On March 15, 28th year of Huaxia Wucheng, a huge tent was erected outside Chengde City. Zheng Kezang entered and formally summoned the princes and princes of various banners in Monan Mongolia who came to make a pilgrimage.The Qing court had a total of 49 banners in Monan. This time, all the Mongolian princes except the ten banners of Zhelimu League came to Chengde for pilgrimage.

The process of the pilgrimage is arranged as follows: the Mongolian princes use the flag as a unit to enter the gold account to meet Zheng Kezang, and present symbolic tributes such as hada and grassland sketches; The seals and robes of the Mongolian titles of the Huaxia Dynasty below the Duke of Zhen Guo --- these Mongolian princes have already learned from the Mongolian Secretary of the Governor's Office who received them that the two levels of princes and county kings were in the Huaxia Dynasty. Noble titles are not hereditary titles, and are only awarded to the emperor's brothers and nephews and a very small number of state-level important ministers and officials who have made great achievements in the world. There is no objection to the title, or if there is an objection, they dare not publicly express it; of course, some of the banner owners with higher status in the alliances have also received the title of Mongolian county king, but this cannot be passed on to descendants, and future generations want to keep this addition. The title needs to make a great contribution to the Chinese court --- and give it a version based on the report of each banner; the Mongolian princes accepted the seal, robes and version, and then saluted Zheng Kezang and then withdrew from the golden account. The princes of another banner continued to pay homage.

Due to the large number of Mongolian princes on the pilgrimage, the time for a single banner to visit the Hajj and receive the Huaxia title is usually about a quarter of an hour (half an hour), so the 39 banners cannot be completed in one day, so the entire ceremony lasted for two days .

On the second day after the canonization ceremony, the participating Mongolian banners slaughtered the white horse and black cattle, and then proclaimed their vassals to Huaxia again under the witness of the Living Buddha of the Yellow Sect. The Mongolian princes and the territories, cattle, sheep, and people of the Mongolian banners are safe, respect the yellow religion together, and trade for mutual benefit.

The oath of alliance was over, and the princes of the Mongolian banners knelt down and asked Zheng Kezang to ascend the throne of the Mongolian Great Khan, Bogda Khan.

In this regard, Zheng Kezang expressed his clear rejection in public: "I am the emperor of China as the emperor of all nations, and the Mongolian Khan is also my subject. How can I lead the alliance of my subjects as a monarch."

Of course, it is also important to appease the emotions of the Mongols. Zheng Kezang then announced: "I already know the loyalty of the Mongolian tribes, and I will issue an edict to the world soon. From now on, the princes of this dynasty will be the Mongolian Bogda Khan."

The Mongols understand that Emperor Wucheng feels that Mongolia is now only a vassal of China, and it is a bit of a loss to serve as the Mongol Khan who does not match the name, so he simply threw it to the prince who is the minister of one person and the king of thousands of people to show the emperor of China Unique status.Well, the prince is also the prince. Anyway, this Bogda Khan is also a false name. Who will be different.

It’s just that the Chinese ministers on the side could hear it clearly, and laughed secretly in their hearts. You must know that the Huaxia Dynasty has not set up a prince so far, and according to Zheng Kezang’s will, the successive dynasties will be established by secret edicts. Also an air-to-air nonsense.But nonsense can make the Mongols feel less wronged, and that's okay.

However, these Chinese ministers did not know that a few years later, when Zheng Kezang turned up his cards, he really asked the prince to meet these Mongols in Chengde again on his behalf, and used this to ascend to the position of the Mongolian Khan, and finally Form a system --- After the emperors of the Chinese dynasties announced the candidates for the crown prince, the then crown prince must go to Chengde to inherit the position of the Mongolian Great Khan, and then return to Beijing to supervise the country to rule for one to two years. After the transition period is over, he will step down as the Mongolian Great Khan The position officially boarded the Chinese throne.

The last event of the Chengde Huimeng was Zheng Kezang's announcement of a crusade against the Zhelimu League, which had not participated in the Chengde Huimeng.

Among the ten banners of the Zhelimu League, Horqin Left Wing Front Banner, Horqin Left Wing Middle Banner, Horqin Right Wing Front Banner, Zhalaite Banner, Durbot Banner, Guoerluosi Banner and other six banner princes continued to attach to the Qing court, and the remaining Horqin Four Although Qi changed his court, he did not participate in the Chengde League because of the inseparable attacks of Yunti, Yunyou and others.In the name of rescuing the Four Banners and allocating the grasslands of the Six Banners, Zheng Kezang ordered Kuching to attack the Horqin before the Northern Expedition.

The temptation of the pasture is naturally not small. Except for the Ordos Seven Banners who are moving, which is inconvenient to send troops, the other Mongolian banners have actively expressed their willingness to send troops to join the conquest.For this reason, Zheng Kezang ordered all the banners to lead troops into the Alu Horqin Banner before the arrival of summer, and cooperate with the Mongolian Yicong Army to launch a general attack on the Qing court and the Horqin coalition forces

After the Chengde League, Zheng Kezang returned directly to Wuchang. He was still on his way back, but a war in the distant Tianzhu Ocean was brewing without his knowledge and was about to break out.

"The above is the result of my joint investigation with the sailors of [Sea Snake]." Sun Peifu narrated to the captains of the newly arrived Xiyang 36. "Hongyi's work in Xilan was actually done by a strong outsider."

