Ming Zhengzhi, I am Zheng Kezang

547. Sun Guo resettlement

"Students have met Teacher Fan!" On the seaport pier in Songkhla, Ping Weidong, who was then the Governor of Siam, respectfully saluted Sun Youlao who had just landed. "Teacher Fan has worked hard all the way. The students have already prepared a post in the city, and Teacher Fan is invited to take a rest."

"Chaoguang, please worry about it." Sun Youlao obviously still has an impression of this senior member from the Bingchen period of the Boy Scouts in front of him. "Mr. Sun left the country for crimes, and then he will take shelter under your sect."

"It is the grace of the sage to set the country in southern Siam as a teacher, and it is also an opportunity for students." Ping Weidong stretched out his hand to support Sun Youlao, who was already looking old, and said emotionally. "However, if you have a request, the students should do their best to accept it." While speaking, Ping Weidong ordered. "Come here, invite Teacher's family members to board the car." After the subordinates settled down, Ping Weidong invited Sun Youlao again. "Students have already arranged a welcome banquet at the gate of the Duhu Yamen, and the teacher is invited to move."

The county magistrate is not as good as the current one, although Sun Youlao used to be the deputy envoy of the Privy Council, but now he can be regarded as a phoenix without feathers and is not as good as a chicken. Facing the invitations of former students and subordinates, even if the dizziness of the bumpy sea road has not passed , even though he had rejected several similar invitations along the way, he had no choice but to accept them at this moment.So, Sun Youlao explained to his family, and he took his two sons and followed Ping Weidong to the highest local government office.

"Master Fan, this is Lord Shi Tang Songtang, Chief of the Protectorate, this is Lord Sima Shi Xinshi of the Protectorate, this is"

Under the introduction of Ping Weidong, Sun Youlao met with the local officials one by one, and at the same time introduced his sons to Ping Weidong: "This is the little dog Chen Gang, Xiaoguo, the eldest and the second child, and they are not here. Greetings to the adults."

Sun Chengang was 30 years old at the time. Before Sun Youlao was demoted, he served as the fishery ambassador of Wuchang Agricultural Administration in Qipin; It's not that the future is great, but at least the road is bright. Naturally, there are some yamen's tempers.It's just that, once he was knocked down into the clouds, Enjue Yunqiwei on his body has been changed to Wuqiwei, obviously lacking in confidence.

Seemingly aware of the depression of the two, Ping Weidong and the others did not specifically greet them, but simply invited Sun Youlao and his son to the table, and then introduced the situation of Siam to the three of them while drinking.

"Shifan, there are 21 prefectures in southern Siam. Of course, this prefecture belongs to the division of Siam and not the system of the dynasty." Ping Weidong winked, and his subordinates placed a map of the Malay Peninsula in the atrium for him. screen. "Eleven of the prefectures were set up by the Sinan Protectorate, and the other ten were under the command of the Lingyamen Protectorate."

The reason for this situation is that the Lingya Gate Protectorate was established much earlier than the Sinan Protectorate.Of course, this is also due to the constraints of the terrain of the Malay Peninsula - the long and narrow Malay Peninsula runs from north to south and is narrow from east to west, which makes it inconvenient for the Lingyamen Duhu Mansion located at the southern end to control.At the same time, the interior of the Malay Peninsula is densely covered with jungles, and the roads are very difficult, far less convenient than coastal transportation.Therefore, after the distribution of the Governor’s Office, the two adjacent Protectorates were divided by the coastline. The provinces facing the Gulf of Siam and the Greater Nanyang in the east were subordinate to the Governor of Siam, while the provinces facing the Strait of Malacca and the Andaman Sea in the west were divided by the Ling Yamen is under the control of the Protectorate.

If this is the case, everything will be fine. However, the Lingya Gate Protectorate took advantage of its earlier establishment and abruptly took away Johor, Pengheng and other border areas from the Sinan Protectorate in the name of nearby dispatch. With the control of the four prefectures at the southern end of the Great Nanyang, this cannot but make the Siam Southern Governor's Mansion feel aggrieved.

Sun Youlao is also a person who is experienced in official career, so he can naturally hear the hidden dissatisfaction in Ping Weidong's words, but he can only listen to it. After all, he is far away from the center now, and it is impossible to exert influence , not to mention being implicated by the previous impeachment, let him stay away from any remarks that exceed his authority.

Naturally, Ping Weidong did not expect Sun Youlao to help him on this topic. In fact, he treated Sun Youlao preferentially because of his friendship as a disciple, and on the other hand, he had read it in the old department of Zheng Kezang and Sun Youlao. As long as there is one If the big brother approves of what he has done, he will be able to fly to the sky, and even if it is not good, he can leave the frontier of Siam and return to the country.Of course, this is not to say that the guardian of southern Siam is a hard job, but compared with the oil and water shared with his hands and the sight of returning to the upper class, Ping Weidong, who is only 36 years old, naturally chooses the latter. You must know that he is still young. There is still a long way to go.

"Shifan, this place in southern Siam is different from Boni. Boni is either a small faction split from Brunei or uncivilized natives. The guards of each capital of Boni can recruit people from China to colonize with confidence." Said. After seeing the overall situation in the Malay Peninsula, Ping Weidong began to complain. "As for the small suduan in southern Siam, from the root, it can be extended to the Three Buddhas hundreds of years ago, and even Tianzhu Zhuluo. In the past few hundred years, except for the inland old forests, no one has penetrated, and the coastal plains are mostly people. It’s involved, even the last time the Lingyamen Dufu Mansion placed thousands of Shence troops, they tried their best to snatch food from Tubang’s mouth.”

