"Today, all the adults are invited to come and discuss. There are a few things." On February 25, Zheng Kezang returned to Anping City, and immediately held a meeting of important ministers, which opened the first act of Dongning's bureaucratic reform. "First, although Wannian and Tianxing are called one prefecture, the area is so small that it's really just a county. I intend to lower it back to a county. What do you adults think?"

Hong Lei, an official, frowned. The demotion of the prefecture to the county means that a considerable number of officials will be demoted. Isn't this killing people?

He immediately came out to dissuade him: "Grandson, although the two prefectures are small in size, they each have tens of thousands of household registrations. Even in the interior, this is the size of the prefecture. It is better not to change it, so as not to panic the subordinates."

Zheng Kezang was stunned. He didn't expect that in ancient times, the demarcation of administrative districts was based on population as well as area. In this way, Zhu Jin's promotion was not to show his status. He was thinking about it, so he listened to Yang Ying's agreement. with.

"My lord Hong's words are reasonable. This domain still needs to be calm at the moment, and the grandson's intention to descend to the state should be delayed."

"In this case, let's postpone discussing this matter first." Seeing that Li Jing was about to open his mouth, Zheng Kezang hurriedly took the initiative to avoid further opposition. "Then let's talk about the second thing. Dongning's chief envoy was originally an expedient measure. Now that Mr. Chen is sick, Mr. Feng alone will manage the center. Therefore, Yu Xiang and Chengtianfu will be abolished together. .”

Everyone was shocked, just now you fought for the seat of Chengtian Mansion, and now it's only a few months before they are abolished again, this is not playing with people, but the people present are old, cunning, and long-time eunuchs, Zheng Kezang The words are obviously not finished yet, so naturally no one will jump out to object immediately.

"Yu plans to set up a government affairs hall in the center to take charge of government affairs. There will be two political participants and two councilors in the hall. Mr. Chen can participate in politics on the left, and Zheng (fu) Yin can participate in politics on the right. You are promoted to the right to participate in the council, and they are all of the third grade. They have the right to sit and discuss state affairs." Zheng Kezang is using Zheng Xingying, the old Zheng family, to replace Chen Yonghua, who has been ill for a long time, to suppress Feng Xifan. He even used Hong Lei to contain Feng Xifan. "Participating in politics and counseling, set up two members of the sixth-rank political leader to replace the original Zhongsheren, and another two members of the seventh-rank Dian to support the Lord."

The Zhengshitang was the official residence of the prime ministers of the Tang and Song Dynasties, but it was never set up in the Ming Dynasty.In the Ming Dynasty, left and right participation in politics and left and right counselors were the assistants of the governors of various provinces. The ones are the fourth grade, similar to the Taoists set up by the Qing court under the governors of various provinces.However, with the chaos of the local government system in the late Ming Dynasty and the increase of the powers of governors and governors, the powers of political participation and councilors were gradually reduced to the encroachment and responsibility of the chief ministers under the governors and governors, which was almost equivalent to adding titles.Therefore, the important ministers of Zheng Kezang in the Ming Dynasty were a little puzzled at the beginning when Zheng Kezang suddenly threw out these old calendars that had been retrieved from the pile of old papers. Level, and thinking about the title of Zhengshitang, the important ministers couldn't help but wink.

Zheng Kezang didn't care what Chen Yonghua and his fellows would think, but he just put his plan on the table: "The names of the other six officials will also be opened, and the household department will be changed to the tax department, warehouse department, Baoquan Division and Zhidu Division, the responsibility for checking the household registration contained in it is handed over to the Police Division reorganized by the Ministry of Punishment;”

The police are vigilance and supervision. "The New History of the Five Dynasties Hongzhao Biography" once recorded that "Hongzhao sent troops to the police, and they committed killings, and all crimes were no big or small death." Han Deba is the beacon of the capital, and the police are very "recorded, so the ministers are not confused about Zheng Kezang's meaning.

"In addition to the Police Department, the Ministry of Punishment is divided into a Department of Prison Affairs in charge of prisons; the Ministry of Industry is divided into a Department of Salt and Iron and a Department of Construction. The Department of Construction is in charge of the system of civil construction, the method of using utensils, the method of dredging the canals and weirs, and the code of offering billions of dollars to the mausoleum. Tian Division; the Ministry of Rites was changed to the Department of Rituals and the Department of Schools; the Ministry of Officials was changed to the Division of Judgment;”

Zheng Kezang talked in one breath, these are things he has been thinking about for a long time.

