On June [-]th in the tenth year of Wucheng in Huaxia, the six countries of Huaxia, Siam, Annan, Vietnam, Chenla, and Champa met in Asai, a city located at the mouth of the Nantong River.The Nantong River is a tributary of the Mekong River. Asai used to be a small town with a population of only a hundred households, but with the arrival of envoys from various countries and their entourages, it quickly became a deformed and prosperous town.

In fact, before this alliance, the six participating countries had reached a series of territorial division treaties among themselves.

Among them, Huaxia bought from Annan the area north of the Beiwu River, one of the tributaries of the Mekong River, and the northernmost part of Laos north of the Mangbei River, the upper river of the Majiang River in Laos, from Annan. In addition, it also obtained all of its Northwest Laizhou Province from Annan at a one-time payment of 500 guan.

In another time and space, selling the country is an incredible thing.However, for the Annan Zheng Dynasty, who lost a lot of manpower and financial resources in the ten-year campaign to conquer Liao, the hostile but hard-to-conquer local chieftains, poor output, and difficult mountain roads made Laizhou Province and Liaobei Province a place of food. It is a pity to discard such a chicken rib, and it is not an unacceptable transaction to use such a chicken rib to obtain a large amount of gold and silver from the Chinese court.

For the Huaxia Dynasty, it is far more cost-effective to acquire a large area of ​​land with a mere small amount of money than to conquer it by force. As for whether the Annan people will regret it in the future and whether they will cause trouble because of this, in Zheng Kezang’s view, as long as China’s force does not fall , this piece of land will eventually be preserved.What's more, with the ability of the Chinese to take root and the speed of Sinicization, it is not a simple matter to take this land from China. [

After obtaining the above-mentioned land in the north of Laos and the northwest of Annan from Annan, Zheng Kezang resettled the prefectures on the spot, and renamed the former Phongsali Province of Laos as Fengzhou Prefecture, and the original Luang Namtha Province as Nanta Prefecture, The former Luang Prabang Province was renamed Funan Province, the former Oudomxay Province was renamed Mangzhou Prefecture, and the former Annam Lai Province Province was renamed Hexi Zhili Prefecture.The above prefectures later formed new provinces with Lin'an, Pu'er, and Yuanjiang Zhili prefectures that originally belonged to Yunnan. Zheng Kezang named Liaobei and other places, and the provincial government was located in Lin'an (Jianshui County).

In addition to selling a large area of ​​land to China, Annan actually obtained a large area of ​​territory from the "remains" of Laos. For this reason, Annan signed a treaty with Siam. The two countries are bounded by the Mekong River. East belongs to Annan, and Hexi belongs to Siam Luo: Under the arrangement of China, Annan also formally signed a treaty with Vietnam. In addition to maintaining the original border between the two countries, the territories in Laos are bounded by the Nantong River, one of the tributaries of the Mekong River. Hebei belongs to Annan, and Henan belongs to Vietnam.

Vietnam also signed a treaty with Siam and Chenla, stipulating that the Mekong River is also the boundary between each other, the east of the river belongs to Vietnam, and the west of the river belongs to Siam and Chenla.While confirming the border with Siam and Chenla, Vietnam also confirmed the border with Huaxia Cam Ranh Province.The two countries use the San River, one of the tributaries of the Mekong River, and the Bow River in southern Vietnam as geographical indicators to divide the two countries. China exchanged the land north of the San River and south of the Gong River for Vietnam’s territory in the northern part of the Xiyuan Highlands. The northern border of the province expanded to the southern part of Nyi Binh Province and Song Gao Province in another time-space Vietnam.

Champa, which participated in the Azerbaijan League, also established a boundary with Huaxia Camran Province. The two countries used the Dong Nai River as the dividing line, and Hedong and Henan were Champa's land, and Hexi and Hebei were Huaxia's land.During this period, Champa occupied roughly the whole of Vietnam’s Thuan Hai Province, most of Lam Dong Province, and a dozen counties in the east of Ho Chi Minh City in another time and space.

Chenla obtained the part of Champasak Province of Laos located west of the Mekong River, and obtained the area east of the Sai River, including the future Bangkok area, from Siam, but the condition was to give up the compensation provided by Siam for the Nakhon Ratchasima Plateau Nian Gong, and at the same time hand over the coastal area south of the Cardamom Mountains to Huaxia.

Huaxia, who got the area south of the Cardamom Mountains, also made some compensation to Chenla. I think the price of 60 guan in the next ten years is enough to make up for the wounded hearts of King Zheta IV and the Jinben nobles. As for what the local lords will think, How to act, the situation of the Chenla lords in the area west of the Mekong River will be their best lesson.

Although Siam gave up a small piece of land in the southeast, it acquired the Xayaburi Province of Laos, located east of the Mekong River, from Annan. The gains were actually greater than the losses. Nian Gong added that he has become one of the biggest winners in the territorial adjustment of the Central and Southern countries led by China.

But then again, apart from the subjugated Laos, only Chenla, who is weak, has roughly the same gains and losses in determining the borders of all countries. He is a frustrated person. As for the small country with few people, Champa can preserve the country under the wings of China. Fortunately, the country does not dream of expanding the country at all, but is more accepting of reality than the Chenla people who are worried about gains and losses.

In this way, a group of representatives of a proud country, a representative of a frustrated country, and a representative of a soy sauce country gathered in Asai, and a far-reaching meeting kicked off.

