Ming Zhengzhi, I am Zheng Kezang

561. The battle of destroying Qing Dynasty

Zheng Kezang did not put the proceeds from the sale of the shares of the two major banks, Sihai and Tonghai, in his pocket. Instead, he allocated 400 million yuan from the proceeds as military expenses, plus the funds raised by various Japanese feudal clans at this time The first batch of 120 million indemnities has arrived in China, and the time for the Northern Expedition is ripe.

Yes, the time is ripe for the Northern Expedition.Through these years of continuous investment, the roads in the Yellow River flooding area have been repaired and widened, military rations worth millions of stones have been piled up in warehouses, and the composition of the Xia army has changed from southern soldiers who are not resistant to cold to children from Jianghuai, Huguang Not to mention that Zheng Kezang also accumulated more than 85 military horses for transportation and established inland river squadrons in the middle reaches of the Yellow River and the lower reaches of the Huaihe River. Even the overall size of the Xia Army's land divisions has expanded to 50 Infantry divisions, after deducting the use of local defense, there are still fifty divisions with [-] people for the northward march.

Now that the time has come, after the autumn harvest in the 13th year of Wucheng, hundreds of thousands of Xia troops and several times the number of employed civilians went northward, and built three major assaults on the south bank of the Qianli Yellow River against the bone-chilling winter wind and snow. big camp.

Faced with Xia Jun's undisguised actions, the Qing court quickly got information. Although the Qing court's finances improved at this time, it was trying to maintain more troops. 5000 people, 120 new troops from the Eight Banners, 6 people, 35 people from 21 towns in the Green Camp and New Camp, and the Eight Banners outside the [-] pass. As for the old Green Camp, there are still about [-] battalion heads, but only [-] people Moreover, they can barely defend the city or serve as auxiliary troops at best.

Since the Eight Banners outside the Guanwai were restrained in the Jinfu area, and the old green battalion could not be reused, the Qing court, which was slightly weaker than its opponent, could only be forced to implement strategic contraction.So in November of the 50th year of Kangxi in the Qing Dynasty, the Qing court first withdrew its frontier troops from Kaifeng, Bozhou, Suxian and other places, and concentrated the main force in Weihui, Caozhou and Xuzhou. [

The enemy retreated and we advanced. Since the Qing army abandoned Kaifeng and Bozhou, the Xia army naturally wanted to accept them, but Su County was north of the Yellow River and too close to Xuzhou. Therefore, the Xia army, who was not prepared to fight in winter, only sent a small number of rangers be controlled.

Afterwards, the outposts of the two armies fought together throughout the winter. Either the Xia army explored the horses and crossed the frozen Yellow River north to explore the camp, or the Qing army's small troops went south to attack the grain road. As a result, under the snow, the two armies were everywhere dead body

The Qing court managed to survive until the spring of the second year, and was trying to take advantage of the thawing period of the Yellow River to take a rest. As a result, North Korea sent troops to recover Yizhou, the last stronghold controlled by the Qing court on the south bank of the Yalu River, and sent four battalions of about [-] soldiers. Soldiers and horses crossed the Yalu River, and made an attack posture on the Eight Banners outside the Qing Army Pass on the front line of Phoenix City.

It stands to reason that the Qing army was not afraid of the North Korean army, and could even take advantage of the imminent thawing of the Yalu River to deal a fatal blow to the North Korean army, whose retreat was cut off. However, the Xia army in Lushun was dispatched at the same time. A small group of troops was sent to infiltrate and land, cutting off the communication channel between Daning and Beijing, which made the Qing court tense, worrying whether the Xia army would repeat the black tiger's heart-pumping scheme while pretending to move north and south.

While there was a lot of discussion in Beijing, Xia Jun's [-] troops crossed the Yellow River at the Shanxi-Shanxi border and entered Shanxi.

