When Zheng Kezang was still inspecting Zhongzhou and Henan, the Xia army in Longxi began to act.

On September [-]th, the ninth year of Huaxia Wucheng, the second division of the Xia Army's Cavalry Army marched eastward from Xining and soon appeared on the edge of Qinghai Lake.

In Qinghai during the Ming and early Qing Dynasties, the Mongolian and Tibetan tribes were basically bounded by the Yellow River.

The northern part belongs to the territory of the Mongolian people. There are five major tribes: Heshuote, Huite, Choros (Jungar), Turhut, and Khalkha. Zashbatu Khan is the most powerful among them, but Heshuote Khan Lhasa, the homeland of China, is now in the hands of the Zhungeer Empire, and Zashbatu Khan is isolated and aided. Coupled with its failure to invade Gansu several times, it is already sunset.

The south of the Yellow River is the land of the Tibetans. Among them, the Khamba Yushu tribe is the most powerful, so they are collectively called the Yushu Forty Clans. [

Since there are still various Mongolian tribes between the ruling area of ​​Huaxia and the territories of the Yushu Forty Clans, the Xuanfu envoy of Qinghai mainly took measures to restrain and appease them.After nearly a year of communication, more than [-] Tibetan leaders have accepted the positions of native officials such as Tuzhifu, Tuzhizhou, and Tuzhi County in the Huaxia Dynasty, and they have sworn to become Huaxia's inner vassals.

Although this kind of internal vassal relationship is actually very fragile, it at least enabled China to avoid the situation of fighting on two fronts in a short period of time, and put the main target of attack on the Mongolian tribes in Qinghai.

On September [-]th, Zhang Yang, the commander of the Second Division of the Cavalry Army The generals who were born in the army regret that with the increasing number of division-level units in the Xia Army, the original prominent division control has become inconspicuous, and even the rank has been downgraded to the fourth rank. Fortunately, Zheng Kezang did not Yanwu Xiuwen's plan, the former boy scouts still have a lot of opportunities to gain their own fame and send orders to all parts of Qinghai, asking all Qinghai Mongolian tribes to join the alliance in Qinghai Lake.

The alliance is false, and it is true that the Mongolian tribe is required to surrender to Huaxia. Zashbatu Khan is sympathetic to this.

In order to preserve his status, Zashbatu Khan also ordered the convening of the whole Qinghai Mongolian tribe.

As a result, the Mongolian tribes naturally split.Among them, Huite and Turhut were not willing to get too stiff with the emerging Han country. They also expected to obtain tea, wine, ironware and other daily necessities and spices, silk, glass mirrors, clocks and many other things from Huaxia. Luxury goods, so I went to the Qinghai Lake League hosted by Zhang Yang; and the Chuoros tribe claimed to have the backing of the Zhungeer Empire, and did not intend to intervene in the confrontation between Huaxia and Heshuote, and there was even a lamp that both sides would lose. Later, he planned to seize Qinghai by himself, so the two alliances did not participate; only the Khalkha people finally joined the camp of the Heshuote people because their headquarters were still under the influence of the Qing court.

However, although Huite and Turhut are unwilling to fight against Huaxia, they are also unwilling to hand the knife to their Mongolian compatriots.Therefore, judging from the results of the alliance, Zhang Yang only divided his opponents, but did not increase his own strength.

Of course, Zhang Yang didn't care about the participation of Huite and Torghut, so he didn't use tea, wine and other supplies to threaten the two tribes, but this unexpectedly won the favor of the two Mongols.And Zhang Yang invited their leader to watch the battle between himself and Zashbatu Khan, which was also interpreted by the upper-level people of the two departments as being sure of victory. In this way, according to the tradition of the Mongols following the strong, the two departments took the initiative in turn. Call for troops to join the battle.

On the fifth day of October in the ninth year of Wucheng, the Xia army who broke out the camp marched westward along the edge of Qinghai Lake, and soon arrived at Dabsunnur (Chaka Salt Lake).Since the big green salt produced in Dabson Nur had a crucial influence on maintaining Zashbatu Khan's rule, the Heshuote people who could not retreat were forced to send troops to meet them.

In the early morning of October 3000th, against the cold wind blowing across the Qilian Mountains, nearly [-] Heshuot cavalry and almost [-] Khalkha cavalry launched a desperate charge against Zhang Yang's iron cavalry.

Although the charging Mongols looked very brave, times have changed. Zashbatu Khan, who was facing the firearms, was soon hit by the first wave. When the roar resounded through the sky, the Mongolian riders couldn't restrain their turbulent horses at all. Even if the Mongolians grew up on horseback, they barely fell off the horses, and they didn't have any strength to launch any impact.

The Mongolian allied forces lost their impact, and it was Xia's turn to show off their iron cavalry at this time.

I saw two brigades of Huaxia cavalry lined up in an extremely dense formation, seemingly slow, but in fact they crushed them unstoppably, turning all the enemies in front of them into powder.

The Huites and Turghuts who joined the Huaxia side watched all this dumbfounded. They even knelt outside the battlefield and chanted Buddhist scriptures to relieve their inner terror.

"Patriarchs, it's time for you to play now." With a devilish smile, Zhang Yang ordered, and there was a brigade of cavalry by his side to monitor the Mongols who had defected. Crush it and turn it into fertilizer for the earth, just like the Schotts. "Let me take a good look at the bravery of the descendants of Genghis Khan."

