Ming Zhengzhi, I am Zheng Kezang

685. Summer-Russia Border Negotiations 2

The Russians, whose troops were several times larger than the Xiameng army, requested negotiations. The news caused China, which was preparing to respond, to be extremely astonished.However, within the Beihai Protectorate’s Office, it has long been concluded whether to conduct border negotiations between the two countries, so Murong Jingming, who hastily fled back to Xihe City (Cheremkhovo), deployed a wide range of sentries to prevent the Russians from suddenly attacking under the smoke of the peace talks. , On the one hand, he sent someone to report to An Wenhua in Ulan-Ude (Selengesk), asking him to come to the west of Huxi to preside over the overall situation. The earl got in touch and held a preparatory meeting for formal negotiations between the two parties.

"I am the founding man of Huaxia, Cheng Shilang, the first-class lieutenant, the inspector prince Xima, and a colleague of the Privy Council in Beihai, Gao Huan."

"My official, Baron Antoni Prio Sergeyevsky, Finance Commissioner of the Irkutsk Province of the Great Russian State."

Naturally, no big shots would attend the preparatory meeting, but deceived by the founding man in Gao Huan's title, the Russians reciprocally sent Baron Sergeyevsky who had been in contact with Wang Ying.

"I was ordered to discuss with the Orosian Congress the venue for formal negotiations between the envoys of the two countries." Gao Huan, who is equivalent to the status of a Russian captain, said straight to the point. "I think the venue for negotiations should be somewhere in or outside Bratsk."

"We believe that since we are discussing the border between the two countries, it must involve our territory in the Irkutsk province," Baron Sergeyevsky said tit for tat. "So it is appropriate to carry out in Irkutsk, the capital of the former province. Of course, the city of Irkutsk has been burned down for your country, so it can be carried out somewhere outside the city."

"You Raksha people are really interesting." Gao Huan, who is not a professional diplomat, smiled impolitely. "If you lose on the battlefield, you want to come back as soon as you move your lips. I don't know if it means that you are thick-skinned? Or that you are inherently ashamed. Either way, you can bring your soldiers to Irkutsk. There is no need for more talks between the two sides. "

"Captain, is this the ultimate meaning of your country?" Gao Huan tried to find out why the Russians offered to negotiate, but Baron Sergeyevsky, who didn't know that the main force of the Russian aid to the East was retreating in batches, was rare. Get tough. "If your country still wants to use war to solve the problem, then Russia will accompany you."

Gao Huan, who felt that the Russians were tough and had the will to try to resist on his own side, stood up without hesitation: "Then, let's stop here. Your two countries should use swords and guns to determine the border." [

Baron Sergeyevsky sat still, and the third secretary who came to Bratsk with Earl Magnitogor said to stay: "Captain, no, Your Excellency the Baron, the war has ended. has brought great disaster to this land, and we should have the courage to stop the continuation of the disaster and lay the foundation for a permanent peace between the two countries."

In fact, Gao Huan did not have the right to decide to terminate the negotiations, so after the Russians kept him, he sat down again: "Eternal peace? Courage? Does letting you enter Irkutsk mean that we have the courage to hope for peace?" ? This is simply a joke. Of course, I can promise you to enter Irkutsk, but after entering, can you get out alive?"

After secretly cursing the barbarian, Baron Sergeyevsky said in a sarcastic tone: "In Europe, the personal safety of envoys from warring countries is also protected."

"I know, I know, isn't it because the two countries are at war with each other, and the dynasty has known it for thousands of years." Gao Huan pouted at the fake Baron Sergeyevsky. "I didn't say that I would use force against the negotiating envoys, but those malicious people who tried to break into our military-controlled area through peace talks. If they have the courage to break into our territory, don't expect to leave alive."

The Russians didn't know the words of accusing Sang and scolding Huai, but they could also hear what Gao Huan's subtext was. For this reason, the third secretary who attended the meeting corrected him: "Baron, please pay attention, the peace talks between the two countries have not been successful. Until the conclusion is reached, Russia does not recognize the Upper Baikal region as your territory."

"You really know how to talk." Gao Huanpi said with a smile. "However, I have said a thousand things and ten thousand things. This official will never agree to place the official negotiation address of the envoys of the two countries on the outskirts of Irkutsk."

The two Russians looked at each other, and then Baron Sergeyevsky took a step back: "If the Chinese envoy feels that Irkutsk cannot be accepted as a negotiation location, then we suggest Angarsk."

"That's not the same." Gao Huan interrupted. "I also suggest Tulum." Tulum is located on the grassland where a tributary of the Angara River flows in the south of Bratsk, about [-] (summer) miles northwest of Zima, and is also under the de facto control of the Xia Army Of course, the small town was also destroyed by Xia Jun. "How about it, the official's concession is big enough."

"Tulun?" The third secretary communicated with Baron Sergeyevsky for a while with a questioning look, and then suggested to Gao Huan. "It's better to set the negotiation venue in Zima."

"Zima?" Gao Huan thought about it for a moment. The authorization he got was any tributary of the Angara River. Therefore, the Russian's proposal had actually reached his psychological expectations. It was just to increase the warning time, so he must go further. The expansion of the buffer zone of the armies of both sides. "Fifteen (summer) miles north of Jima, I remember an abandoned farm there."

