Ming Zhengzhi, I am Zheng Kezang

82. Water Division Moves Town

Although the Zheng army retreated from the mainland, the contact between the Ming Zheng and the Qing court did not end because of this. In August of this year, General Pingnan in Fuzhou and Namudulu Raita, the governor of the Zhengbai Banner in Manchuria, sent people to Penghu. A letter to appease Ming Zheng was sent.

The letter said: "Since the use of troops at sea, the imperial court has repeatedly issued orders to appease, but the intentions have finally failed. It is all because the officials who sealed off the frontier, went ashore with mud, and filthed each other. Taiwan is not a Chinese version of the book, and the father and son are self-proclaimed. Moreover, Huai Shengguo is not like Wu Sangui's arrogance. Why does this dynasty cherish a small land overseas and not listen to Tian Heng's strong man while he is at ease? If he can protect the situation and stop the army, he will never go ashore again, no need to shave his hair, no need to Changing clothes, being a vassal and paying tribute is fine, or not being a vassal and paying tribute. Take Taiwan as Jizi’s North Korea, and Xu’s Japan, so there will be no trouble in the world and no disputes with others.”

Regarding this letter, Zhu Jin attached great importance to it. He convened hundreds of civil and military officials to consult. We should try our best to digest the tens of thousands of new immigrants who entered Taiwan, or we can use the peace talks to paralyze the Qing court. In the end, Zhu Jin agreed with everyone's point of view, but he proposed that Yuegang (Note: Haicheng, originally the largest port in southern Fujian, It was later replaced by Xiamen Port, but Xiamen is now a Baidi) mutual market, and Zheng Kezang further proposed that the peace talks be held in Fuzhou, so as to prevent the Qing army from spying on the defense of Penghu. Zhu Jin agreed.

"Master Fu," Zheng Kezang looked at the guests (companies) in front of him and confessed. Although Zheng Kezang was an online writer who adored Du Niang and other search engines infinitely in his previous life, he didn't bring a computer through time after all. , so he may have a little understanding of the general trend of history and some of the main bosses, but when it comes to specific npcs, he is blind. Therefore, even if they get along face to face, Zheng Kezang only knows people and faces but does not know his heart. "Although the Qing government has not yet made up its mind to conquer Taiwan, the so-called appeasement is nothing more than the self-talk of the people below. Since he thought it was a strategy to delay the army, this feudal clan might as well use this to cultivate and thrive. Therefore, I thought that this appeasement was probably unsuccessful. Yes, but if you don’t succeed, you won’t be successful, the other side’s interior is not monolithic, there must be gaps to take advantage of, if you are connected horizontally or vertically, you must make it more dirty, and it’s best to get rid of Yao Qisheng.”

Fu Weilin looked at Zheng Kezang in surprise. He didn't have much contact with Zheng Kezang, and what he heard on weekdays was mostly rumors. Now it seems that this young grandson is really not easy to get along with, and he saw through it all at once. A considerable part of the main reason for the failure of several peace talks lies in Yao Qisheng who likes to fight for power and profit, which made him admire him.

However, before Fu Weilin responded, he heard Zheng Kezang continue to say: "In addition, I will send someone from the mission to Fuzhou."

Fu Weilin was taken aback, what does this mean, don't you believe in yourself?

But Zheng Kezang quickly explained: "Your Majesty Fu, don't worry too much. This person is not only concerned about peace negotiations, nor is he a member of the Ministry of War. What I mean is that after Master Fu's trip to Siming, it is best Find a reason to go straight to Fuzhou along the coastal road, and this person is going to survey the coastal terrain and the Majiang shipping route."

Fu Weilin's face turned pale. Of course, he knew what it meant to survey the coastal terrain and the Majiang waterway, and he couldn't help but said eagerly: "My grandson, now that the Qing court is powerful, this domain only has the power to protect itself, so we can barely fight for it." It is not easy to achieve peace, and the grandchildren must not use swords again."

"Master Fu is loyal, I know it." Zheng Kezang smiled and comforted him. "It is true that the clan is showing weakness, but it is nothing but extravagant hope to expect peace from the Qing court. This clan does not preempt the opponent, but defense is necessary after all. As the saying goes, you must have the heart of harming others, and you must have the heart of defense. If the Qing court To break Taiwan, he must come all the way, and Yu will go all the way." Zheng Kezang saw that Fu Weilin was still about to make a suggestion, and he couldn't help but smile even more on his face. "Don't worry, I'm just being prepared."

Due to the important location of Lukang, the construction of the military port is urgent, so Zheng Kezang had to stop the construction of Fuzhou County Road, and transferred thousands of labor teams composed of former Qing troops and black slaves to Lukang. After months of intensive repairs, two wooden trestle bridges have been built, and the cement road connected by the trestle bridges has also taken shape.

"Wu Pingbo, Jiang Junmen, Mr. Dong, Mr. Ye," the head of the Ministry of Industry in charge of directing the construction introduced Liu Guoxuan and others who came to inspect. "This cement road will extend all the way to Zhuluo County, and then connect with the planned main road. As long as this road is repaired, if there is police in the future, all the soldiers from the south can be transferred to Lukang within a day or two."

After returning to Taiwan, Liu Guoxuan and others also saw the half-repaired Fuzhou County Road, so they did not raise any objections to the showing off of the head of the Ministry of Industry, but Dong Teng, the town general of Rongqi Town, pointed to the trestle bridge and asked: " Why are these two trestles so far apart, and why is the barracks of the navy under construction?"

