"Ready!" With an order, the gunners in front of the nine cannons of different sizes flew away and got ready to shoot. "put!"

Within a moment, thunderous explosions sounded for the second time, and the lead bullets with tail flames pierced through the air. The huge recoil suddenly pushed the gun carriage backwards. Fortunately, the plow that was stuck on the ground passed it on to the thick ground. , This is why he didn't jump up or even roll in the air like before.

"Quick, quick!" The team leaders and squad leaders who did not check the shelling results hurriedly ordered. In this era when it is impossible to talk about the accuracy of shelling, the frequency of shelling is the key to the real test of the strength of an artillery unit. . "Reset, clear the chamber." With the order one after another, the artillery was ready again. "Class A is in place"

"That's right, it's 1 minute faster than before." Zheng Kezang said while holding a gilt pocket watch. This kind of timing tool, which the Japanese called a gold timepiece in "Taige", first appeared in Nuremberg, Germany. At that time, it was called Huaizhong. Although the name was not very good, it was definitely a high-end type among imported products. Apart from the cadres, only the battalion officers and deputy battalion officers of the two artillery battalions were allotted. "But it is still far from enough, at least to reach the speed of one shot per minute."

Yi Shilao looked at Zheng Kezang with some embarrassment: "Your Highness, to achieve this shooting speed requires a lot of test firing, which not only requires a lot of gunpowder, but also causes great damage to the artillery itself, but more importantly, It is impossible to maintain such a firing frequency on the battlefield, the temperature of the gun barrel, the number of ammunition, tension and fatigue may all lead to a drop in the rate of fire, Your Highness, I think your requirements are too strict."

"For shooting, gunpowder is needed to damage the life of the barrel, which is a good solution." Zheng Kezang pointed to a cannon and explained. "It's fine as long as you don't load the gunpowder into the shell and don't actually fire it. Anyway, most of the steps are the same." Although Yi Shilao was dumbfounded, the boy scouts beside him nodded one after another. "As for whether this rate of fire can be achieved on the battlefield." Zheng Kezang emphasized his tone. "Of course, as long as you can train well, don't say one shot per minute. I also know the story of someone who can shoot two shots per minute." During the Napoleonic Wars, the maximum rate of fire of light artillery was eight rounds per minute. , the average rate of fire is 1 rounds for solid bullets, 1 rounds for shotguns, and about 2 round for large-caliber guns, which is basically the same as the firing speed of muskets. Therefore, Zheng Kezang has actually relaxed the requirements. "Don't worry about gunpowder and projectiles. If you really want to go to war, you must have two or even three configurations. I hope that when the time comes, you will throw all the ammunition on the enemy's head. It would be absurd if you stay and become captured by others. .”

Zheng Kezang's words caused a chuckle from the young military officers around him. Yi Shilao, who half understood what Zheng Kezang meant and the other half guessed what Zheng Kezang meant, had no choice but to nod reluctantly. He also holds the rank of "Major" of Zheng Jun, so he naturally has to obey the orders of the big boss.

Zheng Kezang waved his hand, and the boy scouts tried to demonstrate it according to Zheng Kezang's request. They were sweating profusely during the drill. Zheng Kezang beckoned to An Long, who was watching the battle, and asked carefully: "Second town How is the artillery barracks?"

An Long originally wanted to be an artilleryman, but unfortunately he became a spearman by accident. Now, with the rise of his status and the expansion of the Boy Scouts, he finally got the coveted position of deputy battalion officer of the artillery army. However, many things are easier said than done. , He didn't know the difficulty until he sat in this position.

"It's not very good. The speed of firing the cannon is less than half of that of the first battalion." An Long reported with a gloomy expression, but he soon realized that such a statement was a bit weak, so he stood up straight and turned to Zheng Kezang. Guaranteed. "Please rest assured, the commander-in-chief, the subordinates are confident that they will catch up with the brothers from the first battalion within this year."

Zheng Kezang looked at An Long in front of him silently. In fact, this is not to blame for this handsome Hakka youth. It was hard enough for them, and he had to save the best of the First Battalion for a rainy day.

So Zheng Kezang patted An Long on the shoulder, and said with relief: "This year's military expansion is a little urgent, and the training level of each battalion is inevitable. However, although the second battalion is the new battalion leader, the charge officers and squad leaders inside They are all veterans of the Boy Scouts, with them here, I believe you can get the second battalion out of training."

An Long reassured him again. At this time, the first battalion had already completed two simulated shootings. Zheng Kezang took An Long over to pick up a few problems he found and talked with Yi Shilao and Youbing Township General Hu Jingzhi. Hu Mei, the deputy battalion officer of the first battalion, and Ma Yankai, the battalion officer of the second battalion, discussed the solutions. Return to Anping late.

One day later, Zheng Kezang came to Kunlun for the first bid.This time, the expansion of the Boy Scouts also involved Kunlunbiao. Kunlunbiao, which had received more than 600 new black slaves, was split into two and assigned to the first and second towns of the Boy Scouts.However, the increase in the number of people and the division of the organization are only superficial changes. More importantly, in addition to adding an artillery team transferred from the boy scouts to each of the two black slave troops, one of the long spear battalions was reorganized into Thunder barracks.

