"Great, Yu Cai didn't come for a day, and you caused such a big mess for Yu, it's really great."

There seemed to be a smile on Zheng Kezang's face, but the cold tone made Sun Youlao and others present shudder.In fact, Zheng Kezang can't be blamed for being in a bad mood. You must know that although various small accidents and small disputes have occurred in the camp since the beginning of accepting the boys, the big fights that spread throughout the camp are the first time in history. The veterans were speechless.

"Eldest son, it's the subordinates who are not restrained." Helpless, Sun Youlao had no choice but to plead guilty first. "I hope the eldest son will punish him."

"Punishment is certain," Zheng Kezang pointed to Sun Youlao and the three team leaders. "You are ineffective in managing the entire battalion. You, you, and you, and the guardian team are ineffective. Each will be fined with twenty army sticks." Speaking of this, Zheng Kezang ordered. "Release all the boy camps and let them see for themselves what military law is"

"One!" As the executioner shouted, muffled sounds came out one after another, and the faces of the four generals facing the Boys' Battalion twitched for a while, and beads of sweat rolled from their foreheads. It fell, but the soldier who executed it did not show any pity or hesitation, and immediately hit another stick. "two!"

The boy scouts watching the execution couldn't help breathing in, as if they were not others but themselves, and the audience was silent.

"Eighteen! Nineteen! Twenty!" Following the last few counting calls, the soldiers who executed the execution finally stopped, and then several soldiers stepped forward to help the victim to pass the message to the whole camp, watching the four people dripping with blood The half-grown children backed away in fright, some even covered their eyes with their hands, and some even cried in public.

When the four of them were helped to the reviewing platform again, Zheng Kezang asked indifferently: "Is this officer's military law, do you refuse to accept it?"

Sun Youlao and the other four staggered away from the supporters around them, bowed down and bowed down: "The subordinates are willing to accept the punishment from the officials and have no complaints."

"Be careful what you say." Zheng Kezang nodded, and then said to the teachers. "Your instructors and team leaders, although the supervision of the boy camp is not effective, but they can quickly appease the camp afterwards, so that the young boys are not damaged, and it is considered a crime of merit. This time there will be no punishment, and we will help Sun Xie first. A few of them went back and found a military doctor to treat them."

Shocked by Zheng Kezang's methods, all the teachers bowed down and said yes. Zheng Kezang waved his hand. Several of them supported Sun Youlao and others to go back to recuperate. .

At this time, Zheng Kezang's eyes had moved to the restless boys: "The chief instructor and the team leaders have all been punished, so the squad leader and the charge officer are not responsible?"

The faces of the squad leaders and assault officers standing in the queue suddenly changed drastically. It took a long time before a few came out of the queue anxiously, knelt on the ground with mournful faces, and if there was a leader, the rest would no longer be so timid. He didn't dare to show up, so soon the front of the team was full of Zhengtai who was still happy when he was an official.

"I don't care who is right and who is wrong, but there is one thing. If one person makes a mistake, the whole group will sit together. If one group makes a mistake, one class will sit together. If one class makes a mistake, one team will sit together," Zheng Kezang said coldly. The children who understood were even more frightened and trembling. "As an official, if your subordinates make mistakes, they will be punished even more. Here, let them be detained and starved for a day and a night. Let's see if they dare to forget their identities next time."

After hearing that they were just hungry instead of eating army sticks, Hong Hui and other powerful children were relieved, and Maying and other Han family children were even more lucky, but they will soon understand how unforgettable this is.

"You and others will not escape punishment." Hong Hui was taken away dejectedly, and Zheng Kezang then dealt with the rest. "He Jiaoxi," Zheng Kezang ordered to Sun Youlao's deputy. "Today's literacy class and martial arts class are all suspended, and the whole time is used to punish them. You can take someone to watch them." This sentence has a pun, and Professor He blinked to understand the true meaning. "In addition, dinner is stopped. If they are not hungry, they will be hungry. I am afraid they will not remember."

