"The Abbot Continent was first explored and discovered by the Dutch, but in the eyes of the Dutch merchants who devoted themselves to the spice trade, the Abbot Continent, lacking inhabitation and sufficient trade goods, was not a paradise for colonists, so they ignored it Later. It was not until Zheng's Huaxia Empire defeated the Dutch United East India Company, which ruled the entire East Indies at that time, that the colonization of Abbot Continent became an extremely hot topic. The purpose of enfeoffing the Abbot Continent is to stimulate the domestic economy and slow down the impact of rapid population growth on society. However, it has to be said that this greatly stimulated the colonization of the Abbot Continent, making it possible in just 100 years. It has become another important economic circle and settlement in China. Of course, from the perspective of the original colonists, the process from the barren land to the paradise on earth is so difficult.”

------ "History of China's Colonization in Abbot's Continent?? Introduction" Institute of Chinese History, University of Cambridge, UK?? AD 1959

"Huaxia's colonization of Zhangzhou Continent is an unprecedented national colonial act, which basically lasted through the entire eighteenth century. Its scale and cost can be described as the most in the world. Studying Huaxia's early colonization of Zhangzhou Continent, we We must pay attention to Huaxia’s choice of immigration routes. Generally speaking, the routes from Huaxia’s native immigrants to Abbot’s mainland are divided into east and west routes. The east route starts from the mouth of the Yangtze River, Zhejiang, and Minjiang, passing through Dongning, Luzon, Spice Islands, Yizhou, and finally arrive at the eastern part of the Abbot mainland; the west line starts from the Pearl River Estuary and Shantou, passes through Qiongzhou Island, Cam Ranh, Lingyamen or Pontianak to Yecheng or Cirebon or Surabaya or Machen , and finally cross the strait between the Nusa Tenggara Islands and arrive at the seaports in the west, north, south and east of the Abbot mainland. Comparing the distances of these two lines on the map, we can clearly find that the distance between the east line is shorter Short, but in the process of early Chinese immigration, the western line was dominant. This is because the western line has more supply ports, which can provide enough supplies, including slaves, for large-scale immigrant convoys. The eastern route is only used as a supplement to the western route because it has to pass through the Sulu Sea and the sea off Mindanao, where pirates gather in Southeast Asia.”

------ "On the specific route selection and control of the advantages and disadvantages of the early Chinese immigrants to the Abbot's mainland" (excerpted from "The Collection of Doctoral Students' Graduation Defenses of the History Department of the University of Paris, France? Volume III")

"Where are we now?" Unlike other princes such as Zheng Anyang, who left their homeland worrying about gains and losses, Zheng Anxi, the ninth son of the emperor, was more happy than sad when he went to the abbot to establish his own country. Afterwards, he became a little seasick. As a result, he vomited and fell asleep all the way on the sea, and the extreme discomfort in his body wiped out all the excitement of starting a business. "It seems that the ship has stopped?"

"If you go back to Your Highness, I heard that you have already arrived at Vung Tau Port." The black eunuch who served reported the truth. "I'm currently enlisting."

The use of black or white people as court servants was partly because Zheng Kezang was unwilling to castrate the people of his country, and on the other hand, it also meant to remind the emperor and the clan that "the inner prisoner is not my kind, and his heart must be different, so he should not be credulous." Therefore, Zheng Anxi, who understood the true meaning, did not show any kindness to the eunuch who worked hard to serve her, but nodded slowly.

Seeing that Zheng Anxi was still in low spirits, the black eunuch who was taught how to serve nobles stepped aside quietly, but he never thought that a voice came from outside the cabin: "Mr. Huo, Mr. Haiyang County can Ever woke up?"

The black eunuch reported softly to Zheng Anxi: "It's Doctor Huang."

Zheng Anxi nodded as a signal, and the black eunuch went to open the cabin door, and while bringing in Imperial Physician Huang, he introduced to him: "Your Highness has just woken up and is not in a good state of mind. Please trouble the imperial physician to take His Highness's pulse."

Physician Huang walked up to Zheng Anxi knowingly, saluted him, then stretched out his hand to grab Zheng Anxi's wrist, and after a long time, announced: "Your Highness's background is very good, and I didn't adapt at first, so I just made a statement." I will get seasick, and now I have almost recovered, the reason why my spirit is still weak is caused by lying down for a long time, and I need to move more in order to continue crossing the ocean."

Zheng Anxi responded suspiciously: "Is that so? That's fine, I'm a little tired of sleeping, please help me up."

Doctor Huang retreated, and the little yellow gates outside the cabin swarmed up, quickly changed Zheng Anxi into the clothes for traveling, and then helped Zheng Anxi slowly walk out of the cabin and came to the deck of the ship.

Hearing that Zheng Anxi was out for a walk, several county officials came to pay their respects, and the deck was crowded with people.

"Okay, I've seen it all. I'm not seriously ill. I'm busy with what I have to do. I don't need to be around Gu." Although it feels good to be surrounded by everyone, Zheng Anxi, who has just recovered from a long illness, feels a little out of breath. Angry, he had no choice but to disperse the crowd in a hurry, leaving only a few important officials of the government. "Lord Xiong, Lord Wei, you two, please stay."

