According to the system of the Huaxia Dynasty, the upward official documents of the local provinces are divided into three types: "Reporting to the Provincial Government", "Reporting to the Cabinet", and "Reporting to the Royal Lane", which are respectively forwarded to the counterpart units by the Tongzheng Yuan; The confidentiality level is further divided into several levels such as "public newspaper", "circulated by the department", "notified by the department", "confidential", and "extremely secret".

The memorial written by Li Xiugong to Zheng Kezang is naturally the kind of "public newspaper", so when Zheng Kezang did not express his position after reading it, there was already a commotion in the outside world.However, Zheng Kezang made it worse by staying in the middle school, and immediately gave an obvious signal to the outside world. For a while, there were imitators, and opponents were as overwhelming as expected by the two Qingmen of Lifu.

"Li Xiaogong, a treacherous and sycophant, is really a scum in the officialdom." In other dynasties, Li Xiugong's memorial was overwhelmed by the flood of impeachment memorials, but what to do, Zheng Kezang There is no Yushitai of the Metropolitan Procuratorate to manage the constitution, and officials at all levels are not allowed to dictate matters other than their own duties. Even the only remaining Supervisory Yuan is only responsible for investigating the gains and losses of governance and whether it is corrupt or negligent, which leads to dissatisfaction We can only vigorously oppose it in private newspapers, but we can't do anything about it in the palace. "This kind of person must not be allowed to stay in the court."

"This dynasty does not punish people for their words, so the Overwatch Council obviously cannot impeach them for this." A middle-aged official said to his colleagues with a bitter face. "Furthermore, the advancement and retreat of the third rank is only in the hands of the Holy Master. Master Dou, although you and I despise him, what can we do?"

Master Dou said extremely unwillingly: "Master Qiao, is it possible to just watch the treacherous and sycophantic come to ruin the world like this? Or just watch the Holy Majesty abolish the heirs and establish the concubine, shaking the foundation of the country?"

Mr. Qiao thought hard for a long time, and finally suggested: "The current plan is that you and I will play separately, please stand up as Duke Liu."

The look of excitement on Mr. Dou's face flashed, and then he elongated his face and said: "The problem is, Li is a third-rank feudal border, so he can directly apply to the Tongzheng Yuan. God listened."

Huaxia's system stipulates that the state capital and the provincial government branch offices at the state capital level generally have no right to submit letters directly to the central government; similarly, officials below the Cao Fang in the central provinces also have no right to write to the cabinet and the Tongzhengyuan. Therefore, things such as Hai Rui's direct letter to Emperor Jiajing in the Ming Dynasty were impossible in the Huaxia Dynasty.

"I came up with a bad idea, Master Dou, please see if it works." Master Qiao said in a low voice. "Let's put the film in the normal documents." Looking at Master Dou who was dumbfounded, Master Qiao felt disdainful in his heart, but he still said warmly on the surface. "Although it's a bit risky, at least let the higher-ups know our intentions."

"Wonderful!" Master Dou suddenly shouted, which startled Master Qiao. "This plan is very clever."

Mr. Dou applauded while wiping his sweat. In fact, Mr. Dou knew very well that it was actually an act of dereliction of duty to entrain the memorial to ask for the establishment of a son-in-law. If you express your political attitude in front of your colleagues, if you regret it in a blink of an eye, it will be a trivial matter to provoke ridicule. If you spread it out and make the high-level bosses feel that your position is unstable and unusable, it will completely ruin your future.What?There is no third person here, so you don't have to worry about someone knowing about it.What nonsense, not to mention that the partition must have ears, who knows if Qiao who is next to him was ordered to test him, so how can he easily repent.what to do?Should he bite the bullet and act on Mr. Qiao's suggestion, or should he play it safe in the whole matter regardless of his future?Master Dou, who was caught in a dilemma, was extremely distressed.

As the so-called potential is forced out, Mr. Dou, who was playing haha ​​and thinking fast, suddenly had a flash of inspiration, so he hurriedly said to Mr. Qiao: "This idea is wonderful, but you and I are alone and alone. The two entrainment may not make the higher authorities pay attention to it. If it is not good, the Tongzhengyuan will directly withdraw the film, and you and I will lose everything. It is better to contact a few colleagues and start together. First, the law does not blame everyone. All the official documents contained films, and the Tongzhengyuan did not dare to tamper with it easily."

Master Qiao smiled inscrutablely, laughing so that Master Dou's hairs stood on end, but fortunately the other party finally nodded: "It makes some sense, so how about asking Master Dou to help launch it together?"

Master Dou certainly knows how to do it, he hurriedly replied: "It should be so, it is a duty to do so."

"What? I heard some gossip." Looking at Zheng Andi, who was eating vegetables with his head down, Zheng Kezang suddenly had the feeling that time had turned back. The scenes he had known each other reminded him of the time he once met in Anping Castle decades ago. During the days when he was with Zheng Jing, he couldn't help but feel a little throbbing for a moment full of emotions. "Tell me what you think."

Zheng Andi's face turned pale suddenly: "Father, son, no, thunder, rain and dew are all the favor of the king. If the father likes his son, it is the blessing of the son. If the father does not choose a son, neither will the son." What annoyance."

