Time continued to flow forward, and the time soon came to August in the 22nd year of Wucheng. The government and the opposition were still discussing the ownership of the reserve, but Zheng Kezang refused to publish all the letters, and he couldn't figure it out. All the officials in their minds had no choice but to calm down slowly, give up the illusion of winning the support, and honestly wait for Zheng Kezang's decision.Of course, some sensitive officials have already sensed something from Zheng Andi and Zheng Anyang's attitude changes when studying government affairs, but if Zheng Kezang does not announce the answer for a day, the final result will be variable, so some people still write articles in newspapers for a long time , As a result, the opposition between the "Lixian faction" and the "Lichang faction" was formed in public opinion.

On August [-]th, a big piece of news suddenly replaced the debate between the "Lixian faction" and the "Lichang faction" and grandiosely became the headlines of various newspapers—the hereditary king of Haixi County and the head of the Heshuo Special Department Luo Bu Zangdanjin sent troops to Lhasa in the name of escorting the reincarnated soul boy of the sixth Dalai Lama, and seized the ruling power of Tibet from the Jungar people.

The Heshuot people once again mastered the gun, will this cause a large-scale war between China and the Zhungeer Empire?Will the domestic situation that has been calmed down for a few years be turbulent because of it? "People of insight" scolded Luo Bu Zang Danjin for his audacity without letting out a loud voice, but they didn't know that the incident was actually deliberately provoked by the Governor's Yamen.

On August [-]th, according to the Governor’s Yamen’s suggestion, the Huaxia court conferred Luo Bu Zang Danjin as Tubo County King and Tibetan Khan, and distributed his old place in Qinghai to Chahan, who did not enter Tibet with him. Danjin, Erdeni and others use this to weaken the power of Luo Buzang Danjin, so that they can get rid of the shackles of China, and can only serve as pawns for China to control the country.

It's just that in view of Luo Bu Zang Danjin's exposed ambitions, at the same time that Luo Bu Zang Danjin was appointed as the Tibetan Khan, the Chinese court also announced the adoption of the system of drawing lots from the golden urn for the reincarnation of the major living Buddhas of the Yellow Sect.It also stipulated that the Dalai Lama's Golden Urn drawing lots ceremony should be held simultaneously in Chengde and Lhasa, the Panchen Lama's Golden Urn drawing lot ceremony should be held simultaneously in Chengde and Shigatse, and Zhangjia Hutuktu's Golden Urn drawing lot ceremony should be held simultaneously in Chengde and Labrang Monastery. , Jebtsundamba Hutuktu’s Golden Urn drawing lots ceremony was held in Chengde and Kulun at the same time. During the period, the results of drawing lots in the two places were different, so this drawing of lots will be valid and held on another auspicious day. If all three draws of lots are valid, Then the candidate for the soul boy must be replaced. Of course, this "possibility" does not exist, unless the selected soul boy obviously damages the interests of China, Mongolia and Tibet, and there will be today's fierce conflicts

The establishment of the Chinese version of the system of drawing lots from the golden urn broke the Dalai Lama’s dominance in the Yellow Sect and allowed China to automatically obtain suzerainty over Tibet, although at this time the Chinese court did not have permanent ministers stationed in Lhasa and Shigatse , but with the close relationship between Japan and the mainland in the future, and finally after the Gurkha (Nepal) invasion completely wiped out the armed forces of Tibetan Khan, the forces of China will logically control this piece of the roof of the world, but these are all That's another story.

As far as today is concerned, Huaxia has not really got involved in China, so there is no direct conflict with the Jungar Empire. The so-called change of ownership in China is just an ordinary dispute over territory between two Mongols. As the original owner, Di Khan has a natural right to ask for his own territory, but the already old Zhungeer Tsewang Arabtan Khan has to worry about whether the change of hands is the prelude to China's all-out attack on Zhungeer , but also taking into account the difficulty of fighting in Tibet, so not only has it been too late to make a decision to transfer the army to cross the Kunlun Mountains.

Is it possible to just sit back and watch ** return to the hands of Peshut people?After much deliberation, Cewang Allah Butan Khan finally decided to send an envoy to have a talk with Huaxia, that is, to spy on the reality of China, and try to restrain the expansion of Huaxia's power, so that he can complete the quasi-standard in a peaceful environment. Seoul's transfer of power.

The decision of Cewang Allah Butan Khan was unacceptable to his son Galdan Celing, but the vigor of the young people could not change the old Khan's decision. The missions of the two countries held diplomatic negotiations on related issues in Luoyang Mansion, Xijing, China. [

"The Khan of our country is extremely dissatisfied with Huaxia's support for Luobuzangdanjin's invasion of Japan." At the beginning of the meeting, the Zhungeer envoy raised the question of Japan as expected. "Our country requires your country to restrain Luo Bu Zang Danjin and withdraw immediately, otherwise, our country will definitely send all its troops into ** and wipe them out in one fell swoop."

"Envoy, please don't be ashamed." Cao Yuanwailang Liu Wenruo, the guest of the governor's yamen negotiating on behalf of Huaxia, replied unmoved. "Although Tibetan Khan is a vassal of our dynasty, he is not an official of our dynasty after all, and it is not something that the court can make him do with a single order." Liu Wenruo paused. "Furthermore, Tibet was originally the foundation of the Tibetan Khan's ancestors, and your country also took it from his ancestors. It is hard to judge whether it is right or wrong. The only thing we can do is to bridge the gap between the two sides."

