In July of the ninth year of Wucheng in Huaxia, Zheng Kezang returned to Wuchang from inspection tours in western Sichuan and Yidong provinces. After resting for just over a month, it was convenient for him to go north again to inspect Zhongzhou and Henan.

On September 21, Zheng Kezang left Xuchang Mansion and went to the first-line inspection of the Yellow River construction site.At this time, after more than a year of rush construction, the Yellow River breach has been blocked, but only the initial part of the entire treatment project has been completed. Next, Xia Jun will dig lakes for flood diversion, artificial canals for diversion, and dredging of silted channels. The entire project will take at least three to five years to complete, and the follow-up work such as planting embankment reinforcement trees and connecting roads may even take ten years.

"My lord, now our army has recruited nearly [-] households and [-] refugees along the Yellow River, and uses the method of work-for-relief to provide relief. Among them, the strong and strong will undertake the river work together with the various departments of the middle base army, and the old and weak will be resettled on the spot and responsible for planting food and vegetables. So that it can be supplied to the front line nearby." Zhongzhou General Lu Qingchun reported. "In addition, Chen and Master Gu also recruited nearly [-] apprentices from coal mines in Huainan and other places under the lure of distributing land in the future."

Zheng Kezang sighed: "It's just tearing down the east wall to make up the west wall. There is no other way. It's hard for you."

Zheng Kezang then changed the subject: "Although the divisions want to assist Hegong, they should not be lightly trained. The battle is not over yet." [

"What the Holy Majesty taught is that the minister also thinks so, so half of the Zhongzhou garrison is responsible for guarding the north every year, and the other half is to assist the river workers." The Zhongzhou garrison has eleven divisions, plus the middle base army, recruited civilians, A total of 10 refugees are fighting on the construction sites along the Yellow River. It is impossible for Lu Qingchun, who has been in the army for many years, not to see such a big hidden danger. "I have also communicated with the friendly departments in Henan and Huainan. Once there are police, the two places will reinforce them as soon as possible."

"Fortunately, the foundation of Huainan is solid," Zheng Kezang sighed again. "If it weren't for this, I'm afraid the food and grass of these 10,000+ people will overwhelm you, let alone the huge expenditure of the river engineering."

Zheng Kezang was right. If Huainan hadn't used flat-bottomed boats to continuously import grain and grass to all parts of Zhongzhou, not to mention resuming production and remediating waste, I am afraid that Lu Qingchun's department would have eaten itself to pieces.

"Military settlements and civilian settlements still need to be established." Zheng Kezang instructed. "The population is insufficient. If necessary, you can go to Taiping to recruit."

Zheng Kezang made a big opening. It must be known that the Taiping Iron Mine was the most important source of refined iron and sulfur in the Huaxia Dynasty. The failure of the Zhongzhou plantation is related to the success or failure of the future Northern Expedition. Zheng Kezang may definitely allow him to reduce production. .

Lu Qingchun, who is already a member of the third rank, understands the truth, so he promised: "I understand, I will definitely help Mr. Gu to manage Huang Fan, so that the population of Zhongzhou will prosper again, and the grain will be plentiful again, so that the Northern Expedition will unite China. Prepare the base."

"That's great." Zheng Kezang nodded and asked immediately. "What's going on in the north?"

"After the Yellow River froze last winter, the Qing soldiers often sent small cavalry troops across the river to harass them. On the opposite side to rescue the people, both sides had losses and gains, so it was a tie. However, after the Yellow River thawed, the Qing prisoners did not cross the river again."

"The boatmen along the Yellow River were swept across the river by the Qing captives, and their inaction does not mean that they are incapable of crossing the river to harass them." Zheng Kezang reminded with some concern. "The defense along the line must be solid. Only when the gunboats of the Inland River Navy are completed and the two armies are completely isolated, can you temporarily breathe a sigh of relief."

"I understand." Of course, Lu Qingchun had long thought that the Qing army's inaction might be an arrogant strategy, but in front of Zheng Kezang, he could never say that he was fully prepared, otherwise any tiny place If something went wrong, wouldn't he slap himself in the face. "The minister must arrange it in case of any eventuality."

Lu Qingchun was also a crow's mouth. Just after he finished speaking, he rushed to report that the Qing army crossed the river on the Zhongmu line and attacked the Hegong camp.

Fortunately, this camp belonged to the First Division of the Tianwu Army of the Xia Army. Although most of the division had put down their weapons to do migrant work, there were still some defensive forces. As a result, the Qing army not only failed to swallow the fat, but collapsed several Big Tooth, after nearly a hundred casualties, was forced to flee back to the north bank.

"Is this a signal for the Qing army to attack aggressively or a strategy to contain our army?" Zheng Kezang looked at Lu Qingchun. "Could it be that you know I'm here, so you specially give me a blow."

Lu Qingchun's face immediately changed: "Your Majesty, this matter must be guarded against. The so-called gentleman does not stand under a dangerous wall, not to mention the Holy Majesty's body of ten thousand gold. I implore the Holy Majesty to move to Xuchang and Xinyang immediately."

"Lu Qing, I also came out of the sea of ​​blood, and the mere raids by captives are not enough to let me escape."

