"Uncle Wu Ping, the Qing army is powerful. Building a city under their noses, even if the cement is amazing, is it still too big?" The comparison is already out of proportion, and Liu Guoxuan wants to take the risk of building a city on the front line, even a brave general like Wu Shu is a little terrified. "Is it a long-term plan?"

"Don't worry about Ding Xibo." Liu Guoxuan was confident in his chest. In the final analysis, at least part of it was the hard-to-reach wart sent by Zheng Kezang that gave him courage. "The commander-in-chief has made all arrangements. If the Qing army does not come, let it go. If it does come, we will let it come and go."

It's not that Wu Shu didn't know that a large number of high-quality armors had come to the army, but in his mind, it was a bit like a mantis trying to fight against the Qing army, which was ten times larger than himself, with only a few hundred armors. However, seeing Liu Guoxuan's headstrong look, how dare Wu Shu, who was born in the newly attached army, contradict Liu Guoxuan who is now very popular again and again.

However, Liu Guoxuan's self-confidence is not due to the fact that the Qing army in Zhangzhou seems to have a large number of people, but the terrain is limited. It is impossible for the Qing army to put all the troops into the battlefield at once, so In fact, what Zheng Jun was facing was the limited power of adding fuel one by one, and there were many contradictions between the Eight Banners soldiers and the Green Battalion soldiers in the Qing Army, between the Green Battalions in Fujian Province and the Green Battalions in other provinces, and between the management troops and the regiment training troops. Those who are willing to spend all their strength in Zhangzhou, so that the actual pressure on Zheng Jun may be less than imagined.

But as the so-called plan is not as good as change, there are always unexpected things on the battlefield. When I heard that Liu Guoxuan built a stronghold in Banwei, east of Guandong Bridge, Geng Jingzhong, who was worried about the Qing court's settlement after the fall because of Wu Sangui's death and the retreat of the Zhou army, seemed to find out Seeing a chance to change his own destiny, he strongly suggested sending troops to eradicate this confidant's trouble. Under his insistence, Fujian Admiral Yang Jie and Ninghai General Lahada ordered a total of [-] troops to kill them.

"He You, Wu Shu, Lin Sheng, Jiang Sheng, you and the other four lead a town to the battle." Zheng's army has only 25 people, and they have to take into account the defense of Haicheng's Xunwei and other places, so those who can really go into battle However, with more than 400 people, facing [-] times as many enemies, Liu Guoxuan didn't seem to have the slightest bit of fear. "I personally guard the stronghold. If I lose, I will take off your heads first, and then use my own head to repay the kindness of the king." The four senior commanders look at me, I look at you, Liu Guoxuan said it was heroic, but there are only about [-] people in Zheng Junyi Town today, which means that they have been honorably promoted from military officers to associate generals who need to personally participate in hand-to-hand combat. "What, are you scared?" Seeing the reactions of the four, Liu Guoxuan was excited. "It's okay if you're afraid, you guys stay behind and I'll attack in person!"

"Please don't worry, Commander!" The four of them gritted their teeth and leaned over together. "The servants are willing to fight and die in order to repay the king's knowledge"

When the dark Qing army came up to surround them, more than [-] Zheng Jun soldiers had already lined up outside the stronghold.Looking at the silent but neat formation of the Zheng army, a chill began to envelope the hearts of the generals of the Qing army who thought they were sure of victory.After a silent confrontation for a while, the Qing army, unable to bear the pressure, began to attack.

The attack of the Qing army was of course blocked by the artillery of the Zheng army on the wall of the village. However, the Zheng army had fewer cannons and the Qing army had more soldiers. The result of the shelling did not cause a change in the balance of troops. The eyes of the generals of Zheng Jun who are waiting to sleep are gradually enlarged and then enlarged

Sitting on the ground to rest so as not to waste their energy, the generals of the Zheng army stood up, and using four hundred future and soldiers in Qingtang wart armor as arrows, the Zheng army of the four towns attacked them like four daggers, shouting The sound of killing instantly covered up the sound of rumbling cannons.

When Qing Bingjia saw Zheng Jun wearing armor in front of him, he subconsciously thought that the other party's identity was not bad, but what surprised him was that after he slashed the other party's body with a knife, he didn't even leave a white mark. He wanted to raise the knife, but a cold light flashed in front of him, and then he only felt his body lighten, and then fell into unconsciousness.

Qing Bingyi naturally also saw Zheng Jun wearing the wart armor, but before he could dodge Zheng Jun's sharp edge, he was pushed away from the spot, and then he was trampled to suffocate by the staggering friendly troops.

He You, who led the charge, roared loudly and waved the ax in his hand. With the excellent defense of wart armor, he didn't have to worry about getting hurt at all. He just needed to crush all the way and kill all the Qing troops in front of him. Open the attack channel for those men in light armor behind them.

Jiang Sheng, who was also leading the attack, was relatively unlucky. After killing the Qing army for a while, he and several personal guards around him fell into the range of the opponent's archers. However, he was shot into a skewer. However, some of them were not injured, exaggeratedly bringing their arrow feathers, arrow shafts and several bodyguards who were also unscathed, and turned back to kill again.

"This? This?" Geng Jingzhong and others who were watching the battle from a distance stared dumbfounded at the soldiers of the Zheng army rampaging like monsters in front of the battle, and some who knew something were still asking around. "Brother, isn't this Zheng Ni's famous Iron Man Army? It's better to meet him than to be famous. It's amazing!"

