In the first year of Tongzhi in the Qing Dynasty (the 14th year of Wucheng in Huaxia, 1712 in the Western calendar), the fourth day of December? Jilin Bodune (Songyuan)

Boduna was originally a post station on the post road leading from the northeast to Mongolia. In the 32nd year of Kangxi (1693 in the Western calendar), the Qing government allocated special funds to build a small brick city on the south side of the original post station. At this time, General Jilin Jilin Ula, the seat of government, is still a wooden city of less than 450 square feet (0.2km??), so one can imagine the importance of this place.

In view of the importance of Boduna’s connection to Mongolia, the Qing government set up the deputy governor of Boduna under General Jilin. With a total of four hundred cavalry, it is also one of the few in the entire Northeast in terms of garrison strength.

As the Qing court lost the pass, Emperor Tongzhi ordered the recruitment of new Manchurian Eight Banners and Mongolian ministries, and the importance of Boduna became more and more prominent. Not only did the garrison strength rise to five assistants and six hundred cavalry, but the castle's security was greatly improved. It was strengthened so that soon after the heavy snow stopped, there were flag soldiers guarding the gate of the city.

"Look, where is it?" Several Xibo soldiers guarding the gate of the city looked at the snow rising in the distance, and they all became suspicious. "Someone is riding a horse. In this weather, running so fast, the horse may be exhausted." While speaking, the figure in the distance could already be seen clearly. "Ah, the person in front of you is Master Su Lazhangjing Tong Jie. Quickly, move the horse away."

As soon as the Juma blocking the gate of the city moved away, Tong Jie rushed into the city with a group of knights in a whirlwind. Looking at the cotton armor on the knights, a Xibo soldier couldn't help but said: "Could it be ten days ago?" Among the group of people, there really is the Fourteenth Brother, I heard that the seat of the emperor should belong to the Fourteenth Brother."

Rumors are always the fastest to spread. It was not long after Emperor Tongzhi ascended the throne. The news about his improper position has spread in Liaodong, Jilin and Heilongjiang. There are obviously kings from the Northeast among them, which shows that they live in the Northeast. The contradiction between the princes of the Eight Banners outside the pass and the nobles of the Eight Banners inside the pass who fled from Beijing has become fierce. However, this level of infighting is not enough to completely shake the cornerstone of the rule of the Manchus outside the pass.

Of course, it is the right of the upper class to play political struggles, but it is not something that ordinary people can get involved in. Therefore, the urging officer on the side immediately kicked at Xibo Bing who was talking: "What are you talking about? You don't care about life if you want to die, the emperor's family Is it something we can talk about? Stand up and guard the city gate.”

Tong Jie and others, who didn't pay attention to what happened at the gate of the city, soon appeared in front of the most important building in the city, the deputy governor's yamen. Tong Jie was the first to jump off his horse and shouted at the guard guarding the gate: "Quick, open it!" The door, Prince Su has arrived."

Hearing that it was a prince, the guard was so frightened that he immediately turned to open the door. Tong Jie turned around and knelt down in front of Yunxuan's stirrup. Yunxuan stepped on Tong Jie's back and got off the horse, and asked casually, "Is anyone inside?"

Tong Jie knelt there and replied: "Yes, I heard that it is the Fourteenth Lord, Lord Salah did not dare to neglect, so he invited him and Lord Dong Jiadong, the commander-in-chief of Datong Town, to live in the deputy capital's yamen so that we can entertain him. "

The good hospitality is of course fake, and it is true to watch the two people. Otherwise, what are the armed guards at the door doing? Even if it's done."

As he spoke, Yunyu walked in surrounded by guards, shouting as he walked, "Old Fourteen, are you back?"

After shouting a few times, a room door opened, and a person came out. Yun Yun and the visitor met each other, and tears flowed down: "Old Fourteen, it's really Old Fourteen, it's good if you don't die. , it’s good if you don’t die.”

As he said that, Yunyu broke away from the many guards who knelt down after hearing the words, and rushed up to hug Yinzhen who was also tearful: "Old Fourteen, do you know that Huang Ama has gone, and he just left behind like this?" You and my brother left alone"

Yinti finally couldn't hold back and burst into tears: "It's Yinti's incompetence that has caused fourth brother, starling and Huang Ama to suffer."

Seeing the two brothers hugging each other and crying, the guards withdrew out knowingly, and even the Deputy Commander-in-Chief of Bertuna, Salaha, who came over after hearing the news, walked out of the official office that belonged to him silently.

Seeing that the guards and Sarah had retreated, Su Lazhangjing and Tong Jie came over and asked, "My lord, is it really Brother Fourteen?"

"I'm already crying, and there are fake ones?" Sarah smacked her mouth. "How could it be true? It's troublesome now. The Qing Dynasty has already reached this point. If you continue to toss about it, I'm afraid it will fall apart."

Tong Jie looked around and saw that no one was paying attention, so he asked in a low voice: "Do you want to relieve the emperor's worries?"

Saraha looked at Tong Jie with unfamiliar eyes: "You are crazy, you dare to do this."

