"(Ming Yongli 34th year, Qing Kangxi 19th year) in February, Admiral Wan Zhengse and Ming Youwuwei Lin Sheng fought in Chongwu.

From Zhengse to Weitou, Ming Zhu Tiangui charged at it with seven boats, and there was no way forward; occasionally the sea wind was strong, and the boats entered Quanzhou Port;When the report arrived, Simingzhou was terrified, thinking that he had lost the war; everyone thought about fleeing, and everyone's hearts were shaken. "

------------- Min Hai Minutes

"It's over, it's over." Looking at Lin Sheng who personally reported the situation on the front line in front of him, Zhu Jin slumped on the throne like a deflated ball---after receiving the news of the navy's defeat, he immediately dispatched After returning to Liu Guoxuan's department, the results of his years of fierce fighting in the mainland have been completely lost---Zhu Jin looked around at the civil servants and generals around him, and saw that they were not ashamed, but fearful. "Zuo Wuwei is still so terrified if he wins, what if he loses, it will make people laugh forever."

Frustrated to the extreme, Zhu Jin let out a frightening laugh out of his wits, so that the courtiers around couldn't help but take two steps closer, but Zhu Jin waved his hand: "It's all right, Qing, if you want to go back to Taiwan, go back quickly." I'm afraid it's too late, even if I want to go back, I may not be able to find the boat."

Zhu Jin sat on the throne dumbly, not noticing that the sky had turned completely dark, and the guards around him didn't dare to say anything, so they had to light candles to accompany the king at dusk. Fortunately, the sound of hurried footsteps finally came. Come in.

"Your Majesty, Your Majesty!" Feng Xifan walked in with a very bad expression. "Master Yang Yingyang, the household officer, and Lord Hong Lei, the official officer, have boarded the ship and returned to Taiwan with their families. The officers and soldiers of the towns saw this loud noise, and Uncle Wu Ping couldn't restrain him. Wait any longer, and return to Dongning immediately."

"Back to Dongning?" Zhu Jin smiled miserably at Feng Xifan. "Abandoning his wife and son alone, and driving tens of thousands of Dongning's children to fight in the mainland, what are they going to take back to see their families? Is it the corpses of the children?" Zhu Jin waved his hand. "If you want to go, Qing will go. Remember to tell Qin She that he should learn from his loneliness."

"Your Majesty, it's not good," Zhu Jin was still in the pain of failure and couldn't extricate himself, when suddenly another guard stumbled in. "The rebellious army is clamoring outside the martial arts pavilion. It seems that there is a possibility of attacking the palace, so the king should hide immediately."

"Why are you still standing there?" Feng Xifan drove away the guards around him. "Hurry up to the city wall, you must hold it." After drinking those guards, Feng Xifan thumped and knelt down for Zhu Jin. "Your Majesty, although your grandson is intelligent, he is not very old after all. Your Majesty's body is related to Dongning's future, so don't let it go lightly, Your Majesty!" Feng Xifan said while weeping. "If Emperor Yizong (Note: This is the temple name given to Chongzhen by the Southern Ming Dynasty, and Sizong in the Qing court) could endure the humiliation and move the capital to Nanjing, the whole country would not be ashamed today. Your Majesty, the lesson from the past is close at hand."

Hearing that the rebels were about to attack the palace, Zhu Jin, who was already ready for martyrdom, couldn't help but feel terrified, but he said too much just now, and now he was embarrassed to go back on his words immediately. When he was in trouble, he heard Feng Xifan's words and immediately accepted them : "The Qing family is worthy of being loyal people, no matter what, let's get on board"

Even though the decision to board the ship and retreat was made, Zhu Jin was unable to board the ship and go out to sea when the night was dark and the wind was high, so he had to hide in the Yanwu Pavilion and stay up all night tremblingly. They had siege equipment and did not attack the palace in the end.

Finally, when the sky was bright, Zhu Jin found a chance to get out after the rioting soldiers who had been raging all night sank into the water system, but before he could go to the palace immediately, he saw a burst of dust suddenly rising from the direction of the pier, and soon there were rumbling footsteps Got up, and a team that looked very majestic drove over.

Standing on a high place, Zhu Jin looked at this heavily armed team composed of black races with trepidation. Of course, it is not uncommon for Zhu Jin to have seen black people before, but this team is really strange. There is no general flag but only one or A triangular or swallow-tailed two-color flag, such a flag, Zhu Jin seems to remember that only Zheng Kezang's boy scouts have such a flag, but how is it possible?

However, contrary to Zhu Jin's judgment, the impossible turned out to be possible. Several people walked out of the team, and one of them took off his helmet and knelt down in front of the palace gate: "I led the Boy Scout Kunlun Biao to rescue you late, please Forgive me, father."

"Qinshe!" Zhu Jin rubbed his eyes, looked at his grown-up son, and couldn't help feeling excited: "Quick, why are you still in a daze, quickly open the door and bring in the grandchildren."

Feng Xifan seemed to want to stop Zhu Jin's impulsiveness, but he just opened his mouth and didn't dare to make a sound, but Zheng Kezang didn't immediately proceed to the palace. He drove around, and in the end, there were less than fifty black soldiers who followed him into the gate of the palace.

Zhu Jin, who had seen through the autumn water for a long time, saw Zheng Kezang walking in, and immediately grabbed him. While looking at him carefully, he couldn't help being suspicious and asked: "Qin She, why did you come to Siming?" .”

