Ming Zhengzhi, I am Zheng Kezang

687. Summer-Russia Border Negotiations 4

"There is a problem with the attitude of the Raksha people." While the Russian mission was frustrated about giving up on the East, the Chinese mission was also analyzing the just-concluded first day of negotiations. "Even if the land east of the Lena River and the Olyok River is a barren land, how could the Russians allow it so easily? It's unreasonable."

"Master Jia's words make sense." Hu Zongxun also felt something was wrong. "Although the archives of the negotiation between Eros State and Jiannu were burned along with the Forbidden City in Youzhou, the governor's office still collected some related files. From a glimpse, we can know that even though Jiannu was ten times as powerful as the Raksha people at that time , but the Raksha people still fought for all the land north of the Outer Xing'an Mountains and west of the Ergun River with Jiannu, so how can they give in steadily under the superior force now?"

"Is it true that the Raksha people don't have a so-called army?" An Wenhua suggested a possibility. "Are they bluffing?"

"It's possible, but Master Murong personally led the troops to confirm the arrival of the Raksha soldiers. How could Lord Murong have misjudged the number of Raksha soldiers?" Jia Wenqing speculated somewhat puzzled. "Could it be that the Raksha people withdrew to the west after defeating Master Murong? The resumption of the war in China must be transferred back to the Eastern Army?"

The lack of intelligence made it impossible for the people present to confirm what was wrong with the Russian army. After a long time, Bao Chongzhi, the military envoy of the military department stationed in Beihai Metropolitan Guard, put forward a hypothesis: "My lords, from my own point of view, Could it be that the Raksha people were forced to show weakness in the negotiations with us because they were unable to advance due to lack of food?"

An Wenhua's eyes lit up: "It makes sense. The first thing to do in the battle in Mobei is food. Taking the imperial court as an example, it will cost 200 million yuan a year to maintain a second division of the Hussars in Beihai. It is said that the homeland of the Raksha people is more than a thousand (Xia) miles away, tens of thousands of soldiers and horses along the way, how much food do people eat and chew?"

An Wenhua's judgment was somewhat inaccurate, so Bao Chongzhi interjected: "Even if the Raksha people settled down all the way, they could get supplies on the spot, but the hundreds of summers between Keke City and Putrajaya are completely exhausted by Lord Murong. Although it cannot be said that there is no grass that has been destroyed, at least the Raksha soldiers cannot raise food and supplies. In addition, our army has arranged for the local Mongolian tribes to move to the east of the lake, so the Raksha soldiers can't even plunder the place. , They can last a few more days just relying on rear transfers."

"That is to say, the Rakshasa army can only act in a hurry outside the battle zone, but there is nothing to do." Hu Zongxun clasped his hands together. "This makes sense. It's not that the Raksha people don't want to argue with reason, but they have no power. They can only lose their cars to protect their handsome man. It's a good plan to exchange the barren land in the far east for the fat North Sea. fraud."

"This is just my guess." Jia Wenqing poured cold water on everyone before they were overjoyed. "It may not be the real situation. Before the adults disappeared, the Rakshasa mission strongly demanded to bring more soldiers and horses to protect them. How can this be a sign of lack of food?" [

Jia Wenqing's words are also reasonable. Looking at the lively appearance of more than 2000 Cossack cavalry close at hand, it is impossible to see that the Russians are short of food, but Bao Chongzhi has his own point of view on this: "The Russian military law maintains Tens of thousands of people have entered the war zone, but it may not be possible to maintain the entry of 3000 to 5000 people, so seeing may not be true, and even the Eros mission deliberately asked for [-] guards, it was already cheating."

Jia Wenqing didn't argue with Bao Chongzhi but said: "Master Murong has to inquire more about the reality of the Rakshasa army."

This is an old-fashioned opinion, of course An Wenhua listened to it, so he quickly summoned the military attache, and assigned the important task of going deep into Krasnoyarsk to find out the reality of the Russian army, and waited for the order to retreat. Finally, he said: "It takes time to investigate the reality of the Rakshasa army. This round will take at least seven days. I will have to wait for the Rakshasa people."

However, Bao Chongzhi said worriedly: "There is no problem with the delay, but the time can't be too long. After all, we are still negotiating with the Raksha people, so the delay may not cause the other party to be suspicious, not to mention that we are also in some troubles. It's been a long time."

Not to mention whether delaying the negotiations will make the Russians aware, but the difficulties of the Beihai Metropolitan Protectorate itself are indeed very difficult.These troubles can be summed up in three aspects: the first is the trouble in food supply, including monitoring, including guards, and including the contingency army, a total of more than 6000 people are stranded in the west of the lake, and the daily consumption is also very large. The Mongolian people in the east of the lake and the Kyrgyz people in the south of the Sayan Mountains were transshipped, but the expenses were also huge. If you don’t want to pay for food, you can only save a little money; the second difficulty is in terms of military strength. All are in the west of the North Sea, and the power in the east of the Zhenrong North Sea is quite weak. If it was changed to before, there would be nothing wrong with it, but now the Huximeng tribe is pouring into the east of the lake, and the Horqin people who have just stabilized, and the Hudong Bria There will definitely be conflicts between the special people for the grassland. Once the matter becomes serious and the Xia army suppresses it vigorously, it will definitely pose a threat to the negotiations and even the survival of the Beihai Metropolitan Protectorate; the third difficulty is the weather, and it is now July If it is delayed for a long time, I am afraid that unnecessary casualties will be caused to the Xia army who is not used to the cold climate.

