Ming Zhengzhi, I am Zheng Kezang

566. The battle of destroying Qing Dynasty

The city of Gu'an displayed in front of the Mongolian army is a small city with a square of sixty feet. The "Zhang" here is not the Chinese "Zhang" which is equal to one hundred Chinese "foot" in the new Chinese system, but the Ming "Zhang" which is equal to ten engineering units. , so the area is even smaller than some larger towns in the south.But it's small, it's a county town, it has a city wall that's almost "zhang" high, and even the outside of the city wall is covered with bricks.It's just that there hasn't been a war in North China for nearly a hundred years, not to mention that the outer wall bricks have fallen off, and small trees have grown on the horse path at the top of the city wall.

However, given the level of siege and equipment of the Mongols, before the artillery team from the Outer Firearms Battalion arrives, I am afraid that 2 or [-] people may not be able to capture Gu'an. A newly built small village outside the south gate of Gu'an City.

Said to be a small village, the area is naturally small, only half of Gu'an City, about [-] acres.And because of the work rush, the outer wall is only less than two feet away, and there are all horse faces, enemy buildings, and even the parapet wall.

What made the Manchu and Mongolian nobles even more elated was that Xiaozhai was one or two miles away from Gu'an City. Sending enough cavalry to block it, it may be difficult for the Xia Army Brigade in Gu'an City to rescue the Xiaozhai defenders in time.

The only thing that worried the Manchu nobles was that the defensive firepower of the small village seemed to be good. Through the binoculars in their hands, these princes and Baylors found no less than [-] to [-] artillery pieces on the four walls of the village. [

There is nothing to say, no matter how strong the firepower of Xiaozhai is, it must be fought, and it must be fought so hard that the Xia army in Gu'an city dare not come out from behind to threaten the Mongolian army's flanks in the decisive battle between the two sides.So, with an order, teams of Mongolian cavalry left the camp. If there were not more Mongolian soldiers watching from afar, people who didn't know would think that the Mongolian army was about to withdraw.

After waiting for a while, the Mongolian cavalry who had gone away for a while came back, but there was a big bulging bag behind them. It turned out that they had gone to fetch soil. This is the old method of the Mongols to attack the city.As long as the soil has been piled up to the height of the outer wall of the small village, more Mongolian riders will go straight to the head of the village along the dirt hill.

Since the Mongolian army has [-] troops and is rich in military strength, the action was carried out from the east, south, and west. That is to say, the Mongols took action almost at the same time except facing the direction of the Gu'an City Gate.

Thousands of horseshoes ran up, rumbling like an earthquake.Seemingly understanding the meaning of the Mongolian army's charge, the defenders of Xiaozhai opened fire one after another in just a few breaths, trying to prevent the formation of the siege hill with intensive artillery fire.

The deafening sound of cannons made the horses of the Mongolian army watching the battle in the distance slightly disturbed, but the Mongolians who were born on horseback and grew up on horseback were the best drivers, and they sat down within minutes. The horses, even the charging cavalry, did not waste much time, and continued to rush straight to Xiaozhai like an arrow leaving the string.

Of course, there were inevitably casualties among the charging Mongolian cavalry.No, a cannon passed by quickly, leaving a half-cut corpse on the ground. I only felt that the lightly loaded horse didn't know what happened, and continued to charge towards the established target with the master's remnant body on its back. go.

Some cannons did not hit anyone, but miraculously shot up on the ground, smashing the head of the horse directly, and the horse that fell suddenly happened to overwhelm the knight under it, and the weight of several hundred kilograms instantly It caused the horse owner's fractures everywhere.

These are still appetizers. As the Mongolian cavalry approached, the Xia Army artillerymen began to fire hail.The dense pills, like raindrops, twitched in the air, sending more Mongolians to hell and no return.

The death of their companions certainly made a group of Mongols terrified, and they subconsciously slowed down their horses, but more, the Mongols who had been blessed by the lamas who accompanied the army before the battle continued to charge against the artillery fire of the Xia army without fear, perhaps They really believed that if the Qing emperor who was the incarnation of Amitabha Buddha died in battle, their souls could go to the Western Paradise of Ultimate Bliss.

The Mongols were getting closer, and Xia Jun's artillery fire also began to slow down due to the need for heat dissipation.But before the Mongols rushed to the wall of the village to be happy, Xia Jun's volleyball smashed down

However, there are still Mongolians who have completed their mission and left their earth bags behind.What is even more unfavorable is that the human and horse corpses that fell on the edge of the wall also provided more convenience for the opponent.

The first wave of Mongolian soldiers retreated, and the second wave rushed up again, and the sound of gunfire resounded throughout the world again.

"That's good. Our wall was not very strong at first, but now the Mongols have thickened it for us, so it's as stable as Mount Tai." During the battle, the veteran of the Xia Army said witty words to relieve himself, but as the mound piled up High, everyone's face is ugly. "Hey, the Mongols are dead or something, there must be thousands of people, why is there still no end?"

The pressure on the defenders of Xiaozhai is increasing, but the faces of the Mongolian nobles watching the battle are also covered with thick frost.

