrow that was shot on the chain mail, Hong Hui looked at She Fan who was fleeing in a panic with disdain. "The musketeer shoots again, and the rest report casualties and inspect the battlefield."

Amidst the scattered shooting sounds like light rain, the older boy scouts cut off the dying Sheban's head with close-fitting short knives, while the recruits who became regulars this year retched at the dead bodies one by one, but , when Jiashou in Tunzhuang came out of the burnt village gate gratefully and greeted him, everything was settled.

"It's really weak!" Hong Hui sighed, while dealing with the flattering Jiashou. "When will we really have a fight with the Tartars?"

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