Ming Zhengzhi, I am Zheng Kezang

568. The battle of destroying Qing Dynasty

The result of another battle and defeat made the two Manchu iron hats furious. They even doubted the combat power of the Mongolian soldiers. If the Qing court had no strength, otherwise they would have driven the Mongolians back to the grassland to pray and worship Buddha.Wudu novel network high quality update

The nobles of the Eight Banners were dissatisfied, and the Mongolian princes were even more dejected. They even believed that they would never be able to take Xiaozhai and Gu'an City.

It’s just that the reward of 50 taels is still hanging there, and the Qing government does not allow the Mongols to withdraw now, so whether they are dissatisfied or discouraged, in the end, the two sides decided to attack again, and it was by means of driving away the ants. , Using the lives of the people to clear the way for the Mongolian army.

With his mind set, Marhun wanted to get the Mongolian army to act.However, since I made a trip to Zhuozhou in the middle, it is almost dark now, and I am afraid that people will turn me away if I divide my troops to the surrounding counties. When marching, you must know that if the common people find an opportunity to run into the wilderness, they will no longer be able to gather together, and we have to leave everything until tomorrow day.

Yarjan'a and Marhun, who knew that delaying for a day would lose a chance, were very anxious, but on the surface they had to pretend to be disapproving to appease the army.Fortunately, a little later, they got good news that the artillery team of the Outer Firearms Battalion who was on the way got in touch. If they traveled day and night, they would be able to arrive at the front line of Gu'an tomorrow morning. [

This is indeed good news. The reason why Xia Jun can persevere is not because of the sharp firearms. Although the Shenwei General Cannon equipped by the Qing Army's Outer Firearms Battalion is not as powerful as General Wucheng Yonggu owned by the Inner Firearms Battalion, it is not as powerful as Xia Jun's caliber. Only two-thirds of the eleven-point gun and the smaller-caliber eight-point gun still have a great advantage.

As long as the Xia army's artillery is suppressed, no matter how weak the Mongolian army's combat power is, it will be able to climb the wall with almost damage. At that time, the balance of victory and defeat will obviously be more inclined to the Mongols who have boosted their morale and decided to retaliate; After taking Xiaozhai, it is no longer a fantasy to capture Gu'an City; when the Xia Army's lone army on the front line of Gu'an is completely wiped out, not only will the city of Beijing be safe, but the initiative on the entire battlefield will also return to the hands of the Qing court .High-quality updates are available on Wudunovel.com

Thinking of the wonderful thing, the two iron hat kings couldn't help being overjoyed. Yaerjiang also asked the Mongolian prince for two pretty Zhuozhou women to put out the fire, but Marhun still felt a little uneasy in his heart, so he I personally inspected the security situation of the camp to avoid being harassed by a small group of Xia troops at night.

Marhun's worries were justified. The cavalry of the Xia army that he and Yarjan'a were worried about had already arrived in Cangzhou and rushed to Gu'an overnight.What, it's too much to run down overnight?As one of the assessment items, the cavalry of the Xia army have long learned to sleep on the horse. As for the horses, the Xia army has already achieved one person with two horses or even three horses, so that the Mongolian horses they carried were exhausted. of mixed-bred steeds are ready to gallop on the battlefield

That's why Yarjan'a and Marhun didn't realize that things had changed until they woke up. At the same time as they received the news that the artillery team of the foreign firearms battalion had entered the camp, the scouts from all walks of life reported the arrival of the Xia Army's cavalry brigade one after another. , "overwhelming" and "marginal" are the inevitable modifiers in the report.

It was too late, everything was too late, the two who were about to jump knew that they still hadn't escaped the trap set by Huaxia.

That being the case, let's fight to the death. The Mongols can't attack the city, but riding battles are still the best in the world.

The nobles of the Eight Banners still had such confidence, and the Mongolian prince also wanted to use cavalry to wash away the bad luck of the siege failure, so the two sides hit it off and decided to fight a classic cavalry confrontation in the wild.

At noon on August 14th in the 51th year of Wucheng in Huaxia and the [-]st year of Kangxi in the Qing Dynasty, the Mongolian army, which was waiting for work, and the cavalry and hussars of the Xia army who had only taken a little rest were in the area of ​​Taowozi and Gujiapu in the southwest of Gu'an. Welcome in array. (The update is the fastest and most stable,)

At this time, the Mongolian army still had 220 after deducting casualties, and the five cavalry divisions of the Xia army were also [-]. There are more than [-] people, so there is actually a situation where Xia Jun is fighting more and fighting less.Fortunately, the cavalry of the Xia Army is equipped with a large number of artillery pieces. Although the caliber is not as good as the Shenwei General Cannon of the Qing Army, the total number of [-] artillery pieces far exceeds that of the only ten artillery pieces of the Qing Army. Going to war is enough to put the Mongolian army in a sea of ​​flames.

For Xia Jun's artillery placed in front of the formation, Manmeng high-level officials also had a headache. They couldn't imagine how Xia Jun brought such a large number of artillery all the way.It's just that if you can't figure it out, you have to fight, otherwise, after a night, the Mongolian army will not have the advantage of waiting for work.What's more, in the view of the Mongolian army, no matter how fast the Xia army's artillery fires, it may not be able to fire a few more cannons. As long as they approach, the saber, bow and arrow in their hands will ultimately determine everything.

At the beginning of the hour, except for the [-] Chinese guards, the rest of the Mongolian army was divided into a brigade of [-] people and slowly pressed forward.

