"In view of the timely retreat, the losses around Irkutsk were relatively small. There were only 57 casualties among Russian residents, but the property damage was very large. It is currently known that there are 225 farmhouses, 28 barns, 6 mills and more than 10000 people. Russian acres of wheat fields were burned by the Chinese; and in Sherekhov, the Chinese caused a total of 94 casualties of Russian residents, 87 farmhouses, 11 barns, 2 mills, 1 blacksmith shop and more than 13000 Russian residents. acres of wheat fields were burned by the fire; Angarask received the notification late, and a large number of Russian residents stayed outside the city because they did not receive the warning or believed that the danger was not great. As a result, at least 511 Russian residents were killed or injured, more than 250 buildings were damaged, and it is estimated that more than 30000 acres of wheat fields were completely or partially destroyed; It is reported as it should be, so it is not included in the statistics for the time being."

From the reporter's point of view, the wrinkles on Earl Orsk's forehead looked as scary as layers of hills, but even knowing that His Excellency the Governor was on the verge of fury, the financial commissioner of the province still had to bite the bullet and continued. : "Judging from the figures obtained so far, this winter will be very difficult for the entire Irkutsk province. Although the casualties are not large, the wheat fields that are about to be harvested have been burned, which means The food gap will be huge"

The so-called food problem is not simply the result of the Xia army's attack, but mainly because the Kiriyenko troops took away a large amount of reserves when they went out. Those who can persist in the coming year, however, the assumptions are good, but the reality is cruel.

"Dear Lord Baron Sergeyevsky, do you mean to let me report to His Majesty the Tsar and ask him to withdraw the reinforcements he sent to the west?" Plenin-Androp, who was frightened by the reality depicted by the finance commissioner Count Yev-Orsk growled. "Can you guarantee that the Chinese will no longer launch attacks in the days to come? Or do you think it is time for us to withdraw from the Upper Baikal region!"

"Lord Earl, you know that I have no intention of giving up the province of Irkutsk." Baron Anthony Prio Sergeyevsky replied with a sad face, giving up the territory, just kidding, and following the Russian flag once it is raised It is absolutely impossible for the Eastern Slavic Empire, which will never fall again, to accept the responsibility of abandoning its territory without a war. "I just truthfully reported to you the losses in the western part of the province under my jurisdiction, and I did not make any suggestions to you. In fact, my suggestion is that it is best to transport some of the grain from Bratsk as a backup as soon as possible, and send another to you Siberia disperses some local residents, otherwise cities such as Irkutsk and Angarask will hardly survive this winter."

"Okay, I see, the problem is not yours." The governor waved his hand in a dispirited manner, signaling that the baron could step back, and when the little noble who was frustrated by the food problem slowly left the conference room, Orsk The earl's expression turned serious immediately. "Colonel Slopnin, please tell me whether it is possible for the Chinese to attack the province again before the snow falls."

The military chief of the province under the jurisdiction reported with a blank face: "Your Excellency, this possibility is not impossible. In fact, although we have gathered the residents outside the city, we have already told the Chinese about the emptiness of the province under their jurisdiction. The Chinese are likely to adopt The method of encircling the city has forced us to the point of starvation."

Colonel Slopnin's answer made Count Orsk's hair stand on end, so he asked: "Please tell me, in the current situation, can you prevent the Chinese from launching another attack? I mean gather all the troops, After including those Mongolians who are close to us, can we have a decisive battle with the Chinese?"

"Your Excellency, I can only disappoint you." The military chief of the province said clearly. "According to the number of Chinese found in various places and the reports of the Mongols loyal to Russia, we can deduce that the Chinese dispatched at least 5000 cavalry, of which less than half were the southern Kyrgyz (Ulianghai) people. All the troops of Kutsk, Sherekhov, Angarask, Siberian Usolye, Svirsk, Cheremhovo, Zima, etc. were assembled, but there were no more than 900 musketeers and less than 2000 soldiers. It is impossible for the Cossack cavalry to fight a decisive battle with the Chinese. As for the Mongols who are close to us, I think that if the Chinese attack again, it is very likely that these informers will be eliminated first.”

Earl Orsk blinked: "You mean to let the Chinese attack the Mongolians who are close to us?"

Colonel Slopnin said bluntly: "I think the lives of Russians are more precious than these Mongolians. As long as these Mongolians can persist for a month, I believe the province will become safe."