As the name suggests, the Thunder Thrower is a sky-shaking thunder that throws the same nature as a grenade. However, Zheng Kezang has not yet produced a puller model, so he can only use the method of igniting the fire. There is a certain risk in this way, because Zheng Kezang is reluctant Let the boy scouts take this risk, so the Kunlun-targeted slave army became the best test product.

In order to avoid accidental misses, Zheng Kezang hid far away and watched the Kunlun target's performance with a telescope.I saw the black slave soldiers wearing thick armor made of shark skin, with two large leather pockets hanging on their bodies. Each pocket contained four half-jin sealed clay pots, half of which were gunpowder and the other half. It is a variety of preset fragments---in view of the severe iron deficiency in Dongning, according to Zheng Kezang's opinion, the pottery pots are mainly sharp pottery fragments---these pottery pots are attached with fine ropes, so they are If it breaks, you are not afraid of disintegration. Instead, in order to increase the number of fragments and the bursting effect, you deliberately knock out cracks before throwing.

Since the clay pot weighs half a catty, the throwing distance is usually between [-] and [-] steps, which requires great courage. Black slaves are not ignorant and fearless people. After paying tuition fees, the slave soldiers quit.For this reason, Zheng Kezang specially increased the treatment after entering the camp. In contrast to the fact that one side can only eat pickled vegetables and dried rice, and only saw two salted fish in half a month, the other side has both fish and meat (salted whale meat). , It was not easy to pick out the strength of the two battalions.

"Yu Yu told the Pao Junying the day before yesterday that it is not necessary to always use live ammunition for training, and you can use some substitutes, such as stones that are also about half a catty." Zheng Kezang watched the demonstration of the throwing, and the fireworks were very spectacular. The throwing area The scarecrow inside also had pottery shards inserted in all directions, and the deeper ones even penetrated two layers of leather armor. Obviously, if the preset fragments inside were replaced with iron ones, the killing effect would be better. "Of course, some fuses must be prepared, and they must remember the steps and the timing of throwing."

Huang Tao, the battalion officer of the Throwing Thunder Barracks, and Li Shun, the deputy battalion officer, nodded frequently while listening to the instructions. They didn't know whether they really understood or were just flattering, but Zheng Kezang didn't care. If they failed the assessment, He has a lot of backup candidates to replace them, even if Li Shun is a boy scout in the Jiayin period, he will not look at it differently.

"By the way, the charge officer of the Thunder Throwing Barracks can give these slaves and let them take care of themselves. If you try it, it's okay, and it will be extended to all slaves in the future." This is also to make full use of the limited manpower. , of course Zheng Kezang will not ignore a certain danger because of this. "In addition, we need to develop eyeliner among the slave army. If we find out that there is a trend of collusion, we will immediately disperse them. If there is a second time, do you know what to do?"

Huang Tao and Li Shun were startled, and then they responded in unison: "Please don't worry, grandson (general leader), the subordinates will definitely make an example!"

"Go over and have a look," Zheng Kezang stepped into the arena. The black slaves didn't know who Zheng Kezang was, but seeing Huang Tao and Li Shun following suit, they puffed up their chests and tried to look like a hero. Come on. "We must let them work hard, so that they can throw farther when their arms are up." Zheng Kezang looked at them one by one, and although they had already selected the best from the best, it could be seen that the white colonists had caused serious damage to these black people. too big. "By the way, where are their melee weapons?"

Li Shun pulled out a short knife from the waist of a certain slave soldier and presented it up. Zheng Kezang waved it in his hand, lightly, and it would be difficult to commit suicide: "This is not possible."

Although Taiwan is short of iron, it has not reached this point. Therefore, Zheng Kezang instructed: "The thunder-throwing soldiers are the essence of Kunlun's standard. The good men should not only equip them with short soldiers, but equip them with long-handled axes."

Zheng Kezang's original intention was to match the Mo Dao known as the Saber, but the craftsmanship and tactics of the Mo Dao have been lost, and the best iron is needed, which is a bit extravagant, so he had to settle for the second best and use a heavy axe. To offset the impact of the opponent, this also echoes Zheng Kezang's consistent view of the slave army as cannon fodder.

"Can Yu try to throw one away?" Zheng Kezang asked, holding a half-jin fire thunder, but seeing the pale faces of Huang Tao, Li Shun and others, Zheng Kezang let out a long sigh. "Forget it, forget it, I was just joking, the son of a daughter will not sit down." After finishing speaking, Zheng Kezang returned the fire thunder in his hand to the slave army in front of him, and warned again earnestly. "Siming Qing Dynasty suppressed, Kunlun Biaoyuan did not have enough firearms, so there were many casualties. Therefore, two battalions of thunder-throwing soldiers were added in addition. You are Kunlun Biao's firecrackers, bows and arrows. Always remember that you must train elite soldiers! "

Huang Tao and Li Shun leaned over together: "No!"

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