Ming Zhengzhi, I am Zheng Kezang

615. Batavia's decision

"[The Fairy in the Forest] had its mainmast broken, its port side was damaged, four guns were lost, and 24 casualties were caused, and it was forced to return to the port of Jaffna; [Apostle] was completely destroyed by fire, with 41 casualties, and sank in the port of Jaffna In addition; [Sigma] was damaged in many places, lost nine artillery pieces, and suffered 39 casualties, and barely retreated into the port of Sadras. (You can find this station) "From the Indian subcontinent to the [Sigma] in Batavia No.] Captain William Trestan reported to the deputies present. "In addition, before the end of the naval battle, these Chinese are attacking the city of Colombo. If there is no accident, the city of Colombo has already fallen."

A commentator asked: "Captain Trestan, are you sure that this is an attack planned by the Chinese Empire? Sorry, I am not questioning your statement, but I think this accusation is very serious and will make the United East India Company and The Chinese Empire is in a state of war, so I hope you can answer carefully."

"Respect your Excellency, I confirm that this is an attack launched by the Chinese Empire against the United East India Company." William Trestan then explained. "Although the warships of the Chinese Empire did not participate in the attack on the Jaffna squadron, the warships of the Chinese Empire used provocative actions to contain the squadron for 16 hours in the waters off Jaffna before, even after the squadron heard the news On the way to Colombo for rescue, the Chinese warships followed all the way until the squadron started a naval battle with the pirates, and the opponent was still attacking from the upwind position, which diverted the squadron's considerable attention. "

"Captain Trestan, according to what you just said, the Chinese Empire only sent two small notification ships. Could it be that these two small notification ships were the root cause of the failure of the Jaffna Squadron's naval battle?" Another The commentator said very dissatisfied. "Please don't take responsibility for failure."

"Your Excellency, I don't intend to shirk responsibility for the failure, but I want to tell you clearly that the two small notification ships are part of the Huaxia Navy. During the Colombo naval battle, this squadron faced four medium-sized armed Galen boats, 4 small notification ships commonly used by the Chinese Imperial Navy, and the remaining more than 10 Junk boats and Arabian oar rowing boats. Please note that these 30 small notification ships, even if the Chinese Imperial Navy did not personally participate in the battle, must be provided to These Chinese pirates."[

Captain William's words made the hall where the council was located began to whisper. At this moment, the chairman of the council knocked on the table with a mallet: "Gentlemen, please keep quiet. Is there anyone else who needs to ask Captain Trestan any questions?"

A younger commentator stood up: "Captain Trestan, according to what you said, the battle took place on May 5th, and today is June 9th, why did it take so long to report to Batavia?" Report?"

"Your Excellency, after the [Sigma] fled to Sadras Port, Chinese pirates once blocked Sadras Port with 5 small notification ships. I discussed with the Governor of Sadras Port Finally, I thought it would be difficult to break through the blockade of the Chinese with the dilapidated [Sigma] and a few armed merchant ships in the port of Sadras, so His Excellency the Governor of Galesim suggested that I cross the territory of the Maratha Empire by land to go to Pu Licart." William Trestan told the audience about a difficult journey. "It was already May 5th when I arrived at Pulicat, but there were no ships in the port. I waited until May 15nd before the [River from Groningen] came from Malacca. On May 5th, I took the loaded [ The River in Groningen sailed away from Pulicat, but because of fears that the Chinese Empire would block the Strait of Malacca, they could only go to Batavia via the Sunda Strait.”

After listening to William's explanation, the young councilor bowed slightly to the chairman: "Your Excellency, Speaker, I don't have any questions."

"Who else has a problem?" The chairman of the council looked at the crowd, but there was no response, so the chairman of the council said to William. "Thank you Captain Trestan for bringing us the news, Captain, you can go to rest." Captain William retreated, and the chairman of the council asked. "Gentlemen, you may speak freely now."

The governor of Batavia was the first to stand up: "Your Excellency, the judges, the situation is very clear. After the Chinese Empire wiped out the Tatars, the greedy eyes of the emperor have fallen on the United East. In the case of Indian companies, we have been expelled without hesitation in exchange for years of patience. If we remain unmoved, what happened in Sri Lanka will repeat itself in Java, Sumatra, the Spice Islands, and the entire India. (We) are bound to be driven out of these areas, which are vital to the company's existence, by the growing Chinese population, just as in Japan."

Your Excellency the Governor roared with a hideous face: "It's the same as when we fought for independence from the Spanish tyrant. It's time to teach the arrogant Chinese emperor a lesson. Gentlemen, let us organize a fleet and launch a counterattack against the Chinese."

