Ming Zhengzhi, I am Zheng Kezang

580. The battle of destroying Qing Dynasty

Zheng Kezang was not as eager to see Kangxi's end as imagined by the frontline officers and soldiers. The fruits of victory must be tasted slowly to be delicious. It was noon on the [-]th when they arrived at the outskirts of Anyang after hearing the news from the Yinti Department.

Seeing the appearance of the three-color flag representing the Chinese imperial family, the morale of the Xia army suddenly reached a high level, and the cheers that went straight to the sky made the Qing army's Yinxiang department, which was already trapped in an isolated city, change color.

Of course Zheng Kezang would not consider the thoughts of Yinxiang and his subordinates, he just asked about the current situation with concern.

The situation is of course very good. After seeing Yinzhen's body and getting the promise that the descendant will not die, the new camp of the Green Camp, which was designated to guard the late Xia Army in the Daming Mansion, quickly mutinied. After being killed, the rest opened the city gate and surrendered. So far, the 11 troops of the Qing army's famous camp no longer exist, and only a handful of fish that slipped through the net are still chasing after Xia Jun and fleeing like years.

"Lord Chen Baoquan has previously notified that he will lead four divisions and six artillery regiments to escort the more than 5 large and small cannons discarded by the famous Qing army and Yinzhen's corpse to Anyang to join the army." Xia Yu, commander-in-chief of the Xia army on the front line of Zhangde reported. "In addition, Master Tang Baoyi has also dispatched the Third Division of the Guangwei Army and the Second Division of the Tianwu Army to escort more than [-] Qing troops captured in the Battle of Linxi to Zhangde."

Zheng Kezang thought for a while and asked, "When will Yinzhi be escorted to Zhangde?"

A Hanlin scholar on the side replied: "Yinzhi was originally escorted to Kaifeng. Before Shengjia moved to Zhangde, he had ordered a notice to transfer him. It is estimated that he will arrive tomorrow at the earliest."

Zheng Kezang nodded: "After the arrest, I will disappear. Arrange him to go to Anyang City to persuade him to surrender. If Yinxiang is willing to open the city and surrender, I will allow him and all the Manchu and Han civil and military soldiers to survive. As for the prisoners brought here by Tang Baoyi's escort Well, if I don’t plan to attack the city with ants, I don’t need to send it to Zhangde, and just send it to various mines.”

The Hanlin scholars recorded Zheng Kezang's orders one by one, and someone would carry them out: "In addition, Yide who dedicated the city and the Guangping Mansion were full of the Eight Banners and the Han Army Banner can be spared from death, and they will be sent to Jinlan Province for enrichment. Hukou, as for the various departments of the Green Banner Soldiers, who are famous anyway, they are sent to Jinlan, Beiboni, Xiboni and Lingyamen for resettlement."

After deciding the fate of these people, Zheng Kezang asked Xia Yu: "How many troops does our army have in Zhangde now?"

"Master Chen Baoquan had already dispatched two divisions here before, and now adding the Imperial Guards who accompanied him and deducting the division that went north to Guangping, our army should have more than [-] troops outside Anyang City," Xia Yu said. So far, Zheng Kezang's thoughts are clear. "Your Majesty is worried that Yinhu and Yinxiang in the city will go out of the city to counterattack? Your Majesty, please rest assured that if it was two days ago, the Qing army might have succeeded in counterattacking, but now the siege trenches and parapets have been roughly completed. It's already impossible to escape."

"In other words, Yinhu Yinxiang decided to die for the Qing Dynasty?" Zheng Kezang said to himself. "However, what should be tried is still to try. Even if the persuasion fails, it can still disturb the morale of the Qing army guarding the city."

"What the Holy Majesty said is very true." Xia Yu echoed. "When you see the two commanders of the friendly forces, one dead and one captured, the Qing army must be greatly frustrated."

"Maybe it's not necessarily a mourning army." With the victory already set, Zheng Kezang was not blindly optimistic. "Once it becomes a long-term siege, it will be troublesome"

Zheng Kezang's troubles are just minor troubles, but Yinxiang in Anyang City has big troubles. The Manchu nobles who were suppressed by him finally realized that something was wrong, and blocked the door to ask him to explain the current situation: "Thirteen Elder brother, you don't need to lie to us, Haini's reinforcements are pouring in now, even Zheng Ni himself has come to Anyang, anyone with a discerning eye can see that the imperial court has already been defeated, and we are already in danger."

The excited generals of the Eight Banners yelled angrily: "Brother Thirteen, you knew the situation was not good the day Brother Eight ran away, why did you keep us secret until today, now that we can't escape, the army of the imperial court is completely over , you, you are betraying Qing Dynasty, you, what is your intention?"

The unfinished words were interrupted by Yinxiang's slap: "What is the intention of elder brother, can you be a slave to criticize? That's right, elder brother Ben knew that all parties were defeated early in the morning, so eighth elder brother ran, but ran away Do you think you can outrun Xia's army? I'm afraid that before passing Guangping, the first army will be dispersed, and at that time, won't they also die without a place to die?"

Someone muttered in a low voice: "There is always a chance, it's much better than staying here to die."

Yinxiang pointed at this person: "Come on, pull it down and chop it up!"

The guards immediately rushed out to hold the person down, and immediately dragged him down, and after a while, a head came up.