"According to the imperial decree of the Chinese emperor, I told you and other countries that when the war broke out, the people would be devastated, the people would be displaced, and the tragedy would be utterly miserable. Is this what the monarchs and ministers of all countries want to see? Now that the borders of all countries are established, we should put aside the military armor and repair the alliance. The foundation of eternal peace is laid." As the suzerain of the countries participating in the meeting, Huang Xinzhi, Deputy Minister of the Huaxia Governor's Foreign Affairs Yamen, naturally became the host of the meeting. "If anyone doesn't obey, the heavens will hate it, and all countries will attack it together!"

The envoys of various countries repeated in different languages: "If there is any violation of the covenant, the heavens will hate it, and all countries will attack it together."

Putting away Zheng Kezang's imperial decree, Huang Xinzhi put on a smile on his face: "My lords, please stand up."

After the envoys stood up and sat down, Huang Xinzhi continued: "Since the grand purpose has been settled, let's implement it one by one. What do you think the adults think?"

The envoys did not object. In fact, it is a good thing for all countries that China advocates that the countries will never fight again. The huge military expenditure alone is enough for all countries to recuperate.

"Then let's start with the easy ones." Huang Xinzhi said with a weird smile on his face. "I suggest that countries reduce each other's tariffs. For example, I will export spices, rice, timber, tin, lead, gems, furs, ivory, sugar, dyes, gastrodia elata, jute, sisal, coal, and iron ore in the future. Tariffs on stone, gold and silver, etc. will be cut by [-]% to [-]% respectively; in contrast, we hope that other countries will also reduce tariffs on imported porcelain, silk, tea, glaze, glazed mirrors, firearms, sulfur, saltpetre, ironware, etc.; In addition, it is hoped that the exchange of goods between countries will also reduce tariffs."

All the envoys looked at each other.In fact, most of the trade between countries is now in the hands of Chinese merchants. There is no trade between each other, but the total amount is far less than the trade with China.Therefore, the so-called reduction of tariffs actually opened the door for China to import raw materials at low prices and dump products at low prices.However, this purpose is still too obscure for the envoys from all over the world to understand, so after hesitating for a while, they all nodded in agreement.

"Then it's settled." Huang Xinzhi then brought up Zheng Kezang's proposition about intermarriage between royal families. "Marriage helps countries understand each other. We all become relatives. Naturally, there will be no major conflicts. As for the unavoidable small messes, it will be convenient for me to mediate at that time."

The key to this sentence is at the end, but for all countries, marriage is more impactful. Although there are a series of considerations such as language barriers, the envoys all feel that it is beneficial to maintain the rule of their respective monarchs if they have relatives from a big country. I only hate that Huaxia doesn't give marriages frequently, and there are no thicker thighs to hug, and it's not bad to hug people who lead the country.

"The third and fourth princes of our country are of marriageable age and haven't married yet. If possible, they would like to marry other countries." [

Some impatient envoys made demands on their own initiative to other countries without notifying the country. Even though the others had doubts, they couldn't hold back the atmosphere at the meeting, and one or two reported their demands.

"I'm afraid Champa cannot intermarry with other countries." Looking at the disappointed Champa envoy, Huang Xinzhi explained. "It's not that Champa is a small country, but that Champa believes in Tianfang religion, while other countries believe in Buddhism. If the royal family of Champa doesn't convert, it will be troublesome to marry other countries." The explanation is reasonable, Champa There is nothing to say. "There are currently six marriage requests in the other four countries. I don't know whether the countries will let the princes and queens meet and have a blind date, or should I cut off the marriage?"

Marriage is of course not based on whether the other party is handsome, beautiful, and gentle-tempered, but on how well it helps. As for the person who does not suit your wishes, princes can marry another concubine. Without the right to choose, no one cares about their feelings.

"It's still up to the Celestial Dynasty to cut off the marriage."

After thinking about it for a while, the envoy from Chenla expressed his attitude first. When he said this, everyone wanted to understand.That's right, this marriage was originally a matter between the two countries, but if Huaxia were to terminate the marriage, this marriage would have the endorsement of the Huaxia court, which would obviously better strengthen the relationship between the two royal families.

"Well, later on, I will report the situation of the married prince and princess to the Holy Majesty, and the Holy Majesty will make the decision." Huang Xinzhi agreed with a smile. "Every country should wait for the good news." Speaking of this, Huang Xinzhi's face became serious. "Then let's discuss how to reduce the number of soldiers. What I mean is that all countries should reduce the number of soldiers."

disarmament?The envoys present were a little unsteady.

The envoy from Champa was the first to respond: "Our country can only keep [-] soldiers."

Champa is a small country under the wings of China. Even if they don't keep a single soldier, no one dares to do anything to him. Therefore, the statement of Champa's envoy is more to stand in line.

After the envoys from Champa, the envoys from Chenla also made a statement: "Now that our country's four borders are defined, and there are rivers and mountains as obstacles, we don't need to keep a large army. In this way, we can only keep [-] soldiers in our dynasty."

The local power in Chenla is stronger than the royal power, so it doesn't mean anything to keep five thousand in the royal army.

Therefore, the envoy of the Nguyen Dynasty in Vietnam objected: "Our country has recently acquired Xialiao, and the local government has not yet fully obeyed. If we reduce the number of soldiers and horses, what should we do if the local government repeats itself?"

The Siamese envoy also objected: "Our country's eastern border is stable, but there is a Burmese moment in the west, how can we reduce our troops?"

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