"The military department is divided into the Department of Joining the Army, the Department of Military Affairs, the Department of Military Weapons, and the Department of Military Law. The Military Weapons Division is in charge of various weapons, firearms, gunpowder, military ship workshops and their production. The Military Law Division is in charge of military discipline, decision-making, punishment, and drafting and revision of military regulations; For the transportation of foreign vassals, if Yingyi set up commercial offices in other cities, it was also in charge of the Department of Commerce; the Department of Chayan (Doucha Yuan), Chengxuan Department (Li Fan Yuan), and Trial Department (Dali Temple) were retained.”

Although they are all old foxes, they are all overwhelmed by Zheng Kezang's big handwriting.

"Each division has a division officer and a deputy division officer; under each division there are a number of administrative officers; in addition, there is a breakdown of the management and handling of the two posts. As for the prefectures and counties," Zheng Kezang said word by word. "The two prefectures and counties of Dongning abolished all officials below Zhizhou, Tongzhi, county magistrate, and county magistrate; the prefecture and county chief officials were renamed Yin, the state was the fifth rank, and the county was the sixth rank; , the state house is the seventh rank, and the county house is the seventh rank; after the establishment of each house, the state and county officials don't care about the details, but only supervise you."

After Zheng Kezang finished speaking, there was silence in the hall, and no one had time to digest what he said. After a long time, Chen Yonghua, who attended the meeting due to illness, tentatively asked: "This reform of the grandson does not seem to be similar to the system of the dynasty. Dare to ask the grandson?" In this way, what kind of situation will the Ming room be in?"

As soon as this remark came out, it immediately attracted the attention of the audience. It is true that setting up an official system is equivalent to killing the king and treason, but it may be a real opportunity for the Ming Zheng regime, so all the ministers looked forward to the answer. Looking at Zheng Kezang.

Zheng Kezang shook his head at this: "The vassal system is not similar to the Ming Dynasty, so I have to modify it one by one. Speaking of it to the outside world, it is also in the name of recruiting the generals and shogunate officials. This may eliminate the eyes of outsiders. This domain is regarded as the image of a separatist regime."

All the ministers looked at each other, apparently unable to understand the real intention behind Zheng Kezang's act of still holding the pipa and half covering his face. Many people even secretly believed that Zheng Kezang was just trying to cover up, and even showed an eager expression. It is estimated that it is not persuasion or persuasion.

At this time, I heard Zheng Kezang say calmly: "Being loyal to the will of the two generations of kings in the Ming Dynasty may cause the Qing captives to fear and raise troops to attack, but if there is a time to return to the mainland in the future, it might not be an order to the world. The flag, since this is the case, we should not use a plausible system, which makes people question our intentions in vain."

Zheng Kezang paused, and expressed in a reminiscent tone: "Of course, from the top to the political participation, the consultation to the local and various households, the official title of Ming Dynasty will continue to be used."

Ke Ping seemed to think of something, and looked at Zheng Kezang with a strange expression: "This seems to be similar to the official and dispatch system of the former Song Dynasty?"

"It is the official and the dispatch, with the officials of the Ming Dynasty as the official, and the post of the vassal as the dispatch, so that everyone can be reconciled." Zheng Kezang made it clear that he allocated so many positions, not only did all the redundant Officials will be swept away, and quite a few officials will be promoted as a result. It can be said that everyone is happy. "It's also not frightening in the Ming room."

Sitting on the brocade stool given by Zheng Kezang, Chen Yonghua lowered his eyelids, but he could clearly see the faces of everyone in the hall.I saw that Hong Lei, who had just been appointed by Zheng Kezang as a councilor, looked secretly delighted, the official of ceremony, Zheng Bin, looked indifferent, and Yang Ying and Ke Ping lowered their heads, not knowing what they were thinking, but No one stood up to publicly oppose it, and he couldn't help but feel pain in his heart. Did ten years of hard work only get a change of dynasty?

However, Chen Yonghua has long been bound together with Zheng Kezang of the Ming Dynasty to share honor and disgrace, and his health is not good. As long as Zheng Kezang does not immediately abandon the Ming room, he can only turn a blind eye and close one eye, so He hesitated for a long time but just reminded: "The grandson's decision has been made, and I naturally have nothing to say. It's just that the Yanghu Department and the Ke Xing Department are all veterans of this feudal clan. They should not be listed with the newcomers. I also ask the grandchildren to be considerate, or add more Second member of the Senate."