"Yes, yes, the Chinese are not foolish enough to wait until winter to retreat, and the fighting between the Chinese and the native Mongols is also using us to remove these bug-like natives. But, Colonel, you just didn't hear Is it the report of Baron Sergeyevsky?" Historically, the Upper Baikal region belonged to the pastoral areas of the Zasaktu Khan and the Tushetu Khan. After the Khalkhas were oppressed by the Russians, some princes Taiji With his pastoral tent, he broke away from the two royal tents and accepted the rule of the Russians. However, for the uncivilized peoples in the eyes of these Russians, the governor of Orsk, who is a Russian aristocrat, doesn't care about their lives, even if these Mongols just A considerable number of Russian lives were saved. "The key is food. Our food can only be harvested in the second year."

"Your Excellency, financial issues are not my concern." Seeing the earl about to go berserk again, Slopnin made a suggestion. "The tactic of the Chinese is to try to starve us to death, but besides us there are Mongols around us, those Tatars and Mongols who harbor Chinese, we may be able to obtain the necessary supplies from them to persist until the mission sent by His Majesty Reinforcements have arrived."

The meaning of the military officer is very clear. If you can’t beat Xia’s army, you can bully the surrounding Mongolians and seize enough supplies from them. For this suggestion, the governor agreed with both hands: “Colonel, your suggestion is very good. In this way, you Get ready now, and attack those natives who betrayed Russia before the Chinese relaunch their offensive."

The orders of Earl Orsk reopened the Upper Baikal region, which had finally calmed down. Since it was difficult to distinguish which Mongolian tribe was sincerely defecting to Russia, the targeted crusade soon turned into a full-scale robbery. The Russian musketeers and Cossack cavalry, who retreated before Xia's army, looked like tyrants in front of the Mongols, venting their lingering anger with massacres and plunder.

"My lord, please save my tribe." The Mongols who survived the Russian butcher's knives crossed the Sayan Mountains and asked for help from Wang Ying's tribe who was resting in the south. "The Russians killed our people and robbed our cattle and sheep. We have nothing left. If the adults refuse to save us, we will die."

"Rescue? How? If we go back now, I'm afraid the Raksha people have already transported the cattle and sheep back to the city." Wang Ying was not moved by the crying of these Mongols. "As for keeping you, it's okay, but I don't know if the local princes can agree."

As the Xia army entered the Upper Baikal region and did not obtain the expected harvest, the princes in the capital of Hasut (Kusugul Wulianghai Banner) did not have a good impression of these northern Mongols, so they were very disappointed. He refused coldly and said, "We don't have much more food to supply you." The Sai River runs through it, and the whole area has a mild climate, which is completely different from Siberia and Khalkha. The Tangnu Wulianghai people are also different from other Mongolian tribes who mainly herd herds. They plant more temperate food crops and vegetables, and also hunt and fish. For a living, so there is no saying that winter is sad. "Maybe you can go back to the area west of Lake Baikal with Lord Wang."

Wang Ying expressed his opinion on this: "If all the ministries are willing to go to Beihai, the Dadu Protectorate is welcome, but our army has no surplus military rations to supply the ministries, and the pastures under the Dadu Protectorate have been allocated to the heads of Horqin and Buryatia. So even if the various ministries go there, it depends on whether the chief executives are willing to absorb them."

Absorb?Isn't that annexation?In this regard, 120 Mongolians in the Upper Baikal region were unwilling, but these Mongolian tribes who were forced to the northern foot of the Sayan Mountains could not even stop the weak Russian army, let alone fight against the Xia army supported by the Wulianghai people The few Mongolian nobles who asked for help could only cry and complain to Changshengtian and Mantian gods and Buddhas.

I don't know if it's out of pity or other plans, a Prince Hasut, who holds the title of the third-class Duke of Huaxia, suddenly turned his eyes and asked, "Have all your cattle and sheep been taken away by the Russians?"

The representative of the Upper Baikal Mongolian tribe responded honestly: "Yes, they were all taken away by the Russians."

The prince turned to Wang Ying and said, "My lord, the Russians took away the cattle and sheep, but they may not have slaughtered them all. They must keep most of them in captivity outside the city. If your lord is not in a hurry to lead his troops back to Lower Baikal , but can attack again."

Wang Ying became interested: "Attack again, and the Russians will not let their guard down."

"The Russians will definitely take precautions, but there are many valleys and roads in the Sayan Mountains, and it is impossible for the Russians to guard against all of them." The prince indicated with his eyes. "Now there are various ministries of Upper Baikal coming forward to help, which can better satisfy the eyes and ears of the Russians."

It is indeed a good idea to use the Upper Baikal Mongols who are eager to survive, so Wang Ying asked them: "If I lead my troops to go north again, will you have the consciousness to completely turn against the Rakshas?"

The envoys who asked for help looked at each other, and after a long time, they fell to the ground again and said: "We have no way out, we can only be loyal to the imperial court, and please accept our loyalty on behalf of the imperial court."

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