For the Burmese who defend their country, whether they have money or not, they have to fight.Therefore, when the 10,000+ Burmese troops conscripted nearby appeared in the outskirts of "Mawlamyine", the five or six thousand soldiers and horses of the pirate chieftains of the Han people in southern Myanmar could only take the bulk of the looted loot and retreat in despair. , Fleeing back to his old lair in the south of Dawei.

Wu Dunsheng is a veteran general in Myanmar, and he has his own understanding of the key to the victory of the Battle of the Great Patriotic War. Therefore, he did not invest too much in the pursuit of the coalition forces of the chieftains in southern Myanmar, but arranged for 2 people to enter Yecheng- The Hanqin area blocked the passage for the chieftains in southern Myanmar to come back by land. 3 people stayed on the line of Jikanmei-"Mao" Tammyin-Bang Township, and the main force of 10 people immediately went east to Jiongduo and Gao Jiali to wait for him. The main point at the western foot of Wengshan is to block the Siamese army coming over the mountains.

However, Wu Dunsheng, like the contemporary East Asian soldiers, ignored the enemies at sea. No, he found that the Burmese army did not continue to chase and kill them. The hundreds of miles of sea route broke into the prosperous and empty lower Burma, stirring up smoke in the area at the mouth of the Ayeyarwady River east of Pasheng and west of Daguang.

The plundering of the southern Burmese Han pirate chieftains in Lower Burma not only attracted the reprimand of the Burmese royal court, but also threatened the food supply of Wu Dunsheng’s army in the rear. He was forced to change the original plan of coach U Dun Seng, and asked the Burmese army in the Yecheng-Hanzhi area to turn from defense to offense and completely wipe out the chieftains in southern Myanmar.

On the seventh day of June in the 21st year of Wucheng, the prince of Siam arrived in Wuchang. Just as Zheng Kezang and the Chinese court were grandly receiving the future lord of the vassal state, the Battle of Southern Myanmar officially broke out.

Facing the Burmese army with an absolute superiority in military strength, the coalition forces of the chieftains in southern Burma had to give up the key points west of the Tuwei River, such as Najisin, Ganbao, Zhedi, Nabule, and Mangmaqin. Forces blockade the downstream to protect the grain roads between Tuwa City and Deyeqiang, Qiangwabin, and Minda in the rear.

The Burmese army marching south tried to cross the Tuwa River in the upper reaches of Tuwa City, and then attacked Tuwa City in the southeast of the river, which triggered the biggest battle between the two sides so far.

On June 21, the Burmese army successively invested more than 3000 troops and more than [-] elephants at three crossing points, while the coalition army of southern Burmese chieftains only had [-] people, and each crossing point had only [-] people. , far less powerful than the opponent.It's just that only a small number of officers in the Burmese army are professional warriors, and the rest are newly recruited farmers and soldiers. Although they are numerous, their combat power is not as good as that of the southern Burmese chieftains who are used to fighting at sea. In addition, there are only a few Burmese troops crossing the river. Small-caliber copper cannons and very few muskets, but the southern Burmese army has basically turned into firearms. Therefore, the Burmese army suffered more than half of the casualties in the fierce battle, but they were still unable to break through the enemy's blocking, and were forced to give up their plan to cross the river.As for the coalition forces of the chieftains in southern Myanmar, they did not carry out a cross-river counterattack due to reasons such as one-tenth of the casualties, high consumption of medicines, and strong opponent reserves. For a while, the two sides seemed to be in a stalemate on both sides of the Tuwa River.

It’s just that the weakness of the Burmese army has been seen by the 36 Western countries. These ex-pirates who “licked” blood took the risk of opening the defense line of the Tuwei River, mobilizing boats and boats to attack the rear of the Burmese army by sea, and caught the Burmese army off guard in one fell swoop. Captured the Yecheng-Hanqin area and cut off the connection between the Burmese army going south and the "Mawlamyine" area. [

Although the Burmese army going south can still use many large plantations on the Langlong Plain in the west of the Dawei River to maintain basic food supplies, the cut off of the back road still caused great confusion for the Burmese army.As a last resort, the commander of the Burmese army on the southern front had no choice but to lead his troops back to save Yecheng-Hangqin, and then turn around and continue attacking Dawei after establishing contact with the "Mao" Tammyine area.

Not to mention how much the morale of the army will be destroyed by the tossing back and forth. It is impossible for the southern Burma army to allow the Burmese army to retreat safely. The more than a thousand southern Myanmar troops crossed the Tuwei River without hesitation, and followed and chased the Burmese army.

The seemingly long and difficult road to retreat, the enemy chasing soldiers who are staring at them like leeches, and the unknown fate ahead, all kinds of suffering have gradually disintegrated the morale of the Burmese army.So after an attack, the Burmese army, which still had more than [-] troops, suddenly collapsed in front of less than one-tenth of the pursuers.

There is a huge loophole in the south of Myanmar that can threaten the main force of the Burmese army. Now Wu Kebai is sitting in the wax.

what to do?Ask the king for new reinforcements?This is impossible. It must be known that Myanmar managed to cobble together more than [-] troops, and all of them have been dispatched from the south to the north. Conquer tens of thousands of horses from the Mon and Shan nationalities.However, the Royal Guards cannot be easily mobilized, and the soldiers and horses who conquered the Mon and Shan tribes could at least send reinforcements after they were victorious. Therefore, in fact, Wu Kebai had no reinforcements.

