"You did a good job." Zheng Kezang nodded to Lu Weijun who was reporting his work in the Fenghuang Mountain Li Palace. "People who are not of our race must have a different heart, but they want to prevent the "chaos" from the local Spanish barbarians in Luzon." Speaking of this, Zheng Kezang instructed the Hanlin Zhishi next to him. "The Privy Council ordered Maying to set off for Luzon immediately. If there is any change, there is no need to ask for an order, and he will be suppressed immediately." After saying that, Zheng Kezang turned his head to look at Lu Weijun. "The affairs of the Sulu Kingdom can be done according to your will." Mindanao's resources are limited, and the only valuable Suligao iron mine will be difficult to mine for a long period of time in the future, so Mindanao is recognized as the territory of the Sulu people It's no big deal for Huaxia. "Relevant negotiations, Qing will take responsibility."

Although outsiders may think that Zheng Kezang also needs Lu Weijun to do this, and Lu Weijun must do that, and there is a suspicion of harsh treatment, but Lu Weijun himself thinks that this is Zheng Kezang's trust and reliance on him, so he responded happily: " The minister complies."

"That's it, let's go to practice for two days. You will come to guide me on the day when the ministers of the two countries enter the audience." Zheng Kezang didn't make any promises to Lu Weijun, and let him kneel down, which slightly disappointed Lu Weijun, but Lu Weijun obviously didn't know that after returning home, he would be able to be promoted to be a minister who would handle the imperial decree. "Urge the officials again," Zheng Kezang ordered the attendant Hanlin again after seeing Lu Weijun's figure disappear from the hall. "I'm going to see the personnel arrangement of the Luzon Governor's Mansion right away." The Hanlin scholar was about to take care of him, when Zheng Kezang suddenly thought of something, so he asked. "How many inner feudal clans are entrusted to Yizhou Dadao (Irian Jaya)?"

The on-duty Hanlin scholar with a good memory immediately reported back: "Reporting to the Holy Majesty, there are currently twelve internal vassals in Yizhou Libang, three of which receive the title of Marquis, two of which receive the title of Bo, five of which receive the hereditary governor of the capital, and two of which receive the Hereditary magistrate."

Zheng Kezang finally remembered after the Hanlin scholar mentioned this point. He had already taken into account the rich copper resources in the eastern part of Irian Jaya and the islands outside the sea when he made the order. Both are on the west side of the island.

"That's right." Zheng Kezang said. "By the way, I will tell the Ministry of Officials that I have decided to set up a Protectorate in the southeast of Yizhou to govern the east of the island and the islands in the outer sea. Let the Ministry of Officials and the Ministry of War discuss it and start to arrange it immediately." Of course, the establishment of the Protectorate in Yizhou is not for the purpose of The development of copper mines is the same as the Suligao Iron Mine in Mindanao. With today's technical water section and transportation capacity, it is extremely difficult to develop copper mines in Yizhou. Therefore, the establishment of the Yizhou Protectorate is quite important. "Before the plan for the restructuring of the navy is introduced, a detachment should be dispatched to assist in the defense"

When Zheng Kezang was considering the issue of the southern colonies, Baron Robert-Jean-Louis Tremonta, Minister of France, Viscount Nievan-Isan Ron Don Gamalo, Minister of Spain, and Rome Bishop Antoine de la Setta-Ilten, special envoy of the Holy See, and his party are lost in the prosperity of the Chinese capital just like Grandma Liu who entered the Grand View Garden—the French who claim that Paris is the center of Europe and embrace the old world The Spaniards of the Empire's remnant dreams have never seen so many "crowds" of people, nor have they seen so many companies, nor have they seen such oriental goods being shelved as if they were worthless, so that these European nobles They caught this like country bumpkins, and were reluctant to do that, making the Chinese merchants who knew and didn't know and a group of official guides laugh behind their backs for a while.

However, those European scientists who were introduced to Gezhi Institute for the first time did not have the opportunity to hang around the streets and alleys of Wuchang with the mission. As living water catfish specially invited by Zheng Kezang, they were required to master Chinese and Chinese characters as soon as possible. Only then can we divide subjects into astrology (astronomy), physics, Gewu (chemistry), agronomy (botany), mathematics, mechanics, etc., and start exploring the truth together with the bachelors of Huaxia Gezhi Academy.

The short three-day rest soon passed, and the missions of the two countries, who purchased several commodities in the streets and alleys and prepared to ship them back to China for profit, were finally allowed to make a pilgrimage. Therefore, under the guard of the imperial guards, a group of people were taken to Wuchang Phoenix Mountain Li Palace in the east of the city. [

"Is this the Chinese people's Versailles?" Looking at the nine-fold palace standing at the foot of the mountain, and looking at the looming castles in the sky, the envoys of the two countries were shocked again. "My God, it's so big." Yes, it took more than half an hour to walk across the square in front of the hall, not to mention that I had to drive through several city walls before, and there are countless buildings behind the hall. "It's really spectacular, and the soldiers are also very energetic." People who observed the uniforms and demeanor of the imperial guards standing in front of the gates further commented. "It's really the number one empire in the East. What, what kind of music is this?" The magnificent Shao Yue played melodiously in the ears of the envoys of the two countries. People who know music feel their own insignificance under the stars. "Damn, this is really humbling."