"8436 versts." After calculating the distance, the two Russians finally agreed. "Okay, you guys, let's continue the discussion on the next question." Baron Sergeyevsky then made an incredible request. "Our side suggests that during the meeting, the missions of the two sides will each carry 5000 guard soldiers and 40 cannons. In addition, within 300 versts, the two countries should not deploy troops, so as not to cause misunderstanding and damage the negotiations."

After Gao Huan heard this, his first thought was that the Russians were testing the total strength of the Xia army. After all, it is not easy to easily produce [-] guards and [-] cannons. And his second thought was that the Russians were going to use the peace talks as an excuse to attack senior Chinese officials and encircle the five thousand soldiers.

It was based on the above two judgments that Gao Huan, who suppressed his anger, asked in a cold tone: "5000 people, [-] artillery pieces, are enough for a small-scale war. Are you sure this is participating in peace talks?"

Without waiting for the Russians to explain, Gao Huan said again: "No other troops are allowed within 53 (summer) miles. How can this be guaranteed?"

What else did the Russians who were asking for such a high price have to say? Gao Huan put forward his own objection: "My official suggests that each mission can have a guard of 500 people, but the guards of both countries are not allowed to carry any artillery. In addition I suggest that the two sides should not station more than 53 troops within 1000 (summer) miles of the negotiation site. These troops will not be allowed to enter the negotiation site within [-] summer miles, but they should be allowed to conduct necessary reconnaissance around the area to prevent any party from breaching the contract. action."[

"Please wait a moment, Baron." The third secretary dragged Baron Sergeyevsky out, not knowing if he had asked Count Magnitogor for instructions, and when the two returned to the venue, he clearly gave Gao Huan gave the answer. "For our task, the strength of the escort team can be controlled at 3000 people without any cannons, but only 300 soldiers are allowed within 500 versts of the negotiation site to monitor possible hostile actions of the opposing army."

"My lord, I talked to the Russians." When Gao Huan returned to Hexi City, An Wenhua had already rushed there. "The Russians agreed to hold formal negotiations in the north of Jima City, but insisted on maintaining the strength of the mission guard at 500 people. The officials suspected that there was fraud in it." Gao Huan certainly didn't know that Earl Magnitogor was only There were three thousand Cossack cavalry. "However, the lower officials won the two sides can keep [-] cavalry within [-] (summer) miles around to monitor each other's main forces."

After Gao Huan withdrew, An Wenhua asked Murong Jingming, "Lord Murong, do you think this matter is suspicious?"

"My subordinate thinks that the Raksha people don't need to play tricks like this." Murong Jingming also couldn't figure out what the hell the Russians were up to. "If you say you want to deceive your lord, I'm afraid you can't justify it. After all, the Raksha people don't know who is the envoy for the peace talks, but the Raksha people are very likely to take the opportunity to investigate our army's combat strength."

"What Master Murong said is very true." An Wenhua also had this concern. "Once the Raksha people know that our army is only [-] available, I'm afraid they will turn their faces directly. Even if the Raksha people have scruples and don't turn their faces directly, they will take the opportunity to ask for more territory if they think about it." An Wenhua said Pave the way for the possible loss of the Upper Baikal region. "Besides, the Raksha people may just be testing our lack of troops right now, but if we get entangled in this issue, the Raksha people will naturally understand."

"Yes," Murong Jingming also frowned. "If all the [-] soldiers and horses are used by our army, I am afraid that we will take out all the elite of our army. Once there is a mistake, it will be irreparable. But if we only use the Mongolian Yi Congjun army to show off, I am afraid that Rakshasa will be defeated." People will also think that our military is strong on the outside and doing things on the inside, and this is not easy to handle.”

The two were in doubt, when a staff officer shouted outside the tent: "My lord, the reinforcements from the east of the lake have arrived."

"Reinforcements?" The two looked at each other. "What's going on? Where are the reinforcements coming from?" While talking, An Wenhua and Murong Jingming came out, looking at the Xia Army cavalry from far and near, An Wenhua's face turned pale. "Wang Muxi, he, didn't he call all the town soldiers from the east of the lake here? He's putting all his eggs in one basket."

At this time, the chief officer of the reinforcements appeared in front of the two of them under the guidance of the staff, and Murong Jingming immediately asked: "Master Huang, why did Master Wang send you all here, don't you want to guard Hudong?"

Huang Ruzhen, the supervisor of the Second Division of the Hussars, responded with a smile: "My lords, you don't have to worry about the loss of the east of the lake. No, the upper reaches of the Heilongjiang Fleet took over the troops of the First Division of the Longxiang Army, so they also reinforced our brigade. Naturally, the Longxiang Army is inferior to us in field battles, but they have problems defending the city, so the Master Commander transferred us here, and it can be regarded as using our strengths."

Murong Jingming let out a long sigh of relief: "I see."

An Wenhua also said: "Now we can fight with the Raksha ghost, that Gao Huan, right? Let him work hard again and tell the Russians that we agreed, let's prepare to negotiate."

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