Ming Zhengzhi, I am Zheng Kezang

557. Fighting Japan Again


spn received a letter from Oda Nobuharu, and Tokugawa Kojo weighed it over and over again and found it acceptable. Perhaps in his opinion, realizing the "combination of public and military forces" is the best way out for the shogunate at present - it can not only keep the status of the general's family, but also appease the powerful His pro-feudal vassal—but he alone might not be able to persuade the entire shogunate to accept the ultimatum from China, so he tried to win over his accomplices.

Tokugawa Gangjo was the first to persuade Tokugawa Yoshitsu.Speaking of it, Jitong had previously shown a posture of incompatibility with Huaxia, and commanded the first western expedition of the shogunate army, so it should not be a good target for persuasion.However, Jitong was overwhelmed by the powerful strength displayed by the Xia army in the Battle of Fushimi, and after fleeing from Mino back to Edo, he repeatedly asked the shogunate to negotiate peace with Huaxia immediately.In this case, it is only natural for Gangtiao to pull him as an ally.

As expected, Jitong was moved when he heard that he could preserve his Owari (Nagoya) feudal domain and serve as the leader of the Tokaido.So the two feudal clans hit it off almost immediately, and agreed to work together to persuade or simply suppress Yujiamen's different opinions behind the back of the general's family.

Maybe it was because Owari and Mito were not strong enough to fight against the general, so Tsunejo approached Tokugawa Yoshimune again.

Tokugawa Yoshimune was not as easy-talking as Jitong. After all, his territory Kishu had already fallen into the hands of the imperial court, and he could not take it back even if the two sides negotiated a peace.In this regard, Gangtiao promised to use the direct leadership of the shogunate in Koshu as compensation, and proposed to win the post of management of the Nakasendo for Yoshimune as a temptation. [

"The leader of Nakasendo? Mito-sama is not joking." Yoshimune looked at Tokugawa Tsunajo coldly. "As a leader, it seems that his status is higher than that of the feudal vassals in his own way, but if he can be ranked a little higher in the court meeting, then he will sell the shogunate and wipe out the family business since the gods. Is this price too high? Taller."

"Lord Jizhou, you can't say that." Gangtiao is also the deputy general of the world. Why should he betray the shogunate? It is because the shogunate has reached the point where it may be overthrown at any time. "After all, the current situation is not good for the shogunate. The shogunate may not even have a chance to stand up, let alone retain such favorable conditions."

"Master Mito, are you so sure that the shogunate can't beat Xia Kou?" Ji Zong looked young and resolute. "I don't think so. Otherwise, why did Xia Kou propose to divide the east and the west? It can be seen that Xia Kou has the confidence to win, and the power of the shogunate will be completely ended in one battle."

"Master Jizhou is right. Xia Kou does not have the confidence to win and the power to end the shogunate in World War I, but the Xiguo guys do have the confidence and strength that the Xia people don't have." Gangtiao sighed. "Don't say that the imperial court still has a righteous reputation, just say that when the gods created the shogunate, I am afraid that they did not fully grasp the power of Japan, but how can the shogunate survive for a hundred years? It is not because of those people who are foolish and wise. .”

Ji Zong frowned: "Master Mito said that once the shogunate is defeated again, those outsiders will turn their faces?"

"A strong man has always been the survival instinct of the Japanese." Gangjo's words are not exaggerated, so they can move Ji Zong even more. "At that time, besieged on all sides, the shogunate's mountains and rivers will melt as quickly as spring snow." Seemingly realizing that Ji Zong's intentions have moved, Gangtiao further added. "In fact, not to mention the West Country, there are too many people in the East Country who harbor ill-will towards the shogunate."

"This is not bad. The shogunate was too strong before, which really dissatisfied all the vassals." Ji Zong nodded and shook his head. "In this way, the shogunate has completely lost its chance?"

"There is a proverb in the country of Xia that says that the so-called sickness comes like a mountain and goes away like a silk thread. Japan is already dying of illness. It should have been prepared with warm fire, but the general gave a strong medicine. As a result, the shogunate was completely out of control." Saved." Gangtiao explained his choice in this way. "At this time, we can only choose to keep ourselves first. As long as we keep the Yusanjia and the Yujiamen, even if the general arrives in the capital, he may not be a puppet."

Ji Zong pondered for a moment: "This is probably also the Xia people's calculation, let us fight fiercely in the circle they drew."

"That's true. Huaxia needs the Japanese market, and more importantly, Japan's gold, silver, and raw copper, so they want Japan to be broken and not 'messy', so that they can completely manipulate Japan." , and immediately cheered up. "This gives the Tokugawa family a chance to be reborn."

"Rebirth of the Jedi?" Ji Zong sneered. "I'm afraid that those genealogical daimyos will be divorced by then."

Gang Tiao was taken aback for a moment, this was something he hadn't expected.Indeed, the reason why the genealogy daimyos are loyal to the shogunate is not only that they are descendants of the original retainers of the Tokugawa family, but also that they can hold some of the highest power in the shogunate with this status, so that they have a sense of participation and identification with the shogunate feel.But once the "combination of public and military forces" is realized, and the government falls into the hands of the public ministers and the military counselors, the status of the genealogical daimyo will plummet. Will they still support the general at that time?

