Ming Zhengzhi, I am Zheng Kezang

555. Fighting Japan Again

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The spn night is deep, and there is silence all around, only the faint sound of waves beating on the reefs on the shore.Under the cover of night, more than a dozen small early boats loaded with dry firewood left the port town outside Wakayama City.Looking at the warrior who was destined to never return, the Japanese present felt a kind of grief and indignation in their hearts.

It's just that simple human mood swings can't change the cruelty of the real world. Let alone how large-scale a fire attack can be formed by just a dozen small early boats, at the speed of a single-masted four-oar boat, this battle with four oars An attack launched to gain personal fame is destined to be a death struggle of conspiracy.

No, only an hour after the attack, the originally dense Xiaozao fleet was dispersed for various reasons.Some of the warriors of the Kishu domain who were not familiar with the sea route lost their way in the dark, while the other part sailed slower and slower due to problems with wind direction and physical strength. Only less than five small boats approached the coast of Awaji at the first.

However, the luck of these warriors came to an end. In the darkness, a small morning boat crashed into the Xia Army cruise ship patrolling the sea at night, unaware that the [-] second-class cruise ship of the Japanese army's sneak attack fleet was in front of it. The small early boat was crushed to pieces, and the slight shaking at the time of impact did not even arouse any vigilance of the sailors on duty, only the howling of the drowning man from the waves alarmed the man who was so excited that he could not sleep because of the imminent battle Young Candidates.

When the torches were thrown from the cruise ship, the plans of the Kishu domain were fully exposed.Needless to say, the Japanese ignited the small early boats and crashed straight into the cruise ship. However, before they could ignite Xia Jun's hull, these small early boats with thin hulls were shot on the upper deck of Xia Jun's rebound board. The blow sank under the water. [

In the end, Xia Jun's cruise ship picked up the warriors of the Jizhou clan who were half-submerged in the sea, and then returned to the sailing place almost damaged with half of the blackened side of the ship.As for the rest of the sneak attack fleet, as long as they were still floating on the water at dawn, they were all sunk one by one within the sight of the vigilant Xia Jun ships.

The fact that the Jizhou Fan dared to take the initiative to attack unexpectedly angered Zhengdong's camp.Chen Tang, who had just landed in Awaji, immediately made a decision to launch a retaliatory attack on Wakayama Castle.On the second day, four military mixed transport ships carrying nearly a thousand dragon troops rushed straight to the famous city beside the Jizhi River.

Unexpectedly, however, the people of the Kishu clan did not stick to Wakayama Castle and the castle port town.When the news of the city's fall and the report that the Japanese had fortified the walls and cleared the country arrived at Zhouben City, Chen Tang finally realized that something was wrong.

In order to avoid falling into the trap of the Japanese army, the Xia army accelerated the pace of transporting troops and supplies from the Ryukyu. Relying on the strong water transportation capabilities, the various ministries of the Xia army and the servants of Annan, Vietnam, Ryukyu, North Korea and other countries were in place in order. The Shence Army, the main force of the Japanese Langshi, also mobilized a group of people, so far the preparations for a full-scale attack have been completed.

On October 12, [-]th year of Huaxia Wucheng, when the first snow fell in the Eastern Kingdom, the main force of the Xia Army began to land in Kobe, Amagasaki, Osaka, Sakai Port and other places.Facing the surging Xia army, Osaka Joyo was forced to open the city and surrender after holding on for only one day. Kishiwada Castle also raised the white flag. Millions of rewards, so as not to repeat the tragedy of the city being robbed in the first summer and Japanese war.

On October [-]th, Xia Jun, who had established a firm foothold in the coastal area, began to march along the Yodo River to Heian-kyo. land.Only Tokugawa Yoshimune, who entered the Yamato Kingdom, was still in a high-profile way to summon the Kinki and Tokai feudal clans in the name of the Royal Sanjia to organize an anti-Xia army.

On October [-], Xia Jun entered Ping'an Jing.According to the previous agreement reached with the ministers, the imperial court issued an imperial edict that the shogunate is an enemy of the court, and announced that the general who would deprive Jiaxuan of his position would implement the restoration of the royal government, so that the Japanese imperial court would regain power in the world.As soon as the news spread, there was an uproar all over Japan, and samurai from all over the country were in panic all day long. Many people declared their loyalty to the shogunate, and of course some people changed their course immediately.Among them, the Maori family of the Western Kingdom immediately announced their submission to the imperial court as expected, while the influential Tottori, Hiroshima, and Okayama feudal clans unexpectedly continued to remain silent, causing them to shout badly.

When the news of the restoration of the royal government reached Edo, the shogunate beat their chests up and down, looking as if the end was coming. General Jiaxuan was also very surprised by this.Originally, Jiaxuan thought that the Xia army would make a comeback along the path of the previous attack on Japan, so he deployed heavy troops in the Edo area to fight, but he never thought that this time the Xia army would go straight to Kinki with a feint, making his plan come to nothing. Not to mention that Huaxia would join forces with the imperial court and the local government to strengthen the vassals, so that the rule of the shogunate might collapse.

When the situation was already extremely unfavorable, Jiaxuan immediately convened a meeting of pro-vassal and genealogical representatives.At the moment when the shogunate was facing extinction, Tokugawa Tsunajo and other relatives finally united to support the shogunate in a decisive battle with the Xia army.With the support of the pro-vassals and genealogists, Jiaxuan issued an edict, declaring that the imperial government's decree was made under the coercion of the Xia army, and it was effective. He demanded that the daimyos from all over the country continue to be loyal to the shogunate and work together to drive Xia army away from the shogunate. Go abroad.

