Ming Zhengzhi, I am Zheng Kezang

549. Northern Dynasties Reserve

Daning Mulan Paddock in August 47th year of Emperor Kangxi of the Qing Dynasty

Looking at the prim and conscientious princes of Inner and Outer Mongolia up close, and then at the lower-ranking Mongolian nobles in the distance, an elusive smile appeared on Kangxi's withered face.That's right, although the Qing court is not as good as it used to be, the tribes of Monan Mongolia and Khalkha Mongolia are still as tired as sheep, which makes Kangxi very satisfied.

What made Kangxi even more satisfied was that with the rapid development of the Kanto colonization, the financial situation of the Qing court had recovered from the lowest annual income of 400 million taels to the current annual income of 100 million taels.Of course, this is by squeezing the Han people to immigrate, but how can Kangxi, who no longer wants to be a holy king, care about the suffering of these Han people?

But what pleased Kangxi the most was the news from the south: this year, the territory of China was flooded in spring and summer, and the coast was repeatedly hit by wind disasters.

Although it is not likely that the people will not live in poverty, the large-scale pension will inevitably involve Huaxia's hands and feet, making it impossible to make another northern expedition within a year or two, and even the westward expansion of Gansu will be delayed. [

According to the current momentum, what will the Qing Dynasty be like in a year or two?Kangxi, who was fully prepared, fully believed that even if the Qing army moved south, it would be fully sure to block Xia's army on the front line of the Yellow River.

Just thinking of the beauty, Kangxi subconsciously raised the cup in his hand.Seeing the incarnation of the supreme Amitabha Buddha raise their glasses, the descendants of Genghis Khan raised their glasses with smiles on their faces. For a moment, the monarchs and ministers were in harmony, and the banquet hall was full of joy and harmony.

After three tours of wine and five flavors of food, Kangxi, who was perfunctory to the Mongolian princes, left the banquet.

Seeing that Kangxi was gone, the princes and ministers of Man and Mongolia began to feast with peace of mind. Several young princes even stared at the dancing maids in a daze, wishing they could pull up their trousers and go on stage on the spot, and put the delicate maids on the spot. Righteousness

Not to mention how the Mongolian princes peeked at the inner palace of the Qing court with lust and courage, let's talk about Kangxi himself. After leaving the banquet, he couldn't bear the ups and downs in his heart, and came to In the camp of Xinna's Han concubine Cao.

Seeing the emperor's arrival, the Cao family, who had received Enze's new grace, was naturally full of joy, so after a lot of ups and downs, the young woman insisted on squeezing the old man in his 50s to the brim.

At that time, she didn't feel anything unusual. After sleeping in the middle of the night, Cao Shi suddenly woke up. When she opened her eyes, she found Kangxi curled up in pain. She was so shocked that she didn't care about her disheveled clothes, so she hurriedly called for the imperial physician. Come to the rescue.

The imperial physician first applied golden needles and then threw medicine stones, and finally rescued Kangxi from the front of Yan Luo Palace.

Only at this time did Kangxi realize that he might not be able to survive Zheng Kezang who was in his prime.

As soon as he thought of this, Kangxi began to worry about his own affairs. In his opinion, choosing a qualified heir became a top priority.However, the most suitable successor, Yinfeng, has been bestowed to death by Kangxi himself, and the rest are Yinti, Yinzhi, Yinzhen, and Yinhu who still have a glimmer of hope to reach the top.

But Kangxi was not satisfied with these four people, so Kangxi hesitated who to choose as the successor.

If the four eldest princes were to be abandoned and one of the other princes would be slowly cultivated, on the one hand, Kangxi would worry that there would be too little time; Knowing that the four of them may form a party or have military power, if there is a rebellion, it will be detrimental to the stability of the court.

After some careful consideration, Kangxi ordered his four sons to return to Beijing on his sickbed. Among them, Yinti took over the Ministry of War after returning to Beijing, Yinzhi took charge of the Ministry of Rites, Yinzhen supervised the Ministry of Households, and Yinhu took charge of the Ministry of Industry to continue to be in charge of farming affairs. .

After taking back the military power from the four sons, Kangxi immediately began to purge Yinhu, who had the most party members among the four.

On the first day of October in the 47th year of Kangxi, Hubu Manshang Shu Ashan, who was close to Yinhu, was impeached and dismissed by the imperial censor, and then the governor of Beihe, Gali, and others were also resigned for a series of reasons such as corruption.

"Now that there is money in the national treasury, Huang Ama doesn't want us anymore." The ninth son of the emperor Yinzhen walked around the room violently. "This old man is killing the donkey, mynah, you must understand this matter, you can't retreat."

"What if we don't retreat? Do we have the strength to wrestle with Huang Ama?" Yinhu responded calmly. "Whatever Huang Ama wants to do, let him do it. At worst, a group of people will be dispersed, but as the saying goes, real gold is not afraid of fire, and what is left is really usable." He believed that even if Kangxi could clean up a group of ostensibly his party members, as long as he still had money, he could easily recruit accomplices again. "As long as we don't make big mistakes, it's impossible for Huang Ama to shoot us to death. I'm afraid that other people will follow suit, and it will be troublesome."

