Ming Zhengzhi, I am Zheng Kezang

576.Battle of Qing Dynasty

Now that Tang Baoyi was too busy blocking Yinzhen and Yinti to go north to pursue Yinti, He Shuzhi led his troops to join the Kujin army.After the two ministries join forces in the area south of Hejian Mansion and north of Ziya River, the two together should not wait for Yang Bokang at all. The combined total of the two of us is over 11, and Yinti is only [-], and the morale of the army is not stable. , may not be able to fight.

It's not that Gu and He were entrusted with big things. After all, the two troops are either cavalry or mounted infantry, and they can maneuver quickly. As long as the Qing army's marching route is found out, it is completely possible to pre-set a blocking position before the Qing army and use the flying cavalry army Dismounting to fight, the iron cavalry and hussars covered up and killed them from the side, and the victory was established in one fell swoop.As for Yang Bokang's previous order, even if he wins Yinzhen and Yinti, he will probably have to capture prisoners for a long time. In addition, if Yinsi and Yinxiang also escape from Zhangde, the main force will not be able to go north.

The idea has been made, then act, but the judgment of the two is a little different.Kujin believed that Yinti could go to Tianjin through Hejian, and then go to Liaodong through Yuguan and Daning Corridor; however, He Shuzhi insisted that the Qing army would go to Nankou via Baoding and go out from Xuanhua to Monan.

The two argued for a while, and finally came to the conclusion that no matter whether Yinti took two paths, it was right for the two main forces to rest in Hejian. As long as the Qing army passed through Shenzhou, they must choose the path. After going northeast, you will go to Tianjin, and you will go to Baoding by crossing the Hutuo River via Anping. No matter which way you go, the Xia army can use the speed of the horse to get in place before the Qing army.

Hejian has always been known as the "No. [-] Mansion in the South of Jing". I rewarded myself with a glass of poisoned wine, the magistrate with the yellow flag chose to hang himself, and the general soldier with the white flag wanted to resist, but was tied up by his own coat as a tool to redeem his life.

Once again taking control of the famous city without bloodshed, Kuching and He Shuzhi declined the rewards from the local gentry and merchants, but left dozens of pigs and sheep to be slaughtered for their subordinates to beat their teeth.Then the two made a joint decision that the combat troops and the middle base regiments of each division would camp outside the city, and the supply troops would be stationed in the barracks, government office and treasury of Daming Town in the city.

After sleeping all night, information from various sources spread to the two of them in an endless stream.The first is the Yinti Department of the Qing Army. Yinti didn't even enter Jizhou and only slept in the north of Zaoqiang for one night, then hurriedly waded across the Fuyang River; this supports He Shuzhi's point of view that the Qing army can only Go to the Gaoyang line in Baoding, otherwise you can go all the way down the Fuyang River, cross the Fuyang River in Xianxian County or simply north of Cangzhou, and then go to Tianjin along the Ziya River.

However, He Shuzhi and Kujin made an appointment to wait for the Qing army to arrive in Shenzhou and choose the final path before acting, so he can't be too eager, and at the current speed of the Qing army's rapid march, if it takes two days, the physical fitness of the Qing army will be reduced. It will be impossible to keep up, and when the time comes, it will be more certain to win if it suddenly breaks out.

Since you are not in a hurry, then continue to rest and recuperate. Anyway, sharpening the knife is not a mistake in chopping firewood.

After waiting for another hour, the news from the East Road also arrived. The Shence Army, which had parted ways with any part, had arrived at the front line of Cangzhou and got in touch with the left-behind personnel of the Xuanwu Sixth Division. The counties of Nanpi, Dongguang, and Nanpi changed flags one after another, but the Shence Army did not send anyone to accept it, but told them to wait for follow-up troops to send people to contact them.

Hearing this news, Ku Jin commented with a smile: "This junior is not bad at all, but he just led the Japanese to show off in the country. Will those defenders use chicken feathers as arrows?"

He Shuzhi was refuted by several regiment chiefs, and he was very disdainful to these few: "This road is where our army passed by, those grasshoppers don't know how to know, Mr. Gu, you are ridiculous. "

Kujin already knew that He Shuzhi had been humiliated by others, so he persuaded him: "They are all juniors, why bother with them, besides, they are all students of you and me, students do well, teachers also have face."

"Student? Don't dare to be," He Shuzhi gritted his teeth. "They are all disciples of the Son of Heaven, how can you and I act as teachers?"

What else did Kuching have to say, at this time Tanma came to report again that Yang Bokang had arrived in Dezhou after leaving behind a division to maintain order in Jinan, Kuching said with a smile: "That's good, Yang Dayong is in Dezhou, so he is not afraid of Yin Ti turned to the east."

He Shuzhi's face turned a little bit wrong on the spot, what did Kuching say, did he say that he left Texas to attack in order to grab credit for his failure?But the enemy is now, and it is not easy for He Shuzhi to argue with Kujin, so he can only suppress his unhappiness, write a note to Kuching, and look for opportunities to retaliate in the future.

Ku Jin didn't notice He Shuzhi's black face, he just smiled and said, "Now we're just waiting for the good news from the south."

The good news from the south came soon, Tang Bao unexpectedly defeated the [-] Qing army led by Yinzhen and Yinti.It's just that the Qing army broke up too quickly, which caused Xia's army to fail to capture a few prisoners, so it is still in pursuit. However, if Chen Baoquan, who is further south, can go north in time, they will be blocked on both sides, and the Qing army will have nowhere to escape even if they want to escape. escaped.

"It's a good thing we didn't wait for Tang Keqiang." Ku Jin smacked his mouth. "If you wait for him, the cooked duck will fly??"

