"You have worked hard." Zheng Kezang looked at Tong Chunniang and Fang Yuniang full of apology. If Chen Xianqiao hadn't been there, he might have stretched out his hand to embrace the two of them together. "Don't talk about the frustration of not having an heir. Yu is still young and there are plenty of opportunities. As long as your mother and child are safe, it will be the best news for Yu."

Tong Chunniang and Fang Yuniang looked at Zheng Kezang with tears in their eyes. Zheng Kezang took out a towel and wiped them respectively. At the same time, he looked at Chen Xianqiao with embarrassing eyes. Zheng Kezang looked at each other.Zheng Kezang groaned secretly, just at this time Xie Ziling led two wet nurses into the room holding swaddling babies.

Zheng Kezang was overjoyed and hurried over to look at the two little ones.The two little girls are almost the same size, their small bodies are wrapped in swaddling clothes, their eyes are closed, they look sad, and their small mouths are unconsciously smacked, so there is not much cuteness in speaking.But after all, this is part of his own blood, and Zheng Kezang, who had a feeling of flesh and blood, couldn't help stretching out his fingers to caress the tender and smooth face, with light hands and feet, afraid of alarming them.

After teasing for a long time, Zheng Kezang turned his head and asked the girls, "Which one was born by Chunniang, and which one was born by Yuniang?"

"The baby with Ruyi embroidered on it was born by Chun Niang." Although she felt uncomfortable, Chen Xianqiao still maintained her demeanor and answered for Tong and Fang. "The one embroidered with orchid grass was born to Yuniang."

"The one who embroiders Ruyi is my elder sister, and the one who embroiders orchid grass is my younger sister." The two children are only three days apart, and it would be easy to get them wrong if it wasn't for embroidery. "It's the same as the ranking in the family, so it's easy to distinguish." Zheng Kezang said nonsense, which made several women glared at him. Zheng Kezang laughed and hurried to make amends. "We should give our precious daughter a nice name." Tong Chunniang and Fang Yuniang looked forward to it, and Zheng Kezang thought about it. "The big one is called Ruyi, and the small one is called Lancao."

Xie Ziling couldn't hold back a burst of laughter, and Chen Xianqiao also had a smile in her eyes, but she accused her: "I've never seen you be such a father, you'd be lazy in naming your child."

Zheng Kezang shook his head frequently: "Xianqiao's words are wrong. It's not that Yu is being lazy. I really can't choose the name Yu. I will take it to my father and king tomorrow. Although she is a daughter, she is the first or second grandchild. , it is most appropriate to let him be named by an old man."

Having said that, the two daughters, Tong and Fang, became nervous. As the saying goes, it is inevitable for an ugly daughter-in-law to see her in-laws. Although she had met Zhu Jin many times as Chen Zhaoniang's maid, this time was different after all. She took her daughter with her as a concubine. Seeing the father-in-law, this will be included in the genealogy in the future, so they have to be a little trembling.

Zheng Kezang was surprised to find that both Chen Xianqiao and Xie Ziling's faces were a bit unsightly. He immediately understood after a turn of his head, and hurriedly made amends: "Xianqiao and Ziling haven't even visited their father. Tomorrow, our whole family will go together. Father Wang Dalu Defeated, the mood is not very small, maybe seeing you will be happier."

In the dead of night, the long-awaited couple calmed down from the fierce battle, embraced the woman's warm and jade-like body, Zheng Kezang gently kissed the corner of each other's eyes: "Don't think so much, how old are we two?" , there will always be heirs, if you hurt your body by worrying about it, then things will be out of harmony."

Chen Xianqiao also hugged her husband tightly, and hummed softly in an inaudible voice. After a while, she asked hesitantly: "Qinshe, at home, I always hear my father say how my father is doing. How about it, but I haven't seen it before, what if the father doesn't like Yu, the daughter-in-law?"

There must be a reason for Chen Xianqiao's worry. Zhu Jin has never met herself before, and the marriage with Zheng Kezang was finalized by Chen Zhaoniang and Dong Guotai. Will take a break immediately, but an embarrassment isn't out of the question.

"Father is actually very kind, and he treats Yu very well. The father who likes Yu will not dislike." Zheng Kezang comforted his nervous wife. "Ten thousand steps back, father-in-law is also an important minister of this domain, even if the father doesn't like you as a daughter-in-law, he still wants to give face to father-in-law, and relax, it's fine."

Zheng Kezang was right. The arrival of Zheng Kezang and his wives and daughters made Zhu Jin very happy. Although Tong Chunniang and Fang Yuniang were just ordinary concubines, Zhu Jin still gave a lot of golden flower jewelry. The granddaughter who opened her eyes also expressed enough kindness. Finally, when she heard that Zheng Kezang asked him to give her a name, she even handed out the words "Jia" and "Rou". After buying silk and clothes, Chen Xianqiao was ordered to lead the inner garden of Anping City as the eldest daughter-in-law, thus further confirming Zheng Kezang's successor status.

This joyful gathering of fatherly kindness and filial piety lasted for a whole morning. Zheng Kezang had the opportunity to say goodbye after having lunch together. However, he would continue to rush the next day, even though Chen Xianqiao had brought two little girls to pay a visit. It's too much to pass Dong Guotai, but that's Chen Xianqiao, and he has to do the same thing here, not to mention that Zhu Jin has just given him a name.

