Does the Chinese court have money?If you ask the Duzhi Yamen in charge of financial expenditure, ten out of ten will answer you "no money".Someone is about to ask, didn't the Taiping Iron Works just go on sale?Didn't the Northern Expedition more than a year ago also reap a lot of benefits?In addition, he just won the Dutch, how could he have no money again, it must be that there is corruption in Duzhi Yamen.The person who said this actually wronged the Duzhi Yamen. In fact, since the Zheng family returned to the mainland, they have not had a single day of financial prosperity.

In the late Ming and Zheng Dynasties, the Zheng family’s large military expenditures and administrative expenditures relied on the confiscated traitors, full members, and the properties of the Qing government’s internal affairs office in various parts of the south; the next was mainly based on the land confiscated when the land was cleared and the increase after clearing out hidden fields. The annual income is maintained.However, the money was far from enough for the Zheng army to go to war and to promote the government to go to the countryside, so that the Ming Zheng court had to monopolize foreign trade for a long time, change the two to obtain money and interest, and borrow money from Zheng Kezang’s inner court every year. So as not to make ends meet.

Three years after the establishment of the Huaxia Dynasty, the south has maintained peace for a long time, and the economy has re-prospered. In ten years, he once again owed a large loan to the inner court.It was hard to get black marks on the finances, but because the poor provinces still needed a lot of central financial support and the Xia army continued to expand and fight, entering the Super League was only a flash in the pan, and it had to continue to borrow money from the inner court to maintain it.After the two expeditions to Japan and the complete control of the Indochina Peninsula, the finances of the Huaxia Dynasty gradually became balanced. However, including the stock purchases of the Four Seas and Tonghai Banks, the tens of millions owed to the inner court were still on the account.

After the success of the Northern Expedition, the Huaxia court received more than 3000 million yuan in income, but a considerable part of it was land and jewelry and antiques that were not suitable for cash, and less than one-third was cash.Moreover, most of the land property cannot be directly assigned to the inner court to offset the arrears. It must be distributed to the tenants on the land to appease the hearts of the people. As for the jewelry and antiques, they are mortgaged to the inner court, but the remaining money is used for the administrative expenses of the new province and the construction of Tianjin New City. , Yongding River regulation and naval shipbuilding fees are also running low.Coupled with the expenses of the Zhengguo Canal and the coastal seawall projects in Shandong, Haixi, and Jianghuai provinces just ordered by Zheng Kezang, it is normal for Duzhi Yamen to cry poorly, not to mention that this does not include the future purchase of the Luzon Islands from the Spaniards. .

As for the money for the sale of Taiping Iron Mine, which belongs to the Ministry of War, the Duzhi Yamen has no right to touch it, so it can only be greedy; It is two or three million guan in cash, which is more about the expected benefits and some manors that need to be realized. It is not enough to change the state of the empty state treasury, and even this cash has to be thrown out for distribution to Annan, Vietnam, etc. For the younger brothers who went to battle, part of the manor should also be distributed to those who made meritorious service in the Shence Army and won over Wandan, Mataram and other countries.

Of course, lack of money is not the reason why Zheng Kezang abolished the Three Schools.The purpose of Zheng Kezang's establishment of the Three Schools is to be an official as a bait to dispel the world's prejudice against the so-called "miscellaneous studies". This purpose has achieved initial results through more than ten years of hard work.But Zheng Kezang found that accelerating the development of industry and commerce requires more professionals, which cannot be achieved by third-level schools that train officials, so Zheng Kezang feels that it is time to change this phenomenon.

"The inner court has encircled more than 240 state capitals in accordance with the wishes of the Holy Majesty. In the next year, Taozhu College and Luban College and the Mongolian School shared by the two schools will be established to recruit children from poor families." The Minister of the Interior, Gao Wei, told Zheng Zheng Ke Zang reported. "It is initially proposed that the schooling system of Taozhu College is two years, the schooling system of Luban College is three years, and the schooling system of Mongolian School is one year."

Zheng Kezang was not interested in these, but asked: "Is there any problem with running the school?"

"The main reason is that the cost of running the school is too high, almost 300 million yuan a year, and the manager has some objections." Zheng Kezang's money was not blown by strong winds, so everyone felt that it was too wasteful. "Master Chen from the manager's office feels that it is inappropriate to run the school to provide talents for merchants, and it is not appropriate for all of them to be funded by the inner court. He hopes to cooperate with the private sector."

"It's just the beginning, I'm afraid the people are still waiting and watching." Zheng Kezang pondered for a moment. "Let's do it for three years first. After the first batch of students of Tao Zhu College have finished their studies and have successful examples, it will be meaningful when dealing with the people." When Gao Wei felt distressed, Zheng Kezang asked again. "There is no problem with the source of students."

Gao Wei responded: "Master Ma from the Faculty who co-organized this matter has come up with a brilliant idea. He is going to announce to the outside world that those with excellent academic performance will have the opportunity to enter the manager's office. Therefore, I feel that the source of students should be guaranteed."

In addition to the opportunity to be an official in the inner court, free tuition and board and lodging is also a powerful means. Although it looks similar to the current apprentices, the signboard of the academy has the word "Royal", which is not comparable to ordinary apprentices. Yes, so it should attract more people to sign up.