"I, I can't do it," Prince Chong'an of He Shuokang yelled just after he stopped to rest. "Leave me behind. It's a death to run away anyway. Death is different. Why bother to be a homeless dog who is chased away."

Yinti, who was sitting not far away, gave Chong'an a disgusted look, and before he could say anything, Akto, the commander of the left wing of the Eight Banners New Army, said to him: "Prince, the total number of rests in the past three days and two nights is no more than five. Shichen, this is impossible, you have to rest for two days, otherwise the whole army will collapse before reaching Baoding."

It's the opposite, the iron hat king next to him complained, Yinti had no choice, but a mere deputy governor dared to tell him no, which immediately angered Yinti, who swung the horsewhip in his hand and slammed at Ake He asked him to beat him, and said: "Back then, when you fought against Galdan, the big guys could stay up for a few days and nights in the desert. Now it's only been a few years, and they have become tofu soldiers? This is what I, the Qing Dynasty, spent a lot of money to train. Is it an elite of hundreds of battles?"

Akto knelt there in a daze and let Yinti be beaten and scolded, and he tried to persuade him: "Prince, you can beat and scold, but listen to the servant's persuasion, I really can't run anymore. If you run again, I'm afraid the gang will be disbanded immediately."

Yinti was in a hurry, but he could not ignore the danger of mutiny, so he dropped his whip and compromised: "Send an order to camp in Shenzhou, and leave tomorrow afternoon, instead of going to Baoding, change to Dingzhou."

Yinti understood very well, even though it was only a half-day delay, the number of variables increased greatly. In this case, he could no longer go to Xuanhua as planned. He could only enter Yanmen Province first, and then exit through Datong. A little farther away, but it is relatively safe, and it can also raise a batch of food needed to cross the Monan grassland on the spot, which can be said to kill two birds with one stone.

The guards of the Eastern Palace conveyed Yinti’s order, and the Qing army burst into cheers for a while, but Chong’an licked his face and came over and asked: “Prince, don’t you have to go through Baoding to go to Yanmen via Yuanyuan? Why should you go to Dingzhou?” .”

Yinti knew that Chong'an thought that Dingzhou was too small to be as prosperous as Baoding, but prosperity has its purpose, and now the first priority is to get rid of Xia's pursuit: "Prince Kang, although I don't know how far Haini's pursuers are from us, But Xia Jun's scouts have been hanging on us for the past few days, do you think they would have guessed that we are going to Baoding?"

Seeing Chong'an's face turned pale, Yinti continued to scare: "Where are the cavalry that Xia Jun defeated the Mongols? Could they have rushed to Baoding before us? If Haini really took Baoding, then we But you’ve thrown yourself into a trap.”

Chong'an paled and dared not speak, Yinti sneered secretly, what a pussy, he couldn't even talk about war on paper, if he hadn't sent out scouts to find out that there was no Xia army in Baoding and Dingzhou, he could have gone in this direction.Besides, Baoding is not far from Dingzhou. If there is any cavalry from the Xia Army, it will take at most half a day to pursue it.

Chong'an retreated, and Yinti, who had laughed at him just now, felt a little uneasy again, did he overlook something?Ah, it's Xia Jun's cavalry, yes, yes, where did Xia Jun's cavalry go?Not in front, is it by my side?

Thinking of this, Yinti hastily ordered: "Let Sun Zhaqi go to Fucheng, Wuqiang, Xianxian, Raoyang, and Suning to investigate for me, and we must find out if there is any Xia Jun."

Yinti is still suspicious, but Yinzhen has ushered in his end.Although he was rescued from the battle area by his own coat after being stunned by Yinti, he lost his way in a panic under the continuous pursuit of Xia Jun.After asking about his location from the villagers under the butcher's knife, he realized that he was still in Qiu County after going around, and he hadn't run far.

It's just that the horse has run away and is useless at this time, and it is impossible to break through Xia Jun's net with two feet. They discussed borrowing a place to hide for two days, and threatened that if someone betrayed them, they would kill the women and children who were taken as hostages by their side.

Forced by the sword in front of them, the villagers agreed, so Yinzhen and several Baoyi changed clothes, drove away the useless mounts, and hid in this small village with only a few families.However, Xia Jun's search team soon appeared. Since an abandoned war horse was found near the village, Xia Jun believed that there were senior civil and military personnel from the Qing army hiding in the surrounding area, so he dug three feet to find him.

The people in the small village did not dare to speak, but the powerful appearance of Kong Wu, the coat of the king's mansion, made Xia Jun's leader Qian Qiang suspicious, so he ordered a separate interrogation, and now the coat hidden in the crowd could not be hidden. , Only to break through the encirclement, Xia Jun killed two people on the spot, and captured one person after being seriously injured.

The captured Baoyi would rather die than tell Yinzhen's whereabouts, but Xia Jun didn't believe it. Only these few people were hiding in the village, so after interrogating Baoyi, he directly tortured the villagers. Afterwards, the villagers confessed the truth, and then Yinzhen's hidden cellar was surrounded by Xia's army.

Yinzhen, who recited the "Diamond Sutra", refused to surrender, and stubbornly resisted and killed several officers and soldiers of the Xia army who were descending. In another time and space, Emperor Yongzheng died in the dirty cellar of the peasants.

Looking at the villagers' hatred eyes, several fearful soldiers of the Xia army asked, "My lord, what should these people do?"

"Protect the Chieftain of the Tartars, what else can we do?" Mr. Shao Qian, who found Yinzhen's body, didn't know what he had obtained, and he was still annoyed that he didn't capture the enemy's key figures alive. He ordered casually. "Killing is punished as a traitor"

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