Naturally, there are many people who are jealous of Chen Xianqiao's sudden control of Anping City Neiyuan. For example, Li Shuniang, who has been expecting her mother to become the successor of Yanping County King, and Feng Xifan, who hoped to marry her daughter to Zheng Kezang but failed in the end. However, if you want to deal with Chen Xianqiao, you must first overthrow the two backers Zheng Kezang and Chen Yonghua. However, Zheng Kezang's position is stable and he can't do it for a while. A conspiracy is brewing

On April 5000th, the last batch of soldiers and civilians evacuated from Siming and Jinmen arrived in Dongning. One and a half months later, the Qiongzhou side also retreated. There were nearly [-] households with [-] people held hostage and more than [-] people. The entry of the Lu division and more than [-] navy troops suddenly made Dongning's clockwork machines busy.

According to Chen Yonghua's arrangement, the people in real Taiwan have been screened one by one recently.

All farmers’ families were dispatched to various villages for reclamation. Those who originally had land and cattle were double compensated, and those who originally had no land were granted thicker rewards. Those who originally had servants were all compensated by Kunlun slaves among the officials.Although many of these immigrants are begging for more, the local governments who have been ordered to give preferential treatment have all agreed--the anguish in the hearts of these people who were kidnapped has dissipated a lot because of the generosity of Ming Zheng, but it has also caused a lot of trouble. The contradiction between this batch of immigrants and the previous immigrants, fortunately, all batches of immigrants in various places were resettled separately, with mixed household registrations, and it is not suitable to form a group. There is room for filling in in the future, otherwise hundreds of villages will be added at once, and it will really take food from the mouths of Pingpu.

Except for the peasant households, most of the rest of the citizen class who are first-rate high platforms, second-rate blowers, third-rate circuses, fourth-rate pushers, five-rate pools, six-rate back rubs, seven repairers, eight and nine sugar sellers were hired by the Ming Zheng regime into official workshops. The government offices assigned to prefectures and counties manage old businesses and retain the household registration of urban residents.

Of course, these people do not include prostitutes like kiln sisters. Because there are more men in Taiwan than women, even a little red lips have been tasted by thousands of people, and a pair of jade arms have been pillowed by thousands of people. It is still a hot commodity (Note: Sister Kiln has more or less face and figure, if she has nothing, at least she has skills), they will be allocated to Ming Zheng veterans together with those private servants of big families who have been inspected.

As for the students who are useless for life, they will not fail. The colleges and universities in Taiwan are the best places for them to arrange for them. Jin also had the intention of whitewashing the peace, so he agreed. Anyway, raising a few more rice beetles would not eat up the impoverished Taiwan.

After finally distributing the people, Zheng Kezang proposed to set up a new county in the south of Wannian Prefecture. After Zhu Jin's instructions, he named it Fengshan, and the government is located in Dagou Port (Note: Kaohsiung Port)--- This time Zheng Kezang insisted on his idea of ​​establishing a government along the coast. Since Dagou was located in the south of Anping, and there was no possibility of it being used by the Qing army, Chen Yonghua acquiesced in his request—the son of criminal officer Ke Ping, married General Yibin Ke Dingkai, who adopted Zhu Chenggong's adopted daughter Chai as his wife, was the first magistrate of Fengshan.

Of course, local government affairs are only part of Zheng Kezang's participation in the vassal administration, and Zheng Kezang concentrated more energy on reorganizing the army.At this time, the Zheng army was completely dilapidated except for the first town of the Boy Scouts and the four towns of the Yongwei Army. Some towns even had less than a hundred remnants of soldiers.

So Zheng Kezang asked Liu Guoxuan to be the governor, to reorganize the Lu division in charge, to further abolish the dilapidated towns, and divide the Xun soldiers. In mid-May, the Lu division was initially reorganized. There are still 29 guards in the four towns of the army, with a total of more than 250 people in the town. In addition, there are [-] officers and soldiers divided into [-] and nine floods, guarding Zhuluo, Fengshan and other places. .

At the end of May, a hailstorm suddenly fell in Taiwan. On the grounds of warning from the sky and people’s livelihood, Zheng Kezang said that through Zhu Jin, another 5000 veterans would return to their hometowns to farm in order to strengthen the Ming Zheng regime’s control over Dongning. There were 3000 people, but the boy scouts bucked the trend and expanded to two towns, four standard and sixteen battalions with about [-] people, half of them were black slaves.

In addition to rectifying the land division, Zheng Kezang also appointed veteran general Lin Sheng as the president of the navy to station troops in Penghu to reorganize the navy.However, the rectification of the navy is more complicated. There are many hills in the towns, and even Lin Sheng can't suppress it. Therefore, the rectification was not completed until the beginning of June. There are only 130 warships of various types left in the division, and the total strength of the navy is more than [-] people. The remaining nearly [-] people and more than [-] large and small ships were either sent by Zheng Kezang to hunt whaling or allocated to the household department to become Merchant ships and civilian ships, so far "Taiwan is safe"

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