"In December, Zheng Jing sent Lin Sheng, the right military guard, to supervise the boat division and go north.

At that time, Governor Yao Qisheng and Governor Wu Xingzuo set up a large boat division to attack Xiamen.According to the scriptures, the civil and military officer ships and foreign ships were dispatched to the north, and the right military guard Lin was promoted to the governor, the left tiger guard Jiang Sheng, and the Lou Chuanzhen Zhu Tiangui was the left and right lieutenant generals. "

------------- "Minutes of Minhai"

"Well done," Zheng Kezang looked at the officials of the whale hunting team who knelt in front of him and pleaded guilty, but a satisfied smile appeared on his face. It is related to silver, sumac, tin ingots, pepper, plantain cloth, and sucrose. "Yu has always told you that you are a team, what is a team, what is a fellowship, sharing weal and woe is a team, living and dying together is a fellowship, as an official, you must stand up and support the humiliated brothers Courage." Zheng Kezang's words surprised the young military officers present. "However," Zheng Kezang changed the subject. "Speaking of which, this is a private fight, not a premeditated attack. As a general, you must be brave in public battles and timid in private fights, and private use of public weapons is even more taboo."

Maying, who was born in a fisherman's family and did not have much experience in officialdom struggles, was taken aback when he heard the big hat that Zheng Kezang had buckled. Ke Zang admitted his mistake: "This is all due to the recklessness of the subordinates. Please punish me severely by the general."

"Naturally, you will be punished if you make a mistake, but you don't need to be punished if you are below the charge officer. After all, they also obey the orders of the superior officer." Zheng Kezang said lightly, and limited the punishment target to Maying and the other four. "Ma Ying, originally Yu planned to promote Ying Tai Nong Ji to the battalion officer after the new year, and you will take over Yu's vacancy, so let's take it easy now."

Maying's face was as white as a sheet of paper. He didn't expect that the punishment would be so severe that he missed the title of No.1 deputy battalion officer in the Boy Scouts he had been dreaming of. But Maying obviously didn't know that this was actually a Zheng Kezang's excuse was that Zheng Kezang would not be the first to promote him.

"As for Chen Yi, Chu Jin, and Xie Bao," Zheng Kezang continued. "Fine you and wait for two years and you will also not be promoted."

The four of them were downcast, but Zheng Kezang was the heir, and beating, scolding and punishment should be regarded as kindness, so they had to thank them even if they were punished. Zheng Kezang listened to their gratitude with a smile, and held back for a long time before letting them Standing up: "Get up, the punishment has been punished, and then I will talk about the issue of rewards."

The people present were stunned, but Maying had a conversation when he prevented Karl from distributing the spoils, and he couldn't help thinking about this aspect in his heart. ideas.

"Why do you want to reward you? It's not because you have robbed so much property, but because you have filled in the gaps and pointed out the omissions in military discipline." Zheng Kezang's words really shattered the confusion at the beginning. English fantasy. "Regarding the capture, the Boys Camp has not had a clear regulation so far. This is Yu's negligence. Fortunately, you reminded Yu, come and record it. From now on, all captured soldiers are not allowed to keep them privately, and they must be handed over. Violators It can be regarded as a protest order.”

Resisting orders on the battlefield can be directly executed. This kind of military discipline can no longer be described as strict, it can be said to be harsh, but most of the young officers of the navy are not the children of generals, so they don't know much about the current military regulations. Therefore, no one dared to face Zheng Kezang's authority directly, and even a very small number of dissatisfied people were dismissed by Zheng Kezang's next sentence.

"All property, armaments, and captives paid are calculated uniformly, and then half of the remainder is divided, and the remaining half is divided into three. Take a quarter of it and distribute it to all the casualties." Speaking of this, Zheng Kezang gave an example. "For example, this time, after conversion, there should be a profit of 3 taels. Yu took 5000 taels, Ma Ying could get 5000 taels, the squad leader, charge officer and several instructors could get 5000 taels, and the soldiers below could also get 750 taels. From the five thousand miles, I get my share. If there are casualties, [-] taels of the remaining share will be distributed to them as pensions. After doing this calculation, you understand.”

"Understood, Yu waited to understand." As soon as he heard that he would really get a share of the money, several young military officers had already cheered and jumped for joy. The head boy almost shouted long live to Zheng Kezangshan directly.

"But!" Zheng Kezang made another turning point. "The harvest this time is not counted." Everyone was discouraged for a while, and some people even lost their voices before their expressions changed. Zheng Kezang explained this. "Why is it not counted, because there were no military regulations before, and if you are rewarded, what will the rest of the boy camp think?" Zheng Kezang gave several people a period of time to think, and finally concluded. "So I can only be wronged and wait until the next time."

Looking at the direct descendants who were pushed from the bottom of the valley to the top of the waves, and then thrown from the top of the waves to the bottom of the valley, Zheng Kezang chuckled. He was not playing with them. "The Biography of Wei Lubu" has a very vivid metaphor for this " For example, if you raise an eagle, you will use it when you are hungry, and go away when you are full.” Zheng Kezang did not want to feed these young officers all at once, so that they would lose their motivation to move forward.