"Don't feel inferior. After all, China is an ancient country with thousands of years of history. You can imagine that when everything in ancient Rome comes back to life, you will be so shocked." Bishop Irten came from Rome , I also see a lot of buildings like arenas on weekdays, and my feelings are naturally not as strong as those of the French and Spanish envoys. "China is actually a civilization handed down from the same era as ancient Greece and Rome."

"Silence!" Viscount Gamaluo was about to say something, but the imperial guards standing under the corridor warned these foreigners not to make any more noise. Although they didn't know what the Chinese warriors in front of them were talking about, the envoys kept going The other party saw displeasure in his eyes, so he had no choice but to keep his mouth shut. Just at this time, a loud voice came from the high hall. "Invite the envoy of France, Roment, into the palace to have an audience."

Under the guidance of the interpreter of the governor's office, Baron Robert-Jean-Louis Tremonta straightened his clothes and followed the guards up the steps paved with white marble.After crossing the high threshold, Tremonta came to a huge space, but to his astonishment, there was only one chair on the towering Danxi in the middle, and there was no sign of people.

"Please invite the French envoy to salute the emperor's throne." Lu Weijun, standing under Dan Xi, then whispered to the French baron. "My lord Luo, the Holy Majesty has given you special grace, allowing the lord not to bow on both knees, and he can pay homage to our emperor's throne according to the understanding of participating in the Dharma king." In fact, the etiquette of the pilgrimage has been communicated in advance, but Tremonta did not He didn't expect that the Emperor Huaxia's consideration was to let him salute to a chair, so he was stunned for a moment, and now hearing Lu Weijun's urging, Teremonta hurriedly bowed on one knee. "My lord, please submit the letter of credence." After accepting the letter of credence as the minister of the governor's office, Lu Weijun raised his hand. "My lord, please step down. Later, the Ministry of War will contact your lord about the floating air balloon." Lu Weijun shouted loudly before Teremonta's anger turned into joy. "Pass the Spanish Messenger Wan Enga to the Temple"

The three went up and down the hall inexplicably, and when they got together again, they all felt a little aggrieved: "The Chinese are too arrogant to let us salute to the chairs. This, this is clearly despising the Kingdom of Spain."

"Lord Wan, be careful." Gamaluo's voice fell, when someone suddenly interrupted, and the three of them turned their heads to look, only to see a Chinese minister in purple clothes with a few entourages appearing in front of the three of them. In front of him, speaking in fluent French. "Next is China's Deputy Foreign Minister Pan Zheng. Please ask the French envoy, Baron Tremonta, to follow this lord. He will take you to where you want to go."

Trementa asked: "You are the Deputy Foreign Minister, so has Viscount Lu been dismissed?"

"Of course not." Pan Zheng replied. "Lord Lu has now been promoted to Minister of Foreign Affairs."

"So that's the case." Tremonta felt relieved. "Are you going with this official?"

After being confirmed by Pan Zheng, Tremonta greeted Viscount Gamalo and Bishop Irten and left in a hurry. Perhaps in his opinion, Zheng Kezang is just a big picture. Compared with the military technology of floating air balloons and In terms of the huge profits from Xiafa's trade, a little grievance in etiquette is still acceptable, so he won't make trouble with the other two.

After Tremonta left, Pan Zheng pointed to another subordinate and said, "Please, Viscount Gamaluo, follow this lord, he will take you to see lord Lu, the first delivery of goods has been prepared there." name."

Considering that the betrayal of the Philippines was a foregone conclusion, Gamaluo had no choice but to swallow his anger and follow the Huaxia officials to the Duzhi Yamen on the other side. Looking at the last remaining envoy of the Holy See, Pan Zheng raised his hand and said falsely, "My lord, please follow me!" I'm coming"

Let’s not talk about how the Ministry of War arranged for Teremonta to understand the use of balloons, nor how Bishop Irten conveyed the opinion of the Holy See that he could make concessions on etiquette issues in exchange for the right to widely preach in southern China. Gamma here Viscount Luo met Lu Weijun again in Duzhi Yamen.

"Viscount Lu, first of all congratulations on your promotion to Minister of Foreign Affairs." Viscount Gamalo, who had adjusted his mood on the road, put on a wicked smile and said enthusiastically and straightforwardly. "Excuse me, can I have a look at the specific items?" Lu Weijun whispered a few words to an official of the Duzhi Yamen beside him. The other party handed over a thick item list, and Viscount Gamaluo quickly caught him. In his hand, he opened it and saw that it was in Chinese, so he immediately asked Lu Weijun for help. "There is nothing that can be understood." [

Under the signal of Lu Weijun, the general interpreter of the governor's office took back the invoices and translated them one by one: "According to the sales agreement reached between the two countries, this year we will pay your country about 100 million francs of goods, including six goods worth 15 francs. Second-hand Thai-Western plywood boats and guns and gunpowder, tea leaves worth 15 francs, porcelain worth 15 francs, pearls, perfumes, and gemstone jewelry worth 15 francs, cardamom, cloves, and rhubarb worth [-] francs , silk and silk products worth [-] francs, dyed calico and ramie products worth [-] francs, lacquerware worth [-] francs, white sugar worth [-] francs, tin ingots worth [-] francs, ten thousand francs of tung oil and other odds and ends worth one hundred thousand francs"

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