"You want us to talk to Luo Bu Zang Danjin about the ownership of the police? There is no need for that at all." Someone in the Zhungeer Mission interrupted Liu Wenruo politely. "Since your country recognizes the law to persuade the Heshuo Special Department to withdraw from the Communist Party, then this matter is involved with your country, and our country will raise troops to recover the Communist Party."

Ba Zhixin, the guest of the governor’s yamen, Cao Xiyu, the head of the Western Regions Division, smiled slightly: “The suffering of the mother is nothing more than a little obsession with Tibetan Khan. Peace is paramount."

The Zhungeer people responded silently, and it took a long time before someone said: "Our country asks your country to prohibit importing weapons to **."

"It's impossible." Liu Wenruo explained indifferently, looking at Zhungeer's face that had definitely changed color. "Tibetan Khan is a vassal of this dynasty, and he used real money to buy weapons from my dynasty. Since the quantity is not large, our dynasty has no reason to refuse Tibetan Khan." Liu Wenruo added in an understatement before the other party got angry. . "And even if you agree to your country, your country can't confirm whether we have imported weapons to **."

The Zhungeers discussed in whispers, and an envoy stood up and said: "Perhaps your country is right. Our country does have the law to supervise whether your country has sold weapons to the Communist Party. Therefore, our country can not be held accountable in this regard, but we hope Your country can sell artillery and other weapons to our country without discrimination.”

"It's impossible." Ba Zhixin refused again. "There is still a possibility of conflict between your country and our country. In this case, it is absolutely impossible for our country to sell weapons that endanger itself to your country."

The Zhungeer people were displeased: "Our country and your country have signed the "Treaty of Commerce and Commerce" long ago. There are many business contacts between each other. It can be said that there is a long time of harmony. How can there be conflicts? The envoys should not make excuses to refuse."

"Although Guiwo has been bounded by Xingxing Gorge and Altun Mountain, it has not demarcated the border between Khalkha and your country." Liu Wenruo took advantage of the situation and turned the topic to the demarcation of the border between the two countries. "In addition, your country's use of troops to fight against us may also cause conflicts with our country."

"Didn't your country say that political affairs are related to your country?" The Zhungeer man seemed to have caught the loophole in Liu Wenruo's language, so he attacked fiercely. "How could there be a conflict with our country in **? Could it be that what your envoy said before was all false."

"The envoy is confused, Tibetan Khan is a vassal of this dynasty." Liu Wenruo explained. "If he asks the imperial court for help after being attacked by your country, whether we will save him or not. If we don't save him, many vassals in our court will be separated from their morality after they know about it. To save him, we must fight against your country. That's why I have just now One said."

"Leave aside the army." It seemed that Huaxia was supporting Luobu Zangdanjin to occupy the army, and the Jungar people who had been allowed to watch the Xia army's artillery drills backed down a little when they came. "If your two countries can reach an agreement on the Khalkha border issue, will it ensure the permanent harmony between you and me?"

Ba Zhixin answered first: "In addition to the border of Khalkha, there is also the border of Wulianghai."

It is no secret that China is forcing Russia to sign a new border treaty. Thinking that the vicious Russians have also conceded, the expressions of the Zhungeer envoys became more and more gloomy: "Let's talk about it together." [

On the ninth day of December in the 22nd year of Wucheng, Xia Zhun and the two countries reached the "Kobudo-Kalka Demarcation Treaty", and Huaxia sold [-] artillery pieces to the Zhungeer Empire within ten years. He returned to the occupied pastures of the Zasaktu Khan tribe, and obtained the entire Tangnu Wulianghai area from the Zhungeer people.

In addition, the "Koka Demarcation Treaty" also allowed Chinese merchants to set up trading cities in Khovd and Urumqi, and allowed Zhungeer caravans to enter Anxi, Yumen and other places for trade.

Therefore, although the treaty did not confirm that the Zhungeer Empire renounced its claim to the Chinese territory, the missions of both parties agreed that the two countries could achieve a longer period of peace.

However, after the text of the treaty was sent to Zheng Kezang, the supreme monarch explained to his two sons standing in front of him: "This is just a short-term truce statement, and there must be dissatisfaction among the Jungar people." Voice, and sooner or later the two countries will engage in a decades-long war for this."

Hearing this, Zheng Anyang frowned and asked Zheng Kezang: "Father, if war is inevitable, what is the ultimate goal of the court?"

"The Zhungeer Empire was completely wiped out, and the territory of this dynasty entered the banks of Lake Balkhash." Zheng Kezang gave a clear answer. "Then occupy the upper plains of the Ob River. This is a future granary, and it is also a place for diversion after the population of the dynasty expands." Looking at the two sons thoughtfully, Zheng Kezang said further. "Looking at the long-term goal, Eros is the biggest and most dangerous enemy of this dynasty. If possible in the future, the descendants must beat him back to Luzhou in the northwest of Thailand step by step. Of course, this will be hundreds of years later. , right now, we can only take it step by step."

Zheng Andi looked at Zheng Anyang with sympathy, and then responded: "But the cost of going westward is huge, and the national treasury may not be able to bear it."

"Yeah, money is a big problem." Zheng Kezang sighed. "Otherwise, I wouldn't have handed over this burden to you."

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