Ming Zhengzhi, I am Zheng Kezang

563. The battle of destroying Qing Dynasty

On June 14, the 24th year of Huaxia Wucheng, Zheng Kezang, who led the Imperial Guard northward, entered the important town of Kaifeng with a light car.After entering the city, Zheng Kezang, who had not had time to wash up, immediately listened to the report on the current battle situation.At this time, the Xia Army on the East Road had already entered the line of Tai'an and Feicheng; the main force of the Xia Army on the Middle Road had all crossed the Yellow River and entered between Heze and Puyang.

At present, after deducting the West Route Army, which has swelled to 10 after entering Shanxi, the Xia Army still has 25 troops including 58 divisions, 58 heavy artillery regiments, and eight siege artillery regiments in the central and eastern routes. Soldiers and horses—these [-] people already included all the garrison troops drawn from Jiangbei, Huainan, Zhongzhou, Henan and other places, and even the three divisions guarding Jiangnan and Fujian were transferred together, so that the two divisions of Jiangnan and Fujian The defense of the region can only be temporarily maintained by the Second Division of the Longxiang Army under the Yangtze River Navy and the First Division of the Longxiang Army under the Fujian-Taiwan Navy, and Jianghuai Zhongzhou and other places have completely sung empty cities-so it can be said This campaign is a thunderous blow with the power of the whole of China.

In addition to the main force of 58 people, the Huaxia Privy Council also mobilized nearly 1000 people from 6000 regiments of the Shence Army, mainly composed of Japanese Langshi, and forced North Korea to send two battalions of [-] soldiers and horses across the sea to help. In addition, Annan and Vietnam also sent eight regiments of about [-] soldiers and horses to participate in the war at the request of the Governor's Office.

With the addition of his own capital and foreign aid, the total number of troops Xia Jun can invest has reached an astonishing scale of 61.Among them, the East Route Army besieged Jinan with five divisions of the Jianghuai and Jiangnan garrisons, a siege artillery regiment directly under the Privy Council, and the Shence Army, the North Korean Army, the Annan Army, and the Vietnamese Army, and took over other prefectures and counties in Shandong; About 8 soldiers of the Central Route Army faced the Qing court's three defense camps in Dongchang, Daming, and Zhangde.

As for the Qing court, it was very clear that its total military strength was inferior to that of its opponents. Therefore, on the one hand, the Qing court hoped that the 6 old green battalions in Jinan City and local township bravery could hold back the Xia Army's East Road army for as long as possible by virtue of Jinan's solid city defense. On the one hand, the Qing court also tried every means to borrow about [-] Mongolian cavalry from the banners of Monan Mongolia and Khalkha Mongolia, either by means of coercion or temptation, or by playing emotional cards. [

With 31 Mongolian cavalry and 37 main forces of the Qing army, the total strength of the Qing army is only 16. There is no way to win a battle with an opponent who exceeds [-].For this reason, the prince Yinti, who was in charge of the unified dispatch of the war, issued an order for each battalion to stick to it, hoping to use the long siege to wear down the Xia army's supplies.According to Yinti's order, the Qing army began to fortify the walls and clear the fields in June, and carried out destructive harvesting of young crops in the prefectures of Jinan and Dongchang.

In addition to the firm wall and clear field decision to stick to it, Yinti also used his brains in allocating troops.

Considering that the terrain around Anyang, Zhangde Prefecture City, is favorable for defending the city, the Qing Army’s Zhangde Camp only retained 500 people from 25 assistant leaders in the inner and outer firearms battalions, and 500 people from [-] assistant leaders in the Eight Banners New Army. There are more than [-] people in the eight towns of the Luying New Army, and the total number is no more than [-].

Although Damingfu City is located on the Yimapingchuan Hebei Plain, the city is extremely strong, and the Qing army temporarily repaired many forts and artillery forts outside the city. Therefore, Yinti settled 11 people here, and Wu Chengyong, who was equipped with the inner firearms battalion. Half of the Guda General’s cannons are placed here, together with the Shenwei General Cannons of the Outer Firearms Battalion, the entire Daming Daoming Battalion has nearly [-] large and medium caliber cannons. The firepower is unprecedentedly powerful. .

Because Dongchang joined Jinan in the east, the remaining 13 main force of the Qing army were all deployed in Dongchang. With the addition of [-] Mongolian cavalry, the Dongchang camp became the largest battle corps of the Qing army.

The largest battle corps is naturally in his own hands, so Yinti temporarily changed Kangxi's decision to sit in the Dongchang camp by himself, and transferred Yinhu, who he feared most, to Zhangde to guard the city, and let Yinzhen Cooperate with Yinti to stay on the front line of the daimyo.

After asking about the situation, Zheng Kezang looked at the map and pondered for a moment, and then asked: "So, because of the [-] Mongolian troops of the Qing army in Dongchang, the direction of Jinan is afraid to attack the city with peace of mind?"

Tang Baoyi, the deputy envoy of the Privy Council who arrived in Kaifeng in advance, responded: "Not only our army in Jinan has to worry about the sudden rush of Mongolian cavalry during the siege, but even our army has to worry about the interference of the Mongolian army when it goes north to copy the grain road behind the Qing army."

Zheng Kezang asked: "Then how did the Privy Council respond."

Feng Hui, the envoy of the Privy Council, reported: "The Eastern Route Army has been arranged to attack the entire territory of Shandong first."

"This seems to be treating the symptoms rather than the root cause?" Zheng Kezang shook his head. "It's better to find a way to pull out this fang first."