"My son received the news of Lin Sheng's defeat and Hai Cheng's abandonment, and knew that the battle ahead was unfavorable, so he intends to welcome his father back to Dongning." Zheng Kezang explained, while looking at Zhu Jin with admiring eyes. "The father is much older than the son remembers."

Zhu Jin's eyes also turned red, and he couldn't help thinking of Chen Zhaoniang: "Father is useless. Father didn't even go back to Taiwan to see your mother for the last time. Your mother must have been very sad when she died."

Zheng Kezang immediately interrupted Zhu Jin's self-blame when he heard this: "Father, my mother said before leaving that she doesn't hate father, and father is doing great things to restore the clothes of the Han family. I am proud that a great hero like my father has stayed together for 12 years."

A man does not flick his tears lightly, but Zheng Kezang's words are like a catalyst when he is sad, which immediately makes Zhu Jin's tears flow down. In fact, my son arrived yesterday evening, but he saw that the island was on fire and soldiers were rampant, so he didn’t dare to act rashly.”

"That's right!" Zhu Jin was in a very high mood at the moment, and he didn't think that Zheng Kezang didn't rescue him immediately and was suspicious. Not only that, but he also slapped his swollen face to pretend to be a fat man, acting like a loving father Come. "However, you can't fight the war. When the situation subsides, you can go back to Taiwan first."

"Father, my son has discussed it with his father-in-law." Zheng Kezang didn't like him. The reason why he ventured across the sea was to bring all the remaining troops back to Taiwan. How could he return to Taiwan? Let Zhu Jin squander it. "The Zhou army has already reached the western mountains at dusk. Once the Zhou army is overthrown, the vassal will fight against the two capitals and thirteen provinces with a corner. Let's face each other across the sea first, stabilize the situation before discussing the counterattack." Zhu Jin nodded frequently, not only Zheng Kezang's opinion, but also Chen Yonghua's shadow, so he couldn't help but consider it seriously. "Since this is the case, the father is the foundation of this domain, so I ask the father to go back to Taiwan first. Siming has a son here, so it is easy to clean up."

"Father, how can I let you stand in front." Zhu Jin still refused to accept Zheng Kezang's suggestion to stay in Siming and return to Taiwan first. Apart from the father's love for his son, it is estimated that some of them would not be able to save face reason. "It's better for my son to go back to Taiwan first, and allow the father to pack up the remnants of the army and return slowly."

"Why don't the father go to Penghu to rest first, let the son send a letter to his father-in-law, how about asking him to play and ask the father to return to Taiwan?" Hearing Zheng Kezang's suggestion of saving his own face, Zhu Jin also became a little uncertain, and he subconsciously He looked at Feng Xifan, but Zheng Kezang also looked at Feng Xifan coldly. "Feng Shiwei, you can also decide this matter."

Feng Xifan was so shocked that he didn't dare to say anything more, but Zhu Jin gently distinguished for him, and then half-heartedly agreed to Zheng Kezang's suggestion. The father and son were about to continue talking about themselves, at this moment , The guard guarding the palace gate came to report again: "Your Majesty, Uncle Wu Ping and several generals are waiting outside the palace."

"Show them in."

Soon Liu Guoxuan and others appeared in Zheng Kezang's sight. In fact, these people had already discovered Zheng Kezang's existence, but they hadn't seen each other for more than six years, and they had only met a few times before, so they didn't know Zheng Kezang's existence. He didn't recognize Zheng Kezang immediately, but he was a little suspicious of Zhu Jin's intimacy with Zheng Kezang.

"I have seen the king." Several important officials saluted Zhu Jin, and then Liu Guoxuan reported. "Your Majesty, have reinforcements arrived? The minister and several adults have seen troops suppressing and driving away the rebels."

"It's the Boy Scouts brought by Qinshe." Zhu Jin pointed at Zheng Kezang. They were startled, and hurriedly saluted Zheng Kezang. After Zheng Kezang returned one by one, Zhu Jin said this. "Liu Qing, He Qing, Qing and others immediately took the orders of the orphans and cooperated with the boy scouts to recruit the rebellious army, so as to minimize the loss."

Liu Guoxuan, He You and others took orders one after another, but before they could resign, Zheng Kezang suddenly said, "My lords, wait a minute!"

Zhu Jin and a few others looked at Zheng Kezang suspiciously, and then heard Zheng Kezang say: "Just now, the king has decided to withdraw his troops and return to Dongning, so after the adults cleared up the chaos, please check Siming, Jinmen As well as Fudao’s household registration and supplies, when Master Lin’s warship arrives, all will be moved back to Dongning, not even a single needle will be left behind for the Tartars.”

Liu Guoxuan and the others took a deep breath. As commanders, they didn't know what it means to fortify the walls and clear the wilderness. Zang's method is really unbelievable.

"My lords, don't worry. Dongning has already prepared wasteland for them to reclaim. When the time comes, Dongning will make up for what they lose. It's better than letting them fall into the hands of the captives." Zheng Kezang was talking to them, but his eyes fell on Zhu Jin's face. Seeing that Zhu Jin was quite disapproving, he continued to explain. "Anyone who refuses to join the army has a heart for the Tartars. They may have passed on many of the secrets of our domain."

With such a hat off, no one dared to say anything, so Zheng Kezang stood beside Zhu Jin and acted on his behalf: "My lords, go and do your own work, and I will allow Yu Haosheng to accompany my father."

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