Shanxi was a very important province of wealth and wealth for the Qing court. Even after Kangxi spun off some of the state capitals of Yanmen Province in 45 years, there were seven prefectures, four Zhili prefectures, and eleven second-level administrative districts. It should have been strictly guarded against.However, the Qing army's front line was too long, and there were loopholes everywhere in the division of troops. Therefore, they had to defend with about [-] old green battalions and village brave regiments, and hoped that natural obstacles such as the Yellow River and Luliang Mountain would prevent the Xia army from invading.

But can natural danger stop Xia Jun?The result is naturally negative.In fact, if it weren't for the continuous shortage of food in the three northwestern provinces, Xia Jun would have crossed the Yellow River early in the morning.Now that the full-scale Northern Expedition is imminent, the Northwest Xia Army, which has accumulated a little food in the past few years, is naturally unwilling to sit aside and watch the changes in the overall situation of the world, so it repeatedly called for battle from top to bottom.

Naturally, Zheng Kezang could not ignore the enthusiasm of the troops for war, so after some weighing, he felt that it might be possible to use this to disperse the strength of the Qing army, so he changed his plan and abandoned the original policy of marching northward from Luoyang. Quietly transported [-] reinforcements and a large amount of reserve military food to Shaanxi.

Naturally, there is no need to repeat the following things. In April of the 14th year of Wucheng, the Shaanxi Xia Army invaded Shanxi, and the Shanxi people who were tortured by the Qing government’s various maladministration as if struggling in hell immediately responded, and the gentry from all over the country also changed their course one after another. Huaxia lost its sincerity, and even the Shanxi merchants who were loyal to the Qing court were divided, and a considerable number of people switched to Huaxia.

In this way, the rule of the Qing court in Shanxi collapsed in just two months.Only a few prefectural cities such as Taiyuan, Lu'an (Changzhi), Pingyang (Linfen), Jiezhou, and Zezhou (Jincheng) were still under the control of the Qing army.

Faced with the predicament that Shanxi was about to change hands, Kangxi, who was short on troops, could only order the governors of Shanxi and Yanmen to guard Yanmen Pass and Taihang Baxing, and block Xia's army in Shanxi. The army dragged in Shanxi without making it go east to threaten the rear of the Qing army in Hebei.

Kangxi's strong men cut off their wrists, which hurt the defenders in Shanxi and the people everywhere—because of their distrust of the people, including Lu'an General Zhu Man, Shanxi Governor Alana, Taiyuan Prefect Hexiu, Pingyang Prefect Heshou, and Zezhou Prefect Wu Jintai and others were all Manchus or bannermen of the Han army. They knew that surrender would not yield good results, so they frantically forced their subordinates to resist on the spot; People or Han army flags, so they also broke the cans and smashed the cans—under the threat of these real Tartars and real traitors, the Qing troops in various cities broke out extremely strong resistance, and if there were not enough soldiers, they would arrest them. The common people came to pay for the cannon fodder, and the defense facilities were destroyed, so the houses of the common people in the city were demolished and repaired.

The siege went on for several months, and the Xia Army on the West Road managed to capture Pingyang (Linfen), Jiezhou, Zezhou and other places. In the comments on military science of later generations, although Xia Jun’s entry into Jin finally started and ended at the latest, it can only be regarded as the outpost of the Northern Expedition of China

Taking advantage of the war in Shanxi to attract the attention of the Qing court, the East Xia Army also began to act.

At the end of April, the two divisions of the Xia Army's Jiangbei General Headquarters, which had long grasped the advantage of the first-line water surface of Hongze Lake, crossed the Yellow River that seized the Huaihe River under the protection of the Neihe Navy Division, and arrived at the city of Huai'an.The Qing army in Huai'an also only had more than 4000 old-made green camps, and they were no match for the Xia army at all. They had to defend the city desperately and asked for help from the Xuzhou camp.

The Qing army has about 8 people in the Xuzhou camp. However, in addition to the direction of Huai'an, it also has to take care of the front lines of Guide and Caozhou. , so they just defended the camp, and did not send a single soldier to Huai'an.