This statement was agreed by most of the captains. Indeed, a mere gunboat equipped with 24 cannons and no more than four letter ships equipped with less than 36 cannons are not worth mentioning to the Huaxia Navy. The [-] warships of various types assembled by the [-] Western countries have an overwhelming advantage over it.

It's just that someone is more careful: "I don't know, how does the guardian envoy plan to deal with the enemy?"

"Because the imperial court did not issue an order to take the initiative to start a war with Hongyi, it is not for me to act beyond my authority at will."

The words of Niu Mingli, who served as the guardian envoy of Tianzhu as the fifth-rank first-class lieutenant, caused a commotion among the captains of the Western 36. You can’t exceed your authority, so what are we, scapegoats that can be thrown out anytime and anywhere?

Immediately, someone asked: "Master Niu, why are these words different from what Master Hua said?"

Niu Mingli made a gesture of calmness and continued: "It's not just that the imperial court has no intention of going to war with Hongyi for the time being. There is no way to transfer ships to the gate immediately, so this battle can only be fought by everyone sitting here."

Seeing the scene full of boos, Niu Mingli continued calmly: "Several captains from the Tianzhu Township's family also saw that when the detachment withdrew to Ling Yamen, there were only two third-class letter reporting ships. It can be dispatched, and other miscellaneous ships can keep their mouths open. I am afraid that going to sea will be a disaster, so I decided to send these two letter ships to Jaffna to contain Hongyi's cruise ship. As for any enemy ships appearing again, I’m going to trouble everyone to clean up.”

It was only then that the 36 western families understood that the so-called not taking the initiative to start a war with the Dutch was nothing more than deceiving their ears and stealing the bell, lest the Dutch dispatch a brigade to block the Tianzhu tutelary fortress and then have the possibility of a full-scale war with China, so that Sulu who was not yet ready The Marine Division and East Tianzhu Navy were caught off guard.

Niu Mingli added: "I think that the various companies have never cooperated before, and the banners are different, so I will use the strong captain to uniformly command the operations at sea and after landing. May you obey the dispatch?"

As for the imperial court sending someone to command, the 36 Western countries have also considered it and think it is acceptable. Otherwise, judging from their loose alliance, it may be possible for one or two companies to join forces, but once the number of ships reaches more than [-] or [-], no one can do it. Can't play.

"That's great." Niu Mingli nodded. "As for how to build forts after landing, how to restore the abandoned port, how to deal with the Hongyi land division, everything should be commanded by Captain Tu, can you accept it?" Even the command of the sea has been handed over, As for the command right after landing, the 36 Western countries dare not object. "As for military discipline," Niu Mingli glanced at the pale-faced ship owners. "Rabbits don't eat grass by the side of their nests, and they will still be traded here in the future, so please restrain yourself."

Everyone breathed a sigh of relief, and immediately promised: "Please rest assured, my lord, we will definitely take care of those little bastards."

Niu Mingli knew what the ship owners and captains were worried about, so he further explained: "This battle is not about fighting Hongyi with real swords and guns, but to force Hongyi to rely on the advantage of having more ships and more soldiers. When the time comes, as long as there are prototypes of land castles and ports, this temporary team can be disbanded. In the future, no matter whether the Dutch will go to the court to protest, or directly send an army of ships, it will take time. Enough for the garrison to gradually improve the defense."

This remark reassured everyone. Thinking about it, these fifty boats can scare the Dutch, so someone smiled and suggested: "It's better to block the gates of Jaffna and Colombo, maybe And plundered cities."

Niu Mingli thought about it for a while, and it is not impossible to let the 36 Western companies plunder the city. If it succeeds, it will also destroy the dominance of the Dutch in Sri Lanka, shake the status of Colombo and Jaffna as trading ports, and promote the restoration of Trincomalee Port. Prosperity can be said to be achieved in one fell swoop.However, although there are not many Dutch warships in the above-mentioned two ports, the fortifications are fortified and there are many coastal defense cannons.But looking at the bloody eyes of the ship owners and captains present, and considering that this is not an army of the imperial court and does not need to care about military discipline, he finally agreed.

"If you can agree to the two conditions of this official, and you can take the two cities by yourself, then it is not impossible." Niu Mingli stretched out his hand and said: "First, we must ensure that the construction of Trincomalee Port will not be affected; second Second, the rebels can be killed, but the killing is unknown."

Boss Qi, who personally led the team out, patted his chest and assured: "Killing people is a fool. We still lack labor in our village. Even if we don't ship them to southern Burma, we can speed up the construction of the fort by pulling them to Trincomalee first, right?"

The head of the Xiyang 36 family left, but Colonel Qiang blamed Niu Mingli: "Master Niu, you shouldn't have agreed to the Xiyang 36 family's nonsense. This is clearly forcing Hong Yi to work hard."

Although Colonel Qiang is in charge of the miscellaneous ship squadron of the government, his superior-subordinate relationship with Niu Mingli is not very strict, so Niu Mingli did not speak to him in an orderly tone: "The so-called law of the jungle, as long as there is an overwhelming With such power, Hongyi's desperate efforts are nothing more than a mantis' arms, so there is nothing to be afraid of."

On the side, Colonel Tu also said in a jealous tone: "The Western 36 Family is just a pirate, and they actually want to rely on the status of the inner vassal, and now they are consumed by the hands of Hongyi, why not?"

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