The Huites and Turghuts jumped on their horses without hesitation, and then rushed towards their compatriots.Perhaps they understood that if they hesitated, what happened to the Heshuote people in front of them would be the end of their tribe's future.

With the participation of the Huites and Turghuts, the war ended without any suspense.In the battle, the Xia army suffered less than five hundred casualties, while only four thousand Heshuote escaped, and more than half of the three thousand Khalkhas escaped.

The battle is over, but the follow-up work cannot be stopped.In view of the cold weather, the Xia army quickly retreated to the front line of Xining, but before retreating, Zhang Yang allocated a large area of ​​pasture that originally belonged to the Heshuot people to the Huites and Turghuts in the name of assisting the Xia army in combat. He sent an envoy again to announce that Zashbatu Khan must go to Xining to surrender, otherwise, the Heshuote tribe will be completely driven out in the coming year, and the same is true for the Khalkhas. iron law.

Under the threat of force from the Xia army, the Khalkha tribe decided to flee back to Mobei after the beginning of spring.However, the Khalkhas still have a way out, but Zashbatu Khan has no way to leave Qinghai. After all, the Heshuote Khanate behind him has been destroyed, and the Jungar people will never welcome him back to Lhasa, and wait for him at that time It was either Xia Jun's iron hooves or the Chuoros people's stabbing in the back. [

After some deliberation, Zashbatu Khan finally succumbed. Of course, perhaps in his opinion, compared with the Chuoros who would not even leave the last piece of pasture to him, Huaxia is not asking for a nominal suzerain status. Therefore, comparing the lesser of two evils, it is still acceptable to sacrifice a little face to allow the Heshuote people to survive.

On November [-]th in the ninth year of Wucheng, Zashbatu Khan went to Xining with the gesture of pleading guilty.

Huo Shangwen, the magistrate of Xining and envoy of Xuanfu of Qinghai, received Zashbatu Khan on behalf of the Chinese court.

At the beginning of the meeting, Huo Shangwen didn't question why the other party repeatedly invaded Ning Lan, but only asked: "I heard that the Qing court sent Efushang Zhilong to Qinghai to win over the ministries. Please Guihan hand over this person to show his sincerity."

Zashbatu Khan replied: "Shang Zhilong returned to Ganzhou in August, and Xiao Khan handed over the law."

Hearing that Shang Zhilong had run away, Huo Shangwen sneered: "Then Guihan, please go back to the territory by yourself."

Zashbatu Khan was terrified, so he knelt down and worshiped, saying: "Little Khan is sincerely attached to the Celestial Dynasty, and is willing to make an oath in front of the gods and Buddhas."

Huo Shangwen changed his face: "Then choose a day to invite the Living Buddha of Kumbum Monastery to come, and Guihan will make an oath in front of the gods and Buddhas."

On the third day of December in the ninth year of Huaxia Wucheng, after fasting for three days, Zashbatu Khan swore to be loyal to Huaxia in the name of Heshuote Khan in the name of the three living Buddhas of Kumbum Monastery, Ajia, Quesi, and Xiangsa, and used Wrote a letter of allegiance to the Chinese imperial court with the blood of the fingertips and handed it over to Huo Shangwen to the imperial court of Wuchang.

After Zashbatu Khan succumbed, Huite and Turhut also formally surrendered to the Huaxia Dynasty.

In April of the tenth year of Wucheng, Zheng Kezang canonized Zashbatu Khan as the hereditary king of Haixi County and the chief of the Heshuo Special Department.Subsequently, Zheng Kezang announced the abolition of Mongolia's current titles of Khan, King, Taiji, Jinong, and Tabunang, and restored the original titles of Wanhu, Qianhu, and Baihu, and stipulated that the heads of various ministries can obtain the title of hereditary chief For the title of title, [-] households are equal to "Tuzhifu", one thousand households are equal to "Tuzhizhou", one hundred households are equal to "Tuzhi County", and ten households are equal to "Tuzhizhai".In June of the tenth year of Wucheng, the Chinese court issued an edict stipulating that the titles of native officials should be inherited from generation to generation, and that the sons of native officials should distribute their inheritance according to their own national customs. Those with the title of knighthood can obtain the honorary status of Wuqiwei and apply for admission to the Fan School run by the Chinese Governor's Yamen

After the Heshuote and other three tribes surrendered to Huaxia, only the Chuoros tribe in Qinghai Meng tribe remained unsubdued. Since the Qinghai Chuoros tribe is a branch of the Zhungeer Empire, Huaxia has no plans to force it forward for the time being. The focus of appeasement work in Qinghai immediately shifted to the Fan (Tibetan) tribe in Henan, but under the influence of the "Wucheng Restriction Law", some Yellow Sect monasteries expressed distrust towards the Chinese court, which in turn affected the Fan tribe's refuge.

Under such circumstances, the Chinese imperial court announced that the "monastery land restriction" would not be enforced in the Khamba and Amdo areas, and re-canonized the living Buddhas of each temple, so the "people's hearts of the Tibetans" came together.Taking advantage of this opportunity, Huo Shangwen tried his best to appease the remaining Fan tribes.In view of China's attitude and the actions of the Zhungeer people in Lhasa, the Yushu Forty Clans gradually surrendered to the Huaxia Dynasty.

So far, the situation in Qinghai has gradually stabilized. Although this stability is not reliable, it cannot be denied that no one can separate it from China's territory

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