"It's a good way to seduce them for profit." Zheng Kezang affirmed what Gao Wei and others did, and just asked. "Did Qing and the others consider that there are fewer students in Luban Academy and more people want to enter Taozhu Academy?"

Of course, Gao Wei knew that artisans were far less valued by the society than merchants, so he made preparations in advance: "I have already thought of this possibility, so I decided to recruit students from both schools. Taozhu Academy only recruits [-] students each term Students, Luban Academy recruits [-] students each semester, and even if the latter only recruits half of them, it is enough to start the class."

It is also a way for the two schools to jointly recruit students. Generally speaking, ordinary people will not be willing to delay a year. Therefore, after recruiting Taozhu College, it will also allow Luban College to recruit enough students.

Zheng Kezang, who was quite satisfied with this, asked again: "Are there enough professors?"

"I have already greeted the Duzhi, Salt and Iron, Agriculture and Forestry Yamen and the Ministry of Industry in various places. The local government promised that officials and craftsmen from the government offices of various ministries can be transferred to teach at that time." Speaking of this, Gao Wei hesitated. "Your Majesty, although the department has cooperated with the school, it seems like"

"Don't worry about the reaction of the academic department." Zheng Kezang waved his hand. "You can just do your own thing." Having said that, after Gao Wei stepped back, Zheng Kezang ordered. "Notify Gezhiyuan and let Huang Chuxu draw up a statement about the running of Gezhiyuan." Huang Chuxu was originally a member of the Privy Council, a pure warrior, and Gezhiyuan Zhengqing was just a transition before he became an official, but Zheng Kezang wanted him to play Let the Faculty know the consequences of the passive strike. "Be careful, it will be handed over after the next year." Of course, in addition to the stick, there are also carrots. "Let the cabinet discuss the matter of splitting up the secretary and supervisor."

The Secretary supervises the Publishing Office, the Patent Office, the Ming History Museum, the Qing History Museum, the National History Museum, the Great Library, and other institutions. Among them, the Patent Office can be assigned to the Yantie Yamen, and the Three History Hall can be assigned to the Ministry of Rites. These are not controversial. , but this is not the case for some of the remaining departments. For example, the Publishing Department can be distributed to the Supervisory Yuan or the Yantie Yamen, and the Great Library can be distributed to the Faculty of Science or the Ministry of Rites. Therefore, the specific division method depends on the relevant departments. There must be some competition. At this time, the whole school is holding back their energy and looking uncomfortable, and the one who suffers must be themselves.

The Hanlin Zhishi who accompanied him responded, but before he left the hall to inform, Yang Bokang, the deputy envoy of the Privy Council, and Qianshi Maying handed over a sign to ask to see him.The two came hand in hand, Zheng Kezang thought that something serious had happened, so he hurriedly ordered someone to see him.

After the two men saluted, Yang Bokang first made a report: "My Majesty, the Zhenbei navy sent an urgent report. The letter ship sent by the navy to search for the Fusang mainland has returned. It is confirmed that it is traveling along the islands east of the Kamchatka Peninsula. A new continent should be the northern end of the Fusang Continent mentioned by the Holy Majesty."

Found North America?Zheng Kezang was overjoyed, and then depressed again.It goes without saying that I am happy, but it is natural to be depressed. It is a coincidence that the navy has made progress in both the north and the south, but now China's manpower cannot even develop the local northeast and northwest. The strength includes both new continents in its grasp.

But Tianshou would be blamed instead of accepting it, and Zheng Kezang would never give up the two treasures to the Europeans, so he thought for a while and decided: "The Zhenbei Navy should find a suitable place to build a port on the Fusang mainland. , Set up a town guard, and after the port is established, regular cruises will be carried out, and at the same time continue to explore the entire Fusang continent from both land and water.”

Zheng Kezang took care and said: "The southern part of the Fusang Continent is occupied by Lu Song Yi. Once it is found out, there is no need to conflict with it."

The two agreed and were about to step back when Zheng Kezang called them: "How is Gong Tian's mood recently?"

Gong Tian was deprived of the position of admiral of the Zhendong Navy and transferred to the office of the Naval University because his subordinates acted arbitrarily. The Department of Martial Arts of the Ministry of War has no direct connection with the Privy Council, so Zheng Kezang's remarks belonged to the blind.

But Zheng Kezang was obviously not wrong: "Ma Qing, you and Gong Tian are old classmates, so you have to persuade him."

The meaning of Zheng Kezang's words is quite speculative. Zheng Kezang knew that Gong Tian was complaining behind his back, so did he want Ma Ying to beat him?Or do you find Gong Tian depressed and hope Maying to comfort and encourage him?It is precisely because she can't figure out Zheng Kezang's intentions that Maying, who is afraid of ignoring mistakes, seems a bit submissive.

Zheng Kezang saw Maying's concerns, and smiled slightly: "The imperial court is trying to negotiate with Lu Songyi. If it succeeds, Lu Song can be bought back. In this way, the navy system needs to be adjusted. I don't want him to be mistaken if he has a chance to show his strengths, Ma Qing can tell Gong Tian directly what he means."

Since I made a mistake, these words are already very serious, so Maying did not dare to be negligent, and immediately responded: "I invite you to go out of Beijing to inspect all foreign naval forces."

"Quasi-playing." Zheng Kezang smiled at Maying. "However, don't worry, it won't be too late after the Chinese New Year."

"According to the order."

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