"Yeah, we can't just think about the troubles of the Raksha people, we also have to look at our own problems." An Wenhua weighed in and out for a while, and then felt that it was necessary to make some concessions in the negotiation. "As a last resort, we may not have to insist on obtaining the entire west of the lake south of the Angara River and east of the Yenisei River"

A few days later, the Russians arrived at the negotiating venue early in the morning, but after waiting for a long time, there was no sign of the Chinese mission. If it weren't for the presence of troops in the Chinese camp, the Russians thought that An Wenhua and others had stopped negotiated.After waiting anxiously for a while, a Chinese official finally arrived. When the anxious Russian questioned whether it was appropriate to resume the meeting, they heard an unbelievable answer.

"What? The emperor of your country has the decree of canonizing the Mongolian leader in the Upper Baikal region? Your country's negotiating ambassador has rushed back to Selengesk to receive the decree?" In response to the Chinese official's response, Earl Magnitogor and the Russian side The negotiators were dumbfounded, and for a long time couldn't believe that they were politely thrown aside. "This, this is simply absurd. Does your country treat the negotiations between the two countries as a joke? This is a great contempt for Russia." The Russians were furious, but the Chinese officials who received them spread their hands, expressing that they could do nothing. Therefore, the Russians had no choice but to hold back their displeasure. "A few days? Five days? At least five days, damn it, if after five days, your country's delegation still can't show up, then it will be deemed that your country has permanently terminated the border negotiations between the two countries. At that time, the two countries can only use guns Cannons are here to decide the fate of the entire Baikal region."

The Russians who left the harsh words finally broke out after returning to their tents. Baron Sergeyevsky and other officials involved in the negotiations yelled at the absent Chinese negotiating team. Of course, the content of the Russians’ swear words was limited and repeated over and over again. It's "stupid pig", "devil", "scumbag", "savage" and other clichés.

When all the Russian officials got tired of scolding, Count Magnitogor, who had been contemplating, suddenly asked: "Everyone, how likely is it that the Chinese said that they will return to Selengosk to accept the emperor's edict?"

The Russian officials present looked at each other in dismay, and it took a long time before someone said: "This is absolutely fake."

"Fake? That's right, it might be fake." Earl Magnitogor asked again. "Why do the Chinese lie?" asked the count himself. "Isn't the purpose to delay the negotiation process?" The earl said this, and then asked everyone. "So why are the Chinese delaying the negotiation process, what's wrong with it?"

That's right, why did Huaxia delay the negotiation process? Is there something wrong?

Baron Sergeyevsky, who seemed to understand, immediately turned pale: "Could it be that the Chinese have discovered that the Russian army has not entered Bratsk, so they feel that they have been fooled, and they are going to terminate the negotiations and use force to seize what they requested? everything."

The rest of the representatives of the Russian mission were also in panic all day long, but Earl Magnitogor, who had always been sullen, showed a clear expression: "Calm down, keep calm for me, this is a trick of the Chinese, in fact They were just suspicious, not really convinced that the Russian army was attacking. Yes, it must have been, the Chinese were trying to figure out what the Russian army was doing during the interruption of the meeting, they must have sent a reconnaissance force to Krasnoyarsk , but given the distance between Zima and Krasnoyarsk, it will take 5 days or more for Chinese talents.”[

Now that he has made a judgment on the behavior of China, Earl Magnitogor immediately ordered: "Immediately send someone to Krasnoyarsk to inform General Ushakov and General Lazerny, and ask them to clear the Chinese Human reconnaissance troops, and, if possible, send a Russian army to march east as far as possible, so as to induce the Chinese to misjudge”

The Russian mission, which had completed the repair work, began to wait patiently for the day when the resumption of the meeting would deal a heavy blow to the Huaxia side, and the Huaxia mission was also anxiously waiting for the return of its own reconnaissance troops.Time passed day by day, five days had passed, and there was still no news from the east, so Huaxia had no choice but to continue to make excuses.The well-known Russians just complained a few times, but then arrogantly used the bonfire dance of the Cossack guards to exert pressure.

On the sixth night of the adjournment, An Wenhua, who was frothing at the corners of his mouth, finally met the crumbling Murong Jingming.According to the report of Murong Jingming, who could only sleep on the horse for a short time every day for six days, the main force of the Russian aid to the East did stay around Krasnoyarsk and did not continue to advance to Bratsk and other places, but Russia However, the number of Russian troops seems to have decreased compared to the initial period. Therefore, it cannot be ruled out that the Russian army marched to Bratsk through the waterway monitored by the Xia Army sentry method. Attempt to infiltrate along the Yenisei River to confirm the movement of Russian troops.

Could it be that the Russians did not enter the theater because of the lack of cutting means of transportation?Or is it that the Russians waited for the food delivered from the rear, so they are preparing to sneak into the Upper Baikal region through the smoke of negotiations?The increasingly opaque information made the hearts of the Beihai Metropolitan Guards participating in the negotiations heavy.

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