"I didn't say you connected with the ministers, and you don't have the ability." Zheng Kezang waved his hand, signaling to Zheng Andi that this is just a father-son gossip, and there is no need to make it as serious and boring as the emperor's confrontation. "But hearing what you said, I still have some expectations, don't you?"

Zheng Andi thought for a while, and said frankly: "Father is right, my son has some expectations."

"Probably because he didn't want to salute Baoguan (Zheng Anyang)." Zheng Kezang said more bluntly. "Father understands that Father and your Uncle Yan Wang also came here. Brothers who have been brothers for more than ten years, once they become monarchs and ministers, the one who is frustrated will definitely not feel good."

Now that he has admitted that he has a bit of a spying heart on the big man, Zheng Andi is not afraid to admit more: "What the father said is that the son really does not want to pay respects to the treasure official, but if the father really chooses the treasure Officer, there is no choice but to obey orders."

"Boy, you've grown up, and you know how to match your father and me." Zheng Kezang suddenly laughed, and after laughing, his face suddenly sank. "Zhenguan, Father knows that your temper, character and way of doing things are more like Father's, and your ability is stronger than Baoguan's. It's just that Father is sorry for you and can't give you this seat." Zheng Andi seemed to be struck by five lightnings. He was stunned, he didn't expect that Zheng Kezang would tell himself the news of his exit so bluntly, so his mind didn't settle down for a while, he just vaguely heard Zheng Kezang talking. "Why? Honestly, if I give you this seat, how will you treat the queen in a hundred years."

After all, they were married couples who lived and died together, so Zheng Kezang didn't want Chen Qianqiao to be deprived of the empress dowager position by Zheng Andi in the future, and he didn't want Chen Qianqiao to even have the chance to be buried with him after his death, let alone Chen Qianqiao, who has been buried with her, will be dug out of the grave in the future, and her bones and ashes will be thrown away.

The teary-eyed Zheng Andi fell to his knees on the ground and said in tears: "Father, is it because of this that you took away your son's chance? My son is not reconciled, not reconciled!"

Zheng Kezang held Zheng Andi into his arms: "Royal father treats your mother, queen, and concubine Zhao equally, and treats all the children equally, but Baoguan is the son of the eldest son, and the government and the public belong to everyone. Hope, as long as he doesn't make mistakes, the emperor will insist on making way for you, so I can only wrong you."

Zheng Kezang patted Zheng Andi's vest lightly, and said with relief: "You are more capable and energetic than Baoguan. In the future, whether you continue to run the principality as the abbot, or become the lords of Wu Qiao and Daiyu, you can become a world of your own. , don’t compare everything with Bao Guan.”

Zheng Kezang has promised Zheng Andi to be the lord equivalent to a hereditary king, which is unique in the Huaxia Dynasty so far, but compared to the throne in the Li Palace of Phoenix Mountain, how can a kingdom that needs a hundred years of construction compare? Come on, therefore, not only did Zheng Andi's crying not subside, on the contrary, he twitched even more violently in the depression.

"Okay, don't cry, everything is not a foregone conclusion, and I will abdicate in two years. You have a chance." Zheng Kezang let go of Zheng Andi in his arms, and took it from the servant who didn't dare to make a sound. Handed over the sweat towel. "Wipe away your tears, my son, shed blood but not tears." Under Zheng Kezang's regretful, loving, and encouraging eyes, Zheng Andi finally wiped away his tears. "That's right, remember, you don't need to tell anyone what you said today, even your wives, concubines and children."

Zheng Andi fully understood Zheng Kezang's intentions, so he said extremely aggrieved: "Do you still want to use your son as a sharpening stone for a treasure official?"

Zheng Kezang nodded: "It's not just that, first, your father and I are still watching a big drama, a big drama starring hundreds of officials in the court, and second, as I said just now, everything is not a foregone conclusion, you still have Chance."

Zheng Andi understood the so-called slim chance, but in front of Zheng Kezang, he could only forcefully smile: "I understand."

"By the way, if there is no special reason, from now on, you will come to the palace every three days to talk and eat with me," Zheng Kezang said with care. "In addition, Dingguan (Zheng Pingsong) and Dongguan (Zheng Pingbai) should also choose what path to take in the future, and you, a father, should also take care of them for him."

Zheng Andi was shocked suddenly: "Father, you won't be the last selection of Baoguan because of Guan Ning (Zheng Pingli)."

Zheng Kezang laughed loudly and said: "Good saint grandson, that is the story of Emperor Yong Le, I know it, but I won't let it happen to me."

Zheng Kezang waved his hand because of this: "Wipe your face and go back, sleep well, and the sun will rise tomorrow."

Looking at the back of Zheng Andi dragging his heavy steps away, Zheng Kezang sighed lightly: "As for Zhenguan, I have made it very clear that you are too similar to me, but you are not me, so I can't see clearly. On the way forward, I really want to hand over these thousands of miles of rivers and mountains to you. After closing my eyes, which road will you take these thousands of miles of rivers and mountains. I really dare not gamble, so I would rather let Baoguan be a peacemaker. The lord of success will give Huaxia a chance to recuperate and lay a solid foundation for more than ten or twenty years."

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