"You mean the fourth child?" The emperor's tenth son Yin'er raised his eyebrows. "That's a mad dog, maybe it will bite."

"The fourth child wants to be a lonely minister, and the thirteenth child is the only one to help. The harm is relatively small." Yinzhen shook his head. "On the contrary, the youngest is now in charge of the Ministry of Rites, and he is also known as a corporal of rites and sages who hangs out with a group of literati. This, the literati say it is useless and useless, but they say it is useful, and it is also a trend among scholars." [

"In the current situation, Shilin's voice is actually useless." Yinhu still shook his head. "Scholars have failed to rebel for three years, and now they still have to grab the knife." Yinhu's words have already pointed out the object he fears the most. "The boss is now in charge of the military department, and most of the soldiers in Hebei listen to him. Is this a situation of internal and external support? One is not good."

"No way," Yinzhen shook the fan in his hand, as if he could get rid of the evil fire in his heart. "Huang Ama is still angry at the boss, otherwise the prince will not be able to compete with myna for you."

"The key is that Huang Ama has not established a crown prince so far. In case of accidents, the literature network came here and carefully looked in the direction of the Forbidden City." It is no secret that Huang Ama fell ill in the Mulan paddock, but Huang Ama woke up only three years ago. Fortunately, the daughter of Guo Luoluo's family, with such day and night attacks, his old man's bones may not be able to last long. Yin said worriedly. "Once there is a change in the palace, the boss's military power is the key." "

"I'm afraid Huang Ama won't fail to see this." Yin'e suddenly let out a strange cry. "It's no wonder that the old thirteen and fourteen were allowed to join the Eight Banners New Army for training. It turns out that the old man has already reached this point." Yin'e and the two looked at each other. "After Huang Ama took care of my starling, I'm afraid she's going to take care of the boss next."

When Yin'e said this, Yin suddenly became nervous: "The thirteenth is the fourth brother, and the fourteenth is also the younger brother of the fourth. If the thirteenth and the fourteenth are recruited into the new army, it must not be that Huang Ama has already Let the old fourth, the evil wolf, be the heir."

"I'm afraid it's not that simple." Yin denied. "But you have to be careful, old nine, old ten, your relationship with old fourteen is okay, try to talk about the tone, can you pull him over." Compared with Yinxiang, Yin is more concerned about Yin, after all, Yinxiang's faction has a clear position, and Kangxi will definitely not choose him as a candidate for the crown prince. On the contrary, Yin, who has a very weak faction, enters the new army so abruptly and high-profilely, which will inevitably make people have some bad guesses . "If the old fourteen has something to rely on, you should also send the news back immediately."

"Brother, do you mean that Huang Ama may have chosen the old fourteen to train?" Yin was taken aback for a moment, and then said angrily. "Huang Ama is really confused, this kid He Dehe Neng has fallen into the eyes of his old man."

"It's because I'm young and inexperienced that Huang Ama can take control." Yin said mockingly. "From this point of view, Huang Ama is indeed old and confused, and Yin may not be played by him in the applause." Yin sneered for a while, and then directed to Yin and Yin. "This is just speculation, please don't spread it outside."

But Yin'e suggested: "Brother, I think you have gone a little wrong with this matter. Since the old fourteen has this possibility, it's better to shake it out, so that the boss and the others are also jealous. After all, that seat is only for you. one sheet"

"Can't you find out when you are the emperor?" Yin flatly denied. "Besides, I'm not an idiot. If we can think of it, they may not think of it. The reason why I don't directly point it out is because I don't want to be a rafter in the early days, and the other is because I am afraid that it will be self-defeating and make Huang Ama make up her mind."

"That's true," Yin nodded. "If Huang Ama really settles down in public, it will be difficult to turn things around."

"So don't push him too hard." Yin had a weird look on his face. "Right now, the south side still doesn't care about going north. Let's endure it for a few more days, maybe there will be a turning point."

The so-called turning point naturally refers to Kangxi's accident. Of course, it is inappropriate for a son to curse his father for an early death, but Yin and Yin'e seem to nod their heads frequently as if they did not understand the meaning clearly. If such a scene spreads to Kangxi In his ears, he thought that he was not pissed off to death, but he had to be out of rage for a while.

After agreeing on the purpose of wooing Yin, Yin'er said again: "Brother, I think we have to walk on two legs in addition to winning over the old fourteen, otherwise we will have to be beaten back when the old fourteen turns his back on him." The original shape."

"Old Ten is right." Yin agreed. "Those officials are usually able to beat the side drums, but they still need military power at critical times."

"I also know that I need to walk on two legs, but Huang Ama is very strict about military power. If we want to get involved, disaster may be imminent." Yin pondered for a moment. "Forget it, what needs to be done still has to be done, but let's take it easy for now, after Huang Ama turns the finger on the boss, it's not too late for us to do it. It's the same sentence, as long as we have money, those people will give money to them , I want the official to buy him an official, I think no one can refuse it."

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