Zheng Kezang will not treat these future direct descendants in a friendly manner. This is not because he is harsh by nature, but because he understood that in the feudal era, the so-called confusion of classes into one would not work. Because the consequence of doing so will inevitably be the successive loss of the authority and sense of mystery of the superiors, which will eventually lead to contempt or prying hearts of the subordinates--only Xiaobai of later generations believes that the unity of the officers and soldiers is the guarantee of victory.

After dealing with all this, Zheng Kezang turned around and came to Sun Youlao's residence. Sun Youlao, who was laying on the medicine, saw Zheng Kezang coming and was struggling to get up. Zheng Kezang held him down: " Don't move, wait for the doctor to finish the medicine."

Soon, the doctor finished the medicine for Sun Youlao, and resigned with good eyesight. At this time, Sun Youlao hurriedly lay down there and made a confession to Zheng Kezang: "Eldest son, the subordinate is incompetent, and the eldest son has been troubled."

"General Sun, in fact, you don't have to be like this. In terms of age, you are too much older. In terms of military rank, you are a fourth-rank military officer at any rate, and you are by no means comparable to this joking battalion officer. As for the experience on the battlefield, there is no need to compare." Zheng Ke Zang comforted the other party. "Now the general is willing to be the chicken among the monkeys, and it's too late for me to thank you, so how can you blame the general?"

Sun Youlao was very flattered by Zheng Kezang's behavior, so he hurriedly responded: "Why does the eldest son speak like this so that his subordinates don't panic, and the subordinates are willing to serve the eldest son wholeheartedly."

Hearing Sun Youlao's meaning of repaying others, Zheng Kezang couldn't help showing a smile. Yes, he needs Sun Youlao's assistance to completely control the boy camp without the influence of the outside world, but he knows how to cover up his emotions as a man of two lifetimes. Volatility, so just wave your hand lightly.

"General Sun's words are wrong. My father is still here. Even if General Sun is willing to be ashamed, how dare Yu accept it so easily." Of course, Zheng Kezang was also afraid that Sun Youlao would misunderstand that he didn't like him, so he said tactfully. made a promise. "General Sun should take care of his wounds first, and when he helps Yu train the boy camp the next day, Yu Dingran will recommend General Sun to his father, and hope that General Sun will continue as before."

Sun Youlao was overjoyed. Didn't he just want this result: "Please don't worry, Eldest Young Master, my subordinates dare not be dedicated."

"Okay, okay." Zheng Kezang said yes repeatedly. At this time, the words of wooing had been finished, Zheng Kezang changed the subject and talked about the business. "Yu plans that in the next three years, in addition to the normal running circles, queues, martial arts, and physical exercise, the Boy Scouts will be taught not only military discipline, but also military discipline. They must absolutely obey orders and prohibitions."

"My lord, most of them are still young." Sun Yourao thought for a while. "It's better not to use the method of training troops in the army."

"Then call more military doctors, and prepare more medicines for bruises and heatstroke prevention." Zheng Kezang pondered for a moment but insisted on his idea. "Don't be afraid to spend money. If there is any defect, just ask the Ministry of War. If they don't give it, just hand it over to Yu, and Yu will go to Mr. Chen to ask for it." Speaking of this, Zheng Kezang said his plan out. "Even if there is a loss, don't be afraid. I plan to recruit at least the same number of boys into the camp every year. Now everything is just the beginning."

Sun Youlao was taken aback. He didn't expect Zheng Kezang's plan to be so grand, and he lost his composure for a while, but he quickly figured it out. Zheng Kezang's words in front of him were both backing up and probing, and maybe he was looking at himself. performance.

With this in mind, Sun Youlao immediately expressed his opinion. "Don't worry, Eldest Young Master, the subordinates are willing to go all out to assist Eldest Young Master."

Zheng Kezang doesn't trust Sun Youlao very much, but now he has no one to use, so he has to win over one by one: "Do what you say?"