Except for Shi Xiong Guikang, the head of the government, and Wei Qian, the chief planner, who were named—although the princes and clans can establish their own government systems after the establishment of the principality and marquis, just like ordinary uncles and capitals, but at this time The abbot has not yet arrived, and the so-called principality has no shadow, so Zheng Anxi is still using the official system of the Huaxia Dynasty for the time being---all the officials who came to greet him have retreated. At this time, Zheng Anxi asked: "We have arrived. It’s been a few days, and how many days are you planning to stop in Vung Tau?”

As the assistant official assigned to Zheng Anxi by the Chinese court, Xiong Guikang is currently in charge of all government affairs of the Haiyang County Government, so Zheng Anxi's question is naturally answered by him: "Returning to Your Highness, we have been in Vung Tau for two days. The Shence Army for the Principality has all boarded the ship, and we will only need to wait for the newly accepted immigrants and supplies to be boarded."

Despite the operation of the abbot colonization company, there are only more than 2000 immigrants and more than 1000 slaves assigned to Zheng Anxi's hands. Therefore, when he heard that there were newly accepted immigrants, his eyes lit up immediately, and he hurriedly asked: "How many are there?" migrant?"

Wei Qian's report is like a few treasures: "Annan immigrants have 81 households in 160 households, Vietnamese immigrants have [-] households in [-] households, Chenla immigrants have [-] households in [-] households, and Champa immigrants have [-] households in [-] households. There were [-] male and female slaves in the country."

"It's quite a lot." There were more than 500 people in total, which is naturally a lot, but Zheng Anxi was obviously not satisfied with it, and was even a little disappointed on the contrary. "But why are there no Han people from Jinlan?"

Xiong Guikang said with a wry smile: "Jinlan is a new province, and we still lack immigrants, so how can we allow them to leave?"

Immediately, Xiong Guikang comforted: "Your Highness, don't worry, next, we will pass through Xiboni, there should be someone accompanying us."

Wei Qian also said: "You can buy local slaves in Pontianak and the next Surabaya, and there are at least five or six hundred numbers."

"There are only 4000 people in total." Zheng Anxi shook his head anxiously. "It's not enough for a township's population, and it's not enough to build a city and house to open up wasteland. How can I not be in a hurry." Even so, but there is no need to be in a hurry, and the helpless Zheng Anxi can only ask another question. "How about the purchase of all the supplies?"

"I have already purchased [-] (summer) shi of rice in Jinlan." Guangdong is a province short of grain. It is expensive to buy grain in Guangdong, and the quantity is limited, so it can only be purchased in Jinlan, Boni, Java and other places. . "Next, we will buy another [-] shi in Pontianak and Surabaya, so we can basically last until next year."

"The abbot's land is reversed from China's winter and summer, and with the recent reclamation, I'm afraid we will have to buy more grain next year." Zheng Anxi said with care. "So you have to pay more attention to the ship." Now Zheng Anxi is taking a free military transport ship, but after arriving at Fangzhang Continent, in addition to regular flights, if he wants to go to sea, he has to prepare his own ship, whether it is bought or not. Let the people of the principality manipulate or hire other people's ships, in the case of competition among 47 principalities and princes, it is natural to plan ahead. "Except for food, what happened to the preparation of other supplies?"

Zheng Kezang allocated 100 million yuan of internal money to each of his sons who had been sealed off, and provided guarantees in the name of the inner court, so that each suzerain could borrow 100 million to 200 million yuan of starting funds from domestic banks. There is no shortage for the clan, the only thing that is lacking is the time to quickly turn these circulating funds into fixed assets.

"When we set off from Guangdong, I had already purchased [-] catties of Guangdong iron and a thousand sets of tools such as iron plows and rakes." The Guangdong iron that Wei Qian was talking about was naturally not the first-class controlled manganese steel produced by the Dongguan Iron Works of the Ministry of War. It is ordinary pig iron produced at the same time by Dongguan Iron Works. "In addition, I bought [-] Yunnan horses in Guangzhou, and bought another [-] cattle after arriving in Vung Tau the day before yesterday." The cattle and horses must have been lost on the long sea journey, and they will definitely continue to buy them in the future. "By the way, there is also a boat of wood, bricks and tiles for construction."

Speaking of cattle and horses, Zheng Anxi suddenly thought of something: "Can the eagle and snake that the Holy Majesty told you be brought on board?"

Eagles, owls, cauliflower snakes, etc. were all brought to Abbot’s mainland by Zheng Kezang, for no other reason, but he was afraid that the rats brought by the boats would multiply without natural enemies.Of course, the abbot's problem is not only the possible explosive breeding of rats, but also the stray dogs and cats will become wild dogs, night cats and other new overlords of the food chain, and the rabbits brought along will become a serious problem for the grassland, etc.However, the latter problem is easy to solve. After all, the Chinese eat everything, and wild dogs, night cats, and rabbits will not be flooded as easily as Australia in another time and space.

"When you return to Your Highness, each boat has already brought thirty snakes, and the eagle owls have prepared five pairs." In fact, Zheng Anxi should know this question, but he has forgotten it since seasickness. The minister of the government will not deliberately remind him to embarrass him. "After arriving at the abbot, he ordered people to release him into the wild."

"That's very good." Zheng Anxi was about to ask again, but he heard the sound of arguing in the distance. He looked up and saw a military officer wearing the robes of a doctor trained from the fifth rank, confronting the guards of the palace. Then, obviously this strange military officer wanted to come over to say hello to him, but he never wanted to be stopped at the far end by the loyal guards of the government, so Zheng Anxi asked the two people in front of him. "Master Xiong, Lord Wei, who is that Lord?"

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