Saraha glared at Tong Jie: "use your brain more, don't think that you can please yourself like this, you and I are both officials as big as sesame and mung beans, and ten or eight of them can be crushed to death with one finger, I don't want to be this On behalf of the dead ghost, you actually dare to directly bump into it, I don’t know whether to say you are brave, or that you are greedy for profit.”

Sarah walked away, but Tong Jie clenched his fist, but no matter how dissatisfied he was, he couldn't say that Sarah's words were unreasonable, so after the muscles on his face twitched for a long time, he sighed and let go. Also go far.

Leaving aside how Tong Jie, who was determined to climb the ladder, reluctantly gave up the opportunity, the two brothers in the vice capital's yamen also returned to the room from the yard at this moment: "Old Fourteen, tell me, how did you escape?" of."

After hearing Yunyu's question, Yinyu's expression changed for a moment, and he slowly said: "My fourth brother and I received the order from the crown prince, abandoned our name and fled to Beijing, but we were blocked by Xia Jun on the way."

Yinti recounted how he was defeated in the war and how he fled all the way to Datong: "When I left Datong, I met mynah who also escaped. The [-] or [-] people fled to Chahar. They were planning to meet up with Lord Dan Dai, the servant of the Li Fanyuan in Chahar. They never thought that the Xia army had already occupied Zhangjiakou, and then attacked the Zhenghuang Banner and Zhenglan Banner. When we got the letter, we had no choice but to go north.”

"At the beginning, the Mongolians saw that we had a lot of people along the way, and they were very polite, but after Xia Jun began to appease the Mongolians, the Mongols changed their faces. The good ones were that we were not allowed to enter their settlements, and the bad ones were It directly came up with our idea, and it turned out that Sarin was killed by the Mongols in Xilin Gol."

Yinzhen narrated slowly, and the hardships in it made Yunzhen, who was only a listener, shudder: "In addition to the Mongol attack, God also showed us face. I thought I had enough things when I left the university. As we walked, many cars got stuck in the heavy snow and could not move, so we had to lose them. In this way, the supplies would be insufficient. In the end, we could only kill the horses. After all the horses were killed, the old, weak, women and children could only walk. As a result, many people They all fell behind and froze to death on the grassland.”

"Because the Mongols changed their face, we didn't have a guide, and ended up going the wrong way. We almost broke into the Zhaowuda League, which had already taken refuge in the Xia people. Fortunately, we found something wrong at the last moment, so we changed the direction." Yinti's words are still there. continue. "When we approached the Tushiyetu (Horqin right-wing middle) banner, we had run out of food, so we had to take the risk to find the Mongols. We thought that we should be united with the Qing Dynasty after many years of marriage, but we were sacked at dinner. Ulan Tai, king of Kedorozha Saktu County, led the crowd to attack and kill, myna, myna"

Yinhu's voice trembled, he remembered the moment when he pushed Yinhu to the knife edge, remembered the astonished expression on Yinhu's face at that moment, thought of the scene where the knife light flashed, the blood splashed and the human head flew up, He couldn't help crying.

"Extremely hateful! Extremely hateful!" The relationship between Yunyu and Yinhu was not very good in the past, but at this moment, he felt the same feeling and was filled with righteous indignation. "After the beginning of spring, we must let the imperial court send an army to kill the bastard Ulan Tai to avenge the starling."

Yinti managed to restrain Qi Rong, and started to talk again: "I finally escaped from Ke Youzhong Banner, and there were less than [-] people left, so we ran all the way along the Huolin River, trying to smash everything we had to eat." Catching fish on the ice, I have finally tasted the taste of white meat eaten by my ancestors this time, and finally reached the territory of the Guoerluosi people. Fortunately, they are still loyal to the Qing Dynasty, which pointed us to Boduna "

After Yinti's words were finished, Yunxuan said in relief: "It's all good when we get here, it's really not easy, by the way, I'll send someone to deliver letters to the emperor and prince, I think they will be very happy to know."

Yinyu asked in surprise: "Your Majesty? Isn't Huang Ama already dead? Who succeeded the Great Commandment?"

"Why didn't this slave, Saraha, tell you?" Yunxuan was taken aback for a moment, and then explained. "That's right, he didn't know you were real, he thought it was Hai Ni's spy, so he kept it a secret." Yun Yu suddenly thought of something, and said with a dark face. "It was the fifth brother who succeeded the Datong, and now it has been changed to Yuan Tongzhi."

"Fifth brother?" Yinti froze, he never thought that Yinqi, the most mediocre of his brothers, would become the emperor, but he soon came back to his senses. "That's right, the boss, third brother, and fourth brother have all gone, and it's his turn." Yinti's tone was full of sarcasm. "Who is Prince He? Seventh brother? Ninth brother, tenth brother, what did they get? Prince? County king?"

"Prince He is indeed the Seventh Brother, but the Ninth and Tenth Brothers did not escape from Beijing. They were left behind by Huang Ama."

As soon as this sentence came out, Yinti looked very embarrassed: "Old Twelve, I, I"

"Don't say anything. I know that you are fighting to death in the south. You are either the prince or the county king here. You are not convinced." Yunyu hesitated and felt that the matter could not be concealed, so he said hesitantly . "Old Fourteen, there is one thing I want to tell you, don't get excited when you hear it"

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