Just like the situation when Xia Jun was defending the city before, Xia Jun's gunners did not fire far away. Knowing that the Mongolian soldiers began to slowly increase their horse speed, Xia Jun was able to fire a round of intensive artillery fire in his spare time.But something that surprised the Mongols happened. After the Xia army finished shooting, instead of reloading, they hung the artillery on the horse and quickly retreated to the passages reserved on both sides, leaving only the back view to the uncertain end. Are they the Mongolian soldiers who should be chasing after them?

Scattered pursuit means the chaos of the formation, which means that the rear must slow down the speed of horses. Therefore, after weighing it for a while, they were only a little frightened and did not lose much. The Mongolian commanders at all levels gave up their plans to pursue and continued straight. It refers to the Xia army brigade that also started to accelerate.It's just that there are still some Mongolian people who are popular, but they shot the arrow in Xia Jun's back, but they were not loudly reprimanded by the princes and auspicious people.

It was getting closer, and the two sides accelerating almost at the same time were getting closer and closer. The Mongolian soldiers in the front row had already started to turn sideways, and then turned their heads to shoot the bows and arrows in their hands towards the densely packed formation of the Xia army.However, despite the casualties, the Xia army still rushed towards the Mongolian army in a horizontal formation.This weird formation reminded some well-informed princes of what happened to the banners of Erut and Tumed. At that time, they laughed at their own clansmen for being damned, and even lost their ability to ride and fight. Now they obviously want to try The power of the Xia army group's charge was gone.

The second and third rows of the Mongolian army continued to turn and shoot arrows, and the fourth row also began to shoot directly over the Xia army. However, the Xia army, which had suffered heavy casualties, did not slow down, and immediately rushed into the Mongolian army's formation.

The Mongolian soldiers held up their swords to fight, but the Xia army raised their three-eyed pistols in the front row and fired a volley. The Mongols were caught off guard and were immediately knocked down by the continuous fire.Xia Jun immediately picked up the three-eyed pistol and threw it at the current Mongolian soldiers. The Mongolian soldiers also took out flying knives, throwing axes and other hidden flying weapons and threw them over. Falling from a horse naturally means either death or injury. The two sides who are charging can't care about you. You may be one of your own people who need to dodge. Therefore, unless you have peerless magic skills or luck, you will not escape being trampled by the passing horses. Fate with one kick.

The exchange of weapons was only a matter of a moment, and the two sides collided in the blink of an eye. At this time, if there are careful Mongolian soldiers, they will find that the first row of the Xia army, which seems to be much thinner, has been quickly filled by the latecomers before the fight. full.However, more Mongolian soldiers no longer cared about this detail, they just instinctively waved their weapons.

Then, the Mongolian soldiers were tragic.The military horses used by the Xia army for riding battles are one-hundred-jin mixed-breed horses, which were originally a head taller than the Mongolian horses ridden by the Mongols.Regardless of the subtle difference, this means that the Xia army can lean down and chop, while the Mongolian soldiers can only chop upwards. Of course, chopping requires more strength than chopping.What made the Mongolian soldiers even more frightened was that the saber he slashed at Xia Jun was obviously not blocked, but he couldn't slash at the opponent, but the sharp blade that the opponent slashed at him was obviously blocked, but he was hit by the saber. This strange discovery made the Mongols who believed in the Yellow Sect think they had encountered a devil. [

Of course, the collision between the two sides continued, and more Mongolian soldiers in the back team did not feel the pressure from the front row, and because the Xia army in the front row lost their impact, they felt that they had the chance to win.It's just that someone finally found out that something was wrong. During the scuffle, Xia's army fought more and more, and the Mongolian soldiers fighting on their own were not opponents at all, and the formation soon became thinner.

"There are ghosts, there are ghosts!" Several Mongolians cried out. They had some fighting spirit, but at this moment they just wanted to escape from the inauspicious place that the lama said. "The Xia people have invited the devil to kill all the Mongols here." The crying Mongolian army only knew how to turn their horses and run away, but they didn't know that they would sell their backs to the Xia army, so they died even worse. quick. "Run away, if you don't run away, you won't be able to go back to the grassland."

The Mongolian nobles who watched the battle opened their mouths wide and watched in disbelief at the scene of the Mongolian army being chased and killed by the Xia army. After a long time, someone came back to their senses and ran away without saying a word.Someone took the lead, and the last reserve team used to protect the nobles gave up their duties and fled one after another.However, the Manchu and Mongolian nobles who are fleeing should be careful. The Sixth Division of the Xuanwu Army in Gu'an City and Xiaozhai has already decisively left the city to arrange after discovering that the main cavalry battle of the two sides has begun. Escape the interception and pursuit of the Avengers.

Not to mention the actions of the Sixth Division of the Xuanwu Army, the killing on the main battlefield is still going on. At this time, the cavalry artillery troops of the Xia Army are also re-entering the battlefield. Whenever there are piles of enemies, they will bombard them break it up.

Facing the situation that the group will be broken up and scattered and unable to fight against the cavalry of the Xia army, the Mongols completely collapsed

"It's worse than I imagined." Ku Jin, the Privy Councilor who commanded the fifth cavalry division, looked at the battlefield where the overall situation was determined and shook his head. "The Mongols are not as good as the previous generation. Anyway, they used to pay attention to roundabouts and outflanking. There is such a mangu and evil fighting method. Now I can't see the fart. I only know how to fight hard." Speaking of this, Kuching ordered. "Immediately report to the south that the watchdog has been slaughtered, and you can enter the house now. Bah! Who made this code word, it's too dark."

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