"We can't fight like this anymore. Nearly [-] warriors have died because of the pile of soil." A Taiji with a broken hand rushed to the most honorable group of people and remonstrated bitterly. "The males of several banners are all gone. How will they explain to their masters when they go back, and how will their wives and children survive this winter."

Maer, king of Doroan County, responded sullenly: "What are you afraid of if you die, the court will definitely have grace."

Speaking of which, Marhun ordered: "Come here, drag this person away. If you continue to yell, you will deal with it as shaking the morale of the army."

Marhun didn't say the words of killing and amnesty in public, which was considered to be a face to the Mongolian princes, so no matter how unwilling the faces of the Mongolians present were, he still ordered Said: "Continue to pile up, it is almost to the top of the wall, this time we can't fall short."

The battle continued for a while, and the earth hills in the west were piled up on the top of the wall first, then in the south, and finally in the east.With the completion of the earth mountain, the Mongols retreated all of a sudden, and the battlefield suddenly calmed down, but everyone knew that this was only a temporary calm, and bigger fights would continue [

"Prince Jian, Prince An, the general attack is about to begin. Should we send people to block the north, and prepare for the Xia army in Gu'an City to rush out to rescue." Horqinduoluo Bingtu County King Dadabu suggested. "It can also stop the people in the village from escaping, isn't it?"

After thinking about it, Prince Jane Yarjan'a and Marhun thought it made some sense, so they sent Tumet Doro Darhan Belemah, Karaqin Town Duke Shanbalasi, and Karaqin Doro Dureng County King Three people, Erfu Garzang, each led a total of 3000 people from the headquarters to "insert" between the walled cities to prevent Gu'an from sending troops to support and prevent the defenders from Xiaozhai from escaping into Gu'an.

The three departments were dispatched and interspersed in place, and Yarjiang'a and Marhun were about to order a large-scale attack, when suddenly they heard thunderous gunfire from the direction of Gu'an.Several people thought that the Xia army in Gu'an City was attacking, so they hurriedly took out their binoculars to watch, only to find that several cannons were fired from the head of Gu'an City and the north gate of Xiaozhai, turning into a fire net and engulfing the three Mongols. The cage is in the period.The Mongolian soldiers who were ready to fight for help were caught off guard. For a while, several people were shoving each other under the artillery fire, but they couldn't escape. They could only fall unwillingly in a pool of blood.Only those who dared to swing their knives at their own people ran out immediately, and the rest, after paying an extremely heavy price, barely escaped from the Xia Army's artillery range from both sides.

"Unfortunately, this move can only be played once." Xue hid the eleven-point cannon with a longer range, and Tao Yue, who ordered Xiaozhai to only use the eight-point cannon to confuse the opponent, sighed a little dissatisfied tone. "Otherwise, as many times as you come, you will be delivering food." After sighing, Tao Yue looked at the place where her subordinates were fighting. "Next, you can only look at your own."

Tao Yue's lament was not heard by the nobles of Manchuria and Mongolia, but the number of casualties of nearly a thousand people in the three parts and the news of the death of the two Mongolian princes still made the heads of the princes start to congest.

King Wengniuteduoluodulen and Heshuo's concubine Cangjin roared loudly: "Kill, kill all these despicable Han people, avenge Ma Nibeilor! Avenge Garzang County King! Avenge Mongolian warriors!" !"

Ongniut Doro Darhan Dai Qingbeile Ertebu Ozier also waved his fist and said: "Yes, chickens and dogs will not be left behind!"

Looking at the excited group of Mongolian princes, there was an unnoticed smile on the corners of Yarjan'a and Marhun's mouths.

Therefore, Yaerjiang'a ordered: "The whole army will attack, take down the small village, kill all the Han people, and avenge the two princes!"

The sound of rumbling horseshoes sounded again, and the murderous Mongolian cavalry rushed towards Xiaozhai with swords and bows. This time, they wanted to use the blood of the defenders as a sacrifice, and they would not stop until they did their best. .

Facing the opponent who was boiling with murderous intent, the defenders showed extreme calmness. Maybe some people were terrified, but Xia Jun knew the fate of selling his back to the opponent since the first day he joined the army, so even if his hands and feet began to tremble, The movements began to deform, but no one immediately took their positions.

At [-] paces, Jun Xia didn't fire his cannon, at [-] paces, Jun Xia didn't fire his cannon, they were almost on the hill, and Jun Xia didn't fire his cannon yet.

what happened?Has Xia Jun given up resisting?With some anxiety, the Mongolian soldiers set foot on the earth hill.

In an instant, as if the world was reopening, the Xia army's firepower was fully fired, and several fires flowed towards the Mongolian army, which was almost close at hand.

Due to the attack on the city, the formation of the Mongolian army appeared to be very tight. This time, they suffered a big loss. Several people were beaten off their horses, rolled and fell under the earthen city, and some of them became their own attacking targets. obstacle.Of course, the Xia army also suffered casualties. Although they only held riding bows in their hands, the Mongolian archers still caused casualties on the Xia army's area within a very short distance.

"White Soldier Team." Tuanqian Chief Chang Yong shouted. "On the wall!"

Wearing thick wart armor and holding a large saber, the soldiers of the White Corps suddenly agreed, stood up in unison, like a living steel forest, and resolutely counterattacked the rushing Mongolian soldiers

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