Zheng Kezang refused to listen to the persuasion, so Lu Qingchun naturally had nothing to do with him. As a last resort, Lu Qingchun raised his vigilance in an all-round way, and on the other hand sent people to Wuchang urgently, trying to get the cabinet and Queen Chen Xianqiao to persuade Zheng Kezang to return.

As the saying goes, there are only those who can be thieves for a thousand days, but there is no one who can guard against thieves for a thousand days. The Yellow River is so long that it is impossible for Lu Qingchun to be watertight. Threatening, but it made Lu Qingchun sleepless at night. In just a few days, he lost a lot of weight.Seeing Lu Qingchun's behavior, Zheng Kezang sighed, knowing that he had to leave, but he didn't let Lu Qingchun get his wish, instead he went west to Henan.

Henan is Henan. As long as there is no accident in his defense zone, Lu Qingchun will be Amitabha.

Of course, I thought so, but Lu Qingchun still arranged for guards and notified Xijing Henan governor and battalion commander to deploy Sun Yu.Naturally, Sun Yu did not dare to be negligent, and went to Xuchang to meet him in person, so Zheng Kezang entered Henan along the Ru River Valley under the protection of the Imperial Guard Army, Tiger Guard Army, and a part of the Huben Army. [

The scenery of Luoyang is admirable, but the situation in Henan is as pleasant as that in Zhongzhou. Looking at the empty fields, Zheng Kezang suddenly chanted, "Xingye people Suffering, death is also suffering for the people"

Sun Yu is a martial artist, so naturally he couldn't feel Zheng Kezang's emotions, but Bai Jingfu, the governor of the Henan government next door, boldly said to Zheng Kezang: "My lord, this is a crime made by the Tartars. The Tartars want to destroy our China. take away my morality"

Zheng Kezang is actually very disgusted with the orthodoxy, but at this moment he can't get angry with a small official, so he can only listen patiently, and then he listens to Bai Jingfu's words: "I dare to ask the Holy One to approve. From now on, everyone who captures Man Han The Eight Banners and other "traitors" will all be punished by cutting, thinking that our Chinese people will avenge their hatred."

Zheng Kezang coldly looked down at Yifu Tongju in front of him, with a cruel smile on his face: "Do you want to make me the king?"

It’s enough to do this kind of thing in secret, and you have to tell the world openly. Isn’t this forcing the Qing court and a bunch of traitors to fight to the death?Coming up with such an idea is either to gain fame or to be deceived by lard, but no matter whether it is one of the two or not, this person can no longer be the general judge of the important town of Xijing.

"Who, who encouraged you to speak such nonsense in front of me." Zheng Kezang suddenly raised his voice, causing everyone around him to kneel down in fright, only Bai Jingfu who was at a loss was left standing there in a daze . "Take it!" Zheng Kezang ordered. "Let's talk about it after the Supreme Court of Appeal." Seeing Bai Jingfu being dragged away with a ashen face, Zheng Kezang cursed in a low voice. "Do you still need you to teach me how to deal with the Qing prisoners? You bastard, death is the easiest, and life is better than death is the best revenge!"

The shaken Sun Yu didn't hear Zheng Kezang's words clearly for a while, and he didn't dare to ask Zheng Kezang, so he could only ask the people behind him in a daze, "What did your majesty say just now?"

The people around him didn't actually listen to what qnghu Zheng Kezang said, they all had ugly faces but could only shake their heads in silence.

Sun Yu became more and more nervous. Fortunately, Zheng Kezang knew what he was thinking when he saw his reaction, so he said again: "Continue to pass on the decree. From now on, this court will avoid Lingchi, cut in half, Dabi, and strangulation." Wait for the death penalty, and the original criminals’ capital crimes will be changed to exile. As for those who should be beaten, don’t beat them, they will all be changed to hard labor.”

Now that Sun Yu understood, he fell to the ground first, and took the lead in praising: "The benevolence of the Holy One is the blessing of all the people."

Zheng Kezang shook his head: "I don't have any benevolence. It's just that manpower is needed both internally and externally. It's just a last resort."

Sun Yuxin said, Boss, please don’t be so blunt, but Zheng Kezang’s words have already been spoken, and he can’t take back the water he poured out. The heart, I know, the meaning of humility, the minister also understands, but no matter what, the virtue of the people will be praised by the world."

"You pockmarked grandson, when will you say flattering words?" Zheng Kezang laughed suddenly. "Don't be afraid, I'm not killing chickens to scare monkeys, you monkey, I'm still of great use."

Sun Yu's heart was relieved at this moment, and his spirit came up again for a while: "I know that I am still useful to the Holy Majesty, but I don't want to be the Governor of Henan, so I would like to ask the Holy Majesty to let Chen Dan serve as a subordinate of Henan Province." gone."

Zheng Kezang thought that Sun Yu was still making progress by retreating, but looking at Sun Youlao's face, he was not going to criticize the other party, so he waved his hand: "You can hand over civil affairs to Tongzhi and Tongju, you are the one It is mainly about military affairs, therefore, please wait for a few more years, and when the Northern Expedition arrives, I will leave you the titles of county magistrate and county marquis."

Sun Yu didn't dare to insist, so he had to be obedient.

Zheng Kezang scanned a few people, and suddenly felt tired: "Let's step back, I know what you are thinking, no matter what, I will go back to Wuchang in a few days."

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