Sun Youlao frowned, of course he understood that the meat was coming.It must be known that although Zheng Kezang deprived Sun Youlao of writing since his birth, as compensation for so many years, Zheng Kezang gave Sun Youlao a territory equivalent to the size of two ordinary capitals to establish a country. Such a large territory, Combined with Ping Weidong's words just now, it is obvious that the other party is complaining about [Ming Chuan]'s flourishing age Yongle.

Before Sun Youlao could speak, Sun Xiaoguo said excitedly, "Lord Ping, it is the Holy Majesty's will."

"Second brother, this is where you speak." Sun Youlao immediately interrupted his son's words when he couldn't hear well, and then apologized to Ping Weidong. "Chaoguang, I have neglected to discipline the two brothers these years, you don't mind."

"What's the teacher talking about?" Ping Weidong's maneuvering was to make Sun Youlao appreciate it. Since the other party landed in this way, there was no need to put on a show, so he got up and walked to the map screen to point. "Even if there is no will from the Holy Majesty, if Teacher Fan came to Siam to found a country, how could the students not be considerate of Teacher Fan. Let's see, Teacher Fan!"

Ping Weidong pointed at an island group: "This is Pangan Island and Samui Island."

Sun Youlao frowned: "I remember that Pangan Island is the seat of the tutelary mansion, how can I give the old man a feudal state?"

Sima Shixin of the Protector's Mansion next to him explained with a smile: "My lord, the territory on land is not easy to move lightly. In order to accommodate my lord, the lord of the protector has to ask for an order to assign the original tutelary mansion to you, my lord."

Since Ping Weidong wants to sell favors, Shi Xin naturally wants to make fun of them, not to mention that he also has a part in the favors: "Don't be embarrassed, my lord. Wan Lun, there are two rivers converging there, the situation is far better than that of Pandan hanging overseas."

Sun Youlao understands, that's right, moving a Chinese vassal to the mainland may break the local balance of power and cause panic among the big and small states, but moving a Huaxia military town is another concept, and the land lords will only think that it is a Chinese state. Further declare suzerain power, so even if there is opposition, it is relatively minor.From this point of view, Ping Weidong’s move kills two birds with one stone, no, it kills three birds with one stone. It not only resettled himself, but also made Tubang obey. It also showed the ability to deal with crises in the eyes of the governor’s office and even Zheng Kezang. Its well-intentioned, is a talent.

So Sun Youlao winked at Sun Xiaoguo, and the second son of the Sun family, who deliberately made a bad face, said again: "Is this Pangan Island and Samuyi Island combined to have a radius of [-] miles (newly made)? What do I think?" So small?" [

Ping Weidong had a panoramic view of the interaction between the Sun family and his son, and without revealing it, he moved his hand down: "The sum of the two islands did not reach the size stipulated in the imperial decree, so the student discussed with Ling Yamen Dufu, They promised to set aside Lingjiawei Island and hand it over to Teacher Fan, but Lingjiawei Island is on the other side across the land, so I'm afraid it will be inconvenient for Teacher Fan to manage it."

Dividing the territory governed by Sun Guodu into two parts is of course caused by China's lack of control over the interior of the peninsula, but it cannot be denied that there are hints from the upper echelon. You must know that the inner feudal clan will eventually be reformed and returned to the land one day. It is not popular, so it is impossible to make it big, and Sun Guo is the largest in the inner domain, so it is naturally the first object to be weakened.

Sun Youlao knew the reason very well, so after a moment of distraction, he suddenly laughed: "It just so happens that the old man has two useless sons, one of them is easy to settle, and it will not be easy to cause any conflicts over the separation of the family in the future."

Sun Youlao raised his head while talking: "Chaoguang, although the Holy Majesty arranged for the old man to go to the country, but the old man is old and weak, and he has already managed it himself. I want to live in Songkhla. I don't know if Zhaoguang can do it with you promise."

Ping Weidong was stunned for a moment, and then smiled and said, "Shifan can settle in Songkhla for a long time. Chaoguang can't wish for it. Come and find the cadastral map of Songkhla, and let Shifan see where it is suitable to build a house."

"I'm afraid that one house is not enough. I still need some farmland." Farmland needs people to cultivate it, and it also needs to pay taxes. It is impossible for He Chang Shi Tangsong to refuse. "As for the cadastral map, don't worry, let's talk about it after the old man recovers."

Leaving the Duhu Yamen and returning to the building provided by Ping Weidong, Sun Youlao immediately summoned his two sons to discuss: "You have heard the matter, our father and son must be separated, this Pangan Island and Samui Island All in all, although it is not as big as Lingjiawei Island, but Lingjiawei is said to be a gathering place for pirates and merchants, where dragons and snakes are mixed, and it is not easy to manage. Secondly, it is also close to all kinds of foreigners, not to mention there will be harassment. Let’s just say that if Guochao and Holland Hongyi completely turn their backs, it’s hard to say whether Chiyu will suffer, you two think about who will go to which side, and give me an answer later.”

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