Tang Baoyi reported: "I have tried several times, but Yinti seems unmoved, either holding the Mongolian army in his hands, or at least [-] to [-] cavalry as soon as he is dispatched. mouth."

"Is there really no way to speak?" Zheng Kezang narrowed his eyes and gave Tang Baoyi a sharp look. "Yin Qing, go to the front line in person and tell Ye Zhao and the others that even if you wipe out the iron cavalry and hussars, you must leave all the [-] Mongolian troops on the battlefield. .”

Maybe he felt that his words were too harsh, Zheng Kezang said in a slow tone: "This battle is a battle to completely liquidate the Jianlu. It is related to whether the world can be unified as soon as possible. It is necessary not to have any conservatism. Fight, fight a Han family. The world, the heavens and the earth are coming."

When Zheng Kezang mentioned this, Tang Baoyi had no choice but to accept the order: "Yes, I will rush to Puyang now."

Tang Baoyi turned around and resigned. Zheng Kezang asked the Privy Council Governor Xi Daping who was standing beside him: "How many pontoon bridges are there on the Yellow River now? Can you guarantee the supply of food and grass ahead?"

Xi Daping replied: "At present, fifteen Yellow River pontoon bridges have been erected between Zhengzhou Fucheng and Minquan County, and three more are under construction. [-] baggage carriages are enough to supply all the military supplies of the various departments on the front line.”

Zheng Kezang asked: "Is there a way to arrange traffic along the way?"

Xi Daping replied: "It has been differentiated according to the one going north and the one going south, and a transshipment warehouse adjacent to the front line has been set up in Dingtao and Fengqiu on the north bank, so that the nearby supplies can be resupplied." [

Zheng Kezang asked again: "How is the defense of the warehouse and the Yellow River pontoon bridge? Don't let the Qing captives attack you carelessly."

Xi Daping explained: "All the people in Dingtao, Fengqiu and other counties have been moved out, and each has a division to guard. In this way, the city is the warehouse, and the warehouse is the city. Reservoir area."

Xi Daping continued: "There are more than one regiment of garrison troops stationed on both sides of each Yellow River pontoon bridge, and there are ships from the Yellow River Squadron guarding the side. Although it cannot be said to be impenetrable, it is enough to withstand for a while, and the Privy Council has issued an order. Take the initiative to burn the bridge, and will never let the Qing army's sneak attack troops cross the Yellow River to harass our army's rear."

Zheng Kezang asked the Hanlin scholar beside him, "How much strength does our army have after deducting the army of the East Road and the guardians of the grain road?"

The Hanlin scholar opened his mouth to report: "There are more than 36 defenders in Dingtao and Fengqiu. There are 4000 regiments in the 46 pontoon bridges, and there are about [-] people in four divisions. So our army still has [-] troops in the middle."

Zheng Kezang nodded: "It seems that our army's advantage is quite limited."

Speaking of this, Zheng Kezang once again emphasized to the senior members of the Privy Council: "The only way to win is to solve the Mongolian army and liberate the strength of the East Route Army. You and others should work hard to achieve success."

Feng Hui and the following all bowed and said: "The ministers should do their best to live up to the entrustment of the Holy Majesty."

"Then you go down and make arrangements first." Zheng Kezang waved his hand to make several high-ranking generals retreat, and then gave orders to the accompanying Hanlin bachelors. "The purpose is to wipe out the enemy and captives, attack Youyan, completely restore China, and wipe out the century-old evil atmosphere. I will not hesitate to reward you from the princes. I hope our soldiers will take it bravely."

After the edict was issued, Zheng Kezang heard thunderous cheers outside the palace, but Zheng Kezang had no time to enjoy the warm cheers, so he immediately issued another edict to the cabinet still in Wuchang: "Xuzhou, Shanxi, etc. Most of them have been restored, so we should appease the people and achieve recuperation. The Ministry of Officials recruits and selects good officials to guard the place, so as to live up to our ardor for peace and prosperity. In addition, the so-called Xuhai province of the Qing captives may be preserved, and Xingshangshutai can also be set up in Shanxi , if Pingyang is restored, the capital should be placed here, and Taiyuan will be the left-behind mansion."

The imperial edict was modified by Hanlin scholars and handed over to Zheng Kezang. Zheng Kezang reviewed it and found that there was an error, and added another line to the original edict: "Check that the two prefectures of Xiezhou and Pucheng in Shanxi are only allowed. There are several counties that should be merged into the system, and the new government will be in Yuncheng, so it may be called Yuncheng government."

After finishing writing, Zheng Kezang asked Hanlin Zhizhi to re-transcribe the edict, and then re-examined the error, and finally ordered: "Send it to Wuchang on a fast horse, and tell the cabinet that after the governor of the court, he will write his speech before the army. , I have something urgent to say."

After all the important matters were dealt with, and all the officials resigned, Zheng Kezang came to the head of the Imperial Academy to explain Zheng Andi's work arrangements: "Mr. Changsha, I will record it in the secretary's office in the past two days. Daily note, but he has never been a historian before, some things are not clear, it is up to you to arrange someone to help you, but don't spread the news or reveal your identity."

The bachelor in charge was full of surprises, this was Zheng Kezang's great trust in him, so he immediately agreed and made arrangements for Zheng Andi without stopping.

After Zheng Andi and the head of the Hanlin Academy also retired, Zheng Kezang walked slowly to the front of the palace, opened the door on the north wall, and looked at the direction of the Forbidden City with a cold smile: "Kangxi, I will wait Watching the end of your unworldly sage"

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