So let Wu Dunsheng's main force be transferred back partly?This is also impossible. Wu Dunsheng has 10 people to block Siam, and the burden is already very heavy. As a lieutenant, how can he make the opponent worse at this time?

After much deliberation, Wu Kebai made a fatal decision, that is, to deploy troops from Bangzhen and Maolamian to the southernmost line of Jikanmei to prevent further actions of the Burmese southern army.However, Wu Kebai also knew that doing so would be risky, and he could not prevent the Burmese Southern Army from invading Lower Burma again. Therefore, he wrote to the Awa Royal Court to grant the lords of Lower Burma the power to organize self-defense forces and to deploy these self-defense forces to guard the city.

Wu Kebai's request caused a great shock in the Ava court. It is reasonable to say that this is a reversal of the policy of strengthening the centralization of power. agree.

It's a pity that Wu Kebai waited for the answer he wanted, but couldn't implement it concretely.The reason is very simple. King Arakan finally sent troops under the instigation of Huaxia.The Ava court, which was ready to send troops, had no choice but to order the invaded area to form a coalition of nobles. At the same time, it ordered the nearby nobles and lords to send troops to help in the battle. Therefore, there was not a single soldier left for Wu Kebai.

The flames of war are everywhere, and this result makes generals like Wu Kebai feel that the building is about to collapse, but the crisis is coming sooner than Wu Kebai imagined.On July 21, the [-]st year of Wucheng, Chinese envoys entered Myanmar from Yunnan.The edict brought by the envoy enumerates Myanmar’s sins of invading neighboring countries and abandoning its suzerain, and asks Myanmar to reflect on the past and cede territory to Siam and Arakan, and to give up the suzerainty of the chieftains in southern Myanmar, etc.This edict successfully angered the Myanmar side, and Myanmar responded by further increasing the number of troops on the Bhamo front line for China's attempt to cover up.So Huaxia Yunnan Xingtai sent people to question again, and got the right to send troops to Myanmar on the grounds that "Myanmar provoked a border quarrel".

As the war has entered the countdown stage, the East India Companies of Britain, France and the Netherlands formally proposed to the Burmese side wartime neutrality and armed self-defense requirements, but was rejected by the Burmese side. The "government" contacted, dispatched armed forces to control the commercial port area of ​​Shanlian, and carried out self-defense actions against the Burmese side.

The Burmese hated and shuddered at the back-stabbing of the East India Company of the Three Kingdoms. At this time, some so-called insightful people put forward the proposal of "good neighborliness", trying to use the courage of a strong man to cut his wrists, or cede or give up some meaningless territory in exchange for the continuation of the entire Taungoo Dynasty.

After careful consideration, King Daningen decided to send a peace envoy to Kunming. At the same time, he continued to contact the East India Companies of Britain, France and the Netherlands, and invited the East India Companies of the three countries to give up their neutrality and support Burma at the cost of ceding Than Lien and its surrounding areas.

On August 26, the Burmese envoy arrived in Kunming and immediately made a mediation request to China.In this request, Myanmar agreed to withdraw its troops from the Xia-Myanmar border and the Burmese-Siamese border and cede the Kachin region in northern Myanmar to China, the southeastern part of Shan State to Siam, the southern part of Chin State to Arakan, and allow the chieftains in southern Myanmar Independence, allow independence for chieftains in northwestern Shan State.

On the surface, it seems that Myanmar has given up quite a lot of interests. However, for Myanmar, the above-mentioned areas are barren lands and are not inseparable. If the dynasty is called upon to free up its hands to rectify its internal affairs, Myanmar may not be unable to recover the above-mentioned areas in the future. [

However, King Daningen's abacus is good, but the Yunnan Honglu Envoy, who upholds Shangyi, insists on the Chinese side's previous proposal to hand over Upper Tanasarin to Siam, the independence of the southern Burmese chieftains in the Lower Tanasarin area, and the west bank of the Irrawaddy River. The request of the region to be ceded to Arakan and insisting that Burma send princes and ministers to Yunnan to chase down the former Ming Emperor Yongli to settle the karma were unacceptable to the Burmese side, and the envoys of the two countries broke up.

At this time, the East India Company of the British, French and Dutch countries also expressed to the Burmese side that they did not want to plot the territory of Burma, but they were unwilling to be an enemy of the powerful China in the upcoming war, so they could only implement armed self-defense to ensure neutrality. When the war between Myanmar and China is over, they will resume normal trade.

The reply from the East India Company of Britain, France and the Netherlands and the strong statement from the Chinese side completely dispelled the last illusion of the Ava Royal Court. They could only actively participate in the preparations for the war. However, the envoy from the north brought back a strange message, Yunnan There are no signs of war mobilization in the territory. Could it be that Xia Jun is not planning to invade Burma? Everything is just smoke released for the invasion of Siam and Arakan, or what the envoy sees is not the truth. Outside his sight, Xia Jun Everything is ready.

"Confusion" filled the entire Toungoo Dynasty. Since the possibility of Xia's army attacking from north to south could not be ruled out, more than [-] Burmese troops could only stay in northern Myanmar, wasting precious food and fodder while watching helplessly. Time to enter October.

On the third day of October in the 21st year of Wucheng, the Siamese army, which had been preparing for a long time, crossed the Thanyinthaung Mountains and entered Myanmar, and the Southern Front War officially started.

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