"However, because of your merits in picking up relics and making up for the vacancies, you will be given out on the basis of 500 taels. Maying will get 25 taels, you will get [-] taels, and all the sailors who participated in the battle will get [-] taels. Go down and receive the reward." Uncontrollable cheers The sound rang again, Zheng Kezang laughed, and then pointed at Maying. "Ma Ying will have a good year this year, so why don't you let him invite the big guys to drink?"

After a group of military officers from the Boy Scouts sailor battalion who came to inquire and surrounded Maying and others with jealous eyes, Zheng Kezang immediately summoned Ying Tanong: "I heard about the whale hunting team. After another trip to Qiongzhou, let the Qionghai team change to the Ryukyu route, and then find a few people to set up a business in Naha, and all future contacts with the mainland will be handed over to you."

Ying Tainong was startled, and Zheng Kezang's meaning was very clear, that is, to use Naha as a window to start trade with the mainland in order to break the seal of Fujian and Guangdong: "This is a big deal. I have never done a humble job. The descendants are It is not to consider other candidates, so as not to make mistakes."

"No one can do things from the womb." Zheng Kezang urgently needs someone to check and balance Maying in the sailor battalion, but Ying Tanong is not the best candidate, so he can only reluctantly hand over part of the secret front work to him. He hosts. "Don't be afraid, it doesn't have to be obvious at the beginning, take your time, I can afford to wait." Now that Zheng Kezang has made a decision, Ying Tainong has no choice but to agree. "By the way, the Tartars have sealed off the sea for many years, and the sea tax of our vassal in Beiyang has long been zero. When you manage the Naha business house, you have to do your homework and find out the bottom line of the trading party. If you have the opportunity, grow up Qi’s side is also going to develop, and when Ben Fan is relieved, he will have to settle the accounts owed over the years with them!”

"No!" Ying Tainong replied again, then raised his head to look at Zheng Kezang. "Shisun, just now I heard that Shisun rewarded Team Leader Ma and others, and I didn't make this suggestion because of jealousy. I just think that if such a reward is given, wouldn't the whale hunting team plunder merchant ships from all sides for money? That clan's reputation will be completely ruined."

"Fame?" Zheng Kezang scanned Ying Tanong's face. "After several years of eating at Zhu's family, I actually forgot my old background. Yu Zheng's family is the biggest pirate in Ming Dynasty. If it weren't for this, how could the Emperor of Ming recruit the Zheng family, and how could he rely on the Great Wall!" Zheng Kezang sneered. "Can fame be eaten?" Ying Tainong didn't dare to reply, so he had to stand with his head bowed. "I know you are loyal, but do you know how Hongyi, Luzoni, Yinggui Liyi, and Flangjiyi used to travel thousands of miles across the ocean to seek profit in the Ming Dynasty? It was by looting and looting on the sea. Everything they have obtained, as long as they are not from their own country, they will rob everything, and relying on the interests they have robbed, they have supported them step by step to today." Zheng Kezang walked up to Ying Tainong and beat him with his hands chest. "If the earth is torn apart today, and the father and king have been fighting for many years, it is irreversible. What should we do? With a mere Taiwan against thousands of miles of land, it will not be able to survive without robbing, seizing, or killing people. I will learn this from Siyi, and learn from Siyi. !"

Zheng Kezang slowed down his tone: "Of course, I won't let them be blindly slaughtered and plundered. The purpose of the whale hunting team is to let them go through the sea and waves and become familiar with the skills of sailing in order to conquer the Quartet. So wait for you and the Qionghai team After accepting the Ryukyu and Nagasaki air routes, they will transfer to Nanyang, and even if they want to grab it at that time, they will go to Hongyi and Luzonyi to grab it!"

Ying Tainong obediently said yes, Zheng Kezang glanced at him, sighed, and asked him to back down, but before he walked out the door, Zheng Kezang suddenly said heavily: "When barbarians enter China, China will In other words, if China enters the barbarians, the barbarians will come!"

Ying Tainong paused suddenly, then gave Zheng Kezang a deep salute, and then pushed the door out, looking at his back, Zheng Kezang nodded, if he still can't comprehend, the power in Ying Tainong's hands may not be preserved how long

Zheng Kezang, who sat back on his seat, had calmed down at this time. Although more than 2000 taels of silver were distributed, Maying's harvest was too rich. If he didn't turn it into his own strength as soon as possible, he would be sorry for the generous Japan. Therefore, he quickly issued an order: "Come on, tell Ma Yuan how many of them are there. After the Chinese New Year, let British, Guili craftsmen help build another 180-material ([-]-ton) brig , They also tried to build a two-masted schooner with a size of [-] materials. In addition, they asked Su Dagong to build four blessing ships with [-] materials for backup."

The guards led away, but Zheng Kezang sat down and scribbled on a piece of paper for a long time, and then stamped his steps around the room with his hands clasped. After turning around again and again, he still couldn't make up his mind.It turned out that Zheng Kezang planned to abandon Ming Zheng’s original navy system and set up a new leadership mechanism with the captain as the core in the navy. However, since Zhu Jin was still there, such a large-scale change of his system would inevitably cause Zhu Jin’s uneasiness. Secondly, the rebound of the veteran general in the army also had to be considered, so Zheng Kezang was hesitant.

"Don't be reckless," Zheng Kezang finally warned himself. "I can't eat hot tofu in a hurry. I still have time and a chance." Thinking of this, Zheng Kezang walked out of his signing room in the sailor camp. "Prepare your horse, go back to Anping!"

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