Ming Zhengzhi, I am Zheng Kezang

672. Chinese conditions

Baron Sergeyevsky encountered the rangers of the Chamon coalition army about half a mile away from the city of Irkutsk—the second division of the Hussar Army that attacked the Upper Baikal region actually had only 500 people. Therefore, even with the addition of [-] riders from the Urianhai Kyrgyz and more than [-] riders from the local Buryat Mongols who were newly attached, it is not enough to carry out a campaign similar to that of Nerchinsk and Selen on the banks of the Irkutsk River. The extensive trench blockade tactics carried out in the Battle of Lower Baikal, such as Gesk, can only use small cavalry raid tactics with a small number of Xia troops as the core to attack the Russian settlers who are trying to fish, hunt and farm after breaking away from the protection of the city. In order to destroy any hope of hoarding food for the winter; to deal with this kind of hit-and-run squad attack tactics, the Russians, whose strength and morale are at a low point, have no good solution at all, so they can only watch the entire East Siberia The province is in a precarious situation--after identifying itself to the local Buryat Mongols who can understand Russian, the baron and his party were disarmed and taken to a place not far from Irkutsk. Here, the Russians will have to wait patiently for Wang Ying and other Xia army generals to come from other camps.

"The Russians want to negotiate a peace?" Wang Ying soon got the news. He was happy to see the Russians begging for mercy. After all, his troops were limited and he didn't have many rockets. He could win without a fight. Bing is definitely the best. "Then see you"

In this way, an informal peace talks began.It is said to be informal because the provinces under the jurisdiction of Eastern Siberia have not been authorized by the tsar. In fact, they have no power to reach any formal treaty, and Wang Ying is not An Wenhua who has full power. A rare scene.

"Our country strongly protests your country's undeclared war and repeated invasion of our territory." At the beginning of the meeting, Baron Sergeyevsky tried to make a head start. "Therefore, on behalf of Russia's East Siberian province, I now request that your country immediately withdraw from the Upper Baikal region." Sergeyevsky was somewhat self-aware, so his request did not include the withdrawal of the Xia army from the Lower Baikal region. one item. "And release the captured residents of our country."

"Release people? Yes." Wang Ying didn't speak, but Luo Wenjing, commander of the First Brigade of the Second Division of the Hussar Army, asked calmly. "We released people, do you have the ability to keep them from starving to death?"

Luo Wenjing's words hit the Russians' weakness, and Baron Sergeyevsky had no choice but to insist: "As long as your country withdraws from the Upper Baikal region, the East Siberian province will naturally be able to ensure the lives of our civilians."

"Withdraw?" Luo Wenjing was still grinding his teeth, but Wang Ying didn't give him a chance. "You should be the ones to withdraw." Wang Ying repeated Huaxia's declaration of sovereignty over the Beihai region, and then said coldly. "Now I will give you a chance. Within five days, you can withdraw from Irkutsk under the supervision of our army. In addition, in order to completely resolve the dispute between the two countries, I suggest that the two countries start a formal battle immediately. border negotiations"

"The situation is like this. The Chinese allowed us to withdraw to Bratsk." Baron Sergeyevsky, who returned to Irkutsk, truthfully reported the results of the negotiations to the governor and a group of senior civil and military officials in the province. . "In addition, the Chinese suggested that the border between the two countries be divided by the middle line of the Yenisei River, and that the Western Sayan Mountains at the end of the river belong to the Chinese Empire. Finally, the Chinese also asked Russia to recognize that the Chinese Empire has the right to protect the Mongols in Russia."

Baron Sergeyevsky's words aroused great reactions, and the Russians, furious and furious, cursed: "The Chinese are crazy. With such conditions, do they want to fight a century-old war with Russia?"

Earl Orsk also asked angrily: "Is this what Commander Huaxia meant?"

The earl's subtext is very clear, if it is just the wishful thinking of ordinary commanders, it does not need to be taken seriously, but if it is the high-level statement of the Chinese Empire, then it means that there is no room for compromise between Xia and Russia, and a life-and-death battle is bound to take place The final battle of East Siberia can be determined.

However, Baron Sergeyevsky's answer shattered the remaining illusions of His Excellency the Governor: "This is a suggestion made by the Supreme Commander of the Xia Army. Of course, Your Excellency the Commander is not a peace ambassador with full powers, so these may not represent It has met all the requirements of the Chinese Empire, but at least it can be understood as the requirements of the Chinese Empire at this stage."

Before Earl Orsk could speak, Baron Slagiyev-Kirbeyevsky-Begchev, the judicial commissioner of the province nearby, asked, "Is there no room for redemption?"