"You are all Manchurians. After the Qing Dynasty is over, how can you live a good life?" Yinxiang knew that saying this would not convince everyone, so he sat down and asked lightly. "You said, if you escaped at the beginning, can you escape to Beijing now?" The answer is of course no. "Then tell me again, if Anyang persists a little longer and restrains Hai Ni's army, can the old and young men in Beijing escape a few more and go to the Northeast?"

The once noisy house was instantly silent. That's right, Yinxiang put a dilemma in front of everyone. Since the overall situation is irreversible, it is for his own survival that Xia Jun has enough troops to go straight to Beijing. , or in order to allow the family to escape, to stick to the dead.

The so-called fascinated by the authorities, it took a long time for someone to wake up, and Yinxiang had actually chosen the latter for everyone.

However, such a choice is still approved by some people. Yin Da, the Mongolian deputy capital of the Xianghuang Banner, stood up to support Yinxiang: "I still have two little cubs in my family. If the Xia army captured Beijing and slaughtered my people, I am afraid it will be a living thing." If they can’t go on, we can only hope that they can escape outside the pass before Xia Jun arrives in Beijing.”

Wohe, the Deputy Commander of the Manchuria of Xiangbai Banner, slapped Yinxiang a thousand times: "Master Shisan, the servant is confused, it is not a thing, but please rest assured, Master Thirteen, since the servant understands, he naturally knows how to do it."

Wuhe stood up and clasped his fists at the military officers of the Manchu Eight Banners beside him: "My lords, everyone eats the salary of the Qing Dynasty. The court has not broken our hard-core crops through such difficulties. Some people will say that this is our ancestors. It’s not bad that the Qing earned it by working hard, but the ancestors were able to go through life and death for the Qing, so we can’t? The current situation is already like this, and no matter how much you say or scold, it can’t change it, so it’s time to stand up. died."

Da Luo, the left-wing leader of the Inner Firearms Battalion who had conflicts with Yinxiang, and the deputy governor of the Manchuria of the Xianghuang Banner, also stood up and said: "Please rest assured, Thirteenth Master, it is nothing more than a dead word. The slave will never embarrass the ancestors."

Under the leadership of these people, all the Manchurian nobles who had originally forced the palace changed their attitudes, and one by one impassionedly stated that they would live and die with Anyang. Of course, it is unclear how many of them are credible.But at least after such a fuss, Yinzhi's appearance the next day did not arouse everyone's surprise.

"Come here," Yin Xiang shouted loudly after looking at Yin Zhi who was shouting loudly to the city under Xia Jun's threat. "Pass down my general's order, saying that Haini's spreading rumors will not work, and using fake people to shake our army's morale. Therefore, Ben Beizi will personally hold the cannon and kill him under the city!"

After all, Yinxiang went to the gunner at the top of the city, adjusted the cannon body with his own hands, aimed it at the position where Yinzhi was, loaded the gunpowder shell, and then set fire on the fire door, the cannon body jumped back suddenly, and the shell fell off immediately. It came out and blasted down the city.Yinxiang was obviously not a god-robed player, so the cannon certainly missed.However, before Yinzhi could react, under Yinxiang's order, more than a dozen shells were fired from the city, and finally one jumped up and wiped Yinzhi's body, knocking Xia Jun behind him to the ground.

"Old eight, old thirteen, you are so ruthless." Yin Zhi, whose chest was completely crushed by the remaining energy of the shells, fell down with difficulty breathing, but laughed when he was about to die. "Speaking of which, third brother actually wants to thank you"

The Xia army was dispersed by artillery fire, the gate of Anyang was opened, and more than a dozen Qing soldiers rushed out, lifted Yinzhi's body and ran into the city, but the Xia army's heavy artillery had already aimed at this place from a distance, As soon as the Qing army came out to snatch the corpses, they immediately fired a volley of cannons. They also beat up all the Qing soldiers and ran away, and even Yinzhi's body was cut into two pieces.

Yinxiang could see it clearly from the top of the city, and ordered to stop the Qing army from sending people to snatch the corpse again. He just ordered people to fetch a jug of wine and two cups, filled each of them, and then raised one of them and said, "Third brother, you Just take a step on the road first, I, Thirteen, will come to accompany you soon, I hope you don't blame me when the time comes"

Yinxiang's determination made Zheng Kezang amazed. It seems that the Manchus are not only extremely cruel to the Chinese clans, but also extremely cruel to their own compatriots. If this is the case, there is no need to display Yinzhen's body, otherwise If Yin Xiang continues to perform, it will hurt the morale of the besieging Xia army.

Zheng Kezang was regretting, but the cavalry defeated Yinti's troops and the military report that found Yinti's body finally arrived in his hands. He breathed a sigh of relief and immediately spread the news. Amid thunderous cheers again, Zheng Kezang ordered: "Tang Baoyi dispatched five divisions to go south to encircle Anyang, and left two divisions to occupy the prefectures and counties in various places, and the rest of the divisions went directly to Beijing and Tianjin; then ordered the third division of the Daming Prefecture to return to defend Jianghuai, Zhongzhou, and Fujian. The provinces; the [-]rd Division of the Guangwei Army and the [-]nd Division of the Tianwu Army returned to the south of the Yangtze River after completing the task of escorting the prisoners of the Qing Army; the various units of the cavalry army handed over the captured prisoners to the Ministry of Tang and then marched towards Xuanhua and Yuguan respectively."

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