"That's a problem." Gang Tiao thought for a while. "Perhaps we can fight for the right to manage the princes of our own way from the Xia people."

"The Xia people may agree, but the imperial court will not allow Guan Ling to become a junior general." Ji Zong ruthlessly punctured Gang Tiao's fantasy. "Even when a strong fan is appointed as the leader, he will be checked and balanced by the surrounding small fan."

"Then what should we do?" Gang Tiao said somewhat hesitantly. "Isn't this a dead end?"

Ji Zong weighed the folding fan in his hand: "First, we must ensure that the feudal clans are re-armed. As long as the commanders have force in their hands, the imperial court will not dare to instigate the small feudal clans to make things difficult for them, and Huaxia will not be willing to see Japan re-armed. Civil war; second, the strength of the pro-vassals should be strengthened, rather than handing over the heavenly domain to the imperial court, it is better to distribute more to the pro-vassals, so as to ensure that the strength of the pro-vassals has a certain advantage over the surrounding genealogy daimyos and foreign daimyos."

"In what name? The area of ​​the shogunate's territory is not a secret, and the imperial court will definitely accept it according to the plan."

"Isn't it easy to find a name?" Ji Zong pointed to himself. "Just use it in the name of compensating for the territory lost by the vassal daimyo, so that it can be justified to the outside world, and it won't be too abrupt."

"It makes sense." Gang Tiaopin smashed it for a while and praised. "The negotiation with the Xia people is still a secret now, and it shouldn't be a city-wide storm. Everyone knows it. In the name of compensating relatives, it is indeed justified both internally and externally. However," Gang Tiao hesitated. "What about those genealogy daimyos who also lost their territories? Do they also need to be compensated?" [

"Let's compensate one-tenth of the original collar first, maybe they will be the biggest help to the shogunate in the future." Ji Zong seemed to be talking about cats and dogs, commenting on those same unlucky guys. "The shogunate must immediately arrange to expand the number of relatives, whether those Yu Luoyin (the general's illegitimate sons) or those who are concubines, quickly adopt them to those who are still somewhat loyal. status."

"This is also a way." When Gangtiao said this, he suddenly thought of something. "So the Jizhou Palace agreed to Xia Ren's conditions?"

"What else can I do if I disagree? You don't have to wait for the shogunate to fail completely and become a homeless rogue."

Ji Zong was a little hard to understand the obtuseness of the guidelines. Didn't he express his attitude a long time ago after he said so much?Do you still have to tell yourself clearly that you are going to betray the general?However, Ji Zong will not show any dissatisfaction with the outline because of this. You must know that Ji Zong still has something to ask for.

"Again, even if we have reached an agreement in private, if we want to implement all this with the Xia people and the court, we cannot bypass the general." Ji Zong's words were very cryptic. "It's just that the matter was provoked by the general, so I don't know if the general can bear the humiliation and admit defeat?"

Gangtiao obviously understood Ji Zong's subtext, and immediately showed a clear smile: "I think the matter has come to this point, the general should accept it, but I'm worried that the seniors will not accept it."

"Then arrange for the veterans to lead the troops to fight against the Xia people." Ji Zong didn't ask why the general's family Xuan would definitely agree, and everyone knew this kind of thing tacitly. "If you want to come and suffer a defeat, even if they want to oppose, they will have no strength."

"Then let's do it," Gang Tiao decided. "I also ask Kizhou Palace to strongly advocate sending troops in tomorrow's assessment."

Ji Zong left, Gang Tiao was working in the dark, his whole face was shrouded in darkness, no one could detect his expression.

I don't know how long it took before the door was opened by someone, and Tokugawa Yoshitsuki walked in: "Master Mito, I have already persuaded you over at the Aizu Temple, and the Iyo Matsuyama family also clearly supports our opinion. Master Mito, why don't you?" Huh? Just broke up with Kishu?"

Then Gang Tiao slowly opened his mouth and said: "On the contrary, Ji Zhoudian is also willing to stand by our side."

"Then what you looked like just now." Jitong said with some fear. "It really shocked me. If the general finds out in advance, even if we are the head of the clan, I'm afraid there will be no good fruit to eat."

"I made Owari-sama worry." Tsunajo straightened up, and then sighed again. "I didn't expect Master Ji Zong to have such ambitions. We all underestimated him."

"Ambition?" Ji Tong asked in confusion. "What kind of ambition? Could it be that he wants to be a general?" As he spoke, Ji Tong was shocked suddenly. "What! Boy Jizhou also wants to be a general, what about Master Xuan!"

"What's the big deal if you want to be a general? They are all descendants of the gods. Why can Master Jiaxuan be one but not Jizhou Palace?" Gang Tiao shook his head. "However, I think this kid still has some ability. It will not be easy to be a general in the future. Maybe he needs a courageous person like him to take on this important task."

Jitong was stunned, and it took him a long time to ask: "What did you say to Mr. Mito?"

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