Although the shogunate's counterattack order was issued, the shogunate army could not rush to Kinki and the Western Kingdom to fight in the first place. What's more, some people in the shogunate worried that the Xia army might implement the strategy of attacking the west. Once the main force of the shogunate left Edo, the Xia army It is possible to take advantage of the strong shipping capacity to take advantage of the situation and occupy the Edo area again.

Since the main force of the shogunate could not be mobilized for a while, Jiaxuan had no choice but to authorize Tokugawa Yoshimune to serve as the general of Kinki, and Tokugawa Yoshitsu, the lord of the Owari Domain, as the deputy general, and ordered the two to organize troops on the spot to fight against the Xia army to regain Kyoto and regain control of the court.

Under the lingering power of the shogunate, the daimyos of the Nakasendo and Tōkaidō sent troops to concentrate on Omi.It's just that there was a conflict between the general Ji Zong and the deputy Ji Tong about how to fight.Ji Zong naturally tried to use harassment as the main method of combat according to the original plan, and waited for changes, consuming the military rations and gunpowder of the Xia army. And then split Japan, resulting in the loss of authority of the shogunate.

Whether the opinions of the two are higher or lower is that the benevolent sees the benevolent and the wise sees wisdom, so it is difficult to make a certain evaluation.It's just that as the Maori family expressed their attitude, the Fukuoka (Chikuzen) Domain, Saga (Hizen) Domain, and Hirado Domain in Kitakyushu also supported the imperial court one after another, which gave Jitong's claim the upper hand.It was the last straw that broke the camel's back when Hiroshima, Ozu, Asada, Komatsu, Ashmori, Yamaya, and Fukuchiyama finally surrendered to the emperor's court under the threat of Xia Jun's cannon.

On December 11th in the [-]th year of Wucheng in China and the [-]th year of Emperor Hoei in Higashiyama, Tokugawa Yoshimune and Tokugawa Yoshitsu commanded [-] troops into Yamashiro State, and fought against the Xia army in Fushimi, outside Heianjing.In this battle, the Xia army invested [-] people and more than [-] artillery pieces.Although there were [-] shogunate troops facing each other, they were all miscellaneous brands cobbled together by various vassals. A small number of elites such as Jizhou Bei were also hidden by the selfish Ji Zongxue.Xia's army took advantage of the trend and pursued them all the way to the territory of Jinjiang. The shogunate army was defeated and returned. Nearly ten thousand Japanese troops either died in front of the battle or on the way to escape.

After the war, Tokugawa Yoshimune fled to Iga, Tokugawa Yoshitsu fled to Mino, and the rule of the Tokugawa shogunate in Kinki completely collapsed.

Afterwards, the Xia army defeated the coalition forces of Tokushima, Tosa, Iyo Matsuyama, Imabari, and Uwajima with a total of [-] people in the territory of Awa with the third naval brigade and servants, ensuring the safety of its own rear.

Affected by the two great victories of the Xia Army, the clans of Okayama, Okada, Asahiyama, Koizumi, Enbe, Mineyama, and Lintian turned around one after another. Most of the princes of the Western Kingdom and the Four Kingdoms, including daimyo, have joined the court's camp.

For the stubborn feudal clans such as Himeji, the Xia army was not polite, and immediately ordered the affiliated feudal clans to jointly attack and destroy them, and manipulated the emperor's court to issue an order, announcing that as long as the feudal clans that continued to be loyal to the shogunate were attacked, half of them would be defeated. It belongs to the imperial court, and the rest is distributed among the meritorious.This greatly stimulated the feudal lords, so throughout the winter, the western part of Japan continued to fight, almost repeating the bloody scene of Japan's Sengoku period a hundred years ago.

In the situation where those who obey live and those who rebel die, those princes who couldn't hold on anymore declared that they would be anyway, but their territories were naturally reduced, and even their daimyo's status was deprived.Only some of the princes holding the national level can continue to survive, but they are obviously also worried that if they continue to hold on, will they attract Xia Jun's shot. [

Therefore, through the intermediary of the Okayama Domain of the same family, the Tottori Domain also surrendered its loyalty to the Emperor's court in the spring of Takesei 13.

In this way, the Satsuma Shimadzu clan remained in the entire Western Kingdom and had not yet expressed their position.

Faced with increasing pressure, the Shimadzu family, who had suffered several losses from Xia Jun, obviously couldn't wait for the shogunate to send troops from the Eastern Kingdom.

On the eighth day of April in the 13th year of Wucheng, the Shimadzu clan sent envoys to Heian-kyo and formally surrendered to the Emperor's court.

The situation was so unfavorable to the shogunate, but Tokugawa Yoshimune did not admit defeat. On the one hand, he organized the samurai from Iga, Yamato and other places to continue to fight against the emperor's court, and on the other hand, he urged Kaga Maeda and Echizen Matsuping to reorganize the army and compete with the Xia army again. , and personally rushed to Edo to complain about his interests and asked the shogunate to dispatch the main force to go west.

However, what Yoshimune did not expect was that in the face of the situation where half of the country was out of control, some high-level shogunate officials who were worried about the expansion of the imperial court's influence to the East had retreated. The bargaining chip negotiated peace with Huaxia to maintain the status of the shogunate.

Then a strange scene appeared, when the shogunate was still on the defensive, a secret peace negotiation began

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