"I don't agree with the Governor's proposal." A potbellied commentator objected. "Judging from the unimpeded arrival of [River in Groningen] from Malacca to Pulicat, what happened in Sri Lanka is clearly not a signal deliberately planned by the Chinese Empire to provoke an all-out war with the company, but more likely Overseas governors are free to act on their own, because I suggest that disputes should be resolved through diplomatic means."

The governor immediately asked: "Perhaps, as commentator Anthony said, this may be a whim of a Chinese governor doing his own thing in order to expand his power, but does this mean that the Chinese Empire is not hostile to the company? No, the reason why the Chinese emperor did not Launched a full-scale attack on the company because he was not ready. Once the expansion of its two newly established fleets in Temasek and East Borneo is completed, the war will inevitably break out. Instead of waiting until the Chinese are ready, it is better Do it now to completely remove the possible threat."

"Your Excellency the Governor is too idealistic." The burly Deronke commentator retorted. "Aren't the Chinese people ready? Is the company ready? In response to the war in Europe (Note: The Spanish Succession War), the company's original three ninety-gun battle line gunboats have been transferred back to China. In the entire East Indies, the company has only 48 warships in total, the largest one is just a small cruiser with [-] guns, and the navy of the Chinese Empire is at least ten times that of the company, and the army is a hundred times that of the company! In this case, The result of rashly launching a war will inevitably lead to the company's defeat, and finally be driven out of Southeast Asia." Seeing this person sneered. "Maybe the Chinese are just waiting for the company to start a war."

"Pan Xi's commentator is right. Even if the company can compete with the Huaxia Navy, but once the war breaks out, the goods from China will be interrupted." Some commentators calculated gains and losses in another way. "At that time, it will not only be money that will be lost, but also the European market will be handed over to the Britons, French, and even the Danes and Swedes."

There are also commentators who support the Governor's view: "Is it just to seize Sri Lanka in the Chinese Empire? No, you are like ostriches in Africa. You are deceiving yourself and others. Once the Chinese Empire is transferred, the company's interests will be completely lost. At this time , we must use tough measures to force the Huaxia people to exercise restraint."

"I suspect that the cause of this matter is that the Chinese Empire discovered the existence of the Xiamen Agreement." A commentator named Mark De Rossim put forward a new point of view. "So we warned our side that if we react blindly, the Chinese will think that we are not only hostile, but also powerful enough to threaten them, which will definitely lead to war."

"No, war is inevitable." A commentator who looked like an accountant stood up and said. "From the Portuguese to the Spaniards, and then to the company, we can clearly see such a truth, that is, gaining benefits must exclude other people's competition. Before, the Chinese never set foot in competition in Southeast Asia, but as Zheng Yiguan's heir , the current Chinese emperor is more interested in the ocean than all the Chinese emperors in the past 1000 years combined, so in order to gain benefits, will China launch a war to exclude competition from other countries? Will the company become its number one What about this goal? Personally, I don’t think there is any suspense, even if it’s just a random guess, the company should have the ability to protect itself.”

"It must be reported to Amsterdam, please seventeen gentlemen immediately mobilize enough battle line gunboats to Batavia to prevent Chinese attacks." Franz Acker, who was thin as if he could be blown by the wind Councilor Silem suggested so. "However, before the battle line gunship arrives, it is strictly forbidden to start a real war with the Chinese. For this reason, the company can give up part of its interests in Sri Lanka to meet the needs of the Chinese Empire."

"No." Governor Batavia immediately raised an objection. "Even if you want to compromise, you can't be too weak, otherwise it will make the Chinese feel that the company is vulnerable, which will lead to greater greed."

The supporters echoed: "Your Excellency Governor is right, we must show enough toughness in front of the Chinese."

"How to show toughness to the Chinese without triggering a war." Commentator De Rossim did not believe that the two could achieve perfect unity, so he asked rhetorically. "Your Excellency Governor, please give me a clear plan."

"It's very simple. I believe there are Chinese spies in Batavia. As long as we make a gesture of preparing for war, the Chinese Empire's fleet adjustment has not yet been completed, and the Chinese should be the ones who are anxious." The governor replied. "Of course, once the Chinese Empire responds, we can give up the threat on the front line of Temasek, but Sri Lanka must ensure that it will continue to be under the company's control, and the Chinese naval base closest to Sri Lanka must be blocked." [

Commentator Deronke confirmed to the Governor of Batavia: "Your Excellency, can I understand that the company will express the toughest attitude on the Sri Lanka issue, while in other areas, we will only make a small move, and then in the Under the counterattack of the Chinese, they showed an appearance of retreating, so as to reassure the Chinese Empire temporarily, so that we have time to ask for help from Amsterdam?"

The governor nodded and said, "Exactly."

Councilor Lanke then looked at the chairman of the council: "Your Excellency, I think there is no problem, and we can proceed to vote."

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