"There are already enough prime ministers, and if there are more, there will be many politicians." Zheng Kezang chuckled, obviously Chen Yonghua's compromise made him feel that he had the chance to win. "However, what Mr. Chen said is also reasonable. Yang Qing and Ke Qing are both heroes of the feudal clan, and it is really inappropriate to be listed with Xin Jin. In this way, Yang Qing transferred to the Department of Prosecution and Ke Qing transferred to the Department of Judgment. The status of the two departments is particularly important, so the two ministers My official will trouble Mr. Chen to play it to King Ning Jing, and set it at the third grade."

Ke Ping was okay, but Yang Ying felt as uncomfortable as eating a fly. Although he had the power to supervise all officials in Fengxian, it was self-evident which was more important than the God of Wealth, whom everyone looked at. However, the Ministry of Household Affairs has been dismantled now. If he doesn't become the inspector, he will have to go home and find a job. Therefore, even if he doesn't want to, he still wants to work with Ke Ping. Kneel down to salute Zheng Kezang and thank him.

"The two adults are both veterans and ministers, and I'm just a boy. I dare not accept this bowing ceremony. Get up, get up quickly." Speaking of this, Zheng Kezang seemed to think of something. "In this way, in the future, participating in politics, counseling, and Wu Pingbo, Zheng Qing, Ke Qing, and Yang Qing will not have to kneel down except for the grand court ceremony, which can be regarded as a little bit of respect for the elderly."

In the Ming Dynasty, the etiquette system was very strict. Even the prime minister would bow down to the king at every turn, and sometimes even kneel for a long time. Therefore, what Zheng Kezang said was not a kindness. Even if Yang Ying had any opinions, she had to follow other people Several people thanked each other again, of course, they didn't need to kneel this time.

"Yingtian, taxation, warehouse, Baoquan, Zhidu, police, prison, salt and iron, camp repair, ceremonial system, school, judge, joining the army, military affairs, military weapons, military constitution, trade, inspection, acceptance, There are a total of [-] divisions for trial, of which Yu pre-appointed the division officers and deputy division officers of the Military and Constitutional Division, and Yang Qing and Ke Qing have just been appointed as the trial and inspection divisions. Who should be assigned to the remaining [-] divisions? Your lords can draw up a charter for Yu."

Zheng Kezang threw out a big bone --- the seventeen division officers, nineteen deputy division officers, and multiples of chief executives, ambassadors, and deputy envoys --- this bone made everyone present Some are gearing up, so much so that they have forgotten about the displeasure of abolishing Chengtian Mansion, but Zheng Kezang will not discuss personnel matters now, and he must let them go back to prepare for one or two. Leave him a seat or two.

"I understand." Chen Yonghua was the one with the highest status among the people present, so he took the lead to answer: "It's just a sudden restructuring, and the complicated affairs may not be fully completed in a hurry. The grandchildren should be patient."

"Yu naturally understands this truth." Of course Zheng Kezang knew that dividing the pie would be bloody, and of course it was impossible to implement it all at once. "I still have to keep my filial piety for 26 months. I hope there will be good news from Qing and others by then." What everyone feared most was Zheng Kezang's youthful vigor and eagerness for success, so he couldn't help but breathe a sigh of relief when he heard this answer. "Of course the rest can be postponed, but participation in politics, council, master, and middle positions does not have to be so cumbersome."

"Of course." Hong Lei replied impatiently. "Please don't worry, grandchildren, next month the minister will definitely complete the affairs of the Ministry of Officials."

"That's not necessary." Zheng Kezang smiled. "The Ministry of Officials is also going to be restructured, so even if Hong Qing is appointed as a councilor, Qing Qing will still be in charge of the Ministry of Officials for the time being." Hong Lei was even more elated, but he didn't expect that Zheng Kezang would deliberately condone it. "By the way, Zheng Qing, I want to pay a visit to Jian Guo, please arrange it as soon as possible."

Since Zheng Kezang still hopes to use the tiger skin of the Ming Dynasty, it is imperative to meet with Zhu Shugui, King Ningjing. Of course, everything should have been negotiated before then. Zheng Bin naturally understands this: "Please grandchildren Don't worry, I will have an audience with Jian Guo tomorrow."

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