"Send troops, send troops again!" An exasperated Geng Jingzhong ordered loudly, acting as if he was still the prince of Jingnan, and he didn't have any scruples about the general, admiral and others with ugly faces. "This king doesn't believe it anymore. This Zheng Ni is made of iron. Send troops, send troops, and use people to pile them up to death!"

The second and third formations of the Qing army were mobilized one after another. However, after losing many lives under the blockade of artillery fire, they finally rushed to the battle group, but found that whenever Zheng Jun, who was wearing wart armor, was exhausted, There will always be a group of fresh troops rushing up and dodging left and right, making their attempt to encircle and wipe out come to naught—but Liu Guoxuan used the remaining 500 people as a reserve team, and replaced them with warts in turn to fight. The Qing army's attempt to fight with wheels came to naught.

From noon to Shen time, for three whole hours, more than 2000 Zheng Jun insisted on blocking several attacks of the Qing army with flesh and blood. As far as the Qing army with multiple corpses is concerned, they are well-deserved strong.

"Report!" A rider jumped off his horse and rolled down in front of Geng Jingzhong and the others. "Report to my lords, Bazuolin has died for his country."

The leader of Bazuo, named Bashitu, was a leader of the Zhejiang Eight Banners Garrison who came with Ninghai General Lahada. Logically, his death should be concerned by Lahada, but Geng Jingzhong issued an order on his behalf: " The general died in a hundred battles, and it is an honor for the mere leader to be loyal to the country, don't worry about him, order the fourth attack!"

"Enough!" La Hada snapped off the whip in his hand, then pointed at Geng Jingzhong with the broken whip and cursed. "If you have the ability to go forward and fight Zheng Ni, use our men's blood to protect the top, bah! What the hell." After finishing speaking, he urges his horse angrily. "Withdraw! It's not worthwhile to lose thousands of people in a ruined village."

Yang Jie naturally wanted to hug the baby's thigh, and hurriedly ordered: "Mingjin, withdraw troops! Let's go back to Chaozhou!"

Geng Jingzhong was a little restless after being so mercilessly messed up by the two of them. He didn't want to fall out with the two people who had deep roots, but the matter was related to his own wealth and life, so he couldn't allow him to bluff: "La Beizi, you are colluding with the enemy. This king wants to sue you to the emperor."

"Do you think you're the only one who can do it?" La Hada threw the broken whip at Geng Jingzhong's feet, and looked at him with disdain. "I want to give this son to the emperor, let's see what the emperor believes." Speaking of this, Lahada smiled sinisterly. "If you have the guts, let's play with the surname Geng, and see if it's you or me."

Geng Jingzhong's complexion changed suddenly, and his eyes immediately shifted to Yang Jie, but Yang Jie didn't look at him. Geng Jingzhong knew something was wrong, and was about to smooth things over, when suddenly there was a series of fried beans sounding from the fighting place, Several people looked around, but saw a new group of troops appeared between the retreating Qing army and the equally unable to hold on. Zheng Jun held firecrackers in their hands, and the sound just now seemed to be that they were releasing firearms. .

"What's so good about firecrackers? It's not like we haven't seen them before. The Guanning Army had a lot of firecrackers back then, and they were defeated by our ancestors' iron cavalry." La Hada said indifferently, but he didn't care. I know that soon these Zheng Jun fire gunners equipped with deer guns will become one of the nightmares of the Qing army in Zhangzhou. "It's just to take advantage of the fact that we don't want to fight anymore, don't worry about him."

"What La Beizi said is true." Yang Jie flatteringly agreed. "Maybe it's Zheng Jun's bait to lure us back. We can't be fooled by that." However, Yang Jie didn't get to where he is today by just flattering him. "Prince Geng, don't think too much. Even if we pull out this stronghold today, we won't be able to fight Siming. We'd better wait for the navy from Fuzhou to arrive and then go forward together."

When Geng Jingzhong heard it, he knocked out his front teeth and swallowed his stomach, so he had to take the opportunity to get off the donkey: "What Yang Junmen said, I was too hasty today. I don't know if Ba Zhangjing's body was taken back, and Zheng Ni didn't kill it. The evil traces of the dead body, do you want to keep a few and clean it up, so as to comfort Ba Zhangjing's family."

"You don't need to bother the prince with such matters, they have already been assigned." How could Yang Jie let go of this opportunity to get closer to the yellow belts and red belts. "My lord is still restraining his troops, be careful of Liu Ni's pursuit"

Geng Jingzhong reluctantly pulled him to the back team. At this time, La Hada turned to Yang Jie and said without hesitation: "Old Yang, what did you say to that repeated villain just now? We men don't rub your eyes. sand."

"Master Bei, what are you talking about, King Jingnan is also an important minister of the emperor." Yang Jie first raised his voice, then lowered it. "Master Bei, don't you need the soldiers in his hands now!"

"I don't see that you are quite a ghost," Lahada clicked his tongue twice, and also lowered his voice. "It's true, that is, Zheng Ni didn't rush into the sea right now, otherwise," Lahada made a beheading gesture. "I have to send this rebellious villain to the vegetable market to get a knife."

"That's right!" Yang Jie responded with a smile. "If this kind of rebellion is not dealt with, who will the court expect to be a loyal minister?" Yang Jie raised his head and pouted in Geng Jingzhong's direction. "Master Bei, do you think this is the case?"

"Hahahaha," Lahada laughed wildly. "That's right, that's right, it's called heroes who see the same thing"

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