"The trestle on the inside is actually a commercial port, while the one on the outside is used by the navy." The Ministry of Industry official explained. "The reason why the naval trestle is located outside is mainly because we are afraid that if there is a war, the merchant ships will be shaken and block the navigation route, and the area surrounded by fences is not a barracks but a commercial port. As for the naval barracks," the head of the Ministry of Industry said with a hand. refer to. "The one that is tamping the foundation is the one. According to Shisun's intention, the Vehicle Frame Department of the Ministry of War will try to build a barbarian-style fortress called a bastion."

"Bastion?" Everyone was quite puzzled, but Zheng Kezang had turned up a lot of new tricks in the past few years, and Zheng Jun had also benefited a lot from warts and deer guns, so he made a fuss about Zheng Kezang again. Everyone had no choice but to keep their mouths shut until they saw the effect of the new trick, but aside from the matter of the bastion, the military still had a lot of opinions on setting up a commercial port near the military port. "Commercial port? Why do you want to do business?" Xuanyi Township General Ye Ming asked angrily. "Merchant ships come in and out of the military port at will. Isn't the strength of the navy and the number of ships known to everyone?"

"There is no way around this. Once Xiamen is gone, it may not be possible to open business in Anping." The head of the Ministry of Industry is just an executor, and does not understand the result of the upper-level game, but Jiang Sheng, the right admiral of the navy who was ordered to station here, said The key to it. "Yu wants to set it up in Penghu, but brother Lin also has objections. Yu just can't hold back his thighs with his elbows."

"Will the Anping Yingyi Commercial Hall also be moved to Lukang?" Dong Teng asked in this way. He is Dong Guotai's distant nephew and one of the royal relatives of the Ming Zheng regime, but he has been at the grassroots level all year round. The leader, the news is not very well-informed. "Although Yingyi's large plywood ships are not allowed to enter, but the large number of cannons on the ship is also a disaster."

"Shouldn't move to Lukang." Jiang Sheng shook his head. "I heard that Shisun once had a relationship with Yingyi, and he imported 10,000+ taels of iron ore, saltpeter, canvas, Kunlun slaves and some strange things from Yingyi every year. .”

"That's true." Ye Ming nodded subconsciously. In fact, he didn't understand the key point at all, and he just echoed the second person present intentionally or unintentionally. "By the way, Kunlun slaves, my lords, I don't know if everyone has used it. The grandchildren want us to release all the tenants and children of the family to reclaim real land and replace them with this dark guy. Don't panic, if you see this when you get up at night, you won't think it's a ghost!"

"Master Ye is also a general of this feudal clan, why is he still afraid of ghosts, people are not afraid of ghosts?" Liu Guoxuan glanced at Ye Ming lightly, stabbed Ye Ming's neck and wanted to defend himself, but Liu Guoxuan didn't give him a chance. Said self-consciously. "Kunlun slaves, I asked the learned ones. In the Tang Dynasty and the former Song Dynasty, Kunlun slaves were the treasures of rich families. They were hard-working and obedient. Besides, your Lord Ye's family has many wives and concubines, and this feudal clan is not allowed to be kind. In private, there is a Kunlun slave serving, isn't it also reassuring."

The people beside him burst into laughter, Ye Ming blushed and his neck was thick, but the joke was on the No. He put on a serious expression: "Shengzhi, you know that there is less land and poor people in Penghu, and the original water village is extremely small, so it is said that each half of the navy, but in the end you have to share a little more, you Don't complain!"

Jiang Sheng also solemnly asked the head of the Ministry of Industry to rest aside first, and then responded: "Yu and Lao Lin have combined, and Penghu can only keep 3000 people and 8000 large and small ships at most. The rest should be withdrawn, but Lukang Not long after it was reopened, half of it had to be moved away to be a commercial port, so at most [-] people and [-] boats could be left behind, and the rest had to be sent to Anping and Dagou.”

Needless to say, Dagou Port is the seat of Fengshan in Xinxian County. Garrisoning troops there is conducive to deterring surrounding communities and guarding against possible barbarian pirates. The so-called putting them in Anping is of course not stationing troops in Anping Port.In fact, there are many inland lagoons on the edge of the Taijiang Inland Sea, such as Bengang, Yaogang, and Daofeng. These inland lagoons are connected to the Taiwan Strait by waterways. Madou Harbor is still well-known as a natural safe haven and military port. Jiang Sheng and Lin Sheng meant to divide some ships and troops to garrison there, so as to reduce the pressure on Penghu without hindering the assembly during wartime.

"The sailors are on land," Liu Guoxuan narrowed his eyes. Dong Teng and Ye Ming didn't know the key, but he was very clear. The boy camp with nearly 3000 people in his hands and half of the Luan Yiwei who have fallen into the hands of Zheng Kezang, the muscles on his face couldn't help twitching. It was very clear, but it was difficult for him to make a decision. After all, Zhu Jin was still there, and it was only a matter of one sentence to touch him. "The grandson here agrees?"

"Not yet, I just agreed to transfer 2000 people to Dagou Town." Jiang Sheng replied without any intention. "I guess it was Chen Qiming who went there, but Lukang hasn't been built yet, that place is terrible, Lao Chen will have a hard time for a few days."

Liu Guoxuan's eyes were fixed, and he asked: "Didn't the grandson propose to move the town?"

"How is it possible? Just now the grandson reported to the king that there are two towns, so how could it be impossible?" Jiang Sheng sighed. "However, Lao Lin was also forced to do nothing. Originally, the fresh water was stopped, but unfortunately, the king ordered a fire to burn it."

What Jiang Sheng said later that Liu Guoxuan couldn't listen anymore, and a sentence was tumbling in his mind, Zheng Kezang didn't arrange the navy to land, what's going on, what is this grandson's plan, is it true? Liu Guoxuan just felt that his head was a mess

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