"Room? There may be." Baron Sergeyevsky said his speculation. "In fact, the Chinese also know that Russia will not give up the entire Irkutsk province, so the Chinese Empire may give up the area north of the Lower Tunguska River and west of the Lena River." It can be seen from the map What Huaxia may give up is a piece of the vast Central Siberian Plateau, but the problem is that most of this area is uninhabited permafrost areas and undeveloped cold zone forest areas. The real essence of the Irkutsk province is the Angara River. The area to the south is still under the request of the Chinese Empire. "Even if we can go further, the Chinese may give up more, such as the Central Tunguska Plateau north of the Angara River."

Count Orsk stood with his hands behind his back: "Even if we are all dead, Russia will never give up the Upper Baikal region, no, never give up, even the area east of the Lena River will never give up, at most admit that the Chinese Possession of the Baikal region, and this must be approved by His Majesty and the Senate."

"I have already mentioned to the Chinese that we have no right to agree to such harsh conditions." Baron Sergeyevsky added. "The Chinese agreed that we would send people to Petersburg to ask for instructions, but we should take this opportunity to safely evacuate Irkutsk before the Petersburg negotiating ambassador arrives."

Count Orsk hesitated again: "Is it possible for us to come back after leaving Irkutsk?"

Colonel Slopnin responded with a livid face: "As long as reinforcements from the west arrive, we can take back everything we lost with bayonets. Whether it is Irkutsk or the entire Upper and Lower Baikal region, once the Russian flag is raised, it should not be lost again." fall."

Regardless of Baron Sergeyevsky or Colonel Slopnin, the loss of the upper and lower Baikal regions is just a setback in their careers, but for Count Orsk, it will be completely out of favor in the courts of Petersburg and Moscow , so Your Excellency the Governor can only find a way to let others share the responsibility for himself.

"So, you all think that you must accept the Chinese ultimatum?" The governor's eyes swept over the faces of the dignitaries in the province. "Yes, yes, facing the mysterious weapons of the Chinese, as a nobleman, you should not sacrifice your life like those lowly civilians and serfs." As he was speaking, Earl Orsk suddenly covered his chest and said. "but"

Before the words were finished, the governor fell to the ground, causing people around to flock to the rescue. Some called for a doctor, some called for a priest, and some helped to lift the governor to the bed. Only then did the purpose show a relieved and bitter smile.

After the doctor arrived, after a short diagnosis, it was determined that the governor was unable to perform his duties. Facing the heavy responsibility left by the governor's illness, several provincial high commissioners who could not escape could only gather together to make a decision: "Colonel Slopnin, we need your help now. Please tell us, if we accept the Chinese ultimatum and retreat to the front line of Bratsk, is it possible for the Chinese to attack further."

"I think the Chinese are unlikely to continue to attack." The military chief answered clearly. "It is about to enter August, and soon the winter in Siberia will come. Under the bitter cold of tens of degrees below zero, all marching actions will be suicidal. The Chinese will never be reckless."

Viscount Slakinov, the tax commissioner, further asked: "It means that this year can be passed temporarily, but Colonel, do you think the Chinese will attack the surrounding areas of Bratsk again after the spring of next year?"

"If you look at what happened in the Baikal region above, the Chinese may indeed continue to attack Bratsk, unless Russia agrees to the extremely harsh peace treaty of the Chinese Empire, but as far as I personally think, the Chinese will not launch an attack easily." Slo Colonel Pnin replied awkwardly. "In fact, if the Chinese continue to attack Bratsk, I think it is a good thing. This will obviously lengthen the Chinese supply line, which will help us launch a counterattack after the arrival of local reinforcements."

"But the reinforcements coming from the west may lack enough rations to march." Colonel Slopnin's words obviously had some loopholes, and several senior provincial officials who knew this well could only turn a blind eye, otherwise, no one could afford to lose The responsibility of the entire Irkutsk province, so we can only pretend that everything may start again after the arrival of reinforcements.

"My lords, Your Excellency the Governor is seriously ill, and the deadline given by the Chinese is only three days, so we must make a decision." Baron Begchev made his final statement before voting. "Should we accept the request of the Chinese and evacuate Irkutsk temporarily, or will it be destroyed together with the city? The latter, we will be praised by the Russians as heroes; the former, we may save our lives, but we will be punished by the Tsar Severe punishment and all the infamy. Alright, vote now"

On July 18, the 7225th year of Huaxia Wucheng (the 31th year after the creation of the Russian calendar), the Russian dignitaries in Irkutsk, after experiencing many twists and turns, made a final decision in the form of a Duma meeting. The ship carried some wounded patients, women and children to Severobaikalsk located in the northern part of Lake Baikal to pass on the asking price from China. All Russian dignitaries, including Count Orsk, guarded Irkutsk together with the soldiers and civilians in the city.

"It seems that the Raksha people are not going to reply." Wang Ying, who had not waited for the reply from the Russian side, ordered. "Get ready to do it, it's too late, I'm afraid we can only spend the winter in Wulianghai."

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