Sun Youlao gritted his teeth, and it was too late for him to regret: "It's hard to chase after a horse!"

"Okay, very good." Zheng Kezang clapped his palms and laughed for a moment, his eyes fixed. "General Sun is an old soldier, and I have something to ask for advice." Sun Youlao hurriedly said he didn't dare, Zheng Kezang took out a piece of paper from his arms. "General Sun, please take a look." Sun Youlao took it and looked at it with a glance, while Zheng Kezang explained. "I have five people in a group, two of them hold rattan cards and short soldiers, two of them hold long soldiers such as spears and forks, and one person holds a bow and arrow or holds a bird's gun. There are three teams in a team. This is the case with three teams in a team. Only the squad leader, The team leader can freely choose their weapons. There should be four teams in a battalion, except for one team equipped with Francophone guns, the other three teams are also the same."

The reason why Zheng Kezang did not adopt the musket and spear arrangement in his previous life is justified. In fact, there has never been an example in the history of Chinese military affairs that a single arm or only a few arms can win. Long and short weapons and long-range weapons The mix of supporting weapons is the kingly way of this era.

"The eldest son has a well-planned plan." Sun Youlao looked at Zheng Kezang suspiciously. Although he had long felt that Zheng Kezang was not like a 12-year-old child, this scene shocked him even more. He thought about it. It can only be explained by the saying that a sage has his own gift from heaven. "This subordinate thinks it's okay, but it's just that a battalion of soldiers in this way is probably equivalent to the current guild."

"I'm afraid it will be a little too much." Zheng Kezang didn't explain too much. "But General Sun, don't worry, if my father has doubts, I will persuade you."

"That's good." Sun Youlao thought about it. He is Yuanzi, the future king of Yanping County. The issues he values ​​are actually not a problem for Zheng Kezang. Since this is the case, he will not be entangled in this aspect and continue to say: "But the eastern capital is short of iron. Although the Ministry of War can manufacture bows, arrows, and blunderbusses, they are limited in quantity and must be used by the army to send them to the west. I am afraid that it will not be easy to supply them for a while. The same is true for the Flang machine gun and the Hongyi gun. There are occasional sales in English merchant houses and Spanish merchant ships, because the price is very high, and the quantity is very limited.”

"I've thought about this too." Although Zheng Kezang had already thought of these things, he was very satisfied that Sun Youlao was able to think on his side. "I thought that the boy camps were all young boys, and that a strong bow with more than one stone might not be able to pull it, and military weapons such as bird guns should not be equipped. It needs to wait for them to grow up. Three years, three years later, they will be organized according to this organization. "The more Sun Youlao listened, the more confused he became. What Zheng Kezang meant by this, he just listened to Zheng Kezang continue. "But weapons can wait for people, people don't wait for weapons, so from now on we need to prepare one after another, what does General Sun think?"

"Young master is wise." Sun Youlao understood. It turned out that the method of moving the mouse was used to hoard the weapons that will be used in the future bit by bit. It is much easier to think about this difficulty than to prepare all at once. "But bows and arrows and blunderbusses may be possible, but Flang machine guns and red cannons may not be able to do so"

"It's time to figure out a way." Zheng Kezang interrupted Sun Youlao's words. "General Sun doesn't need to ask."


"By the way, I thought of a way to use up the excess strength of the boy scouts in the battalion." Zheng Kezang suddenly remembered something while talking. "Cuju, that's right, Cuju from the Tang Dynasty." Zheng Kezang suddenly danced with his arms and legs. "There is both confrontation and coordination. It will be very interesting to think about it."

"Young Master." Seeing Zheng Kezang's childlike appearance suddenly, Sun Youlao was surprised again.

However, Zheng Kezang grinned at him: "General Sun, don't worry about recuperating from your wounds. When I go back, I will search for the rules of Cuju in the Tang Dynasty, so that I can implement them as soon as possible."

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