After waiting for reinforcements, the morale of the Qing army defending Huai'an was extremely low.

At this time, Xia Jun transported soil to build a high platform outside Huai'an City, set up artillery fortifications, and continuously fired artillery into the city.As the key defense of the Qing court, the city of Huai'an is naturally equipped with cannons, but because of the Qing court's strategy of emphasizing the Eight Banners and despising the Green Battalion, the artillery deployed in Huai'an are all old-fashioned red barbarian cannons, with a limited range even the Xia army's artillery barracks You can't even touch the sides, let alone stop Xia Jun from shooting.Faced with the dilemma of being beaten but unable to fight back, the high-level officials in the Qing court kept forcing the green battalion soldiers to stand at the top of the city, finally forcing back the remaining green battalion officers and soldiers.

On May [-]th of that year, the lower-level officers and soldiers of the Qing army headed by General Gao Kui launched a rebellion, killing the envoy Huiqi of the Mongolian Eight Banners, Shoudao Yulu of the Manchu Eight Banners, the prefect Chunbao and Zheng Zheng of the Han army. Admiral Xu Hai of the White Banner Cui Xiangguo had more than [-] civil and military people in the city, and then Kaicheng surrendered to the Xia army, so Huai'an, which ensured the right wing of the Qing court's Yellow River defense line, fell into the hands of the Xia army. [

After capturing Huai'an, the Jiangbei Xia army swept across Xunan without waiting for a rest, and successively recovered Suqian, Shuyang, Haizhou and other places, which not only caused a huge shock to the prefectures and counties in Xubei, but also surrounded the Qing army's Xuzhou camp.

However, the Qing army remained unmoved, and only defended the two key points of Guide and Xuzhou.Facing the Qing army as stable as Mount Tai, the Xia army changed the established plan and used one to contain the two cities, and then used the main force to capture Yizhou Prefecture from Pixian County, all the way to the east, and fight all the way to Yanzhou Prefecture along the Grand Canal. The Xuzhou camp and the main force of the Qing army were separated and encircled.

The emergency of Yanzhou Mansion made the Qing court realize that the situation was not good. Kangxi in the Forbidden City contemplated the map for a quarter of an hour and then painfully ordered the Qing troops in Xuzhou and Guide to abandon the city and retreat to Dongchang Mansion in Hebei along the west side of the Grand Canal. The Qing army in Shandong also concentrated on Jinan, and the Qing army deployed in Weihui and Puyang retreated to Zhangde Mansion and Daming Mansion

Although the Qing army straightened the battle line by retreating and ensured that the main forces of the three major battalions would not be divided by the Xia army, after abandoning the entire Xuhai and most of Shandong and Hebei, the Qing army had reached the point where it could retreat. Therefore, the outbreak of the decisive battle is just around the corner.In order to facilitate the command in the decisive battle, Kangxi intends to personally conscript, but considering his advanced age, and the story of being taken by Zheng Kezang in the previous imperial conquest, he finally decided to stay in Beijing to control the battle.

However, Beijing City is still too far away from Daming, Dongchang and other prefectures, which is not conducive to grasping the situation on the front line. Therefore, Kangxi decided to make Yin, the eldest son of the emperor, as the prince, and sent him to Daming to take command and control the overall situation.

Not to mention how disappointed the remaining competitors were after Li Yin was established, but to a certain extent Kangxi also drew his salary from the bottom of the pot, sending his son who had held military power for a long time and even threatened his own status, out of the capital in the most open and honest way.It's just that Kangxi also considered the possibility of Yin returning to the court to "force" himself to abdicate once the battle was won, so he sent Yin and Yinxiang to Zhangde Camp to supervise the army, Yin and Yin to Dongchang Camp to supervise the army, and Yin Zhi went to Jinan to supervise the battle

So far, the preparations for the Qing court have been completed, and it is time for Huaxia to finally attack.

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